#1 Way to Level Up Your Bedroom

When we moved into our new home a few weeks ago I knew that I wanted to be mindful about the products we brought into our home. My goal was to fill our home with non-toxic products that were healthy for us and the planet.

The only caveat, I didn’t want to sacrifice luxury.

Luckily, non-toxic living has come a long way in the last few years, we no longer have to trade luxury for health and sustainability.

One of the rooms I was most excited to overhaul was our bedroom! After a long day as a new mama I’m typically covered in spit up, drool, and who knows what else, let’s be honest… I so look forward to climbing into my bed. It’s finally my time to breathe, unwind, and just be.

I had first heard about the Cariloha bed sheets about a year ago, and knew they were all the rage … but were they really worth it? Would they really be that lux if they were non-toxic and sustainable? I knew this was the perfect time to try them out! After all we spend about a 1/3 of our life in bed… although I’d argue that it’s much less if you’re a new mom.

We have been using the Resort Sheets for about a week now and wow. I’m a big texture person, and absolutely love how soft and silky these sheets are! They are also odor and allergen resistant… I no longer worry about those postpartum sweats, IYKYK.

Changing our bedding was such a simple fix, but it really upgraded our entire space!

Now thru Monday November 28th Cariloha Naples is offering 40% EVERYTHING in store PLUS receive a free gift when you use code LEAN and GREEN at checkout.

{offer applies in store and over the phone.. they will ship anywhere!}

This sale includes these super lux sheets AND their beds and non-toxic mattresses too!

I’m all about minimalism, and fewer better pieces. I like to create a list of wants through the year and mindfully purchase them when sales like this pop up. So if sheets, bedding, or even loungewear are on your wants list now is the time to stock up!

use code: LEAN AND GREEN at checkout to receive 40% off PLUS a free gift!

#AD This post is sponsored but all thought and opinions are my own.

6 Ways I am Finding the Calm Amid the Chaos

It’s no secret that Hurricane Ian rocked our Southwest Florida community. We have a long road to recovery and the devastation is simply heartbreaking.

There have been many times since we began prepping for Hurricane Ian’s arrival that have seemed like pure chaos. My nervous system was in constant sympathetic dominance {fight or flight} and I was having trouble regulating it and finding my calm.

Once I became aware that I was living in a sympathetic nervous system dominant state {stressed, anxious, worried..} I knew I had to use my tools to help shift myself back into a parasympathetic dominant state {rest and digest}.

The stress of hurricane clean up, the devastation left behind and the shock wasn’t leaving anytime soon, but I consciously made a choice to control what I could…and started with my breath.

Here are six ways that I am finding the calm amid the chaos

  • Daily meditation

  • Daily movement

  • Nourishing my body with real whole foods (and yes, that powerful Lean and Green Body® triple play!)

  • Fresh air, going for family walks and soaking in that vitamin D

  • Journaling {and almost purging whatever is on my heart that day}

  • Connecting with my community

These are just a few of the things I am doing to help me stay calm and regulate myself so that I can go out and be the best mother, wife and human for my Southwest Florida community.

Photo By Jontel Chere

At the iconic Naples Pier (pre-hurricane)

I’d love to know how you find your calm when life gets chaotic! Comment below and let me know! xx

I hope you'll forgive me...

Hi friends! It feels so good to connect with you again in this format. I’ve truly missed writing and the connection to my Lean and Green Body® family!

As I sat down to write this I noticed that it’s my first blog post since April 6?!? This has been the longest I have ever gone between blogs…ever!

I started my blog just over seven years ago, and it has been such a fun way to build a community, share recipes, wellness tips and so much more. There has been a ton of change and incredible pivots on my end (hello, baby Bodhi!) and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

Since it’s been a minute…more like 5 months… I thought it would be best to use this first blog post and update you on my life lately!

When I was pregnant with Bodhi I imagined sharing my postpartum journey in a real and raw way, and slowly transitioning that as he grew and sharing our mother son journey. While this is still my intention, and I will be sharing some fun things with Bodhi soon; becoming a Mother changed me. I have been incredibly open about so many parts of my life (painful and joyous) and this transition into Motherhood has been somewhat unexpected. I have wanted to keep many parts of my new Mama journey offline and private, not because they are bad - quite the opposite in fact. The past (nearly) 6 months have been so good and incredibly life changing that I have wanted to soak in every second and be as present of a mother and wife as I could be.

