A healthy approach to the glucose tolerance test

We are days away from the 3rd trimester and the 7 month mark (yay!)…but you know what that means…glucose tolerance test time.

Honestly, I was dreading this test even before I got pregnant. The ingredients and chemicals in the glucose drink they provide you are scary! I would never put those ingredients (or 50 grams of sugar) in my body pre-pregnancy…so why should I put them in now that I am pregnant? It doesn’t make any sense to me.

keep in mind that 50 grams of glucose = 12.5 teaspoons of sugar, sounds great right?!?

I am a huge fan of patient advocacy, and so at my 6 month check in I spoke with my Doctor about the Fresh Test glucose mix I found. I had to show pictures and explain that the Fresh Test is FDA registered as an equivalent product for this test. I went in with all my stats, and honestly wasn’t going to leave until she said yes (I’m the best patient haha), but to my surprise she agreed right away! It was much easier than I expected, and I was instantly relieved.

A question that comes up often is “do I have to do the glucose tolerance test” and the answer is no. All testing is up to you, although I would highly recommend working with your Doctor or a qualified medical team when making these decisions. It is your body, your choice. Personally for me my regular glucose level is well under 80 and my A1C is about 4.5, so I am not overly worried about gestational diabetes. That being said, our bodies change so much during pregnancy and even though I monitor my levels every few weeks it was important for me to do this test to be proactive for my baby and ensure he is healthy and safe. I always recommend doing your research and listening to your intuition. Once I found the Fresh Test I felt much more comfortable with the glucose tolerance test, knowing I was not inundating myself and my baby with unnecessary chemicals.

The Fresh Test only has 4 active ingredients, compared to a laundry list in the typical glucose drink. The Fresh Test also has a board of physicians who have overseen and worked on this product to make it as safe as possible for you and your baby. You can learn more about the Fresh Test HERE.

I posted my whole journey with the glucose tolerance test earlier today, and you can check it out in my Instagram stories.

The Fresh Test was very sweet but didn’t actually taste bad, it had a very subtle and mild flavor to it. The toughest part for me was waiting for the blood draw. The 50 grams of glucose gave me a huge spike in my blood sugar, causing me to be jittery and overall just uncomfortable. I’m sure baby boy was feeling it too. Interesting insight - insulin does not cross the placenta but glucose does!

After the test (so one hour after drinking the glucose drink) I felt exhausted, super run down, and ready for a nap. It was my body signaling that the spike in glucose was dropping and I was about to crash.

My biggest tips after the glucose tolerance test are:

  • drink your greens - they will help to balance your blood sugar levels

  • have a snack ready to go in your car as soon as your blood work is complete

  • the snack should include: fiber & protein

  • avoid sugar for the rest of the day

Sugar is a drug, and once you give the body some…okay more like 50 grams… your body will continue to crave more and more sugar. So if you had a sugary treat post glucose tolerance test, your blood glucose levels would spike back up, only to drop again a little while later. Sugar is not only a drug in our bodies, it actually creates more acidity in our system - essentially creating a more desirable place for disease and illness to thrive, awesome. That’s why I always recommend a high fiber and high protein snack after the glucose tolerance test. Protein and fiber will help your body eliminate this extra glucose, regulate your blood sugar levels, and curb any sugar cravings you may get.

Here are a few ideas of high protein and high fiber snacks:

Mary’s Crackers and guacamole

Veggies and hummus

Dried Apricots and almonds

RX Bar

Protein shake with chia seeds

Along with a snack I would recommend drinking plenty of water to flush out your system, 100 oz would be my goal. Lastly, if you have time sneak in a quick power nap after you eat to help reset the body!

Take aways… don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself, this is your body and your baby. Have a healthy snack on hand to eat right after your test, so your can begin to balance your blood sugar levels and avoid a sugar hangover.

This post is in no way sponsored by Fresh Test, these are simply my own thoughts and opinions as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Mama-to-be.

Dealing with body image & weight gain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a beautiful time, we literally have the ability to create life. How incredible!! However, for many women this beautiful time is over shadowed with past traumas, body image issues, mental health concerns, and so much more.

Many mama’s-to-be become overwhelmed with comments and suggestions from others. It seems that once you begin showing everyone will have something to say or some wisdom to impart on your and your growing bump. Legit everyone from the lady behind you are Whole Foods to your 2nd cousin will want to share how awful their delivery was to how you life will never be same. While many of these comments and conversations come from a loving place they may not be appropriate or helpful for the new mama. 

Sometimes in our society we transfer our feelings or our personal experiences onto others as a way to connect with them, help them to not go through what we went through or to try and “save” them. Instead a healthier approach would be to allow the new mama to have her own experience, and if/when she reaches out with questions then kindly share your wisdom and insight. 

Pregnancy is such a journey and a bit of kindness and empathy can go a long way.

I am now six and a half+ months pregnant and have been talking to some new mamas and some pregnant mamas recently about our journey’s, and thought it was an important conversation to share on here because it’s not that is often discussed publicly. After all, we don’t always realize how our actions or words affect others until we pause and educate ourselves. 

Personally have received all sorts of comments about my body and my growing belly in the last six months. I know that many of these comments come from a place of love and curiosity but to a pregnant mama, whose body is changing on the daily these comments can be confusing and hurtful. During pregnancy our bodies are flooded with hormones, emotions, a growing baby, not to mention your blood volume increases by 50% and our lung capacity seriously decreases - we are trying to recognize and love this changing body on the daily as we move through and towards the biggest transition of our lives. 

Every body - and especially every pregnant body - is beautiful. Every body is unique and different and that truly is something that makes us all so special, and during pregnancy this is no different. Each pregnant bump looks different. Some women gain 50+ pounds, and some only gain 25 pounds. Life is so much more than a number on the scale. 

From what I’ve heard our bodies will “never be the same”…and I’m totally okay with that. I will never be the same after this experience, so why should I expect my body to be any different. This is the most powerful, most life changing experience I have ever been through…and I am here for all of it.

The most important thing is that the mama and baby are healthy - mentally, physically and emotionally. 

Let’s embrace and honor this change.

Let’s praise and honor these women that literally create human life.