Morning Routine Update!

For as long as I can remember I have been a morning person… like suns up, I’m up kinda morning person. 

I cherish that time before everyone is awake to fuel my body and my soul. How we choose to start our mornings in essential and can really lay the ground work for the rest of the day.

For years I have been talking about my morning routine…on my blog, on my social media and at my events…I have made a few changes over the years and thought it was time that I updated my morning routine for all of you!

My mornings are sacred to me. 

I love to wake up at least an hour before everyone else, when the house is quiet and it’s still dark outside. This is my time to just be and breathe. Once the day begins I give so much of myself to my family, friends and clients there isn’t much “me time” for the rest of the day. 

I start my day with 8 oz room temperature water with 1/2 an organic lemon. Each morning when we wake up our bodies are dehydrated from working so hard while we sleep. The room temperature organic lemon water rehydrates our cells, energizes our body, and helps to pull out toxins. It is essential that the lemon is organic. An organic lemon is alkalizing, where a conventional lemon is acidic. This was mind blowing the first time I heard this…but it’s true! A food is determined to be alkalizing or acidic depending on how it responds inside the body.

The lemon water responds almost like coffee to the body, and provides a boost of energy without the jittery feeling associated with too much coffee.

I then take 1 TBSP of Braggs apple cider vinegar and mix it with about 4 oz of water (be sure to always mix with water!). The apple cider vinegar comes in to helps neutralize the body. When we wake up our bodies are in an acidic state, the apple cider vinegar helps to increase the pH of the body making it a more alkalizing state. An alkalizing state is important for the body because it is not an ideal state for cancer, disease and illness. Apple cider vinegar, Bragg’s particularly, is one of my favorite holistic remedies because it performs hundreds of benefits to the body.

The third and final part of my Lean and Green Body® Triple Play are my greens! Currently I’m loving the Amazing Grass detox and digest greens, or the Amazing Grass energy greens (caffeine free). My greens are one of my favorite “supplements”. These greens are juiced and then dried to allow for easier digestion and absorption in our bodies. They also allow for super clean green energy! Having the greens juiced first helps our bodies assimilate and utilize the greens and nutrients much easier. Since it is a powder it is easy to travel with...I make sure to bring this with me on every trip. Greens will help to boost your immune system and keep you energized! The benefit of having these greens first thing in the morning as part of your triple play is that they will energize the body. Juiced greens provide raw energy to the body.

I know it seems like a lot to take first thing in the morning - I promise your body adjusts. We wake up so dehydrated every morning and all of this water is so beneficial. 

I used to wake up and check my phone and emails right away - this was so energy draining, the opposite of what I was looking for. I now make a cup of tea and write down 5 things I’m grateful for, this helps to set the tone for my day. Some days I read a passage in “Journey to the Heart” to find some inspiration or guidance. 

Then as I digest my water (Triple Play) and fill my heart with gratitude, I breathe. This may sound simple, but most of us go through our entire day unaware of our breath. I take a few moments each morning to intentionally breathe. This helps to lower any stress or anxiety I may have, it also brings my body back into parasympathetic (rest & digest) mode. It allows me time to focus on whats real. 

From here I often go through my schedule of my day, and create a list of the top 4 things that must get completed that day. This helps me to stay on track, prioritize and not feel overwhelmed by the never ending to-do list. 

How do you start your day?