Stepping into my motherhood journey has been a beautiful (and let’s be real exhausting) time. It has transformed me in ways that I didn’t even realize were possible, and has opened up parts of me that I thought had been closed for good.

Bodhi has brought new meaning to my life and has allowed me to view my life, and my work, in a whole new way. I only have so much time and energy each day, and I have been very intentional about how I spend those currencies.

Bodhi is a Sanskrit name meaning enlightenment or awakening; and his birth has truly has been a time of awakening for me.

I hope you’ll forgive me for not been as present with all of you online (it’s been terrible for my SEO and engagement rate) but I have needed these past few months to just be.

Stepping into my new role has been a big transition for me, even though I have waited for this moment my entire life, there is only so much you can understand until you’re actually in it. Moving from full time entrepreneur, founder and boss to full time mama and part time boss babe has been huge.

I have welcomed these changes and done my best to find some sort of balance with it all…but does balance really exists??

Thank you for giving me space to adjust, grow and learn. I am ready to rejoin this community, and I can not thank you enough for sticking around - grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.

There is so much I want to share with you this Fall, from mom-life, recipes (for baby too!), wellness and self care hacks and tips, and so much more!

I also have some fun collaborations and new brands I have discovered over the past few months that I can’t wait to share!.

Comment below and let me know what you want to see!

Journal prompt for a healthier mindset

Energy is everything.

“what you think, you become.” - Buddha

There is a ton of scientific data that proves that our brain believes the words coming out of our mouth, so why not change them up and switch our mindset? If we can speak more positive thoughts, our brain will begin to believe those positive thoughts - and they will become our reality!

It seems quite simple, but it takes some practice. One easy way to begin this practice is by journaling.

Every morning in your journal I encourage you to write down 3 things you are grateful for in that moment, 3 things that spark joy for you, and 3 affirmations about yourself.

For example it could look something like this…

3 things I am grateful for:

  1. My Husband

  2. My House

  3. Living in the sunshine state

3 things that spark joy for me:

  1. The book I’m currently reading

  2. Long walks with my dog

  3. Sunsets at the beach

3 affirmations about yourself:

  1. I am smart

  2. I am resilient

  3. I am kind

These are just examples, choose what aligns with you in the moments each morning. Don’t overthink it, simply write what comes to you. Over time these 9 things will begin to become your truths, and although they may change daily, you will still be focusing your mindset on all the positive in your life and in yourself.

This positivity - and this mindset shift - will slowly begin to have a ripple effect out into your daily life. After 21 days of this practice you will notice that your positive mindset shift is lasting longer and longer, and stays with you for most of your day. When your mindset does shift towards the negative, it is now easier for you to bring it back these 9 things.

I can’t wait for you to try this exercise out tomorrow morning and see how much joy and positive it brings into your life!

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to find more JOY in everyday life

We are 17 days into the new year, and this is typically where new year resolutions seem to begin falling off the priority list. Instead of harping on yourself for ‘failing’ at your resolutions yet again…choose to switch it up. Instead of focusing on resolutions and how you are going to change yourself this year - focus on how you can add more JOY into your life this year!

By adding more joy into your life you will see that joy enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as your daily outlook!

So how are you going to add more joy into your life this year?

There are several ways in which you can add more joy into your life, here are a few suggestions…

  • Put yourself & your needs first (finally) - I promise this is not selfish, it’s essential

  • Start a new hobby!

  • Surround yourself with people who raise your vibration

  • Remove toxic people and toxic energy from your life - life is too short for that BS

  • Set aside 30 minutes everyday just for YOU! (hot bubble bath, crisp walk outside or dive into your favorite book)

  • Take your diet back - eat foods that not only fuel your body but foods that excite you!

Do something everyday that sparks joy for you!

Once you get in the habit of doing one thing daily that sparks joy, you can then add another…and another…until your day is full of joy! Your joy and your positive energy will overflow into other areas and relationships in your life, and eventually it will have a wave like effect touching everyone and everything around you. What a beautiful thought!

What’s one way you will add more joy into your life this week?

My top 3 products to prevent stretch marks

I’ve heard numerous time during this pregnancy that stretch marks are inevitable during & after pregnancy… and truthfully I’m totally okay with them.

Honestly, I feel like after everything I have been through for this baby they would be like a badge of honor. My body is doing incredible things on the daily - I mean I’m literally growing a human?!? How cool!

So this blog is in no way bashing stretch marks. I’m simply providing tools and options to help prevent stretch marks and keep your skin hydrated and glowing before, during and after pregnancy!

Many belly oils and lotions contain toxic chemicals, and ingredients that can be harmful to you or baby. In the first trimester it is especially important to know what is in your products, as some “clean” products contain ingredients that can cause uterine contractions.

Here are the 3 non-toxic clean products I have been using this pregnancy.

Honest Co. Glow on Body Oil

My favorite belly oil I’ve tried! It’s clean non-toxic ingredients make me feel like I’m keeping baby safe, and it’s lux hydrating formula keeps my skin hydrated for hours!

Summer Friday’s

This lux balm feel amazing on my bump, and does not leave a greasy residue on my clothes. IYKYK

It is the most expensive balm/oil on my list, but I do feel the price is justified. Definitely worth trying!

Everyone Body Lotion

This is my favorite body lotion, and I literally buy it in bulk! I used this pre-pregnancy and I can’t get enough of it now. They even make one for babies, which we will be using for baby boy once he arrives. Super clean, no-toxic body lotion that won’t break the bank.

I’d love to know what your favorite products are to prevent stretch marks! Comment below and let me know.

  • Transparency: this post contains affiliate links, if you do purchase through the link I will make a small commission from the sale.

  • This blog post is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with any of the above companies.

5 Ways to set yourself up for success in 2022

I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions because they typically don’t last past Valentine’s Day. Instead I am all for creating mindful changes that will last well into 2022 and beyond.

So this year instead of creating a ton of resolutions that you may or may not stick to, why not set yourself up for success this year and create lasting change.

Here are 5 ways to set yourself up for success this year…

  1. Hydrate. You’ve heard me say this a million times, and I will continue to say it because it’s that important. Drinking enough water (I’m talking 90 oz of clean water for the average person) is a game changer for your health, your skin, your digestion, and literally hydrates every cell in your body.

  2. Meditate. Create a consistent daily meditation practice, and watch your life evolve and transform before your eyes. If you are just beginning start with 5 minutes every single day, and meditate at the same time and in the same place each day to start creating a consistent habit.

  3. Simplify. Now is the perfect time to clean out the closets, under the sinks, the garage and even the basement. Get rid of stuff you no longer use…a good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in 6 months then you probably won’t use it in the next 6 months. Stop hoarding and get rid of the excess.

  4. Movement. Get in the habit of moving your body everyday, even if it’s just a 20 minute walk at lunch. Find something you love to do, something that doesn’t feel like a chore, and commit to it daily. Move your body at the same time each day, and begin to create a new daily habit.

  5. Plan. Set aside time on Friday or Sunday to plan out the following week. Write out your work schedule, any appointments, coffee dates, and even schedule in your workouts and your meditation. Put yourself in you planner as an appointment- dare I say you are MORE important than any other appointment in your schedule - that way you already carved out the time and have no excuses. Then at the bottom of each day, plan out your meals. This will save time during the week, and will ensure you have healthy options on hand for busy days.

5 Ways to put yourself first this holiday season

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season.

The holidays can be a stressful and difficult time for many of us, so I wanted to remind you of 5 ways you can take care of yourself and ease your burden this holiday season.

For many of us it can be extremely difficult to put ourselves, especially during the holidays. As a wellness expert please let me tell you it is so important that you take care of yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) so that you can go out and give your best and be your best for everyone else.

Here are 5 ways you can take care of yourself and put yourself first this season….

The holidays can be such a busy time. They are filled with tons of emotions, parties, and checklists. You need to take time to unwind every day and allow time for your body to recharge. Perhaps, you can go to bed just 30 minutes earlier every night for the rest of the year.

The holidays are notorious for cookies, candy and spiked egg nog. Be sure to balance out your indulgences with tons of fruits, vegetables and water. Start your morning with the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play and you’ll be off to a great start! Increase your daily recommended water intake from 8-8 oz glasses daily to 10-8 oz glasses of water per day; this will help keep you hydrated, and will assist in cleansing the body.

3. MOVE.
Take a minimum of 30 minutes every day to move your body. Ride your bike, take a walk with loved ones, try a new fitness class... sweat every day! Exercise not only helps keep our physical body healthy, but helps to keep our mental and emotional body in balance as well.

