Life Update! I've made some major changes to my diet...

I have made some major changes to my diet this year, and thought it was time to let you in on what I’ve been doing!

To start I just want to say that aside from food allergies I really dislike food labels. I’m not a fan of all the trendy diets and my education shows that many will lead to organ issues down the road. {terrible!}

Instead I prefer to eat mindfully and intuitively. If you’ve been reading my blog for some time you know that I avoid gluten, dairy and eggs due to food allergies; other than that I listen to my body and eat according to what it needs. I do not deprive and I do not restrict.

 Let me just add that I am at a point in my life and through lots of nutrition school, (college, graduate and post graduate work in nutrition) so when I say I do not deprive and I do not restrict - it does not mean that I sit home eating a box of cookies and a bag of chips. No way! It has taken me a long time but I have a really healthy relationship with food, and I understand how certain foods make me feel. I am at the point now where I would rather feel amazing and vibrant all the time, so I avoid foods that will take away my energy and my vibrancy. My energy is too precious to be wasted.

That being said I have never been a big fan of animal protein. In the past six months I’ve intuitively been making conscious changes and listening to my body and I have pulled away from meat even more; not for diet reasons I simply just do not have a taste for it right now. This may change one day, and I am open to that as well. I eat animal protein (wild caught, wild raised, organic) when I desire it; right now that is about 0-2 times per week. This may seem unattainable or unrealistic to some, but it wasn’t a conscious change. I didn’t wake up one day and say I think I’m going to stop eating meat, no lol. Instead I intuitively listened to what my body was asking for…

….and I have to say I have never felt better.

So although I do not attach myself to the vegetarian or vegan label (because I will eat meat if I desire it, plus I drink bone broth, use collagen, and bee pollen) I do find that adding vegan or vegetarian days into your diet can do wonders for you body.

I would love to know what diet changes you have made lately, or are trying to make?

Photo By Jontel Chere

Change is the only constant...

Change is the only constant. I think 2020 is an excellent example of this. 

This is especially true when it comes to business. Your business model should constantly be evolving and changing to meet your personal needs but also to meet the needs of your consumer. 

Each year you discover what aspects of your business you enjoy most, and consciously or not you start to put more energy into those areas. Likewise, you may discover what areas you would like to begin shifting away from. Perhaps, you delegate those projects or you just find a way to eliminate them from your business all together. 

The same goes for your clients. Over time you will see what content, products or services your clients are gravitating towards. Pay attention to your analytics and conversion rates, and see where your tribe is engaging most. This will tell you what they would like to see more of…and what they could pretty much do without. 

In order to make change in business successful you really need to analyze both categories… what you want and what your clients want. Do they align? If they do, great! If they do not, that’s okay but it makes things a bit more challenging. You have some tough decisions to make if the two categories do not align. You could follow your passion and say “see ya later!” to your current business model or decide to slowly pivot and change your business model over time. This is a personal decision and is dependent on several factors, finances are often a big one, take some time to think this over. 

Change in any business is inevitable. I do not believe that we are made to be stagnant, doing the same thing day in and day out for our entire life. In order to be successful and live our best life change is necessary. Change when it comes to business often looks like pivoting. As we grow and inevitably become wiser our entire life begins to pivot and change. This is natural and normal, but can be difficult for some especially when it comes to their business. Moving away from one area of business into another, or niching down and honing in on your speciality, can seem scary, unstable, or perhaps dangerous to some. Take some time to think about what you want, and where you want your business (and your life) to grow to in the next 1, 5, and 10 years. 

Over the past few months I have received dozens and dozens of business questions & requests, so I have decided to start answering some of them in my blog. If you have any business questions feel free to comment below or send me a direct email at


How to Make Every Weekend Feel Like a Vacation!

I’m back from ‘vacation’!! Well, honestly it was just a long quiet weekend at home, but it was so relaxing it felt like a vacation. 

I feel like we are all in need of a good vacation at this point, right? 

I’m mean how many of us have had to cancel numerous trips because of this COVID-19? I know I was pretty upset initially to be missing out on vacations we had been planning for a year, but there’s nothing we can do. Except…vacation at home. 

I mean our homes are probably the safest places for us to be right now, it’s the most controlled environment. We are responsible for who and what we bring over…your house is probably the cleanest bar in town at this point too!

So today I’m sharing 3 ways that you can make every weekend feel like a vacation!

Turn off your devices… turn off the tv, put your phones on silent, and be super present with your family. We all spend so much time with our heads buried in our devices and on our screens that we are rarely truly present for our loved ones. It’s amazing when you turn off your devices what you will notice. What fun new conversations may spark, or new family hobbies may start. 

Get outside! We finally decorated our lanai over the weekend, and it’s like a whole other living space! I’m so in love with it. We bought a Weber grill, dining table, and some accept chairs and spent some solid time soaking up some vitamin D and grilling out. It was a breath of fresh air, literally, after spending the last few months inside the home. I’m so excited we finally took the plunge and furnished our lanai, I can see us utilizing this space often. 

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Try a new recipe! My husband and I love to cook together. Most of our favorite recipes take less than 30 minutes to make, but we recently started branching out and trying new recipes. It’s super fun to create these recipes together, and try new cooking techniques. One recipe we have been making on repeat is our Paella recipe try it at home this weekend!

These are just 3 ways you can make every weekend feel like a vacation. Spending time being fully present with your loved ones, spending time outside, and trying a new recipe!

Comment below and let me know how you like to spend your weekends!