5 Ways to put yourself first this holiday season

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season.

The holidays can be a stressful and difficult time for many of us, so I wanted to remind you of 5 ways you can take care of yourself and ease your burden this holiday season.

For many of us it can be extremely difficult to put ourselves, especially during the holidays. As a wellness expert please let me tell you it is so important that you take care of yourself (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) so that you can go out and give your best and be your best for everyone else.

Here are 5 ways you can take care of yourself and put yourself first this season….

The holidays can be such a busy time. They are filled with tons of emotions, parties, and checklists. You need to take time to unwind every day and allow time for your body to recharge. Perhaps, you can go to bed just 30 minutes earlier every night for the rest of the year.

The holidays are notorious for cookies, candy and spiked egg nog. Be sure to balance out your indulgences with tons of fruits, vegetables and water. Start your morning with the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play and you’ll be off to a great start! Increase your daily recommended water intake from 8-8 oz glasses daily to 10-8 oz glasses of water per day; this will help keep you hydrated, and will assist in cleansing the body.

3. MOVE.
Take a minimum of 30 minutes every day to move your body. Ride your bike, take a walk with loved ones, try a new fitness class... sweat every day! Exercise not only helps keep our physical body healthy, but helps to keep our mental and emotional body in balance as well.

4. PLAN.
Plan your weeks out in advance. One of my favorite things to do on Friday’s is to plan the following week out. I write down all appointments, meetings, dinners, and schedule my workouts. This allows me to clearly see what I am dealing with and create a plan of action. I can schedule mid-week grocery runs, holiday parties, and leave room for the unexpected.

Meditation is the key to a balanced life. Taking a few minutes, if you are a beginner perhaps start with 5 minutes, every day to sit in stillness and just breathe. Find a connection to your breath, letting go of the outside world, your to-do lists and just tune into your body. There are numerous benefits of meditation; one of my favorites is that it helps me to slow down. I am constantly on the go, and the holidays seem to be even busier, my meditation practice allows me time to check in and pause. Afterwards, I feel a sense of renewal and peace.

The holidays can be a very busy time, don’t forget to take time for YOU! 

3 Ways to eat healthier this holiday season

The holidays are undoubtably a time of indulgence. With numerous holiday parties, cookies in the break room, and family gatherings you are bound to indulge and get a bit off track during the holiday season. Here are three ways you can stay on track and still enjoy the holidays!

I’m going to share 3 ways in which you can eat healthier this holiday season (and still have fun!)

  1. 80/20 Rule - I preach about this all the time, but in case you need a reminder…if you eat perfect for YOU 80% of the time, you have 20% to play with. That 20% could include a glass of wine, a Christmas cookie, dark chocolate etc…but keep it at 20%.

  2. Start your day with the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play - starting your morning with this simple yet effective routine will help you to make healthier choices as the day progresses.

  3. Hydrate! Drink 80+ oz of water each day…and remember to have an extra glass for each caffeinated beverage or alcoholic beverage you have!

How to energize your day!

The Lean and Green Body® Triple Play is my favorite way to start my day!

If I happen to miss a day I feel sluggish, fatigued and even dirty inside…my body literally craves this routine every day.

If we haven’t worked together yet, I’m about to let you in on one of my trade secrets!

The Lean and Green Body® Triple Play is a sure fire way to energize your body, gently detox your system, and flood your body with nutrients all before you’ve even had your morning coffee.

My coveted Triple Play morning routine is something I typically share with my nutrition clients during our first or second appointments, and now you can experience all the benefits too!

The Lean and Green Body® Triple Play is my morning routine…let’s break it down!

First thing in the morning when you wake up…before you put anything else into your body, drink these three things…

First, 8 oz of room temperature water with the juice from 1/2 an organic lemon…sip it!

Then, add 1-2 TBSP of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar to 4-8 oz of water (you MUST add to water, do not drink ACV on it’s own)…drink it down!

Followed by, our morning greens! My current favorite greens are the Amazing Grass greens OR the Garden of Life Perfect Food Raw Greens. I love both of these brands and rotate between the two! You’ll mix one scoop of your greens with 8-10 oz of cold water (I like to use a blender bottle), shake and drink!