4. PLAN.
Plan your weeks out in advance. One of my favorite things to do on Friday’s is to plan the following week out. I write down all appointments, meetings, dinners, and schedule my workouts. This allows me to clearly see what I am dealing with and create a plan of action. I can schedule mid-week grocery runs, holiday parties, and leave room for the unexpected.

Meditation is the key to a balanced life. Taking a few minutes, if you are a beginner perhaps start with 5 minutes, every day to sit in stillness and just breathe. Find a connection to your breath, letting go of the outside world, your to-do lists and just tune into your body. There are numerous benefits of meditation; one of my favorites is that it helps me to slow down. I am constantly on the go, and the holidays seem to be even busier, my meditation practice allows me time to check in and pause. Afterwards, I feel a sense of renewal and peace.

The holidays can be a very busy time, don’t forget to take time for YOU! 

How to energize your day!

The Lean and Green Body® Triple Play is my favorite way to start my day!

If I happen to miss a day I feel sluggish, fatigued and even dirty inside…my body literally craves this routine every day.

If we haven’t worked together yet, I’m about to let you in on one of my trade secrets!

The Lean and Green Body® Triple Play is a sure fire way to energize your body, gently detox your system, and flood your body with nutrients all before you’ve even had your morning coffee.

My coveted Triple Play morning routine is something I typically share with my nutrition clients during our first or second appointments, and now you can experience all the benefits too!

The Lean and Green Body® Triple Play is my morning routine…let’s break it down!

First thing in the morning when you wake up…before you put anything else into your body, drink these three things…

First, 8 oz of room temperature water with the juice from 1/2 an organic lemon…sip it!

Then, add 1-2 TBSP of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar to 4-8 oz of water (you MUST add to water, do not drink ACV on it’s own)…drink it down!

Followed by, our morning greens! My current favorite greens are the Amazing Grass greens OR the Garden of Life Perfect Food Raw Greens. I love both of these brands and rotate between the two! You’ll mix one scoop of your greens with 8-10 oz of cold water (I like to use a blender bottle), shake and drink!

Then you can have your coffee and breakfast!

So why do I encourage you to drink all that first thing?!? Let me fill you in on what each drink does…

Each morning we wake up and our bodies are so dehydrated from working on overdrive while we sleep. The room temperature water with an organic lemon works to rehydrates your cells, energizes your body, and helps to pull out toxins. I get this question almost daily…and yes, it’s essential that the lemon is organic! An organic lemon is alkalizing, where a conventional lemon is acidic. This was literally mind blowing the first time I heard this...a food is either alkalizing or acidic based off what it does inside our body. A conventional lemon will never be alkalizing because of the pesticides and chemicals sprayed on it…sorry but you can’t wash them off. The lemon water responds almost like coffee to the body, and provides a boost of energy without the jittery feeling associated with caffeine.

Next up, the Apple Cider Vinegar comes in to helps neutralize the body. When we wake up our bodies are in an acidic state, the Apple Cider Vinegar helps to increase the pH of the body creating a more alkalizing state. We want to keep our bodies in an alkalizing state as much as we can since this is an undesirable place for cancer, disease and illness to thrive in. (Disease thrives in an acidic environment.) Apple Cider Vinegar, Bragg’s particularly, is one of my favorite holistic remedies because it performs hundreds of benefits to the body. Just be sure to mix it with water, and never drink it straight. (do not take ACV if you have an ulcer or symptoms of an ulcer)

We round up our Triple Play with our greens! Probably my favorite part of the Triple Play. Both of the green supplements I recommended above contain approximately 34 raw greens that have been juiced first and then dried. This is very important because we are not cows, and it can be very difficult for our bodies to digest and breakdown grass and some greens. Having the greens juiced first helps our bodies assimilate and utilize the greens and nutrients much easier. You will mix your greens with about 8-10 oz of cold water, I like to use my blender bottle and shake them up! When you drink your greens on an empty stomach (no food) you allow the nutrients to be absorbed and utilized by the body right away, it takes away to need to digest them and this giving your digestive system a break. Greens will help to boost your immune system, keep you energized, gentle detox the body, and help to balance blood sugar levels!

That’s it! It may seem like A LOT at first, but I promise it gets easier and eventually it just becomes part of your morning!

