How to find more JOY in everyday life

We are 17 days into the new year, and this is typically where new year resolutions seem to begin falling off the priority list. Instead of harping on yourself for ‘failing’ at your resolutions yet again…choose to switch it up. Instead of focusing on resolutions and how you are going to change yourself this year - focus on how you can add more JOY into your life this year!

By adding more joy into your life you will see that joy enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as your daily outlook!

So how are you going to add more joy into your life this year?

There are several ways in which you can add more joy into your life, here are a few suggestions…

  • Put yourself & your needs first (finally) - I promise this is not selfish, it’s essential

  • Start a new hobby!

  • Surround yourself with people who raise your vibration

  • Remove toxic people and toxic energy from your life - life is too short for that BS

  • Set aside 30 minutes everyday just for YOU! (hot bubble bath, crisp walk outside or dive into your favorite book)

  • Take your diet back - eat foods that not only fuel your body but foods that excite you!

Do something everyday that sparks joy for you!

Once you get in the habit of doing one thing daily that sparks joy, you can then add another…and another…until your day is full of joy! Your joy and your positive energy will overflow into other areas and relationships in your life, and eventually it will have a wave like effect touching everyone and everything around you. What a beautiful thought!

What’s one way you will add more joy into your life this week?

Learn How to Create Micro Habits

if you want change, start today.

if you want to build that business, start today.

if you want to run the race, start today.

whatever it is that you want, start today.

don’t wait to make your dream a reality.

start today by implementing micro habits that overtime will compound into massive change.

micro habits are tiny achievable habits you can commit to and actually achieve.

for example you want to build a business, take 5 minutes out of every single day to brain dump what that business looks like, colors, mission, core values etc.

you want to meditate every day, start with 60 seconds twice a day. Meditate right when you wake up and right before you close your eyes at night.

you want a cleaner house and want to simplify, designate one room per week and spend 5 minutes cleaning up and cleaning out.

over time these daily micro habits will compound, you will start to see real benefits from them.

you will start to see so much benefit from your meditation practice that you’ll start extending your 60 seconds to 5 minutes twice a day, and the benefits will be incredible.

you will slowly create your vision plan and outline your dream business; your house will become organized and simplified. Overtime these micro habits will have a tremendous impact on your daily life in such a positive way that you will find yourself willingly choosing to spend more time on these habits.

the growth will be incredible.

what micro habit will you start today? comment below and let me know!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

Learn How to Make My Chocolate Cherry Smoothie!

Chocolate & Dark Cherry are two epic flavor combos!

I was craving something sweet after my morning workout last week, and decided to make a healthy chocolate cherry smoothie?! Yum!!

This smoothie turned out so good, and the recipe is super simple I just had to share it with all of you!



Garden of Life Raw Meal Chocolate - 1 scoop

Almond Milk (I love Malk ) - 8 oz

Organic Cherries (if they are not in season you can use frozen organic cherries) - 1/2 cup

Chocolate Chips (I use the vegan chocolate chips HERE ) - 1 tsp


Add all ingredients into a blender and blend until all ingredients are mixed together!

Drink & Enjoy!


I love this Garden of Life Raw Meal because it is packed with vitamin, minerals, enzymes, pre and probiotics, fiber, protein… plus a tons of vegetables! You get such a huge benefit from just 1 scoop!

I hope you enjoy!! xx


5 Ways I am Making Wellness Accessible to All

My goal with Lean and Green Body® has always been to educate my greater community and to make holistic nutrition and wellness services available to everyone. It bothers me that not everyone has accessible to incredible, science based Nutrition information, it bothers me that people are getting priced out of yoga classes (crazy?!?), and it really bothers me that some people think wellness is only available to the elite 1%… I’m here to change all of that.

Today I thought it would be fun to share a few ways in which I am starting to make wellness more accessible to everyone…

Free yoga class on my You Tube Channel - please subscribe to my channel to be notified of new and exciting videos coming soon!

Public yoga classes at Edgewater Beach Hotel every Saturday - drop in price is only $10 (the average yoga class drop in is $20), my goal is to help make yoga accessible to everyone.

Tons of nutrition content including recipes, tips & tricks, supplement info and so much more on my blog! Two new blogs go live every week.

Thousands of pictures = content on my social media platforms Instagram and Facebook showcasing my top nutrition and wellness tips, as well as daily tips to living a more mindful life.

In addition I am launching something new in the next few months that will make all of my knowledge available to you in a whole new way….can’t wait to share more!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere