How to take your business to the next level

As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of growth, coaches, and mentors. I believe that we are always students, learning, growing and evolving. Personally, I have worked with many coaches throughout different periods of my personal and professional journey. I love the idea of someone else (ideally in the same or similar arena to you) helping you to visualize the next steps and work with you to create actionable change to reach your goals.

After dozens of inquiries over the past few years, and after mentoring several young inspiring wellness entrepreneurs in my local community I have decided to take the leap and begin offering business coaching for female wellness entrepreneurs!

The women I have already had the pleasure of working with have been incredible! Helping them to realize and see their full potential and their goals is so rewarding. These sessions have quickly become one of my favorite parts of my week!

Over the past 6+ years I have built a successful business virtually on my own, and my business is 100% completely self funded. I am so proud of what I have created, and what is to come for Lean ad Green Body®, let me help you create your dream business!

Click HERE to work with me and start living your dream today!

How to (actually) reach your goals...

Did you know that most people throw in the towel on their New Year’s resolutions by January 13?!? Only 13 days into the New Year and they throw away their goals. Why is that?? Most of the time people set outrageous goals (which I love) without any strategy or steps to help them reach them. For instance, it’s like saying I want to lose 100 lbs by September without giving myself a step by step way in which I am going to get there. The goals become overwhelming and eventually the majority of people never reach them.

So…how can you actually reach your goals??

Whether it’s personal goals or business goals I feel like it is all pretty much the same; you need strategy and a plan on how you are going to get there. Goals are amazing - I absolutely love setting goals - but without a plan it’s like throwing out this bold statement without backing it up.

I’m a firm believer in setting SMART goals. I do this with all of my nutrition and wellness coaching clients and today I am going to fill you in on how you can do this too!

SMART goals






Make the goal specific - as specific as you possibly can. Get very clear on what you want to achieve.

Measurable…how will you know when you have reached your goals?

Your goal must be attainable. This is where so many people go wrong, they set outlandish goals that are not attainable. I’m a big dreamer and I love big goals, but make sure that they are attainable for you.

Realistic…just like attainable, make sure that your goal is realistic.

Your goal must be tangible.

Want to learn more and discover how you can put your wildest goals within reach??

Reach out to me to schedule a 1:1 wellness call!

It's not luck

I have faced my share of challenges and disappointments this year, as many of you have. I feel incredibly blessed to have a business that I not only love, but is thriving amongst the chaos of 2020. Two years ago I began setting my business up for the online platform I have now, knowing that this is where I wanted to be. 

Moving my business online has not only allowed me to be home and support my family in a way that I was unable to before; but it allowed me to actually support my clients and my online community in a way that I had been unable to previously.

I have always been incredibly driven and had a reach for the stars mentality. {no joke, in the 3rd grade when my teacher asked what I wanted to be when I grow up I said business women.} When I began setting up my online platform and online business two years ago, it was not the “popular” thing to do. Some in the industry questioned my reasoning and my ability to really connect with my clients thru technology. Never the less I persevered knowing deep down that I would be where I am today. After 3 years of working part time with my clients virtually, and six months of working with virtual clients full time I can say that the screen does not prevent connection and growth. Working with clients in person will always be special, but working with clients virtually - all over the country - allows me to share my light and create magic in a way I need could before. 

In lieu of some new projects I am working on I have met with several female entrepreneurs recently, and some of the biggest questions/comments I get is how do create something like you have? How do I transition my business? How do I get my name out there? Where do I start?

Well, that’s the hardest part and it has taken me seven years of hard relentless work in this community to get to where I am today. Knowing the lessons and the tools I know now…probably could have done it much quicker LOL, but the journey is what has been so special. 

I feel incredibly blessed to be supported by my community, and to have been featured in 4 magazines from July - September 2020. I recognize how fortunate I am, but it’s not “luck”. 

It’s years of hard work, building relationships and genuine connections. It’s years of becoming an ‘expert’ in my field.