My husband and I love to travel and I always bring all 3 parts of this morning routine with me when we travel. To read more about my travel tips click HERE

As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist I am very cognizant of what I put into my body, what I give my family and what I recommend to my clients. I do extension research on all products I recommend, but I always recommend doing your own research to see what you feel comfortable with.

Gentle reminder…you should always consult your Naturopathic MD or Certified Nutritionist before adding a supplement to your routine. If you are pregnant or nursing I would recommend eliminating the ACV portion of the morning routine, and simply doing lemon water and greens!

To learn more or to work with me, please email me at jennifer@leanandgreenbody.com

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to choose the right prenatal vitamin

Choosing the right prenatal vitamin can be overwhelming! With so many options, how do you know which one is best for you and your baby?

My first recommendation would be to meet with your Doctor or Naturopathic Physician and get a full blood panel done, this will show you were you are deficient, or borderline, and this will tell you where you really need to focus.

I would also recommend not only checking your folate, but checking to see if you carry the MTHFR gene. The MTHFR gene, also called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, is responsible for processing amino acids and is very involved in the creation, absorption and utilization of Vitamin B9 (folate). Folate is essential for your baby’s development, so if you do carry the MTHFR gene don’t panic, your Doctor will most likely put you on a prescription folate, like Metanx which conatins L-methylfolate, methylcobalamin and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. This would be something you would need to take in addition to your prenatal vitamin.

When selecting your prenatal vitamin I would highly recommend researching the company first, unfortunately not all supplement companies are created equal. Since supplements are still not regulated by the FDA the percentage of vitamins and minerals actually in the supplement can vary. I do extensive research on all supplement companies I personally take, give to my family and recommend to my clients. As always I encourage you do to your own research and see what you feel comfortable with.

My favorite brand of prenatal vitamins is Pure Encapsulations. I actually take a few of their products, and really trust this brand. I have been taking this prenatal since before I was actually pregnant to prepare my body.

I would recommend starting your prenatal vitamin about 6 months before you actually plan on conceiving. This is also a good time to get your blood work done, and ensure that you are aware of all underlying conditions.

I have talked about this many times, but I was very sick from week 10-16 and could not take this prenatal vitamin, so I had to make a switch to a gummy vitamin. In truth, gummy vitamins are not my favorite especially as a Certified Nutritionist but I was desperate to get some vitamins in my system. During these 6 weeks I took the Olly Prenatal Vitamin, and actually liked it quite a bit. These type of vitamins are much easier on the stomach and do not tend to cause as much nausea.

A few other brands worth checking out would be Thorne and Garden of Life.

A few things to look at when selecting your prenatal vitamin:

  • serving size - how many pills will you need to take daily?

  • how large are the pills? Are the reasonable for first trimester?

  • avoid herbs in your prenatal (many will cause uterine contractions and miscarriage)

  • read the nutrition label and compare it to your blood work - will this work for you specifically?

Your prenatal should include folic acid and iron, in addition to a few other important vitamins: Vitamin A, B-Vitamins, Vitamin-C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Zinc, Calcium and Iodine. The dose of each of these vitamins and minerals will vary depending on your specific needs.

Remember that the Standard American Diet does not obtain enough of these vitamins from diet alone, which is why a supplement is essential.

How to have more energy without caffeine

This has been one of my most requested blog posts, so I’m going to share my secrets with you today!

I gave up caffeine in June, and the months leading up to that breakup I drank very little caffeine. This was a huge deal for me because previously when I was all about the hustle and grind, serving other people and not taking care myself, I was drinking a ton of caffeine! It was legit fueling my day. I would have multiple cups of tea every day and a few coffees or espresso shots per week. I couldn’t get through the day without my caffeine.

Now looking back I realize that I was using caffeine to cover up my extreme fatigue from over working myself and prioritizing the needs of my clients and my work over myself. Fortunately, I realized this early in 2021 and had some massive changes personally and professionally.

So how do I do it all without caffeine now?!?

I focus on flooding my body with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and the enzymes it needs.

I focus on getting good quality sleep - this is a non-negotiable for me.

I hydrate - my goal is 100 oz of pure clean water every day!

I swear by the Lean and Green Body® morning routine.

I eat a ton of greens. GREENS = ENERGY

If I need a pick me up I drink a lemon water, go for a walk outside, stretch, put on some fun music, or have a dance party!

