6 Ways I am Finding the Calm Amid the Chaos

It’s no secret that Hurricane Ian rocked our Southwest Florida community. We have a long road to recovery and the devastation is simply heartbreaking.

There have been many times since we began prepping for Hurricane Ian’s arrival that have seemed like pure chaos. My nervous system was in constant sympathetic dominance {fight or flight} and I was having trouble regulating it and finding my calm.

Once I became aware that I was living in a sympathetic nervous system dominant state {stressed, anxious, worried..} I knew I had to use my tools to help shift myself back into a parasympathetic dominant state {rest and digest}.

The stress of hurricane clean up, the devastation left behind and the shock wasn’t leaving anytime soon, but I consciously made a choice to control what I could…and started with my breath.

Here are six ways that I am finding the calm amid the chaos

  • Daily meditation

  • Daily movement

  • Nourishing my body with real whole foods (and yes, that powerful Lean and Green Body® triple play!)

  • Fresh air, going for family walks and soaking in that vitamin D

  • Journaling {and almost purging whatever is on my heart that day}

  • Connecting with my community

These are just a few of the things I am doing to help me stay calm and regulate myself so that I can go out and be the best mother, wife and human for my Southwest Florida community.

Photo By Jontel Chere

At the iconic Naples Pier (pre-hurricane)

I’d love to know how you find your calm when life gets chaotic! Comment below and let me know! xx

5 Ways to set yourself up for success in 2022

I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions because they typically don’t last past Valentine’s Day. Instead I am all for creating mindful changes that will last well into 2022 and beyond.

So this year instead of creating a ton of resolutions that you may or may not stick to, why not set yourself up for success this year and create lasting change.

Here are 5 ways to set yourself up for success this year…

  1. Hydrate. You’ve heard me say this a million times, and I will continue to say it because it’s that important. Drinking enough water (I’m talking 90 oz of clean water for the average person) is a game changer for your health, your skin, your digestion, and literally hydrates every cell in your body.

  2. Meditate. Create a consistent daily meditation practice, and watch your life evolve and transform before your eyes. If you are just beginning start with 5 minutes every single day, and meditate at the same time and in the same place each day to start creating a consistent habit.

  3. Simplify. Now is the perfect time to clean out the closets, under the sinks, the garage and even the basement. Get rid of stuff you no longer use…a good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in 6 months then you probably won’t use it in the next 6 months. Stop hoarding and get rid of the excess.

  4. Movement. Get in the habit of moving your body everyday, even if it’s just a 20 minute walk at lunch. Find something you love to do, something that doesn’t feel like a chore, and commit to it daily. Move your body at the same time each day, and begin to create a new daily habit.

  5. Plan. Set aside time on Friday or Sunday to plan out the following week. Write out your work schedule, any appointments, coffee dates, and even schedule in your workouts and your meditation. Put yourself in you planner as an appointment- dare I say you are MORE important than any other appointment in your schedule - that way you already carved out the time and have no excuses. Then at the bottom of each day, plan out your meals. This will save time during the week, and will ensure you have healthy options on hand for busy days.

Reflecting back on 2020...

As we approach the end of 2020 (finally!) I can’t help but reflect back on this year.

The good, the bad, and the seriously ugly. This sure has been a year for the books.

Over the last several months I’ve noticed many of us getting stuck in talking about how awful and challenging this year has been…I’ve been guilty of this too at times.

I talk so much about flipping the script and how important it is to try and see things from another perspective; I’ve had to remind myself to do this at times this year and I’m here to gently remind you to do the same.

In a previous post I talked about how challenging this year has been for me personally, and how I would never had survived this year if it weren’t for the love and support of my husband. All of which is true, however when I stay in that mindset of trauma, loss, and challenges it only makes this year seem harder and overwhelming sad. When I am able to step outside the sadness and the challenges, and see the joy and amazing things that I was able to accomplish (no matter how small they may be) then life all the sudden seems beautiful once again. Does this make sense?

For instance, professionally this year has been incredible for me. Despite having 2020 roll in and cancel all my incredible events, I pivoted in a way that I had only dreamed of prior. I won Top 40 Under 40 for Southwest Florida (2nd time in two years!!), I was featured in 4+magazines, my business has grown and remained in the black all year, and I have expanded into a place where I am actually having fun in my business again. It’s amazing!

So as we all reflect back on 2020, I’d ask that you allow all of the feeling in…but do your best to flip the script and find some inspiration and amazement from this year.

After reflecting back on this year, consider what you would like to leave behind in 2020?

For me personally, I am leaving old patterns and behaviors that no longer serve me. I have stepped into my own, I have found what truly makes me happy, and you can bet that I am bringing this with me into the New Year!

Journal Prompt:

Find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and think back on this year. Allow all the emotions and months to rush through your being, feel it all. Then open your eyes, and write down the first things that come to mind….what would you like to leave behind in 2020?

Photo By: Jontel Chere

Photo By: Jontel Chere

Labor Day Ideas

With Labor Day just around the corner I wanted to share some of my favorite day trips in Southwest Florida. 

Florida has so much to offer us, and luckily most of it is just a drive away!

Here are my top 5 favorite day trips in Southwest Florida.

Naples Pier.

Send the day at the beach. Relax in the sunshine, while you watch the dolphins play. This is the perfect time to give paddle boarding or fishing a try! While you are downtown enjoy lunch at the beach or a local restaurant in Olde Naples. 

The Sanibel Lighthouse. 

This beautiful day trip will take you over the Sanibel causeway and you will witness some of the most breathtaking views in South Florida. Enjoy the short beach hike to the light house! While at the beach you can swim, fish or just relax in the sand. 

Siesta Key Beach

This beach has been ranked as the top beach in the United States for several years in a row.  The super soft white sand and expansive beach offers a lot of activities for family and individuals. 

Paddle Boarding at Wiggins Pass 

Wiggins Pass is hands down my favorite state park in Florida. With so many different activities within the park, you can create a whole day of adventure. Paddle boarding at the pass, either in the gulf or in the calmer back waters (through the boat launch) is my favorite way to spend the day! This beautiful paddle will allow you to explore the best of Southwest Florida from a different angle…and who knows you may even get to see some of southwest Florida’s wildlife. 

Downtown Fort Myers

Need a day off from the beach, no problem! Enjoy walking the cobble stone roads of downtown Ft. Myers and enjoy the vast variety of restaurants and nightlife. This area offers many events and live music as well!

*Be sure to check specific locations for parking costs and toll fees.

What are some of your favorite spots in Southwest Florida?? Comment below and let me know!

Photo By Ricky Khosla

Photo By Ricky Khosla