
Today marks the end of my 5th official year in business, and the start of my 6th year! Wow! Even as I write these words it’s hard to wrap my mind around everything that has happened in the past few years.

I started Lean and Green Body in 2015 all by myself with a bucket list of goals and dreams. Now 5 years later many of those dreams have become a reality and I’ve been able to achieve things I didn’t even realize were possible when I started.

I’m proud to say I started my company on my own - without any outside funding, loans or debt...and have continued to operate this way today. I’m extremely proud that we’ve been in the black every month since inception. {aka...we’ve been profitable since day one!} If you are an entrepreneur you know how huge this is!

I attribute this to my relentless drive and strong desire to make my dreams come true. I’ve never been a 9-5 person, and I’ve known since the 3rd grade I would be a business owner...but I never imagined it would be this amazing!

There has been a ton of sweat & tears along the way, but looking back I wouldn’t have it any other way. Owning your own business and watching it grow and become a successful brand is unlike anything else. You pour your heart and soul into your passion, hoping to connect with your ideal audience. I feel blessed to have created a community of likeminded souls, and I cherish helping them discover how amazing their bodies are naturally designed to feel. It’s unbelievable! I absolutely love my brand and feel so grateful to be able to do this work.

If you are a ‘wellpreneur’ looking to take your business to the next level comment below... we have something new coming to the Lean and Green Body platform!

📷 @jontelcherephotography