Then you can have your coffee and breakfast!

So why do I encourage you to drink all that first thing?!? Let me fill you in on what each drink does…

Each morning we wake up and our bodies are so dehydrated from working on overdrive while we sleep. The room temperature water with an organic lemon works to rehydrates your cells, energizes your body, and helps to pull out toxins. I get this question almost daily…and yes, it’s essential that the lemon is organic! An organic lemon is alkalizing, where a conventional lemon is acidic. This was literally mind blowing the first time I heard this...a food is either alkalizing or acidic based off what it does inside our body. A conventional lemon will never be alkalizing because of the pesticides and chemicals sprayed on it…sorry but you can’t wash them off. The lemon water responds almost like coffee to the body, and provides a boost of energy without the jittery feeling associated with caffeine.

Next up, the Apple Cider Vinegar comes in to helps neutralize the body. When we wake up our bodies are in an acidic state, the Apple Cider Vinegar helps to increase the pH of the body creating a more alkalizing state. We want to keep our bodies in an alkalizing state as much as we can since this is an undesirable place for cancer, disease and illness to thrive in. (Disease thrives in an acidic environment.) Apple Cider Vinegar, Bragg’s particularly, is one of my favorite holistic remedies because it performs hundreds of benefits to the body. Just be sure to mix it with water, and never drink it straight. (do not take ACV if you have an ulcer or symptoms of an ulcer)

We round up our Triple Play with our greens! Probably my favorite part of the Triple Play. Both of the green supplements I recommended above contain approximately 34 raw greens that have been juiced first and then dried. This is very important because we are not cows, and it can be very difficult for our bodies to digest and breakdown grass and some greens. Having the greens juiced first helps our bodies assimilate and utilize the greens and nutrients much easier. You will mix your greens with about 8-10 oz of cold water, I like to use my blender bottle and shake them up! When you drink your greens on an empty stomach (no food) you allow the nutrients to be absorbed and utilized by the body right away, it takes away to need to digest them and this giving your digestive system a break. Greens will help to boost your immune system, keep you energized, gentle detox the body, and help to balance blood sugar levels!

That’s it! It may seem like A LOT at first, but I promise it gets easier and eventually it just becomes part of your morning!

My husband and I love to travel and I always bring all 3 parts of this morning routine with me when we travel. To read more about my travel tips click HERE

As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist I am very cognizant of what I put into my body, what I give my family and what I recommend to my clients. I do extension research on all products I recommend, but I always recommend doing your own research to see what you feel comfortable with.

Gentle reminder…you should always consult your Naturopathic MD or Certified Nutritionist before adding a supplement to your routine. If you are pregnant or nursing I would recommend eliminating the ACV portion of the morning routine, and simply doing lemon water and greens!

To learn more or to work with me, please email me at jennifer@leanandgreenbody.com

Photo By Jontel Chere

A healthy approach to the glucose tolerance test

We are days away from the 3rd trimester and the 7 month mark (yay!)…but you know what that means…glucose tolerance test time.

Honestly, I was dreading this test even before I got pregnant. The ingredients and chemicals in the glucose drink they provide you are scary! I would never put those ingredients (or 50 grams of sugar) in my body pre-pregnancy…so why should I put them in now that I am pregnant? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

keep in mind that 50 grams of glucose = 12.5 teaspoons of sugar, sounds great right?!?

I am a huge fan of patient advocacy, and so at my 6 month check in I spoke with my Doctor about the Fresh Test glucose mix I found. I had to show pictures and explain that the Fresh Test is FDA registered as an equivalent product for this test. I went in with all my stats, and honestly wasn’t going to leave until she said yes (I’m the best patient haha), but to my surprise she agreed right away! It was much easier than I expected, and I was instantly relieved.

