How to Get More Omega-3's in Your Diet

Omega 3’s are a super important part of our diet & supplement routine.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is crazy high in omega 6’s, which are pro-inflammatory. Most of these omega 6’s are coming from arachidonic acid in conventional meats and meat products. The Standard American Diet ratio is 10:1 to 30:1 omega 6 to omega 3… insane?!?

To put it in perspective a healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is 1:1 to 5:1. This type of ratio will help to prevent heart disease, help create healthy cholesterol levels, lower inflammation and so much more!

We need omega-6’s too, just not in such high quantities. Omega-6’s are helpful to create inflammation and protect the body especially when injured. I have yet to meet anyone who did not obtain enough omega-6’s in their diet, which is why the focus is on omega-3’s. Most Americans are overburdened with inflammation, which can lead to disease and illness. By focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle we are lowering the inflammation naturally, making our bodies a less desirable place for disease and illness.

A few ways to add more omega-3’s into your diet are:

Fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring are all especially high in omega-3’s)

Cod Liver Oil



Chia seeds


Still worried you aren’t getting enough omega-3’s in your diet, supplementation can be a great tool!

Since becoming pregnant I have learned that omega-3’s are even more important, especially for my growing baby. I encourage you all to check in with your diet, and make sure you are getting enough omega-3’s from the foods you eat…if not check out a few of my favorites ways to supplement below!

Here are a few of my favorite omega-3 supplements:

You’ll notice that I included two pill and two liquid supplements, as well as a variety of dosages. Always consults your Certified Nutritionist or Naturopathic Physician before starting a new supplement.

To shop all my favorite supplements click HERE

Lean and Green Body® x Amazon Store Launch

I am so excited to finally share a project that I have been working on for some time now. I partnered with Amazon to create a custom Lean and Green Body® store full of all my favorite nutrition, wellness, and healthy living necessities!

I will be updating the store frequently to add more of my trusted products for all of you!

I do extensive research on all the nutrition and wellness products I use and recommend. All nutrition supplements are food based and bioavailable in the body, making it easier for your body to utilize and absorb the benefits.

You’ll find several of my favorite skincare products, my favorite yoga mat and props, along with the meditation cushion I use daily. I have also included a section with a few of my favorite books!

I am so excited to share my custom Lean and Green Body® store with all of you!

Click HERE to check it out!

Lean and Green Body® Custom Amazon Store!.png

** In full transparency - these are affiliate links and I do make a small commission when you purchase through my links. This helps to support my small business and my team. Thank you!