3 Ways to eat healthier this holiday season

The holidays are undoubtably a time of indulgence. With numerous holiday parties, cookies in the break room, and family gatherings you are bound to indulge and get a bit off track during the holiday season. Here are three ways you can stay on track and still enjoy the holidays!

I’m going to share 3 ways in which you can eat healthier this holiday season (and still have fun!)

  1. 80/20 Rule - I preach about this all the time, but in case you need a reminder…if you eat perfect for YOU 80% of the time, you have 20% to play with. That 20% could include a glass of wine, a Christmas cookie, dark chocolate etc…but keep it at 20%.

  2. Start your day with the Lean and Green Body® Triple Play - starting your morning with this simple yet effective routine will help you to make healthier choices as the day progresses.

  3. Hydrate! Drink 80+ oz of water each day…and remember to have an extra glass for each caffeinated beverage or alcoholic beverage you have!