Life Update! I've made some major changes to my diet...

I have made some major changes to my diet this year, and thought it was time to let you in on what I’ve been doing!

To start I just want to say that aside from food allergies I really dislike food labels. I’m not a fan of all the trendy diets and my education shows that many will lead to organ issues down the road. {terrible!}

Instead I prefer to eat mindfully and intuitively. If you’ve been reading my blog for some time you know that I avoid gluten, dairy and eggs due to food allergies; other than that I listen to my body and eat according to what it needs. I do not deprive and I do not restrict.

 Let me just add that I am at a point in my life and through lots of nutrition school, (college, graduate and post graduate work in nutrition) so when I say I do not deprive and I do not restrict - it does not mean that I sit home eating a box of cookies and a bag of chips. No way! It has taken me a long time but I have a really healthy relationship with food, and I understand how certain foods make me feel. I am at the point now where I would rather feel amazing and vibrant all the time, so I avoid foods that will take away my energy and my vibrancy. My energy is too precious to be wasted.

That being said I have never been a big fan of animal protein. In the past six months I’ve intuitively been making conscious changes and listening to my body and I have pulled away from meat even more; not for diet reasons I simply just do not have a taste for it right now. This may change one day, and I am open to that as well. I eat animal protein (wild caught, wild raised, organic) when I desire it; right now that is about 0-2 times per week. This may seem unattainable or unrealistic to some, but it wasn’t a conscious change. I didn’t wake up one day and say I think I’m going to stop eating meat, no lol. Instead I intuitively listened to what my body was asking for…

….and I have to say I have never felt better.

So although I do not attach myself to the vegetarian or vegan label (because I will eat meat if I desire it, plus I drink bone broth, use collagen, and bee pollen) I do find that adding vegan or vegetarian days into your diet can do wonders for you body.

I would love to know what diet changes you have made lately, or are trying to make?

Photo By Jontel Chere