A question that comes up often is “do I have to do the glucose tolerance test” and the answer is no. All testing is up to you, although I would highly recommend working with your Doctor or a qualified medical team when making these decisions. It is your body, your choice. Personally for me my regular glucose level is well under 80 and my A1C is about 4.5, so I am not overly worried about gestational diabetes. That being said, our bodies change so much during pregnancy and even though I monitor my levels every few weeks it was important for me to do this test to be proactive for my baby and ensure he is healthy and safe. I always recommend doing your research and listening to your intuition. Once I found the Fresh Test I felt much more comfortable with the glucose tolerance test, knowing I was not inundating myself and my baby with unnecessary chemicals.

The Fresh Test only has 4 active ingredients, compared to a laundry list in the typical glucose drink. The Fresh Test also has a board of physicians who have overseen and worked on this product to make it as safe as possible for you and your baby. You can learn more about the Fresh Test HERE.

I posted my whole journey with the glucose tolerance test earlier today, and you can check it out in my Instagram stories.

The Fresh Test was very sweet but didn’t actually taste bad, it had a very subtle and mild flavor to it. The toughest part for me was waiting for the blood draw. The 50 grams of glucose gave me a huge spike in my blood sugar, causing me to be jittery and overall just uncomfortable. I’m sure baby boy was feeling it too. Interesting insight - insulin does not cross the placenta but glucose does!

After the test (so one hour after drinking the glucose drink) I felt exhausted, super run down, and ready for a nap. It was my body signaling that the spike in glucose was dropping and I was about to crash.

My biggest tips after the glucose tolerance test are:

  • drink your greens - they will help to balance your blood sugar levels

  • have a snack ready to go in your car as soon as your blood work is complete

  • the snack should include: fiber & protein

  • avoid sugar for the rest of the day

Sugar is a drug, and once you give the body some…okay more like 50 grams… your body will continue to crave more and more sugar. So if you had a sugary treat post glucose tolerance test, your blood glucose levels would spike back up, only to drop again a little while later. Sugar is not only a drug in our bodies, it actually creates more acidity in our system - essentially creating a more desirable place for disease and illness to thrive, awesome. That’s why I always recommend a high fiber and high protein snack after the glucose tolerance test. Protein and fiber will help your body eliminate this extra glucose, regulate your blood sugar levels, and curb any sugar cravings you may get.

Here are a few ideas of high protein and high fiber snacks:

Mary’s Crackers and guacamole

Veggies and hummus

Dried Apricots and almonds

RX Bar

Protein shake with chia seeds

Along with a snack I would recommend drinking plenty of water to flush out your system, 100 oz would be my goal. Lastly, if you have time sneak in a quick power nap after you eat to help reset the body!

Take aways… don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself, this is your body and your baby. Have a healthy snack on hand to eat right after your test, so your can begin to balance your blood sugar levels and avoid a sugar hangover.

This post is in no way sponsored by Fresh Test, these are simply my own thoughts and opinions as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Mama-to-be.

Dealing with body image & weight gain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a beautiful time, we literally have the ability to create life. How incredible!! However, for many women this beautiful time is over shadowed with past traumas, body image issues, mental health concerns, and so much more.

Many mama’s-to-be become overwhelmed with comments and suggestions from others. It seems that once you begin showing everyone will have something to say or some wisdom to impart on your and your growing bump. Legit everyone from the lady behind you are Whole Foods to your 2nd cousin will want to share how awful their delivery was to how you life will never be same. While many of these comments and conversations come from a loving place they may not be appropriate or helpful for the new mama. 

Sometimes in our society we transfer our feelings or our personal experiences onto others as a way to connect with them, help them to not go through what we went through or to try and “save” them. Instead a healthier approach would be to allow the new mama to have her own experience, and if/when she reaches out with questions then kindly share your wisdom and insight. 

Pregnancy is such a journey and a bit of kindness and empathy can go a long way.

I am now six and a half+ months pregnant and have been talking to some new mamas and some pregnant mamas recently about our journey’s, and thought it was an important conversation to share on here because it’s not that is often discussed publicly. After all, we don’t always realize how our actions or words affect others until we pause and educate ourselves. 

