My #1 Mom Hack for a Healthy Dinner

A massive headache took me out yesterday, and I was in no shape to make dinner or prepare anything…so take out it was!

As a Certified Nutritionist eating healthy is my thing, I love it, it makes me feel good, and keeps me healthy and energized so I can keep up with B…so I wasn’t about to sacrifice all of that just for a night of take out.

Luckily, a few months ago I discovered Crisp & Green which offers healthy salad bowls, warm bowls and smoothies! Literally all of my favorite things and makes life so much easier for me.

What can I say it has quickly become my #1 mom hack.

So last night we ran over to Crisp & Green to pick up an easy and healthy dinner!

My husband loves the fiesta bowl and I made my own bowl last night. We were able to have dinner with B, stay on track with our goals and bonus no dishes! I think this may need to be a weekly thing…

If you’ve tried Crisp & Green comment below and let me know what your favorite bowl is!?!

My 4 biggest pregnancy cravings...

I’ve heard about pregnancy cravings my entire life, and most of the time they are strange out of the box type cravings that only a pregnant woman would understand. IYKYK

I thought it would be fun to share my top pregnancy cravings with all of you! As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist I try to always been very aware of what I eat and how it fuels my body and my energetics; that being said pregnancy is a whole new game and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

The first trimester I had more food aversions than food cravings. I have never been a big meat lover, which is odd because growing up family ate a ton of meat. This pregnancy, especially the first trimester, meat was such a trigger for me. In fact, I had to go upstairs while my husband cooked chicken because the smell made me so sick.

I didn’t really start to notice my cravings until I was well into my 2nd trimester. My biggest cravings have been… green juice (like 1-2 per day!), fresh cold fruit (blueberries, strawberries, apples, raspberries, blackberries…all of it), peanut butter (turns out you can put peanut butter on almost everything!), and coffee.

I was pleasantly surprised when I realized my body was naturally craving green juice and fresh fruit…what can I say baby is very on brand! lol These were both already a part of my diet, but the amount I am consuming of both have gone up tremendously. (and for those of you who think fruit is bad for you and your blood sugar…mine is the lowest it’s ever been…like ever.)

I feel like peanut butter is every pregnant woman’s craving. The amount that I have gone through this pregnancy is…well it’s a lot, let’s leave it there! I have been using peanut butter as a protein and a healthy fat for smoothies, oatmeal bowls, and so much more.

My last, and definitely my most surprising craving has been coffee. I was never a big coffee drinker, and pre-pregnancy only really drank it if I went out or on the weekends with my husband. Coffee has never been my thing…until now. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I “can’t have it” / need to limit my caffeine that makes me want it or just the taste itself. I’m leaning towards the latter. I don’t crave it for the energy boost, but for the actual coffee taste. After talking to my Doctor’s and doing some research myself, I learned that my coffee craving is actually due to my anemia. Apparently when you are anemic you often crave coffee and the bitter flavor. This is why I will forever consider myself a student, always learning something new!

My take on pregnancy cravings is very similar to my take on cravings in general. I do not believe in restricting, especially because it can become a very unhealthy habit quickly. Instead I feel it is okay to give into your cravings, occasionally, and in healthy moderation. Sitting down with a box of cookies every night is not healthy moderation, but allowing yourself to have 1 small cookie a day or a few days a week is totally fine. When we restrict and forbid certain foods it can quickly become an issue, especially mentally, and frequently leads to binging on that food. Listen to your body, and see what it’s really asking for. For example, my body isn’t really asking for coffee it’s asking for more iron and heme, so that’s what I give it.

I’d love to know what your biggest pregnancy crave is or was?!? Comment below and let me know!

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to make easy Japanese soup recipe

My client shared this recipe with me years ago, and it’s still one of my favorites!

I have made a few modifications to make it Lean and Green Body® approved…but let me tell you it is still packed full of flavor and nutrients! This recipe is perfect for winter months, but is light enough to enjoy in the summer as well.

This is sure to be a crowd pleaser for the whole family!

Japanese Soup Recipe


 64 oz. of low sodium chicken broth, plus 32 oz. water (less or more to taste)

1-2 TBSP Bragg’s liquid aminos

1-2 inches of fresh ginger (or to taste)

1 can of sliced water chestnuts

1 package of fresh of Shitaki mushrooms

1/4 cup of sliced green onions (only the green part)

2-3 handfuls of spinach or bok choy

Mini wontons (optional, avoid if making soup gluten free)


Bring broth, liquid aminos and ginger to boil. 

Add water chestnuts and green onions and simmer for about 5-10 min.

Add shiitake mushrooms, wait approximately 2-3 minutes and add dumplings if you are using them.

Add spinach or bok choy (if using bok choy you will need to cook a little longer).

Allow everything to simmer together on low/simmer for approximately 10-15 minutes.


How to Get Back on Track After Halloween

The day after Halloween can be as painful as New Years Day for some.

A sugar hangover can be as intense as an actual hangover.

Okay, so maybe you’re thinking you didn’t go trick or treating this doesn’t apply to me…but chances are you either handed out candy and swiped a few for yourself OR you helped your kids out by “organizing” their candy after they went to bed. No judgement for either way, but chances are you probably consumed more sugar last night than your body is used to and you’re likely not feeling 100% today.

Brain fog, fatigue, headaches, irritable?? Any of these sound familiar?

The best thing you can do after too much sugar is hydrate! Aim for your 100 oz of clean water today to help flush out the sugar and other toxins from the candy.

Focus your meals today on protein and fiber. Sugar is a drug, so when we consume sugar our body just wants more and more. Focusing your diet on protein and fiber today will help to balance out your blood sugar levels and fight cravings.

Perhaps your trick or treating looked more like cocktails with friends… same rules apply!

Hydrate and focus on protein & fiber!

You’ll be back on track in no time.

Lean and Green Body® x Wellness Bestie

It’s finally here!! I am so excited to announce the Wellness Bestie Membership Program for Women.

This is something that I created after seeing a void in the market. I was looking for something like this personally, and so were my clients…and so I decided to create it myself!

What sets the Wellness Bestie Membership apart from other memberships is that it combines all wellness, and really looks at the whole body. So many programs are either nutrition OR yoga OR fitness…and this combines it all!

Click HERE to learn all about the Wellness Bestie Membership!

The Wellness Bestie Program is a virtual Facebook community of like minded women sharing their journey’s through wellness. We will discuss motherhood, our cycles, fertility, weight management, food allergies, and so much more! I will lead a monthly class {virtually} which will focus on yoga, meditation, fitness or nutrition. This is your chance to connect with me and a tribe of women moving through similar journey’s, you will be supported like never before. Can’t wait to connect!

If you’ve always wanted to work with me but haven’t been able to yet - this is your chance!

You will be able to pick my brain and ask me questions, and have the support of a incredible tribe of women going through the same (or similar) journey. Most importantly I want you to know that you are not alone.

For a limited time the Wellness Bestie Membership is only $19.99/mo. Sign up now!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere