How to Get Back on Track After Halloween

The day after Halloween can be as painful as New Years Day for some.

A sugar hangover can be as intense as an actual hangover.

Okay, so maybe you’re thinking you didn’t go trick or treating this doesn’t apply to me…but chances are you either handed out candy and swiped a few for yourself OR you helped your kids out by “organizing” their candy after they went to bed. No judgement for either way, but chances are you probably consumed more sugar last night than your body is used to and you’re likely not feeling 100% today.

Brain fog, fatigue, headaches, irritable?? Any of these sound familiar?

The best thing you can do after too much sugar is hydrate! Aim for your 100 oz of clean water today to help flush out the sugar and other toxins from the candy.

Focus your meals today on protein and fiber. Sugar is a drug, so when we consume sugar our body just wants more and more. Focusing your diet on protein and fiber today will help to balance out your blood sugar levels and fight cravings.

Perhaps your trick or treating looked more like cocktails with friends… same rules apply!

Hydrate and focus on protein & fiber!

You’ll be back on track in no time.