Personally have received all sorts of comments about my body and my growing belly in the last six months. I know that many of these comments come from a place of love and curiosity but to a pregnant mama, whose body is changing on the daily these comments can be confusing and hurtful. During pregnancy our bodies are flooded with hormones, emotions, a growing baby, not to mention your blood volume increases by 50% and our lung capacity seriously decreases - we are trying to recognize and love this changing body on the daily as we move through and towards the biggest transition of our lives. 

Every body - and especially every pregnant body - is beautiful. Every body is unique and different and that truly is something that makes us all so special, and during pregnancy this is no different. Each pregnant bump looks different. Some women gain 50+ pounds, and some only gain 25 pounds. Life is so much more than a number on the scale. 

From what I’ve heard our bodies will “never be the same”…and I’m totally okay with that. I will never be the same after this experience, so why should I expect my body to be any different. This is the most powerful, most life changing experience I have ever been through…and I am here for all of it.

The most important thing is that the mama and baby are healthy - mentally, physically and emotionally. 

Let’s embrace and honor this change.

Let’s praise and honor these women that literally create human life.

How to Make my Blistered Potatoes!

I love potatoes, definitely one of my top 5 favorite foods! I am always experimenting with new ways to enjoy this nutrient dense veggie. I recently made blistered potatoes…which is really just another way to say roasted! lol

Blistered Potatoes


one bag of gold baby potatoes

pink himalayan sea salt


avocado oil


wash and trim potatoes

pre-heat convection oven to 425°F

add potatoes into oven safe dish, drizzle avocado oil, and sprinkle salt & pepper to taste

bake for 15 minutes then flip them over, bake for an additional 20 minutes

allow to cool and enjoy!

How to choose the right prenatal vitamin

Choosing the right prenatal vitamin can be overwhelming! With so many options, how do you know which one is best for you and your baby?

My first recommendation would be to meet with your Doctor or Naturopathic Physician and get a full blood panel done, this will show you were you are deficient, or borderline, and this will tell you where you really need to focus.

I would also recommend not only checking your folate, but checking to see if you carry the MTHFR gene. The MTHFR gene, also called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, is responsible for processing amino acids and is very involved in the creation, absorption and utilization of Vitamin B9 (folate). Folate is essential for your baby’s development, so if you do carry the MTHFR gene don’t panic, your Doctor will most likely put you on a prescription folate, like Metanx which conatins L-methylfolate, methylcobalamin and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. This would be something you would need to take in addition to your prenatal vitamin.

When selecting your prenatal vitamin I would highly recommend researching the company first, unfortunately not all supplement companies are created equal. Since supplements are still not regulated by the FDA the percentage of vitamins and minerals actually in the supplement can vary. I do extensive research on all supplement companies I personally take, give to my family and recommend to my clients. As always I encourage you do to your own research and see what you feel comfortable with.

My favorite brand of prenatal vitamins is Pure Encapsulations. I actually take a few of their products, and really trust this brand. I have been taking this prenatal since before I was actually pregnant to prepare my body.

I would recommend starting your prenatal vitamin about 6 months before you actually plan on conceiving. This is also a good time to get your blood work done, and ensure that you are aware of all underlying conditions.

I have talked about this many times, but I was very sick from week 10-16 and could not take this prenatal vitamin, so I had to make a switch to a gummy vitamin. In truth, gummy vitamins are not my favorite especially as a Certified Nutritionist but I was desperate to get some vitamins in my system. During these 6 weeks I took the Olly Prenatal Vitamin, and actually liked it quite a bit. These type of vitamins are much easier on the stomach and do not tend to cause as much nausea.

A few other brands worth checking out would be Thorne and Garden of Life.

A few things to look at when selecting your prenatal vitamin:

  • serving size - how many pills will you need to take daily?

  • how large are the pills? Are the reasonable for first trimester?

  • avoid herbs in your prenatal (many will cause uterine contractions and miscarriage)

  • read the nutrition label and compare it to your blood work - will this work for you specifically?

Your prenatal should include folic acid and iron, in addition to a few other important vitamins: Vitamin A, B-Vitamins, Vitamin-C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Zinc, Calcium and Iodine. The dose of each of these vitamins and minerals will vary depending on your specific needs.

Remember that the Standard American Diet does not obtain enough of these vitamins from diet alone, which is why a supplement is essential.

