How to Get More Omega-3's in Your Diet

Omega 3’s are a super important part of our diet & supplement routine.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is crazy high in omega 6’s, which are pro-inflammatory. Most of these omega 6’s are coming from arachidonic acid in conventional meats and meat products. The Standard American Diet ratio is 10:1 to 30:1 omega 6 to omega 3… insane?!?

To put it in perspective a healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is 1:1 to 5:1. This type of ratio will help to prevent heart disease, help create healthy cholesterol levels, lower inflammation and so much more!

We need omega-6’s too, just not in such high quantities. Omega-6’s are helpful to create inflammation and protect the body especially when injured. I have yet to meet anyone who did not obtain enough omega-6’s in their diet, which is why the focus is on omega-3’s. Most Americans are overburdened with inflammation, which can lead to disease and illness. By focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle we are lowering the inflammation naturally, making our bodies a less desirable place for disease and illness.

A few ways to add more omega-3’s into your diet are:

Fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring are all especially high in omega-3’s)

Cod Liver Oil



Chia seeds


Still worried you aren’t getting enough omega-3’s in your diet, supplementation can be a great tool!

Since becoming pregnant I have learned that omega-3’s are even more important, especially for my growing baby. I encourage you all to check in with your diet, and make sure you are getting enough omega-3’s from the foods you eat…if not check out a few of my favorites ways to supplement below!

Here are a few of my favorite omega-3 supplements:

You’ll notice that I included two pill and two liquid supplements, as well as a variety of dosages. Always consults your Certified Nutritionist or Naturopathic Physician before starting a new supplement.

To shop all my favorite supplements click HERE