6 Items To Bring When Traveling - Stay on Track!

Travel has been a big topic with my clients recently and I wanted to share a few ways in which you can travel and still stay on track!

Here are 6 things to bring with you on your next adventure to help you stay on track!

Sneakers or a Yoga Mat: this will ensure movement on your trip! I love going for daily walks and exploring a new city, or enjoying some beach yoga (or hotel room yoga) before a day of exploring. I find that when I move my body, I am in a better headspace for the day!

Water Bottle: hydration is everything! So many of us are chronically dehydrated on a daily basis, and this typically only gets worse when we travel. Bring a bottle that you can refill and stay ahead on your water!

Journal: journaling is a such a healthy mindful habit, and can help control stress and ease anxiety even when traveling. Need inspiration, check out my journal prompts I wrote HERE and HERE

Natural Calm Packets: this is my drink of choice in the evenings, I find it so relaxing! This can also help ease travel or flight anxiety, help keep you regular when you travel, and prevent any muscle cramping.

Green Packets: just because you are away from home doesn’t mean the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play goes out the window. Bring your green packets with you and simple mix with water on the go!

Collagen: protein on the go! This is a great way to stay on track and get your clean lean protein in…simply add it to your coffee, your breakfast or even your water!

Traveling isn’t an excuse to let your wellness and nutrition plans go out the door!

Stay on track with my Lean and Green Body® tips! Check out more of my recommendations here

Lean and Green Body® Travel Essentials.png

2 Tips to Keep your Mental Health on Track

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month I wanted to share 2 tips with you on how I keep my mental health on track daily. As many of you know I am obsessed with my morning routine…not going to lie it’s one of my favorite parts of my whole day! Click HERE to learn more about my morning routine.

Part of my morning routine is my daily mental health check in. How can we expect anyone else to check in with us if we aren’t checking in with ourselves? One of my big tips is to take a few moments every morning and really check in with yourself. Put aside distractions and really sit with yourself, how are you feeling today, what is coming up for you in this moment? Whatever comes up, let it be, take it all in. Then perhaps take these thoughts and feelings to your journal, your meditation or your yoga mat. Whatever is calling to you in the moment. Allow yourself to move through those thoughts and feelings in a way that honors your body today…through writing, breathing or moving.

My second daily tip for Mental Health Awareness Month is to schedule time every day for yourself. Every morning as part of my morning routine I go over my schedule for the day, this allows me to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead and understand what tasks are MUSTS and what tasks are WOULD LIKE TO ACCOMPLISH, it took me a very long time to realize that these are different things. It also allows me time to see what self care I have scheduled for myself that day.

In my planner I like to use different colors for client sessions, meetings, personal appointments, and self-care/personal essentials. I have an entire section of my planner every day dedicated to my mental health. In this section I add self care items that I know will help me to keep my mental health in check and help me to feel my best. For example every day I have read for at least 30 minutes, meditation, and movement as part of my self care action items. These are my non-negotiables. I then add in other items like acupuncture, massage or beach walk with a friend depending on the day. Over the past decade I have noticed that when I prioritize myself, my care and wellbeing I am not only able to remain in a health space mentally & emotionally, but I am also able to handle everything on my plate with much more ease.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

I am by no means a mental health expert or therapist, I am only sharing tips that have worked for me. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health please reach out for help.

SAMHA’s is a national hotline open 24/7/365 1-800-662-HELP. You are not alone.