Instead of covering up my body’s needs, I tune into them now. I am more in touch with my body than ever. Part of this is due to pregnancy, but part is due to massive healing I have done this year. I took inventory of where I was (mind, body and soul) and looked at where I wanted to be…I identified what was holding me back from living my best life, and made the necessary changes.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a warm cup of tea or coffee, especially on these cool mornings, but if you are looking to cut down on your caffeine intake or eliminate it completely I would recommend following my list above. Instead of focusing on what you are taking away (caffeine) focus on what you are adding (nutrients, water, greens, etc).

If you’ve cut out caffeine or are looking to I’d love to hear from you! Comment below and let me know what your experience has been!

How to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is the perfect reminder to be grateful and give thanks for all our blessings.

Even on our worst days and during our most trying times we have so much to be thankful for.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to show and give thanks.

By starting each day with gratitude, we are able to flip our perspective on life and the day ahead. An attitude of gratitude can shift your entire outlook.

A few ways I like to give thanks daily and express my gratitude:

  • I write down 3-5 things I’m grateful for each day

  • I verbally share my thanks with those around me

  • I quietly say 3 things I’m thankful for before I meditate

Find a way to express your gratitude, something that works for you. From experience I can say that writing it down or saying it out loud can be very powerful, and it will actually help shift your nervous system into a more parasympathetic state.

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to Get More Omega-3's in Your Diet

Omega 3’s are a super important part of our diet & supplement routine.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is crazy high in omega 6’s, which are pro-inflammatory. Most of these omega 6’s are coming from arachidonic acid in conventional meats and meat products. The Standard American Diet ratio is 10:1 to 30:1 omega 6 to omega 3… insane?!?

To put it in perspective a healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is 1:1 to 5:1. This type of ratio will help to prevent heart disease, help create healthy cholesterol levels, lower inflammation and so much more!

We need omega-6’s too, just not in such high quantities. Omega-6’s are helpful to create inflammation and protect the body especially when injured. I have yet to meet anyone who did not obtain enough omega-6’s in their diet, which is why the focus is on omega-3’s. Most Americans are overburdened with inflammation, which can lead to disease and illness. By focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle we are lowering the inflammation naturally, making our bodies a less desirable place for disease and illness.

A few ways to add more omega-3’s into your diet are:

Fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring are all especially high in omega-3’s)

Cod Liver Oil



Chia seeds


Still worried you aren’t getting enough omega-3’s in your diet, supplementation can be a great tool!

Since becoming pregnant I have learned that omega-3’s are even more important, especially for my growing baby. I encourage you all to check in with your diet, and make sure you are getting enough omega-3’s from the foods you eat…if not check out a few of my favorites ways to supplement below!

Here are a few of my favorite omega-3 supplements:

You’ll notice that I included two pill and two liquid supplements, as well as a variety of dosages. Always consults your Certified Nutritionist or Naturopathic Physician before starting a new supplement.

To shop all my favorite supplements click HERE

My Number 1 Tip to Bring Yourself Back to Center

I wanted to use this Monday blog to really check in with you. How are you?

I know you probably get asked that a dozen times a day, but I mean it - how are you doing?

For me, it’s been a really crazy and beautiful year…and I can not believe that October will be here in a few days!?!


Sometimes when life seems to be going a million miles an hour, your to-do list is never ending, and there is a cloud of negativity every where you look…it can be tough to stay present, stay calm, and just breathe.

We are all human, each of us having our own experience here, and we all have these days/weeks. The important thing is to notice when this happens, pause, reconnect to your breath, reconnect to this moment right here right now, and just breathe.

It may seem too simple, but I promise it’s all it takes.

Close your eyes, place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly and just breathe.

Notice the chest rise and fall with each breath, and begin to notice the belly rise and fall as you start to deepen your breath.

When life gets too hectic and you loose your center…come back here. Come back to your breath and just breathe.

Mood Boosting Journal Prompt

With a full moon and a change of seasons approaching our energy may feel like it’s all over the place. Some of us may even feel totally drained of energy. There is so much negativity surrounding us in the news, media outlets, and every place we turn it seems…how do we escape the negativity? We turn inward. We journal, we release any stored emotions, and we recognize that we can only control our actions and our reactions, and we find something that brings us joy.

