4 Tips to Keep Mom Energized!

Keeping up with a one year old is no small task!

I swear on most days it feels like Bodhi has more energy than me.

In order to keep up with him, and not over caffeinate, I’ve come up with 4 fool proof ways to keep myself energized and ready for a day of exploring with my little babe.

4 Tips to Keep Mom Energized!

  1. Hydrate! Water is key, and essential for every cell of our body. We are so similar to plants, and some times when we are feel fatigued we simply just need a glass of water. My goal is to drink 100 oz of plain water every day.

  2. Don’t skip a meal. I see so many Mamas simply eating their kids leftovers or scraps, and that simply will not provide us with enough energy to keep up with these little babes. We need to make sure that we are fueling our body and healthy nutrient dense meals. When I know that we have a busy day ahead, I plan out my meals and snacks. For instance, I’ll stop at Crisp & Green and grab a protein shake on the way to our next adventure, or stock up on their bowls or salads so I’m ready for the next day (keep the dressing on the side so it stays fresh!).

  3. Fresh air & Vitamin D. Sometimes simply stepping outside, going for a walk, or a swim in our pool help both of us reset and energize. The sun is incredibly energizing, and being indoors all day can really zap your energy. So mix it up and take your littles ones outside for nature’s cure!

  4. Chorella, one of my absolute favorite supplements, and a true energy booster! It’s packed with incredible nutrients, plus it binds to heavy metals and helps your body naturally detox (detox = more energy). The benefits of chorella are endless, this is my favorite one right now CHORELLA. As always please check with your Doctor, Naturopath or Certified Nutritionist before beginning as new supplement regimen.

As Mamas we spend so much time making sure our babies and our families are taken care of, but we need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves. We can’t serve from an empty cup (or stomach for that matter!).

Food is energy and what we eat matters.

These are 4 tools that help me on a daily and weekly basis stay energized and fueled up! I’d love to hear how you keep your energy up with a little one, comment below and let me know!

I receive a small commission for links in this blog post which help to keep my business running, and allow me to share more nutrition and wellness tips and tricks with you! As always all opinions, thoughts, and words are entirely my own.

#ad Crisp & Green Ambassador

Bodhi's One!

I can’t even believe I am already writing this post, my baby is ONE!

I have dreamed of this moment for years, and it has always seemed so far away.

The last year had flown by, but it has also encompassed so much physical, emotional and mental change that it seems like it’s been a lifetime.

The beginning of my postpartum journey was really challenging, (for reasons I have yet to discuss publicly) and it was super lonely. I was moving through so much as a new mom, caring for my brand new baby with virtually no support expect for my sweet Husband, that had to go back to work at 4 weeks. Luckily, I met some incredible Mama friends with babes the same age as Bodhi and they have offered me an immense amount of support over the last 12 months.

Becoming Bodhi’s Mama has been the absolute best gift ever, and by far the most incredible thing my Husband and I have ever done.

Watching him grow, explore, and view the world with wonder and excitement is something I will never get over.

I know many Moms say that having a baby is the biggest blessing, but it honestly has been. Over the last year (and even the 10 months I was pregnant before that) I have been able to see myself in a new light. I have been able to shed layers, people, and things that simply no longer serve me. I have been able to get rid of body image issues I had for 20 years, and finally see my body for the incredible, beautiful, and resilient thing that it is. I have been able to shift my mentality from work-work-work and do-do-do to be-be-be.

Thanks to Bodhi life now is all about BE-ing more, and DO-ing less.

Putting my phone down, canceling meetings and working less so that I can be fully present for my family.

It’s been a beautiful journey - albeit there were lots of tears and lessons - it has been beautiful.

Thank you B for choosing me to be your Mama.

How to be More Empathetic to New Mother

I’ve wanted to write this blog for a long time, but was unsure how to communicate what I was seeing.

Since becoming a Mama, almost one year ago, I’ve noticed a strange pattern.

Many, definitely not all, but many Moms-of-older-kids (adults kids) seem to want to relate to my experience by comparing it to their own experiences.

Although I like to think this comes from a kind place, there are a few problems with this approach.

