Bodhi's One!

I can’t even believe I am already writing this post, my baby is ONE!

I have dreamed of this moment for years, and it has always seemed so far away.

The last year had flown by, but it has also encompassed so much physical, emotional and mental change that it seems like it’s been a lifetime.

The beginning of my postpartum journey was really challenging, (for reasons I have yet to discuss publicly) and it was super lonely. I was moving through so much as a new mom, caring for my brand new baby with virtually no support expect for my sweet Husband, that had to go back to work at 4 weeks. Luckily, I met some incredible Mama friends with babes the same age as Bodhi and they have offered me an immense amount of support over the last 12 months.

Becoming Bodhi’s Mama has been the absolute best gift ever, and by far the most incredible thing my Husband and I have ever done.

Watching him grow, explore, and view the world with wonder and excitement is something I will never get over.

I know many Moms say that having a baby is the biggest blessing, but it honestly has been. Over the last year (and even the 10 months I was pregnant before that) I have been able to see myself in a new light. I have been able to shed layers, people, and things that simply no longer serve me. I have been able to get rid of body image issues I had for 20 years, and finally see my body for the incredible, beautiful, and resilient thing that it is. I have been able to shift my mentality from work-work-work and do-do-do to be-be-be.

Thanks to Bodhi life now is all about BE-ing more, and DO-ing less.

Putting my phone down, canceling meetings and working less so that I can be fully present for my family.

It’s been a beautiful journey - albeit there were lots of tears and lessons - it has been beautiful.

Thank you B for choosing me to be your Mama.

How to be More Empathetic to New Mother

I’ve wanted to write this blog for a long time, but was unsure how to communicate what I was seeing.

Since becoming a Mama, almost one year ago, I’ve noticed a strange pattern.

Many, definitely not all, but many Moms-of-older-kids (adults kids) seem to want to relate to my experience by comparing it to their own experiences.

Although I like to think this comes from a kind place, there are a few problems with this approach.

First, everyone’s experience is beautifully and unique. By comparing your experience to someone else’s you are taking away from their current experience, and their feelings. When this happens we are invalidating their experience, and it can come across hurtful and rude.

{obviously, there are exceptions to this and sometimes as humans we do not know any other way to connect, but how you choose to communicate in these situations is so important.}

Second, there’s a solid chance that they did not have the same experience you are having. It’s very rare for two people to have the exact same experience.

For instance, when this happens to me (and it’s happened soooo many times over the past year) it made me feel invalidated. I had a very different experience getting pregnant than these women, I am also having a very different postpartum journey than them. I am a full time stay at home mom and a full time entrepreneur, and many of these women went back to their (out of the house) careers at 6 weeks.

I fully support women going back to work whether it’s for financial reasons or because they truly love their job, women need an identity outside of Mom.

At the same time I fully support women stopping their careers and becoming full time stay at home moms, this by far is the hardest job there is IMO.

Womens on both paths should be validated in their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When we choose not to listen, but instead to push our own agenda “yeah I remember what it’s like” … you get rid of any empathy or connection. Instead this Mama who was trying to open up to you, and perhaps be vulnerable with you, now feels railroaded and invalidated by your lack of empathy.

Moral of the story… let’s all be kinder. The world needs more kindness.

When a new Mom, or anyone, opens up about their struggles, their day or their story - allow it to be THEIRS. Actively listen and be empathetic.

Sometimes people just need someone to talk to, especially stay at home Mamas who haven’t talked to another adult all day, be that for them.

Photo By JOntel CHere

3 Tips for a More Balanced Life

I feel like balance is something we all strive for, but many of us continue to fall short.

Balance is almost like the infamous carrot dangling in front of us, so close but always just out of reach.

Many people (esp on social media) appear to have it figured out, but I always wonder if they actually have it all together IRL??

Balance has never been more difficult to obtain than it has the last several months as a new mama. My husband and I went into parenthood with a loose idea of what we wanted it to look like and what our roles would be, and thank goodness it was a loose idea because it has shifted so much. I’m grateful that we have been able to be so flexible and listen to our intuition on what has felt right for us, and what continues to feel right for us moving forward.

I have decided to be a full time SAHM (stay at home mama) and run my business on the side (like during naps and any free moment I have). I don’t want to miss out on anything with Bodhi and love taking him to his music class and playdates, seeing his development and watching our bond grow has just been the best. That being said I don’t want to give up my business, I’ve worked so hard to build this brand over the last (almost) 8 years and feel so passionate about my mission. So…how do I find the balance?!?

Truthfully, balance is only something that I started to figure out in the last few months (and failed miserably at initially). I started my postpartum journey with a 3 month maternity leave, that quickly turned into 4 months and 6 months before I actually returned… thank goodness I run my own business! Now that Bodhi is 10 months old I feel like I’m finding my groove and discovering a new balance for my life.

I absolutely believe that balance is possible - for everyone.

That being said it’s going to look different for each individual. Our priorities really drive our energy and our focus, and it’s important to be super clear on these first before working towards a balanced life.

A balanced life is going to shift and evolve as you shift and evolve, we aren’t meant to be stagnant (trees, IYKYK). So your balanced life today will probably look very different than your balanced life 5 years ago.

For years I over worked as an escape, leading me into a very high stress and unbalanced life. (Totally do not recommend, lol.) It took years of unlearning and tapping into my purpose, and what I really wanted out of life. Many of us are taught certain ways of being and it’s up to each of us to decide if we want to keep those beliefs or make up our own new set of rules for our life.

Stepping into motherhood has been the absolute best blessing and has allowed me to continue shifting my focus, my beliefs about life, and create a whole new set of rules with my husband as to what we want out of life. It’s been a beautiful experience.

Finding balance in an ever changing world can be difficult, but if you are able to be flexible and allow yourself to go with the flow and follow your own set of rules I truly believe that balance is possible for everyone.

A balanced life for me means family first always, taking time for myself every single day, not only for self care but to breathe and just be, taking time for my work, time for movement, and taking time for community (friends, family, events).

To be honest, some days are tougher than others but if I allow myself to let go of my grasp and allow myself to go with the flow of my life rather than hold on so tightly I have found that balance (and joy) are much easier to come by.

My 3 quick tips to creating a life of balance:

  1. Discover what sparks joy for you…and commit a good chunk of your energy there

  2. Make sure that each area on your wheel of life is being met

  3. Take time for yourself everyday, just to be

Photo by JOntel chere

* newborn Bodhi ♥

One thing matters most

{written a few days after Hurricane Ian rocked our Southwest Florida community}

Tonight as I fed my son and put him to sleep tears streamed down my face.


I could no longer contain all the emotions that have been inside of me the past few weeks.

Utter overwhelm.

The emotions of the last two weeks prepping for the hurricane, riding out the hurricane with no contact to the outside world, and then dealing with the mass destruction to our city. Witnessing everything that was lost and the destruction really hit me.

Perhaps it’s because I’m a Mother now, or maybe it’s because I know so many parents who literally had to swim out of their homes with their children, or perhaps it’s because I’m an empath and I feel so deeply. Whatever it is, I could no longer hold back the emotions.

I was strong during the hurricane, making sure Bodhi’s days went on as normal as possible and aware of my energy so as not to transfer it onto him. In the days since the hurricane Bodhi, Ricky and I have collected thousands of dollars in monetary donations (which we have distributed as gift cards), baby items, pet items and other essentials and have driven across Southwest Florida directly distributing them directly to families in need.

This work has been incredible, extremely soul filling and is something I am proud to have Bodhi be apart of.

However, witnessing the devastation first hand has been traumatic.

But we will continue.

People need help, and if we can help in some small way and make their day or week a little brighter than its worth it.

The tears continued to stream down my face.

I snuggled my son a little bit tighter. Breathing in his sweet infant smell, resting my cheek onto his, and feeling our breaths sync together rhythmically almost becoming one.

I held onto this moment a bit longer tonight, pausing, and simply understanding that this moment right here is all that matters.

Material objects can be replaced, homes can be rebuilt, and I recognize that I can’t control anything out there; but right here in this perfect moment snuggling my son’s warm body into mine is all I need.

Photo By Jontel Chere

I hope you'll forgive me...

Hi friends! It feels so good to connect with you again in this format. I’ve truly missed writing and the connection to my Lean and Green Body® family!

As I sat down to write this I noticed that it’s my first blog post since April 6?!? This has been the longest I have ever gone between blogs…ever!

I started my blog just over seven years ago, and it has been such a fun way to build a community, share recipes, wellness tips and so much more. There has been a ton of change and incredible pivots on my end (hello, baby Bodhi!) and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

Since it’s been a minute…more like 5 months… I thought it would be best to use this first blog post and update you on my life lately!

When I was pregnant with Bodhi I imagined sharing my postpartum journey in a real and raw way, and slowly transitioning that as he grew and sharing our mother son journey. While this is still my intention, and I will be sharing some fun things with Bodhi soon; becoming a Mother changed me. I have been incredibly open about so many parts of my life (painful and joyous) and this transition into Motherhood has been somewhat unexpected. I have wanted to keep many parts of my new Mama journey offline and private, not because they are bad - quite the opposite in fact. The past (nearly) 6 months have been so good and incredibly life changing that I have wanted to soak in every second and be as present of a mother and wife as I could be.

Stepping into my motherhood journey has been a beautiful (and let’s be real exhausting) time. It has transformed me in ways that I didn’t even realize were possible, and has opened up parts of me that I thought had been closed for good.

Bodhi has brought new meaning to my life and has allowed me to view my life, and my work, in a whole new way. I only have so much time and energy each day, and I have been very intentional about how I spend those currencies.

Bodhi is a Sanskrit name meaning enlightenment or awakening; and his birth has truly has been a time of awakening for me.

I hope you’ll forgive me for not been as present with all of you online (it’s been terrible for my SEO and engagement rate) but I have needed these past few months to just be.

Stepping into my new role has been a big transition for me, even though I have waited for this moment my entire life, there is only so much you can understand until you’re actually in it. Moving from full time entrepreneur, founder and boss to full time mama and part time boss babe has been huge.

I have welcomed these changes and done my best to find some sort of balance with it all…but does balance really exists??

Thank you for giving me space to adjust, grow and learn. I am ready to rejoin this community, and I can not thank you enough for sticking around - grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.

There is so much I want to share with you this Fall, from mom-life, recipes (for baby too!), wellness and self care hacks and tips, and so much more!

I also have some fun collaborations and new brands I have discovered over the past few months that I can’t wait to share!.

Comment below and let me know what you want to see!