Checking In!

Happy Monday! I took a brief hiatus from blogging to take care a few things on the home front. I’m so happy to be back blogging and immersed in this incredible Lean and Green Body® community. 

I wanted to use today to check in and see how you are doing.

We have all officially been cooped up since March and I’m sure some days feel like the walls are closing in on you. 

My advice is to be patient. Instead of looking at the negative and dreading this time, think of all the positives! I mean you can pretty much wear your sweats to work now (what’s up Zoom Meetings!), your dog is probably becoming your new best friend, and you’re either really starting to love or hate your spouse (hey, you picked them!). 

In all seriousness, use this time to better your health - mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Do one thing every day to keep your health in check. 

Take a walk…not only is it an amazing way to get some Vitamin D, but fresh air! Take time to clear your mind, step away from your screens, and just breathe in the day.

Journaling has been a great way for me to not only get my thoughts out, but to clarify my goals and my direction. I have also been loving my gratitude journal during this time. Each morning I write 3 things I am grateful for, without over thinking, just the first 3 things that come to mind. By focusing our energy on what we are grateful for, it pulls us away from the negatives and areas in which we may feel we are lacking. 

A few other ways in which you can keep your health on track are: move your body every day, FaceTime a friend, schedule a virtual game night, read the stack of books you have been putting off, and have a good cry. 

Listen to your body during this time. Honor where you are each day, knowing that it will be different. Be sure to do at least one thing every day to keep your health in check. 


Comment below and let me know how you are keeping your health in check during this season.