First, everyone’s experience is beautifully and unique. By comparing your experience to someone else’s you are taking away from their current experience, and their feelings. When this happens we are invalidating their experience, and it can come across hurtful and rude.

{obviously, there are exceptions to this and sometimes as humans we do not know any other way to connect, but how you choose to communicate in these situations is so important.}

Second, there’s a solid chance that they did not have the same experience you are having. It’s very rare for two people to have the exact same experience.

For instance, when this happens to me (and it’s happened soooo many times over the past year) it made me feel invalidated. I had a very different experience getting pregnant than these women, I am also having a very different postpartum journey than them. I am a full time stay at home mom and a full time entrepreneur, and many of these women went back to their (out of the house) careers at 6 weeks.

I fully support women going back to work whether it’s for financial reasons or because they truly love their job, women need an identity outside of Mom.

At the same time I fully support women stopping their careers and becoming full time stay at home moms, this by far is the hardest job there is IMO.

Womens on both paths should be validated in their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When we choose not to listen, but instead to push our own agenda “yeah I remember what it’s like” … you get rid of any empathy or connection. Instead this Mama who was trying to open up to you, and perhaps be vulnerable with you, now feels railroaded and invalidated by your lack of empathy.

Moral of the story… let’s all be kinder. The world needs more kindness.

When a new Mom, or anyone, opens up about their struggles, their day or their story - allow it to be THEIRS. Actively listen and be empathetic.

Sometimes people just need someone to talk to, especially stay at home Mamas who haven’t talked to another adult all day, be that for them.

Photo By JOntel CHere

5 Ways to Reset Your Week

Last week was a super challenging week for me.

My husband was away in Switzerland for work, and I was left on solo mama duty for over a week…with no help but some incredible friends!

For most of the week I felt like I was in survival mode, we definitely were not thriving over here.

BUT - I survived and was able to reset my week and we actually ended the week on a good note!

First, all you single, stay at home mamas with no help I have no idea how you do it.

Second, it truly takes a village and I am so grateful for our friends here in Naples who checked on me daily and went on numerous outings with Bodhi & I!

Okay, so how do you reset your week - even when it’s totally off course - when you are living in your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and just trying to make it through??

I’m going to share 5 Ways to Reset Your Week that helped me so much!

  • Connect with a friend… call a friend or better yet meet up for coffee or a cold pressed juice, support and connection is everything

  • Movement & Vitamin D… if you can combine the two and get your movement in outside even better! I love to walk a few miles with Bodhi, get a stroller workout in and we both have been loving the pool!

  • Grab your favorite smoothie… treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or indulgence! My current favorite smoothie is the Rise & Grind at Crisp & Green here in Naples!

  • Meditate…it may seem like the last thing you want to do {been there} but it one of the best things you can do to reset your week, get your mind right and calm your nervous system. It will literally help shift your nervous system from Sympathetic N.S. Dominance (fight or flight) to Parasympathetic N.S. Dominance (rest and digest)…which we should be living in 80% of the time anyway.

  • Journal… write down all of your troubles, your worries, your anxieties, whatever is on your heart write it down and release it. Often times we don’t feel comfortable or don’t have someone to truly open up to about whats weighing on our heart, so writing can be extremely therapeutic and healing.

I’d love to know how you reset your weeks when they are feeling off. Comment below and let me know! xx

#crispandgreenambassador #crispandgreen

Tuscan Kale and Shrimp Wrap

My tuscan kale and shrimp wrap may sound fancy, but it’s easier than you may think!

Turns out it is possible to have a decedent lunch as a new mom.

This lunch literally look me 5 minutes to make, and I will definitely be adding this into my lunch rotation.


Organic tuscan kale (2 cups/ 2 handfuls)

Wild caught shrimp (already cooked, deveined, and no shell) - serving size approx. 8 large shrimp, 16 small/medium shrimp

Avocado oil

Mayo / Vegan mayo / Olive oil

Salt and Pepper to taste

Quinoa wrap

Low sodium chicken broth


Thaw shrimp in a bowl of room temp water.

Wash and trim kale, cook in a small pot on medium/low heat with 1 ounce of low sodium chicken broth and a dash of avocado oil.

Cook kale for approximately 3-4 minutes until it begins to wilt, then turn off the stove and remove it from heat.

Drain the water from your shrimp - be sure they are all thawed.

Place shrimp in a bowl and add 1 tsp of mayo / vegan mayo / olive oil (your choice!) to the shrimp. Sprinkle in salt and pepper to taste, and mix together.

Add kale to wrap and top with shrimp, and enjoy!

It’s really that simple.

On days that I’m covered in spit up, breastmilk…and let’s be honest who knows what else lunches like this bring me back to life and make me feel like an adult again.

This tuscan kale and shrimp wrap is loaded with fiber, protein, Vitamin A, Folate, ALA and Omega-3 fatty acids. It is sure to power you up and help you get through the afternoon!

Hope you enjoy!

5 Ways to Destress this Holiday Season

Let’s face it the holidays can be stressful.

Between finishing up year end at work, juggling holiday gathering, family, and loads of expectations it’s a lot!

To help you find some balance this holiday season, I’m sharing 5 ways you can destress over the next few weeks!

  1. Talk a walk. This one is especially great when you have family or friends over and you need a little reset. Just excuse yourself and get some fresh air. The sun on your face, the fresh (hopefully crisp) air will do a world of good for your mental health.

  2. Meditate. You’ve heard me talk endlessly about the benefits of meditation…and this is the time we ALL need to meditate. Breathe it all in, let it all go.

  3. Movement. Move your body in some way every single day. This not only will help you sweat out the holiday cocktails from the office Christmas party, but will help you reset and reframe your mind and allow you to really enjoy this season.

  4. Let go of expectations. People love to transfer their expectations onto you, especially this time of year. Let that shit go. It’s not yours. You only have to live up to your expectations for yourself, no one else’s (that includes your parents). The holidays are such a magical time, allow yourself the chance to soak it all in and let go of anything that is not truly serving you.

  5. Just say no. I’m giving you full permission to say NO this holiday season. Say no to the extra holiday party, drinks after work, the community event, a family gathering, whatever it is…if it’s not a hell yes for you, then it’s a no. Let yourself off the hook.

I’ve had the privilege to work with hundreds of clients over the years, and have seen that much of our stress stems from our desire to live up to other people’s expectations. We get so wrapped up in meeting everyone else’s expectations, going to all the parties, seeing all the family, doing all the things that we forget to meet our own expectations.

At the end of the day you have to honor yourself and do what is truly best for you.

So I encourage you this holiday season to utilize the 5 tools above to keep your stress low, let go of the expectations, and really enjoy this magical season!

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to Make my Avocado Egg Sandwich

This has been my Husband’s go-to breakfast of late! It’s so yummy and such a great blend of healthy fat, fiber & protein I had to share the recipe with all of you!

We prefer to eat this sandwich open face, and it actually tricks the mind into thinking we’re eating more than we really are! The fiber and healthy fats from the avocado, along with the protein from the eggs will keep you fueled for a busy day ahead!

Avocado Egg Sandwich


2 Slices of Ezekiel Bread (or bread of your choice)

1 Ripe Avocado

3 Eggs

1/2 Lemon

Manitoba Hemp Hearts

Salt & Pepper to taste


Toast your bread, wash and prep avocado.

Using a spoon take the ripe insides out of the avocado shell (removing the seed) and place half on each piece of toast. Mash avocado on toast with a fork, then squeeze a bit of lemon on the avocado for brightness!

On medium-low heat cook 1 whole egg and 2 egg whites, until cook through. Stir often so eggs become fluffy and well scrambled.

Add scrambled eggs to avocado, half on each slice of toast.

Sprinkle hep hearts of top of your eggs, and add salt & pepper to taste if desired.


My Top 5 Breastfeeding Tips

This was certainly never a blog post I thought I would write! Motherhood has broken me down, cracked me wide open and change me down to my core {in the best way possible of course}.

I have received so many questions about my breastfeeding journey {7.5 months and counting!} so I thought I would share the top 5 things that have helped me on this journey.

  1. Hydration! It feels like I am always thirsty, breastfeeding requires us to stay extra hydrated. I notice a big difference in my supply when I am behind in my fluids.. My goal is 100 oz of plain water each day.