How to have more energy without caffeine

This has been one of my most requested blog posts, so I’m going to share my secrets with you today!

I gave up caffeine in June, and the months leading up to that breakup I drank very little caffeine. This was a huge deal for me because previously when I was all about the hustle and grind, serving other people and not taking care myself, I was drinking a ton of caffeine! It was legit fueling my day. I would have multiple cups of tea every day and a few coffees or espresso shots per week. I couldn’t get through the day without my caffeine.

Now looking back I realize that I was using caffeine to cover up my extreme fatigue from over working myself and prioritizing the needs of my clients and my work over myself. Fortunately, I realized this early in 2021 and had some massive changes personally and professionally.

So how do I do it all without caffeine now?!?

I focus on flooding my body with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and the enzymes it needs.

I focus on getting good quality sleep - this is a non-negotiable for me.

I hydrate - my goal is 100 oz of pure clean water every day!

I swear by the Lean and Green Body® morning routine.

I eat a ton of greens. GREENS = ENERGY

If I need a pick me up I drink a lemon water, go for a walk outside, stretch, put on some fun music, or have a dance party!

Instead of covering up my body’s needs, I tune into them now. I am more in touch with my body than ever. Part of this is due to pregnancy, but part is due to massive healing I have done this year. I took inventory of where I was (mind, body and soul) and looked at where I wanted to be…I identified what was holding me back from living my best life, and made the necessary changes.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a warm cup of tea or coffee, especially on these cool mornings, but if you are looking to cut down on your caffeine intake or eliminate it completely I would recommend following my list above. Instead of focusing on what you are taking away (caffeine) focus on what you are adding (nutrients, water, greens, etc).

If you’ve cut out caffeine or are looking to I’d love to hear from you! Comment below and let me know what your experience has been!

How to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is the perfect reminder to be grateful and give thanks for all our blessings.

Even on our worst days and during our most trying times we have so much to be thankful for.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…you don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to show and give thanks.

By starting each day with gratitude, we are able to flip our perspective on life and the day ahead. An attitude of gratitude can shift your entire outlook.

A few ways I like to give thanks daily and express my gratitude:

  • I write down 3-5 things I’m grateful for each day

  • I verbally share my thanks with those around me

  • I quietly say 3 things I’m thankful for before I meditate

Find a way to express your gratitude, something that works for you. From experience I can say that writing it down or saying it out loud can be very powerful, and it will actually help shift your nervous system into a more parasympathetic state.

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to Get More Omega-3's in Your Diet

Omega 3’s are a super important part of our diet & supplement routine.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is crazy high in omega 6’s, which are pro-inflammatory. Most of these omega 6’s are coming from arachidonic acid in conventional meats and meat products. The Standard American Diet ratio is 10:1 to 30:1 omega 6 to omega 3… insane?!?

To put it in perspective a healthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is 1:1 to 5:1. This type of ratio will help to prevent heart disease, help create healthy cholesterol levels, lower inflammation and so much more!

We need omega-6’s too, just not in such high quantities. Omega-6’s are helpful to create inflammation and protect the body especially when injured. I have yet to meet anyone who did not obtain enough omega-6’s in their diet, which is why the focus is on omega-3’s. Most Americans are overburdened with inflammation, which can lead to disease and illness. By focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle we are lowering the inflammation naturally, making our bodies a less desirable place for disease and illness.

A few ways to add more omega-3’s into your diet are:

Fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring are all especially high in omega-3’s)

Cod Liver Oil



Chia seeds


Still worried you aren’t getting enough omega-3’s in your diet, supplementation can be a great tool!

Since becoming pregnant I have learned that omega-3’s are even more important, especially for my growing baby. I encourage you all to check in with your diet, and make sure you are getting enough omega-3’s from the foods you eat…if not check out a few of my favorites ways to supplement below!

Here are a few of my favorite omega-3 supplements:

You’ll notice that I included two pill and two liquid supplements, as well as a variety of dosages. Always consults your Certified Nutritionist or Naturopathic Physician before starting a new supplement.

