5 Ways to Reset Your Week

Last week was a super challenging week for me.

My husband was away in Switzerland for work, and I was left on solo mama duty for over a week…with no help but some incredible friends!

For most of the week I felt like I was in survival mode, we definitely were not thriving over here.

BUT - I survived and was able to reset my week and we actually ended the week on a good note!

First, all you single, stay at home mamas with no help I have no idea how you do it.

Second, it truly takes a village and I am so grateful for our friends here in Naples who checked on me daily and went on numerous outings with Bodhi & I!

Okay, so how do you reset your week - even when it’s totally off course - when you are living in your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and just trying to make it through??

I’m going to share 5 Ways to Reset Your Week that helped me so much!

  • Connect with a friend… call a friend or better yet meet up for coffee or a cold pressed juice, support and connection is everything

  • Movement & Vitamin D… if you can combine the two and get your movement in outside even better! I love to walk a few miles with Bodhi, get a stroller workout in and we both have been loving the pool!

  • Grab your favorite smoothie… treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or indulgence! My current favorite smoothie is the Rise & Grind at Crisp & Green here in Naples!

  • Meditate…it may seem like the last thing you want to do {been there} but it one of the best things you can do to reset your week, get your mind right and calm your nervous system. It will literally help shift your nervous system from Sympathetic N.S. Dominance (fight or flight) to Parasympathetic N.S. Dominance (rest and digest)…which we should be living in 80% of the time anyway.

  • Journal… write down all of your troubles, your worries, your anxieties, whatever is on your heart write it down and release it. Often times we don’t feel comfortable or don’t have someone to truly open up to about whats weighing on our heart, so writing can be extremely therapeutic and healing.

I’d love to know how you reset your weeks when they are feeling off. Comment below and let me know! xx

#crispandgreenambassador #crispandgreen