5 Ways to set yourself up for success in 2022

I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions because they typically don’t last past Valentine’s Day. Instead I am all for creating mindful changes that will last well into 2022 and beyond.

So this year instead of creating a ton of resolutions that you may or may not stick to, why not set yourself up for success this year and create lasting change.

Here are 5 ways to set yourself up for success this year…

  1. Hydrate. You’ve heard me say this a million times, and I will continue to say it because it’s that important. Drinking enough water (I’m talking 90 oz of clean water for the average person) is a game changer for your health, your skin, your digestion, and literally hydrates every cell in your body.

  2. Meditate. Create a consistent daily meditation practice, and watch your life evolve and transform before your eyes. If you are just beginning start with 5 minutes every single day, and meditate at the same time and in the same place each day to start creating a consistent habit.

  3. Simplify. Now is the perfect time to clean out the closets, under the sinks, the garage and even the basement. Get rid of stuff you no longer use…a good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in 6 months then you probably won’t use it in the next 6 months. Stop hoarding and get rid of the excess.

  4. Movement. Get in the habit of moving your body everyday, even if it’s just a 20 minute walk at lunch. Find something you love to do, something that doesn’t feel like a chore, and commit to it daily. Move your body at the same time each day, and begin to create a new daily habit.

  5. Plan. Set aside time on Friday or Sunday to plan out the following week. Write out your work schedule, any appointments, coffee dates, and even schedule in your workouts and your meditation. Put yourself in you planner as an appointment- dare I say you are MORE important than any other appointment in your schedule - that way you already carved out the time and have no excuses. Then at the bottom of each day, plan out your meals. This will save time during the week, and will ensure you have healthy options on hand for busy days.

Moving into the New Year

With the New Year quickly approaching…like how is it already here?!?…I have been thinking a ton about resolutions, intentions for the New Year and my goals for 2021.

Next week I’ll chat all things resolutions, intentions, and goals but today I wanted to expand upon my blog post from last week and discuss more about what we want to leave behind.

Sure 2020 sucked for a lot of people… in a ton of different ways.

Instead of focusing on how negative and awful the year was and bringing that negative energy and low vibe living into 2021 let’s take a deep breathe, shake it off, and move forward with love & light.

Somethings will never be the same after 2020, however instead of focusing on the negativity and the sadness I’d like to encourage you to dig deep and find some faith.

Faith in yourself to rise up, despite the setbacks and the hardships, and take ownership for your life again.

Yes COVID-19 is still here - and that is something we are unfortunately bringing into 2021 - however we can still find small ways to take ownership for our lives again…even if you are unable to leave the house.

Start small by setting up a morning routine or creating healthy habits that you can do each and every day to lift your vibrational energy.

Going for a walk, painting, reading or any form of self care can help to lift your energetic vibration…find something that works for you.

If we continue to focus on the negative, there will be more negative around us - that’s a true fact. The same is true if we focus on the positive, there will be more positivity around us.

There was enough negative in 2020, I’m choosing to acknowledge all of it but leave the negativity behind. I am choosing to move into the New Year with love and light. The more positivity I see, and the more positive energy I bring into this world, the more positivity I will receive back. Energy is all an exchange.

What would you like to receive?



And just like that Christmas is over! Sometimes it seems like we think and prepare all year for a holiday that flies by.

My husband and I are in St. Pete for a few days soaking in some extra Christmas magic. It’s our first visit here, and I am already in love with this city!

If you don’t hear much from me it’s because I am unplugging and enjoying some much need R&R. We are getting in thousands and thousands steps a day walking the entire city, and trying as much of the healthy food as we can!

I promise to do a blog post when I return with all of my favorite places!

Happy Holidays!!


Reflecting back on 2020...

As we approach the end of 2020 (finally!) I can’t help but reflect back on this year.

The good, the bad, and the seriously ugly. This sure has been a year for the books.

Over the last several months I’ve noticed many of us getting stuck in talking about how awful and challenging this year has been…I’ve been guilty of this too at times.

I talk so much about flipping the script and how important it is to try and see things from another perspective; I’ve had to remind myself to do this at times this year and I’m here to gently remind you to do the same.

In a previous post I talked about how challenging this year has been for me personally, and how I would never had survived this year if it weren’t for the love and support of my husband. All of which is true, however when I stay in that mindset of trauma, loss, and challenges it only makes this year seem harder and overwhelming sad. When I am able to step outside the sadness and the challenges, and see the joy and amazing things that I was able to accomplish (no matter how small they may be) then life all the sudden seems beautiful once again. Does this make sense?

For instance, professionally this year has been incredible for me. Despite having 2020 roll in and cancel all my incredible events, I pivoted in a way that I had only dreamed of prior. I won Top 40 Under 40 for Southwest Florida (2nd time in two years!!), I was featured in 4+magazines, my business has grown and remained in the black all year, and I have expanded into a place where I am actually having fun in my business again. It’s amazing!

So as we all reflect back on 2020, I’d ask that you allow all of the feeling in…but do your best to flip the script and find some inspiration and amazement from this year.

After reflecting back on this year, consider what you would like to leave behind in 2020?

For me personally, I am leaving old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve me. I have stepped into my own, I have found what truly makes me happy, and you can bet that I am bringing this with me into the New Year!

Journal Prompt:

Find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and think back on this year. Allow all the emotions and months to rush through your being, feel it all. Then open your eyes, and write down the first things that come to mind….what would you like to leave behind in 2020?

Photo By: Jontel Chere

Photo By: Jontel Chere

Sea Salt

Eating out and healthy don’t typically go hand in hand. In fact, I have worksheets and handouts for my clients to help prepare them for dining out. I’ve given countless talks on how to successfully dine out, but the truth it’s not likely that one meal out is going to completely ruin your goals. It’s all about eating real whole foods, and eating as clean as possible - at home or out.

My husband and I recently dined at Sea Salt in downtown Naples, and I was so impressed by their healthy dinner options. The fish was so fresh, and they were also able to modify almost anything on the menu to meet my gluten free and dairy free needs, making it so much easier for me!

Sometimes I worry about going out to eat…is there going to be anything I can eat…will someone try to pass wheat pasta off as gluten free (it’s happened!)… is this going to be more stressful than enjoyable?

The staff at Sea Salt, Sasi and Tanya took excellent care of us, and made sure that everything was allergen free for me. I would definitely recommend Sea Salt to anyone who is gluten free and dairy free, they made it so easy for me!

Dining at Sea Salt is a very different dining experience, it almost felt as though we were transported to another city. We felt very safe amidst COVID-19, and really enjoyed the decor and the theme of the restaurant. Upon seating our waitress, Sasi, explained to the different salts that they were serving that evening. We were served pink himalyean, black lava salt from Hawaii, and red clay salt from Hawaii. I love how this creates a unique experience each time.


I often tell my clients to be wary of the bread basket, but we definitely enjoyed a piece or two! Everything in moderation, plus we had to try the salts.


We were first served small bites of salmon & faro for my husband, and an apple slaw and shrimp for myself. These bites may have been small, but they were some of the best bites of the evening! My husband is still talking about the salmon and faro.


We then split the grilled octopus, which is one of my favorite dishes to order when dining out…and a super healthy one I might add!


For our entrees we had branzino and wagyu shorts ribs, served with sorbet and gelato for dessert.


This was a super special meal for us, and made great leftovers the next day!

Sea Salt served us some super fresh bites, and the meal really built upon itself. We were able to taste everything without feeling overly stuffed.


Thank you to Sea Salt for hosting us.

#hosted #ad

It's not luck

I have faced my share of challenges and disappointments this year, as many of you have. I feel incredibly blessed to have a business that I not only love, but is thriving amongst the chaos of 2020. Two years ago I began setting my business up for the online platform I have now, knowing that this is where I wanted to be. 

Moving my business online has not only allowed me to be home and support my family in a way that I was unable to before; but it allowed me to actually support my clients and my online community in a way that I had been unable to previously.

I have always been incredibly driven and had a reach for the stars mentality. {no joke, in the 3rd grade when my teacher asked what I wanted to be when I grow up I said business women.} When I began setting up my online platform and online business two years ago, it was not the “popular” thing to do. Some in the industry questioned my reasoning and my ability to really connect with my clients thru technology. Never the less I persevered knowing deep down that I would be where I am today. After 3 years of working part time with my clients virtually, and six months of working with virtual clients full time I can say that the screen does not prevent connection and growth. Working with clients in person will always be special, but working with clients virtually - all over the country - allows me to share my light and create magic in a way I need could before. 

In lieu of some new projects I am working on I have met with several female entrepreneurs recently, and some of the biggest questions/comments I get is how do create something like you have? How do I transition my business? How do I get my name out there? Where do I start?