It’s not luck, I didn’t get lucky. It’s hard work, day in and day out. It took years of working 12-14 hours day, doing things some would never dream of doing, sacrifice upon sacrifice to get here…and I’m no where near where I know I can be. I believe in putting in a few years of my life sacrificing and living my life like most people won’t, so that I can live the rest of my life like most people can’t. (skinny confidential said it best)

I don’t have a PR team or even a publicist. This is all me. Truth be told I only have 1 part time team member working with me right now, I’m handling everything else. Although this was super overwhelming when it happened, it feels right, like this is exactly how it is supposed to be. 

So for everyone looking to begin and expand their personal brand into something magical, I believe in you. It’s possible. Whatever crazy dream and vision you have on your heart, you have the ability to create it. It’s probably not going to be easy. There will be late nights, early mornings, tears, sweat, and failures…but seeing your vision come to fruition is priceless. 

Change is the only constant...

Change is the only constant. I think 2020 is an excellent example of this. 

This is especially true when it comes to business. Your business model should constantly be evolving and changing to meet your personal needs but also to meet the needs of your consumer. 

Each year you discover what aspects of your business you enjoy most, and consciously or not you start to put more energy into those areas. Likewise, you may discover what areas you would like to begin shifting away from. Perhaps, you delegate those projects or you just find a way to eliminate them from your business all together. 

The same goes for your clients. Over time you will see what content, products or services your clients are gravitating towards. Pay attention to your analytics and conversion rates, and see where your tribe is engaging most. This will tell you what they would like to see more of…and what they could pretty much do without. 

In order to make change in business successful you really need to analyze both categories… what you want and what your clients want. Do they align? If they do, great! If they do not, that’s okay but it makes things a bit more challenging. You have some tough decisions to make if the two categories do not align. You could follow your passion and say “see ya later!” to your current business model or decide to slowly pivot and change your business model over time. This is a personal decision and is dependent on several factors, finances are often a big one, take some time to think this over. 

Change in any business is inevitable. I do not believe that we are made to be stagnant, doing the same thing day in and day out for our entire life. In order to be successful and live our best life change is necessary. Change when it comes to business often looks like pivoting. As we grow and inevitably become wiser our entire life begins to pivot and change. This is natural and normal, but can be difficult for some especially when it comes to their business. Moving away from one area of business into another, or niching down and honing in on your speciality, can seem scary, unstable, or perhaps dangerous to some. Take some time to think about what you want, and where you want your business (and your life) to grow to in the next 1, 5, and 10 years. 

Over the past few months I have received dozens and dozens of business questions & requests, so I have decided to start answering some of them in my blog. If you have any business questions feel free to comment below or send me a direct email at



Today marks the end of my 5th official year in business, and the start of my 6th year! Wow! Even as I write these words it’s hard to wrap my mind around everything that has happened in the past few years.

I started Lean and Green Body in 2015 all by myself with a bucket list of goals and dreams. Now 5 years later many of those dreams have become a reality and I’ve been able to achieve things I didn’t even realize were possible when I started.

I’m proud to say I started my company on my own - without any outside funding, loans or debt...and have continued to operate this way today. I’m extremely proud that we’ve been in the black every month since inception. {aka...we’ve been profitable since day one!} If you are an entrepreneur you know how huge this is!

I attribute this to my relentless drive and strong desire to make my dreams come true. I’ve never been a 9-5 person, and I’ve known since the 3rd grade I would be a business owner...but I never imagined it would be this amazing!

There has been a ton of sweat & tears along the way, but looking back I wouldn’t have it any other way. Owning your own business and watching it grow and become a successful brand is unlike anything else. You pour your heart and soul into your passion, hoping to connect with your ideal audience. I feel blessed to have created a community of likeminded souls, and I cherish helping them discover how amazing their bodies are naturally designed to feel. It’s unbelievable! I absolutely love my brand and feel so grateful to be able to do this work.

If you are a ‘wellpreneur’ looking to take your business to the next level comment below... we have something new coming to the Lean and Green Body platform!

📷 @jontelcherephotography