Here is one journaling exercise you can do if you need a mood boost or are simply ready to release some stored emotions.

Grab your journal and your favorite pen and let’s get to work!

First, I want you to write down how you feel energetically in this moment. Whatever comes up first write it down, there are no wrong answers here.

Next, write down 2 things that you can accomplish today that will help boost your mood. Get creative…maybe it’s going for a walk, creating a vision board, cleaning out a closet, taking a bath…whatever will boost your mood and help you to release stored emotions. 

Then I want you to put your pen down, close your eyes, and imagine yourself doing those two things today. Imagine yourself walking through each of the steps of those activities. Notice how you feel doing those activities, perhaps feel your shoulders begin to soften, feel the breath begin to slow, feel the body begin to relax and feel the mood begin to elevate. Perhaps, feel a smile across your face. Just take another moment here to notice how you feel.

Now, I want you to write down one thing you can do every single day to boost your mood and maintain a high vibe lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be complicated, but write down something you can do for yourself to maintain this feeling.

One more time, put your pen down, close your eyes and imagine yourself adding this one activity into your day - every day. How does that feel for you? Does it bring you joy? Does it help to balance out some of the other emotions and stressors? Does it make you smile?

Find something that brings you joy.


The Blog is Back!

I’m back! I took a little two week break from the blog to rest and restore. I have been writing my blog twice per week for six years, and every now and then I think it’s healthy to take a step back to rest, to remember my why, and come back with fresh eyes. 

I would love to know what you would like to see more of…recipes, nutrition tips, wellness, yoga, meditation, mindfulness…comment below and let me know! xxx

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

6 Items To Bring When Traveling - Stay on Track!

Travel has been a big topic with my clients recently and I wanted to share a few ways in which you can travel and still stay on track!

Here are 6 things to bring with you on your next adventure to help you stay on track!

Sneakers or a Yoga Mat: this will ensure movement on your trip! I love going for daily walks and exploring a new city, or enjoying some beach yoga (or hotel room yoga) before a day of exploring. I find that when I move my body, I am in a better headspace for the day!

Water Bottle: hydration is everything! So many of us are chronically dehydrated on a daily basis, and this typically only gets worse when we travel. Bring a bottle that you can refill and stay ahead on your water!

Journal: journaling is a such a healthy mindful habit, and can help control stress and ease anxiety even when traveling. Need inspiration, check out my journal prompts I wrote HERE and HERE

Natural Calm Packets: this is my drink of choice in the evenings, I find it so relaxing! This can also help ease travel or flight anxiety, help keep you regular when you travel, and prevent any muscle cramping.

Green Packets: just because you are away from home doesn’t mean the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play goes out the window. Bring your green packets with you and simple mix with water on the go!

Collagen: protein on the go! This is a great way to stay on track and get your clean lean protein in…simply add it to your coffee, your breakfast or even your water!

Traveling isn’t an excuse to let your wellness and nutrition plans go out the door!

Stay on track with my Lean and Green Body® tips! Check out more of my recommendations here

Lean and Green Body® Travel Essentials.png

Lean and Green Body® x Amazon Store Launch

I am so excited to finally share a project that I have been working on for some time now. I partnered with Amazon to create a custom Lean and Green Body® store full of all my favorite nutrition, wellness, and healthy living necessities!

I will be updating the store frequently to add more of my trusted products for all of you!

I do extensive research on all the nutrition and wellness products I use and recommend. All nutrition supplements are food based and bioavailable in the body, making it easier for your body to utilize and absorb the benefits.

You’ll find several of my favorite skincare products, my favorite yoga mat and props, along with the meditation cushion I use daily. I have also included a section with a few of my favorite books!

I am so excited to share my custom Lean and Green Body® store with all of you!

Click HERE to check it out!

Lean and Green Body® Custom Amazon Store!.png

** In full transparency - these are affiliate links and I do make a small commission when you purchase through my links. This helps to support my small business and my team. Thank you!

4 Ways to Eat a Better Breakfast

Many of us unknowingly are eating dessert for breakfast, and it’s ruining our day. The spike in glucose from our high sugar breakfast gives us the energy kick we need to arrive at work, only to quickly drop before our 10a meeting.

Here are 4 ways to eat a better breakfast!