  2. Oatmeal, if you follow me on Instagram you know how much I swear by this one! I love One Degree oatmeal because it is clean and glyphosate free. Oats help my body to produce more milk for my baby, so I try to eat oatmeal about 5 days a week.

  3. Limit stress. This one may not seem to have anything to do with breastmilk supply, but I promise when I am stressed or overdone breastfeeding not only becomes more work but I notice a drop in my supply. I have to admit that over the last year my stress has dropped considerably. Pre-baby I would say that I felt stressed multiple times per week and now I rarely feel stressed {perhaps I should share this is in another blog soon!}. Daily meditation and walks outside help me to manage stress, tension and any thing else that pops up.

  4. Silverettes. I swear just buy them. A girlfriend mentioned these to me when I was pregnant, and I wasn’t convinced but bought them anyways…and it was the single best purchase I made for this journey. Silverettes are made out of .925 sterling silver and you wear them inside your bra, under your nursing pads to help heal and protect your nipples. They have made my breastfeeding journey a much more enjoyable experience!

  5. Listen to your body. This is probably the biggest thing that has worked for me. It can be tough to tune out the noise and suggestions from everyone else, but do your best, tune into your body and your baby and allow your intuition to guide you. Breastfeeding is one of the hardest things I have ever learned to do {yes learned, it’s not always innate} but it is hands down the most rewarding. Before each feeding session take a few deep breathes, let your day melt away, put away distractions, and allow this to purely be about connecting with your babe.

These are 5 things that have truly helped me on this journey and made breastfeeding an enjoyable experience! That being said I do not know how long I will breastfeed for. I have chosen not to put any limits or expectations on myself, and have done my best to tune out the thoughts and opinions of others in regard to this. I plan on breastfeeding for as long as feels right for me and for my son, and that’s it. I trust that we will know when it is time to stop.

Lastly, I understand how blessed I am to have a good supply {correction a great supply} and be able to feed my son as long as I have. It is not easy, and I know many Mamas who have not been able to breastfeed this long - or at all. There should never be any shame towards parents for how they choose to feed and nourish their children. I am simply sharing my authentic experience and the tools that have worked for me.

I would love to hear your breastfeeding stories and what has worked for you!

Please comment below and LMK!

Two Healthy Halloween Treats

Halloween treats tend to be loaded with sugar and dozens of unnecessary ingredients, so this year I’m sharing two of my favorite (healthy) halloween treats!

Bonus… your little ones will love making these with you!



  • 5 organic tangerines

  • 2 sticks of organic celery (with leaves)


  1. Peel the tangerine, and remove all of the white inner membrane of the peel that you can.

  2. Wash an dry the celery, then cut into 2 inch narrow pieces.

  3. Place celery inside the peeled tangerines.

  4. Use the celery tops as decor, arrange them on the tangerine to look like pumpkin leaves.



  • 3 bananas

  • 3/4 cup vanilla yogurt

  • 12 mini chocolate kisses

  • 6 wood popsicle sticks


  1. Place wax paper over a baking pan. 

  2. Peel bananas and cut them in half lengthwise.

  3. Insert a popsicle stick into the cut end of each banana, pushing it halfway up.

  4. Place the vanilla yogurt in a bowl. 

  5. Hold the pops by the wooden stick, and roll each banana in the yogurt to fully coat the outside. 

  6. Allow excess to drip back into the bowl.

  7. Add 2 mini chocolate kisses to the top of your ghost (push pointy end of kisses into banana) - this will make the eyes of the ghost.

  8. Lay all bananas on baking pan, and place in the freezer for 3 hours to allow them to fully firm up.

  9. Remove the pops from the freezer, and use a butter knife to remove from the wax paper if needed. 

  10. Serve right away!

I hope you'll forgive me...

Hi friends! It feels so good to connect with you again in this format. I’ve truly missed writing and the connection to my Lean and Green Body® family!

As I sat down to write this I noticed that it’s my first blog post since April 6?!? This has been the longest I have ever gone between blogs…ever!

I started my blog just over seven years ago, and it has been such a fun way to build a community, share recipes, wellness tips and so much more. There has been a ton of change and incredible pivots on my end (hello, baby Bodhi!) and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

Since it’s been a minute…more like 5 months… I thought it would be best to use this first blog post and update you on my life lately!

