My Number 1 Tip to Bring Yourself Back to Center

I wanted to use this Monday blog to really check in with you. How are you?

I know you probably get asked that a dozen times a day, but I mean it - how are you doing?

For me, it’s been a really crazy and beautiful year…and I can not believe that October will be here in a few days!?!


Sometimes when life seems to be going a million miles an hour, your to-do list is never ending, and there is a cloud of negativity every where you look…it can be tough to stay present, stay calm, and just breathe.

We are all human, each of us having our own experience here, and we all have these days/weeks. The important thing is to notice when this happens, pause, reconnect to your breath, reconnect to this moment right here right now, and just breathe.

It may seem too simple, but I promise it’s all it takes.

Close your eyes, place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly and just breathe.

Notice the chest rise and fall with each breath, and begin to notice the belly rise and fall as you start to deepen your breath.

When life gets too hectic and you loose your center…come back here. Come back to your breath and just breathe.