Well, that’s the hardest part and it has taken me seven years of hard relentless work in this community to get to where I am today. Knowing the lessons and the tools I know now…probably could have done it much quicker LOL, but the journey is what has been so special. 

I feel incredibly blessed to be supported by my community, and to have been featured in 4 magazines from July - September 2020. I recognize how fortunate I am, but it’s not “luck”. 

It’s years of hard work, building relationships and genuine connections. It’s years of becoming an ‘expert’ in my field.

It’s not luck, I didn’t get lucky. It’s hard work, day in and day out. It took years of working 12-14 hours day, doing things some would never dream of doing, sacrifice upon sacrifice to get here…and I’m no where near where I know I can be. I believe in putting in a few years of my life sacrificing and living my life like most people won’t, so that I can live the rest of my life like most people can’t. (skinny confidential said it best)

I don’t have a PR team or even a publicist. This is all me. Truth be told I only have 1 part time team member working with me right now, I’m handling everything else. Although this was super overwhelming when it happened, it feels right, like this is exactly how it is supposed to be. 

So for everyone looking to begin and expand their personal brand into something magical, I believe in you. It’s possible. Whatever crazy dream and vision you have on your heart, you have the ability to create it. It’s probably not going to be easy. There will be late nights, early mornings, tears, sweat, and failures…but seeing your vision come to fruition is priceless. 

Hold the Alcohol

Many people have either stopped drinking entirely or have seriously limited their alcohol consumption in recent years. I believe that this trend is due to two factors: health and the increase in alcohol abuse. Personally I believe that we are becoming more educated as a society on our health and wellbeing, and to that tune we are understanding the importance of minimizing/eliminating alcohol from our diet. It is important to check in and see why you drink…to relax, unwind, celebrate, boredom etc. check in and see what your driving factors are. Since COVID-19 began in March 2020 alcohol and substance abuse has been on the rise. Many people I have talked to have dramatically increased their alcohol consumption since March primarily due to boredom and stress. Neither of these are healthy reasons to drink IMO.

The CDC has determined that long term excessive alcohol intake can lead to chronic diseases such as liver disease, high blood pressure, stroke, digestive problems and heart disease. No thank you! I think if we have all learned something this year it’s that our health is our greatest wealth. Without our health we have nothing. I’m not here to tell you to never drink again, not my style. As one of my teachers once said “I will never present you with a problem, without letting you know what you can do about it” - thanks Dr. H. So I’m here to provide you with another option!

If you have been following me for some time you know I love a good cocktail and cherish having a glass of organic wine with my hubby after work. However, as a Nutritionist I understand the importance of a healthy balance. Some days I want to feel like I’m enjoying a cocktail or a glass of bubbly with friends without the alcohol. A new category of “mocktails” has gained popularity in the past year, although I always question the amount of sugar in mocktails and the usage of unnecessary ingredients, until now….


When I discovered Sapiens Beverages I knew I had found something really special! Their high end, high quality vibe mixed with their passion for wine…non-alcoholic wine that is…is something really unique. Their mission to bring high quality alcohol free wines and champagnes to everyone is the definition of inclusivity. The folks behind Sapiens Beverages believe…”Our wines were created for the modern human. Whatever your background, whoever you are, wherever you are, however you celebrate. We’ll save a bottle for you.” I love it. 

Here is the story behind Sapiens Beverages “We believe in celebration, but even more than that, we believe in inclusion. Whether you’re not drinking for a lifetime, 9 months or just one round, you deserve elevated nonalcoholic options. Gone are the days of settling for :Soda, please” or sugar-laden mocktails. Sapiens is here to fill your glass.”.

Now everyone can raise a glass in celebration!


*this is a sponsored post, although all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Why you need an evening routine asap

For years I have been discussing my morning routine, and it is something I feel so passionately about. Most successful entrepreneurs can talk your ear off about how incredible their morning routine is, many credit their success to their coveted morning routine. 

But what about the evenings? How do we set ourselves up at night to have a successful and mindful next day?

A solid evening routine is crucial for a good nights sleep, but there’s more to it. A good evening routine can help your body and mind unwind from the day, aid in digestion, and help move your body from a sympathetic dominance into parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode. 

