Moving into the New Year

With the New Year quickly approaching…like how is it already here?!?…I have been thinking a ton about resolutions, intentions for the New Year and my goals for 2021.

Next week I’ll chat all things resolutions, intentions, and goals but today I wanted to expand upon my blog post from last week and discuss more about what we want to leave behind.

Sure 2020 sucked for a lot of people… in a ton of different ways.

Instead of focusing on how negative and awful the year was and bringing that negative energy and low vibe living into 2021 let’s take a deep breathe, shake it off, and move forward with love & light.

Somethings will never be the same after 2020, however instead of focusing on the negativity and the sadness I’d like to encourage you to dig deep and find some faith.

Faith in yourself to rise up, despite the setbacks and the hardships, and take ownership for your life again.

Yes COVID-19 is still here - and that is something we are unfortunately bringing into 2021 - however we can still find small ways to take ownership for our lives again…even if you are unable to leave the house.

Start small by setting up a morning routine or creating healthy habits that you can do each and every day to lift your vibrational energy.

Going for a walk, painting, reading or any form of self care can help to lift your energetic vibration…find something that works for you.

If we continue to focus on the negative, there will be more negative around us - that’s a true fact. The same is true if we focus on the positive, there will be more positivity around us.

There was enough negative in 2020, I’m choosing to acknowledge all of it but leave the negativity behind. I am choosing to move into the New Year with love and light. The more positivity I see, and the more positive energy I bring into this world, the more positivity I will receive back. Energy is all an exchange.

What would you like to receive?