When I was pregnant with Bodhi I imagined sharing my postpartum journey in a real and raw way, and slowly transitioning that as he grew and sharing our mother son journey. While this is still my intention, and I will be sharing some fun things with Bodhi soon; becoming a Mother changed me. I have been incredibly open about so many parts of my life (painful and joyous) and this transition into Motherhood has been somewhat unexpected. I have wanted to keep many parts of my new Mama journey offline and private, not because they are bad - quite the opposite in fact. The past (nearly) 6 months have been so good and incredibly life changing that I have wanted to soak in every second and be as present of a mother and wife as I could be.

Stepping into my motherhood journey has been a beautiful (and let’s be real exhausting) time. It has transformed me in ways that I didn’t even realize were possible, and has opened up parts of me that I thought had been closed for good.

Bodhi has brought new meaning to my life and has allowed me to view my life, and my work, in a whole new way. I only have so much time and energy each day, and I have been very intentional about how I spend those currencies.

Bodhi is a Sanskrit name meaning enlightenment or awakening; and his birth has truly has been a time of awakening for me.

I hope you’ll forgive me for not been as present with all of you online (it’s been terrible for my SEO and engagement rate) but I have needed these past few months to just be.

Stepping into my new role has been a big transition for me, even though I have waited for this moment my entire life, there is only so much you can understand until you’re actually in it. Moving from full time entrepreneur, founder and boss to full time mama and part time boss babe has been huge.

I have welcomed these changes and done my best to find some sort of balance with it all…but does balance really exists??

Thank you for giving me space to adjust, grow and learn. I am ready to rejoin this community, and I can not thank you enough for sticking around - grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.

There is so much I want to share with you this Fall, from mom-life, recipes (for baby too!), wellness and self care hacks and tips, and so much more!

I also have some fun collaborations and new brands I have discovered over the past few months that I can’t wait to share!.

Comment below and let me know what you want to see!

My 4 biggest pregnancy cravings...

I’ve heard about pregnancy cravings my entire life, and most of the time they are strange out of the box type cravings that only a pregnant woman would understand. IYKYK

I thought it would be fun to share my top pregnancy cravings with all of you! As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist I try to always been very aware of what I eat and how it fuels my body and my energetics; that being said pregnancy is a whole new game and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

The first trimester I had more food aversions than food cravings. I have never been a big meat lover, which is odd because growing up family ate a ton of meat. This pregnancy, especially the first trimester, meat was such a trigger for me. In fact, I had to go upstairs while my husband cooked chicken because the smell made me so sick.

I didn’t really start to notice my cravings until I was well into my 2nd trimester. My biggest cravings have been… green juice (like 1-2 per day!), fresh cold fruit (blueberries, strawberries, apples, raspberries, blackberries…all of it), peanut butter (turns out you can put peanut butter on almost everything!), and coffee.

I was pleasantly surprised when I realized my body was naturally craving green juice and fresh fruit…what can I say baby is very on brand! lol These were both already a part of my diet, but the amount I am consuming of both have gone up tremendously. (and for those of you who think fruit is bad for you and your blood sugar…mine is the lowest it’s ever been…like ever.)

I feel like peanut butter is every pregnant woman’s craving. The amount that I have gone through this pregnancy is…well it’s a lot, let’s leave it there! I have been using peanut butter as a protein and a healthy fat for smoothies, oatmeal bowls, and so much more.

My last, and definitely my most surprising craving has been coffee. I was never a big coffee drinker, and pre-pregnancy only really drank it if I went out or on the weekends with my husband. Coffee has never been my thing…until now. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I “can’t have it” / need to limit my caffeine that makes me want it or just the taste itself. I’m leaning towards the latter. I don’t crave it for the energy boost, but for the actual coffee taste. After talking to my Doctor’s and doing some research myself, I learned that my coffee craving is actually due to my anemia. Apparently when you are anemic you often crave coffee and the bitter flavor. This is why I will forever consider myself a student, always learning something new!