This first thing to discuss when talking about an evening routine is dinner. Ideally you should eat dinner 3-4 hours before you go to bed. This is a biggie. Many of my clients initially have a tough time with this one because of family schedules, meal prep, the list goes on. However, this is one of the most important ones for a good nights sleep. You need to allow your body to process, digest, distribute/utilize, and (maybe even) eliminate your dinner before you lay down. Your body has a difficult time digesting once you lay down, and this can lead to acid reflux, gas, bloating, undigested food etc. Your body works so hard when we sleep, this is the time our body regenerates and detoxes from the inside out. We don’t want to disrupt that cycle by forcing our body then to digest our dinner as well.

This next one is a big one too, and is especially difficult in our current society. After dinner, try to limit phone and screen time. Turning all screens off 2 hours before bed. Many people in our society struggle with this one…everyone is attached/addicted to their devices. When I suggest this people often ask “well, what do I do instead?”. This is your body’s time to begin winding down from your day, dim the lights, and do something that you will enjoy and will begin to relax the body. 

Here’s an example of my ideal evening routine…

early dinner

lemon ginger tea after dinner

epsom salt bath or a hot shower

dim lights (signals the body it is time to wind down)


limited phone/screen use

a good book  (this is usually the time I’ll read something for fun…no self help or nutrition books)

time with the husband

Comment below and let me know how you unwind in the evenings!


Checking In!

Happy Monday! I took a brief hiatus from blogging to take care a few things on the home front. I’m so happy to be back blogging and immersed in this incredible Lean and Green Body® community. 

I wanted to use today to check in and see how you are doing.

We have all officially been cooped up since March and I’m sure some days feel like the walls are closing in on you. 

My advice is to be patient. Instead of looking at the negative and dreading this time, think of all the positives! I mean you can pretty much wear your sweats to work now (what’s up Zoom Meetings!), your dog is probably becoming your new best friend, and you’re either really starting to love or hate your spouse (hey, you picked them!). 

In all seriousness, use this time to better your health - mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Do one thing every day to keep your health in check. 

Take a walk…not only is it an amazing way to get some Vitamin D, but fresh air! Take time to clear your mind, step away from your screens, and just breathe in the day.

Journaling has been a great way for me to not only get my thoughts out, but to clarify my goals and my direction. I have also been loving my gratitude journal during this time. Each morning I write 3 things I am grateful for, without over thinking, just the first 3 things that come to mind. By focusing our energy on what we are grateful for, it pulls us away from the negatives and areas in which we may feel we are lacking. 

A few other ways in which you can keep your health on track are: move your body every day, FaceTime a friend, schedule a virtual game night, read the stack of books you have been putting off, and have a good cry. 

Listen to your body during this time. Honor where you are each day, knowing that it will be different. Be sure to do at least one thing every day to keep your health in check. 


Comment below and let me know how you are keeping your health in check during this season.

How to Make Every Weekend Feel Like a Vacation!

I’m back from ‘vacation’!! Well, honestly it was just a long quiet weekend at home, but it was so relaxing it felt like a vacation. 

I feel like we are all in need of a good vacation at this point, right? 

I’m mean how many of us have had to cancel numerous trips because of this COVID-19? I know I was pretty upset initially to be missing out on vacations we had been planning for a year, but there’s nothing we can do. Except…vacation at home. 

I mean our homes are probably the safest places for us to be right now, it’s the most controlled environment. We are responsible for who and what we bring over…your house is probably the cleanest bar in town at this point too!

So today I’m sharing 3 ways that you can make every weekend feel like a vacation!

Turn off your devices… turn off the tv, put your phones on silent, and be super present with your family. We all spend so much time with our heads buried in our devices and on our screens that we are rarely truly present for our loved ones. It’s amazing when you turn off your devices what you will notice. What fun new conversations may spark, or new family hobbies may start. 

Get outside! We finally decorated our lanai over the weekend, and it’s like a whole other living space! I’m so in love with it. We bought a Weber grill, dining table, and some accept chairs and spent some solid time soaking up some vitamin D and grilling out. It was a breath of fresh air, literally, after spending the last few months inside the home. I’m so excited we finally took the plunge and furnished our lanai, I can see us utilizing this space often. 

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Try a new recipe! My husband and I love to cook together. Most of our favorite recipes take less than 30 minutes to make, but we recently started branching out and trying new recipes. It’s super fun to create these recipes together, and try new cooking techniques. One recipe we have been making on repeat is our Paella recipe try it at home this weekend!

These are just 3 ways you can make every weekend feel like a vacation. Spending time being fully present with your loved ones, spending time outside, and trying a new recipe!

Comment below and let me know how you like to spend your weekends!