To shop all my favorite supplements click HERE

How to Make Pecan Pie Energy Balls

One of my girlfriends recently brought these pecan pie energy balls over, and I’ve been dying to share this recipe with you! This is the perfect afternoon snack, a great playground snack for the littles, or even a sweet treat post dinner.

Dates are packed with phytonutrients, magnesium, selenium, and potassium and make a great addition to almost any diet.

Depending on the size of the energy balls you make, I would recommend limiting the portion to 2 per day.

Pecan Pie Energy Balls


Medjool dates

Raw Pecans

Old Fashioned Rolled Oats

Vanilla Extract

Graham Crackers

Kosher Salt


Place graham crackers into the food processor and blend until they turn into crumbs, remove from food processor and put in a bowl.

Remove the pits from the dates, and add pitted dates to the food processor. Blend until they become paste- like.

Add the remaining ingredients to the food processor and pulse until all ingredients come together.

Remove the ingredients and form small balls, you can use a tablespoon to do this. Place formed balls on a platter, and continue until you use all the ingredients in food processor.

Roll each ball into the graham cracker crust, so it is evenly coated.

Enjoy the pecan pie energy balls now or store in fridge or freezer for later!

{exclude graham crackers if making gluten free}

Original recipe from: www.fitfoodiefinds.com

LIVE Cooking Class Recap

Last week I held my first ever live virtual cooking class for my Wellness Bestie Members! It was so fun, and I already can’t wait for the next one.

I loved sharing my kitchen and my recipes with the Wellness Bestie group. We were able to modify the recipes to meet everyone’s dietary needs and requirements, and they all turned out great!

For this event we made one of my favorite holiday appetizers and a matching cocktail (or mocktail)!

We had so much fun that I have decided to host another LIVE virtual cooking class in December!

One thing I love about running a business that is 90% virtual is that I get to work with women all over the country! So regardless of where you live, I hope you’ll join us in December for our next cooking class.

Click here to learn more about the Wellness Bestie Membership and to sign up!

How to Make the Perfect Brown Rice

Brown rice is a staple in our house. It’s hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory, and when combined with beans it makes a complete protein.

It took us a while to master the perfect brown rice, so I thought I would save you all the experimenting (and bad rice) and just give you the perfect brown rice recipe!

For this recipe you will need a pressure cooker, here is one of my favorites!


2 cups organic brown rice

2 3/4 cups water

1 TBSP of avocado oil

Pink Himalayan Sea salt (to taste)


Wash rice thoroughly, and add all ingredients to pressure cooker.

Pressure cook high for 22 minutes, then allow to sit for additional 20 minutes.


This recipe makes approx 6 servings.

Life Lately: being a boss during the first trimester

Last week I started a new blog series called ‘Life Lately’ and it quickly became my most popular blog series in six years! Thank you all for your support in reading and sharing my blog.

This week I am touching on the first trimester of pregnancy & running a business at the same time…let me tell you it’s not for the faint of heart.

The first 16 weeks of this pregnancy were rough! It was so challenging emotionally because I was so grateful and excited but I felt awful. I couldn’t walk my dog for weeks, I didn’t eat dinner for 6 weeks because I was so sick. Praying I would make it through a client session without throwing up became my norm, and I almost ended up in the hospital twice.

That being said I was still running my business (solo) and trying to hide this blessing.

I wasn’t able to engage on social like I had been, I had to skip two weeks of my blog, and my energy just wasn’t in it. My SEO (search engine optimization) took a tremendous hit, and after working so hard on my engagement and social last year it was crushing… but I had bigger things to focus on. So I let it happen and watched the numbers and engagement drop..

If you are an entrepreneur or small biz owner I know you can relate to how tough this was. SEO and engagement are huge for entrepreneurs and small biz owners.

On top of all that I had to cancel dozens of plans with friends, family and events because I literally was so sick and had nothing left to give.

It was lonely and I wondered if I would be the 2% that stayed sick my whole pregnancy. (My Dr seemed to think so.) I told myself that I had waited years for this miracle babe, I could do whatever it took.