My take on pregnancy cravings is very similar to my take on cravings in general. I do not believe in restricting, especially because it can become a very unhealthy habit quickly. Instead I feel it is okay to give into your cravings, occasionally, and in healthy moderation. Sitting down with a box of cookies every night is not healthy moderation, but allowing yourself to have 1 small cookie a day or a few days a week is totally fine. When we restrict and forbid certain foods it can quickly become an issue, especially mentally, and frequently leads to binging on that food. Listen to your body, and see what it’s really asking for. For example, my body isn’t really asking for coffee it’s asking for more iron and heme, so that’s what I give it.

I’d love to know what your biggest pregnancy crave is or was?!? Comment below and let me know!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Why we decided to hire a doula...

Pregnancy and birth are such beautiful and deeply personal experiences.

I feel fortunate that my husband and I have been on the same page as to what we wanted our birth to look like from day one. We want to create a beautiful experience for all three of us, allowing for as much holistic and alternative treatment and coping mechanisms as possible, while still having the security and back up of Nurses and Doctors. This is why we decided to birth at a Birth Center, and hire our own Doula to support us in the experience.

We are just weeks away from meeting our little guy, and have already met with our Doula several times. We weren’t exactly sure what to expect when we hired a Doula, first time parents over here, but she has already exceeded our expectations.

Our Doula, Alli, has guided us through what to expect during labor, various holistic coping techniques, has laid out what our options are, what to expect during and post labor and what to expect once we bring our little guy home. To say it has been helpful as a first time Mom, would be an understatement.

As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, I love holistic healing, prevention, and alternative medicine and Alli has walked us through all the alternatives and options available to us. She has also taught me new breathing techniques, and has reinforced the importance of remaining open and flexible during labor. As a yogi we often think that we are very open and flexible in the mind and body, but when it comes to labor we can sometimes have difficulty tapping into those ways of being. To help balance that out she has taught my Husband all of the coping and breathing techniques as well so he will be able to guide me when my mind is elsewhere.

Alli has helped us create a birth plan that aligns with our wishes while remaining open to allopathic treatments that may be necessary. Birth is such a personal experience, and it’s important to surround yourself with a team that you not only trust but that understands your goals and preferences. I feel so blessed to have my team of Doctors and Nurses whom I trust, my Doula and my Husband who will be my biggest support.

I hope to share more about our birthing experience with our Doula, and the techniques that I found most helpful, after baby boy arrives.

If you are pregnant or hoping to become pregnant I would highly recommend checking out Blue Moon Doula Care. She works with families in person and virtually, and is an excellent resource for first time parents.

This post is in no way sponsored, these are my own opinions and thoughts that I am sharing.

How to take your business to the next level

As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of growth, coaches, and mentors. I believe that we are always students, learning, growing and evolving. Personally, I have worked with many coaches throughout different periods of my personal and professional journey. I love the idea of someone else (ideally in the same or similar arena to you) helping you to visualize the next steps and work with you to create actionable change to reach your goals.

After dozens of inquiries over the past few years, and after mentoring several young inspiring wellness entrepreneurs in my local community I have decided to take the leap and begin offering business coaching for female wellness entrepreneurs!

The women I have already had the pleasure of working with have been incredible! Helping them to realize and see their full potential and their goals is so rewarding. These sessions have quickly become one of my favorite parts of my week!

Over the past 6+ years I have built a successful business virtually on my own, and my business is 100% completely self funded. I am so proud of what I have created, and what is to come for Lean ad Green Body®, let me help you create your dream business!

Click HERE to work with me and start living your dream today!

Ready to get fit?!?

Ready to get fit, live your healthiest life, and finally reach your fitness goals??

Let’s get started!

Working with me has never been easier (or more affordable!).

By request, I am now creating custom {written} workout plans to help women achieve their physical fitness goals. These workouts are perfect for women on the go, the busy Mama, or even the powerhouse exec…all looking to take their fitness to the next level, but with limited time to commit to in-person sessions.

You will complete 3 -30 minute workouts each week at your own space…and you will receive new workouts every 4 weeks!

Ready to get started…click HERE

This is a monthly subscription that is completely customized to your unique needs!

Want to learn more…click HERE

I’m so excited to be offering this service to all of you! It is allowing me to expand my reach and connect with even more Lean and Green Body® ladies across the county.

Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have… click HERE to contact the Lean and Green Body® team

Journal prompt for a healthier mindset

Energy is everything.

“what you think, you become.” - Buddha

There is a ton of scientific data that proves that our brain believes the words coming out of our mouth, so why not change them up and switch our mindset? If we can speak more positive thoughts, our brain will begin to believe those positive thoughts - and they will become our reality!

It seems quite simple, but it takes some practice. One easy way to begin this practice is by journaling.

Every morning in your journal I encourage you to write down 3 things you are grateful for in that moment, 3 things that spark joy for you, and 3 affirmations about yourself.

For example it could look something like this…

3 things I am grateful for:

  1. My Husband

  2. My House

  3. Living in the sunshine state

3 things that spark joy for me:

  1. The book I’m currently reading

  2. Long walks with my dog

  3. Sunsets at the beach

3 affirmations about yourself:

  1. I am smart

  2. I am resilient

  3. I am kind

These are just examples, choose what aligns with you in the moments each morning. Don’t overthink it, simply write what comes to you. Over time these 9 things will begin to become your truths, and although they may change daily, you will still be focusing your mindset on all the positive in your life and in yourself.

This positivity - and this mindset shift - will slowly begin to have a ripple effect out into your daily life. After 21 days of this practice you will notice that your positive mindset shift is lasting longer and longer, and stays with you for most of your day. When your mindset does shift towards the negative, it is now easier for you to bring it back these 9 things.

I can’t wait for you to try this exercise out tomorrow morning and see how much joy and positive it brings into your life!

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to find more JOY in everyday life

We are 17 days into the new year, and this is typically where new year resolutions seem to begin falling off the priority list. Instead of harping on yourself for ‘failing’ at your resolutions yet again…choose to switch it up. Instead of focusing on resolutions and how you are going to change yourself this year - focus on how you can add more JOY into your life this year!

By adding more joy into your life you will see that joy enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as your daily outlook!

So how are you going to add more joy into your life this year?

There are several ways in which you can add more joy into your life, here are a few suggestions…

  • Put yourself & your needs first (finally) - I promise this is not selfish, it’s essential

  • Start a new hobby!

  • Surround yourself with people who raise your vibration

  • Remove toxic people and toxic energy from your life - life is too short for that BS

  • Set aside 30 minutes everyday just for YOU! (hot bubble bath, crisp walk outside or dive into your favorite book)

  • Take your diet back - eat foods that not only fuel your body but foods that excite you!

Do something everyday that sparks joy for you!

Once you get in the habit of doing one thing daily that sparks joy, you can then add another…and another…until your day is full of joy! Your joy and your positive energy will overflow into other areas and relationships in your life, and eventually it will have a wave like effect touching everyone and everything around you. What a beautiful thought!

What’s one way you will add more joy into your life this week?

How to make my protein hot cocoa

There is something about cool winter months that has me craving a warm cup of cocoa. It’s cozy, sweet and very comforting. Growing up in Connecticut I remember many days sledding or skiing during the winter months and always running inside afterwards for some cocoa. It was always the best way to end the day!

However, the hot cocoa from my childhood is packed with artificial ingredients and loads of sugar. I knew this wasn’t an option for me (especially now that I’m pregnant) so I had to create one of my own!

This hot cocoa is high in protein, high in fiber, low in sugar and loaded with nutrients…and in my opinion tastes even creamier than the one from my childhood.

Lean and Green Body® Approved Hot Cocoa Recipe


Coconut Cloud Hot Cocoa Mix

Oatly Oat Milk

Garden of Life Chocolate Raw Meal


Steam one cup of oatly oat milk, then add 1 scoop of Garden of Life Raw Meal - shake or blend together.

Add 1 scoop of Coconut Cloud Hot Cocoa mix, and enjoy!

The Coconut Cloud Cocoa mix is a great product, and is vegan, gluten free and contains MCT oil. I like to mix it with the Garden of Life Raw Meal to add protein, fiber and essential nutrients to the cocoa. Even though the cocoa mix is relatively low in sugar, by adding protein and fiber to the drink you are assisting your body in the absorption of the sugar and helping to prevent a big sugar crash after your cocoa.