Cut out the sugar. Did you know that 4 grams of sugar equal 1 teaspoon of sugar! That’s a lot. The worst part is the average yogurt contains upwards of 15+ grams of sugar, that’s over 3 teaspoons of sugar to start the day. Cereals are just as bad ranging from 4 grams (for the “healthier” cereal) to 16+ grams of sugar per 1 cup.

Start your day with protein, healthy fat & fiber. Starting your day with a smoothie or protein bowl packed with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes will give your body (and your brain) the fuel it needs to get you through the morning.

Sit down and eat. Many of us are often so rushed in the mornings, we either eat a few bites of breakfast standing at the counter or we eat in our cars on the way to work. Sorry, but this is a big no go. They may seem convenient, but they are terrible for your digestive system and will ultimately wreck havoc on your GI tract within a few hours. Wake up a few minutes earlier, sit down and eat a relaxed breakfast… your belly with thank you!

Limit your beverages. Limit your beverages to 8 oz of room temperature water, tea or coffee (ideally water!) when you are eating. Sometimes we drink so much right before we eat or during our meal that we interfere with our digestion. Our bodies are incredible machines and our digestion is a prime example of us…when we treat it well. Limiting your beverages to 8 oz or less and warm beverages during meals will aid in better digestion. No one wants to go to work with gas, bloating, or a belly ache.

Instead of relying on your coffee to get you through to lunch - rely on your breakfast. Learn how to fuel your body, and watch the brain fog and fatigue fad away!

I feel like I could dive so much deeper into this topic, comment below and let me know if you are interested and what questions you have! xx

I feel like I could dive so much deeper into this topic, comment below and let me know if you are interested and what questions you have! xx

3 Ways to Make Life Easier & Reach Your Goals - Starting Today!

I receive a ton of messages from women, especially young mothers & entrepreneurs on how I make my nutrition and wellness look so “easy”.

First of all I appreciate that you think I make it look easy, but it wasn’t always this way. It took years of dedication, school, mindfulness and habit setting to get here. I spent 6+ years studying solely nutrition, and over a decade studying mindfulness and wellness. I have been able to incorporate small changes into my personal routine over the years, infusing bits and pieces as I move through life.

I wanted to take this opportunity to let you in on a few of my ‘tricks’ and ways that you can make your life easier starting today!

First, stop caring what other people think. (I know this is not nutrition or wellness related but it’s so important!) Many of us get so tied up in what others are thinking or saying about us that we literally paralyze ourselves from moving forward and taking the next step. TBH most people are too consumed with their own life to even care what you are doing - and to all the bullies out there who are commenting and waiting for your next mistake, well that speaks more of their terrible character and poor self esteem then it does of you. You keep doing you. Do the best that you can every single day, that’s it.

Second, create a plan. Work with a Certified Holistic Nutritionist or Naturopath to create a customized nutrition & wellness plan that works for your body. Every body is different. We are constantly bombarded with new nutrition trends and ‘instant fixes’ online, and it can be so confusing unless you are prepared. There is no such thing as a quick fix, and most diet trends will end up failing you (or your organs) down the line. Work with a professional to help you set up a plan that works best for you and your specific needs. Added bonus…ask them to help you create an actionable plan for your family and meal planning as well!

Lastly, listen to your intuition. This tends to be a tough one for many, for some reason many of us have a difficult time listening to our gut (our intuition). We get easily swayed by what others think or what others are doing, even if it does not serve us, we suffer from FOMO. I am going to urge you to drown out the noise, let go of other peoples opinions and unhelpful remarks….listen to your intuition. Our bodies innately know what they want, and what they need to live their best, healthiest lives…it’s when we don’t listen that we get into trouble. This goes for nutrition and movement, listen to what your body wants (I’m not talking cravings for sweets…that’s emotional). For example, I wrote about my dietary changes in a recent blog (check it out HERE) for years I ate a certain way because it was how I grew up, what I was used to, and how my husband eats. It wasn’t until earlier this year that I began to tune into what my body wanted, and when I started fueling my body with what it needed (and elimination what it didn’t) that I began to not only see transformations, but I started to feel tremendous change. The same goes for your workouts, move your body in a way that honors you. If you love yoga, pilates, and low impact workouts DO IT! If you love lifting heavy weights, then DO IT! Listen to your body, trust your gut, and drown out all the excess.

Photo by: Jontel Chere

Photo by: Jontel Chere