Luckily by 16 weeks I felt like a new person. The nausea subsided, my energy slowly increased (although I’m still no where near pre-pregnancy energy), and I saw the light.

It feels so good to be engaging with all of you again! It feels incredible to be hosting live events and classes…and meeting so many of you IRL thank you for your patience as I navigated that chapter, thank you for being here and waiting for me. I’m beyond grateful.

I’m curious have any of my other Mamas experienced horrible nausea during their pregnancy??

Life Lately: we're having a baby!

I have decided to start a new blog series called “life lately” where I will update you on everything going on here, my favorite products, and so much more!

This will be a way for me to get a bit more personal with all of you, and I can’t wait to connect!

sooo… if you couldn’t tell by the title of this post…we’re having a baby! Baby K is arriving in March!! We could not be more excited for this journey. Thank you all so much for the love & support you have offered, it means so much to us.

So let me catch you up on what I’ve been up to!

Being pregnant (we’re more than half way!!) is such a dream. If you read my previous post on our struggles with infertility you know that this has not been an easy road for us. There were several moments where I wasn’t sure we’d ever get here, which makes this pregnancy even more special.

Even though this pregnancy has been a dream I can not deny how difficult the first four months were.

I was on bed rest, then modified bed rest, then limited activity, and then was finally cleared for gentle activity - and recently just cleared for prenatal safe exercise. It was a long road, especially for someone who has always been so active. I’m a yoga teacher and personal trainer, so to not be able to workout or demo for my clients threw me for a bit of a loop.

And I have to be honest, I’m not great at being lazy. I am so used to being a creator, a doer, a go-getter that these restrictions really made me pause and look inward. I knew that my incredible team of Dr’s was only doing what was best for me and my baby, so I had to learn how to relax and give in. It ended up being such a beautiful lesson in surrendering, and I am a much better human, wife, business owner and all the things because of it.

I was incredibly sick up until 16 weeks, and will be touching on this in a separate post, but being so sick and yet so beyond grateful at the same time put so much into perspective for me. This baby has only been with me for a little over 5 months, but has already taught me so much about myself and life in general.

How to Get Back on Track After Halloween

The day after Halloween can be as painful as New Years Day for some.

A sugar hangover can be as intense as an actual hangover.

Okay, so maybe you’re thinking you didn’t go trick or treating this doesn’t apply to me…but chances are you either handed out candy and swiped a few for yourself OR you helped your kids out by “organizing” their candy after they went to bed. No judgement for either way, but chances are you probably consumed more sugar last night than your body is used to and you’re likely not feeling 100% today.

Brain fog, fatigue, headaches, irritable?? Any of these sound familiar?

The best thing you can do after too much sugar is hydrate! Aim for your 100 oz of clean water today to help flush out the sugar and other toxins from the candy.

Focus your meals today on protein and fiber. Sugar is a drug, so when we consume sugar our body just wants more and more. Focusing your diet on protein and fiber today will help to balance out your blood sugar levels and fight cravings.

Perhaps your trick or treating looked more like cocktails with friends… same rules apply!

Hydrate and focus on protein & fiber!

You’ll be back on track in no time.

How to Stay on Track When you Travel

The ladies in the Wellness Bestie group and I recently went over how to travel and still stay on track with your goals. I thought this info was too good not to share with all of you!

How to Stay on Track When you Travel!

Always be prepared

  • Pack healthy snacks

  • Pack supplements

Plan Your Movement Ahead of Time

  • Bring a travel yoga mat

  • Pack your sneakers

  • Plan out walking trails or routes around the city

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

  • Pack a reusable water bottle (non-plastic please!) and fill it up at airport

  • When you fly your body get’s so dehydrated, so you will need even more water

  • This will help you stay on track with your water goals even when you are away


  • Travel can be stressful for many of us, meditation is a great tool to help you stay calm

  • Bring headphones so that you can keep you with your daily meditation practice while you are away


  • Pack a book and your journal to help keep your mind clear, healthy, and on track even when you travel. A journal is a great way to write down and “brain dump” ideas and thoughts and get them out of your head

  • Use those headphones to listen to an inspiring podcast

I would love to know what other tools you use to help you stay on track when you travel! Comment below and let me know!