This combo also makes the drink super creamy! It has been my drink of choice the past few weeks.

Hope you enjoy!

Stay cozy friends. xxx

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My top 3 products to prevent stretch marks

I’ve heard numerous time during this pregnancy that stretch marks are inevitable during & after pregnancy… and truthfully I’m totally okay with them.

Honestly, I feel like after everything I have been through for this baby they would be like a badge of honor. My body is doing incredible things on the daily - I mean I’m literally growing a human?!? How cool!

So this blog is in no way bashing stretch marks. I’m simply providing tools and options to help prevent stretch marks and keep your skin hydrated and glowing before, during and after pregnancy!

Many belly oils and lotions contain toxic chemicals, and ingredients that can be harmful to you or baby. In the first trimester it is especially important to know what is in your products, as some “clean” products contain ingredients that can cause uterine contractions.

Here are the 3 non-toxic clean products I have been using this pregnancy.

Honest Co. Glow on Body Oil

My favorite belly oil I’ve tried! It’s clean non-toxic ingredients make me feel like I’m keeping baby safe, and it’s lux hydrating formula keeps my skin hydrated for hours!

Summer Friday’s

This lux balm feel amazing on my bump, and does not leave a greasy residue on my clothes. IYKYK

It is the most expensive balm/oil on my list, but I do feel the price is justified. Definitely worth trying!

Everyone Body Lotion

This is my favorite body lotion, and I literally buy it in bulk! I used this pre-pregnancy and I can’t get enough of it now. They even make one for babies, which we will be using for baby boy once he arrives. Super clean, no-toxic body lotion that won’t break the bank.

I’d love to know what your favorite products are to prevent stretch marks! Comment below and let me know.

  • Transparency: this post contains affiliate links, if you do purchase through the link I will make a small commission from the sale.

  • This blog post is in no way sponsored by or affiliated with any of the above companies.

4 Non-toxic beauty items I can't live without

I live for non-toxic, clean skincare.

I spend substantially more money, time and energy on my skincare than I do on makeup and beauty care.

Over the past few years I have learned that so many of our daily skincare products are loaded with harmful chemicals and toxins, and I made a huge switch to all non-toxic skincare, beauty care, and self care products.

I have a very consistent morning and evening skincare routine, and today I’m sharing 4 of my favorite non-toxic skincare items that I can not live without!

Acure Beauty Moroccan Argan Oil

Tula Brighting Eye Balm

Cocokind Texture Smoothie Cream

Cocokind Rosewater Toner

5 Ways to set yourself up for success in 2022

I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions because they typically don’t last past Valentine’s Day. Instead I am all for creating mindful changes that will last well into 2022 and beyond.

So this year instead of creating a ton of resolutions that you may or may not stick to, why not set yourself up for success this year and create lasting change.

Here are 5 ways to set yourself up for success this year…

  1. Hydrate. You’ve heard me say this a million times, and I will continue to say it because it’s that important. Drinking enough water (I’m talking 90 oz of clean water for the average person) is a game changer for your health, your skin, your digestion, and literally hydrates every cell in your body.

  2. Meditate. Create a consistent daily meditation practice, and watch your life evolve and transform before your eyes. If you are just beginning start with 5 minutes every single day, and meditate at the same time and in the same place each day to start creating a consistent habit.

  3. Simplify. Now is the perfect time to clean out the closets, under the sinks, the garage and even the basement. Get rid of stuff you no longer use…a good rule of thumb is, if you haven’t used it in 6 months then you probably won’t use it in the next 6 months. Stop hoarding and get rid of the excess.

  4. Movement. Get in the habit of moving your body everyday, even if it’s just a 20 minute walk at lunch. Find something you love to do, something that doesn’t feel like a chore, and commit to it daily. Move your body at the same time each day, and begin to create a new daily habit.

  5. Plan. Set aside time on Friday or Sunday to plan out the following week. Write out your work schedule, any appointments, coffee dates, and even schedule in your workouts and your meditation. Put yourself in you planner as an appointment- dare I say you are MORE important than any other appointment in your schedule - that way you already carved out the time and have no excuses. Then at the bottom of each day, plan out your meals. This will save time during the week, and will ensure you have healthy options on hand for busy days.