6 Ways I am Finding the Calm Amid the Chaos

It’s no secret that Hurricane Ian rocked our Southwest Florida community. We have a long road to recovery and the devastation is simply heartbreaking.

There have been many times since we began prepping for Hurricane Ian’s arrival that have seemed like pure chaos. My nervous system was in constant sympathetic dominance {fight or flight} and I was having trouble regulating it and finding my calm.

Once I became aware that I was living in a sympathetic nervous system dominant state {stressed, anxious, worried..} I knew I had to use my tools to help shift myself back into a parasympathetic dominant state {rest and digest}.

The stress of hurricane clean up, the devastation left behind and the shock wasn’t leaving anytime soon, but I consciously made a choice to control what I could…and started with my breath.

Here are six ways that I am finding the calm amid the chaos

  • Daily meditation

  • Daily movement

  • Nourishing my body with real whole foods (and yes, that powerful Lean and Green Body® triple play!)

  • Fresh air, going for family walks and soaking in that vitamin D

  • Journaling {and almost purging whatever is on my heart that day}

  • Connecting with my community

These are just a few of the things I am doing to help me stay calm and regulate myself so that I can go out and be the best mother, wife and human for my Southwest Florida community.

Photo By Jontel Chere

At the iconic Naples Pier (pre-hurricane)

I’d love to know how you find your calm when life gets chaotic! Comment below and let me know! xx

5 Ways to put yourself first this holiday season

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season.

The holidays can be a stressful and difficult time for many of us, so I wanted to remind you of 5 ways you can take care of yourself and ease your burden this holiday season.

For many of us it can be extremely difficult to put ourselves, especially during the holidays. As a wellness expert please let me tell you it is so important that you take care of yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) so that you can go out and give your best and be your best for everyone else.

Here are 5 ways you can take care of yourself and put yourself first this season….

The holidays can be such a busy time. They are filled with tons of emotions, parties, and checklists. You need to take time to unwind every day and allow time for your body to recharge. Perhaps, you can go to bed just 30 minutes earlier every night for the rest of the year.

The holidays are notorious for cookies, candy and spiked egg nog. Be sure to balance out your indulgences with tons of fruits, vegetables and water. Start your morning with the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play and you’ll be off to a great start! Increase your daily recommended water intake from 8-8 oz glasses daily to 10-8 oz glasses of water per day; this will help keep you hydrated, and will assist in cleansing the body.

3. MOVE.
Take a minimum of 30 minutes every day to move your body. Ride your bike, take a walk with loved ones, try a new fitness class... sweat every day! Exercise not only helps keep our physical body healthy, but helps to keep our mental and emotional body in balance as well.

4. PLAN.
Plan your weeks out in advance. One of my favorite things to do on Friday’s is to plan the following week out. I write down all appointments, meetings, dinners, and schedule my workouts. This allows me to clearly see what I am dealing with and create a plan of action. I can schedule mid-week grocery runs, holiday parties, and leave room for the unexpected.

Meditation is the key to a balanced life. Taking a few minutes, if you are a beginner perhaps start with 5 minutes, every day to sit in stillness and just breathe. Find a connection to your breath, letting go of the outside world, your to-do lists and just tune into your body. There are numerous benefits of meditation; one of my favorites is that it helps me to slow down. I am constantly on the go, and the holidays seem to be even busier, my meditation practice allows me time to check in and pause. Afterwards, I feel a sense of renewal and peace.

The holidays can be a very busy time, don’t forget to take time for YOU!