Openly Sharing My Struggle with Infertility

October is Infertility Awareness Month, and as someone who has struggled with infertility for nearly five years I think it is important to bring awareness to this very personal topic.

This is not a blog I ever saw myself writing. In fact, I have tried to write similar blogs over the last few years and all have remained unpublished because infertility is such a sensitive and private topic. There is a lot of judgement, misunderstanding and confusion around infertility and that is why I am finally speaking out about my struggles. 

I never saw my life going this way, and it is never easy to open up and share something so intimate on a public platform, but I feel that this is a blog that needs to be written. I have received much shame, judgement, and unsolicited advice over the last five years that caused an enormous amount of pain and guilt. It all left me feeling stressed, anxious and alone. 

If opening up and sharing my personal story will help one woman, one couple, feel less alone on their journey than I will feel that I have done my part.

Many women are choosing to start families later in life, often in their 30’s and beyond, and the rise in infertility continues to increase. Did you know that 1 in 8 couples will struggle with infertility, and 1 in 4 pregnancies will end in a miscarriage? The numbers are shocking and very real. 

Although it is difficult to still comprehend, I am both 1 in 8 and 1 in 4. 

I’m part of a club I never signed up for.

In 2020, I lost not one but two babies and it broke me in a way I didn’t know was even possible.

Infertility is a battle no one wants to go through. It’s a battle few understand, and it is by far the loneliest chapter of my life. My husband and I have worked with teams of doctors in order to grow our family, and yet we were always left with “there’s nothing wrong, we don’t know why”. This only left us more confused and alone.

Struggling with infertility for the last several years has been the most challenging journey of my life. It is difficult to put into words the emotions my husband and I have experienced over the last five years, it has been traumatic, heartbreaking and lonely. Then in the midst of a world wide pandemic we experienced the happiest days of our life, followed by the deepest sorrow and depression we have ever experienced…not once, but twice.

We had to support one another in ways we never dreamed of and move through these tremendous losses the best we could. 

By the end of 2020, I was deeply depressed yet if you saw me out you’d have no idea. That’s the thing about infertility and loss it leaves invisible bruises and scars that are only visible to those who have shared your struggle and pain. 

After tremendous personal healing work this year I can finally say that I survived. My marriage is stronger than ever, and we have hope that the best is yet to come. 

I wish for a world where we are more empathic, more compassionate and less judgmental of one another. Everyone is going through a battle you know nothing about, so always be kind.

How to Make Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash


1 medium to large spaghetti squash

3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts [ warm in a pan until golden ]

3 tablespoons Italian parmesan cheese (optional)

1 tablespoon shredded fresh basil

1/2 Meyer lemon

Sea salt and pepper to taste


Fill a large pot with water. Add a dash of salt to water.

Cut squash in half with a serrated knife and remove seed portion. Add to water. 

Boil and cook until fork tender (about an hour)

Check the squash frequently. Allow to cool enough to handle. 

Use a fork going to lengthwise, scrape entire squash until you’re left with just the skin. Discard skin. 

While still warm, add cheese and salt/pepper and toss. 

Warm in a sauté pan on the stove top. 

Cook pine nuts stove top on low heat for seven minutes. 

Add nuts, a dash more cheese & fresh basil on top of spaghetti squash.

Squeeze lemon.


FREE Community Events - Naples, FL

2021 is quickly coming to a close, and I only have two public events left for this year. I hope you will be able to join me for one or both of these events!

November 4th I will be leading a Mommy & Me Stretch Class in Mercato in collaboration with Cariloha Naples and Mercato. The stretch class will be from 10:00am-10:30am, followed by snacks and shopping discounts! All participants will receive a Mercato swag bag.

This event is FREE and open to all parents, we kindly ask that rsvp so we have enough supplies for everyone.

November 12 I will be leading a 45-minute yoga class at Athleta Naples. The class will begin at 9:15am, and you will need to bring your own mat.

Space is limited and I kindly ask that you sign up in advance.

I am so excited to close out the year with these events and hope you will join me!

Photo By Jontel Chere