

Happiness is not found in what we have. Happiness comes from who we are, how we build our lives, and who we surround ourselves with. 

Take a few moments to think of what makes your truly happy. 

What are your happiness moments of the day or week?

For me it’s the 30 or 60 minutes on my yoga mat, my time just for me to tune in and connect.

It’s watching my husband walk in the door after a long day of work or his comforting embrace after a big meeting.

Family, and friends whom I consider family, are what matter. 

It’s knowing that even if we had lost everything in Hurricane Irma, I would still have everything that matters most. 

Happiness does not come from what we have, happiness is what is already inside of us. 

When life and stress steps in and starts to overwhelm you, pause and reconnect to these happy moments. These are the small daily moments in life that we often overlook. 

Sometimes all it takes is one small happy moment to change the whole course of your day. 

Be Happy! xx

Smoothie Additions: What to focus on when making your smoothie

Smoothies have become a staple in today’s diet for many health conscious individuals and are even available on many restaurant menus. They can make the perfect breakfast, but what should you really focus on when making or ordering your smoothie?

Protein, Fiber, Greens and Healthy Fats are the keys to a healthy power packed smoothie.


Protein: protein is an important part of your smoothie, and will help keep you full until lunch. Protein also helps rebuild and repair your muscles after your morning workout, aiding in recovery. Check out some clean protein options for your smoothie HERE.


Fiber: fiber can be a taboo topic, and many people are nervous about adding “too much fiber” into their diet. Fiber helps you poop. Yes, I said it. Fiber aids in elimination, it pulls waste and toxins from your body. This includes illness, disease, and toxic garbage from your body and gets rid of it. Think of it as a brillo pad cleaning the walls of your intestines… kind of amazing! Fiber is essential to every diet, and actually helps to keep you fuller longer and can aid is weight management.

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Greens: greens are probably my favorite addition because you can add a handful  (or two, bonus points!) of spinach or kale to your smoothie without altering the flavor. Spinach is the easiest green to add because it is so mild, it may turn your smoothie bright green, but you won’t taste it. This comes in especially handy with kids, great way to sneak in some more vegetables. 


Healthy Fats: fats have received a bad rap for many years, but slowly our society is re-educating themselves on the importance of a healthy diet and healthy fats. Healthy fats are an essential to a healthy diet. They keep your body full by slowing the digestion of protein and other foods, they also help to heal the gut and repair damage from leaky gut, celiac and many other chronic gut conditions. Some of my favorite healthy fats are coconut oil, avocado, and nut butters.

First Marathon...


There are two green letters sewn into the right side of my Nike running hat — MB.

These two letters ran dozens of road races with me. They taught me to sprint at the finish. They taught me how to laugh and drive a car and make the best chocolate chip pancakes. 

These two letters are my dad’s initials. He’s the reason I’m running my first marathon this fall. 

Before he passed away five years ago, my dad was an avid runner. He had a running group in my New Hampshire hometown, and he ran countless miles throughout my childhood. 

Sometimes we’d run together, and he always told me to finish strong. This meant sprinting the last half mile even if I felt I didn’t have much more to give. 

That’s how my dad lived his life. He ran his first marathon in Philadelphia, and I’ll never forget how he could barely walk after the race. Even through the pain, he had the biggest smile on his face — something that rarely left him. 

No matter what he was going through, he always had that smile. If you asked him what the best part of his life was, he’d say “right now,” because that’s the part he was in. 

I want to carry on his legacy. I want to run 26.2 miles and smile at the finish. I want to share this experience with my dad, even if he’s not around to see it. 

I have four months until race day. I’m running the Fort Myers Marathon on November 4, 2018. As I transition into training, I marvel at the transformation about to take place. Today, running five miles was painful and almost impossible. Four months from now, I’ll be able to run more than four times that distance. 

It’s a very humbling process, and I have so much to learn. 

And I know my dad will be there with me, encouraging me to enjoy the process every step of the way.


Independence Day

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Have a safe and happy fourth of July!!

How to Stay Healthy Over Summer Vacation


Summer is officially here! The kids are out of school and you are likely taking a summer vacation soon. This is an easy time for our daily routines, meal plans and diets to go out the window. 

Here are a few simple ways to stay on track this summer!



  1. Stick to your morning routine.

  2. Start your day off right with a healthy breakfast. Make a smoothie or a breakfast bowl including protein, fat, fiber and greens. This is a great way to fuel your body first thing in the morning. Research shows that when you eat a healthy breakfast and start your day right, you are likely to make healthier choices throughout the day.

  3. As the day goes on, and lunch and dinner approach, consider fueling your body. What options are going to provide your body with the fuel it needs to get through the rest of the day?

  4. 80/20 Rule. If 80% of your diet is perfect for YOU, then you have 20% to play with.

  5. Move your body everyday.

Favorite Pasta Substitutes

As a former carb-oholic, I love my pasta! However now as a holistic nutrition specialist and a wellness professional, I am too educated to eat plain pasta. (plus I’m gluten-free) I understand that most traditional pasta is made with enriched flour and is highly processed and full of additives. Simple is always best. 

For all my pasta and carb loving friends out there, here are a few of my favorite pasta substitutes that your body will thank you for!


Trader Joe’s Red Lentil Pasta


The only ingredient in this pasta is lentils… simple and amazing!

This pasta will not spike your blood sugar levels like many traditional white pastas do, and is full of fiber!


Trader Joe’s Black Bean Pasta



The only ingredient in this pasta is organic black bean flour… again so simple!

This pasta contains protein and is packed with fiber.  


Zucchini Noodles


The only ingredient in this pasta is raw vegetables! 

This is a great substitute if you are looking to cut back on traditional carbohydrates and increase your intake of vegetables.

You can hide these noodles under a yummy red sauce or even a pesto sauce for family in your life who may be skeptical about the new zoodles. 


All three of these pasta substitutes are naturally gluten-free, and have even passed the taste test for my gluten loving friends!

What are some of your favorite pasta substitutes?

Benefits of Detoxing

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Detoxing has recently become a bad word in our culture. People are quick to make judgements and assumptions. I am here to tell you that not all detoxing is bad. In fact I love detoxing. I love fueling my body with wholesome fruits and vegetables, I love the burst of energy, the decrease in inflammation and the vibrancy I feel after I detox. Detoxing becomes “bad” when you are not consuming any vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, or essentially any food for a sustained period of time. There are exceptions to this of course, water fasting and the master cleanse have been used to help rid the body of disease and illness under medical supervision. 

I have been obsessed with green juice for over seven years now. It is a daily item on my meal plan, and something I literally look forward to everyday. Detoxing for me is just an extension of this. Finding something that makes you feel so good, down to your cellular level, and amplifying it. 

I have completed numerous detox and cleanse programs over the years, and I can tell you that not all programs are created equal. When detoxing, it is first important to determine why you want to detox. Suffering from low energy, afternoon lull, digestive problems, autoimmune conditions, or perhaps you over indulged a bit last weekend and have finally decided to clean up your act. Once you have your reason, keep this in mind, it will be your motivation to get through. Decide how long you can honestly commit to detoxing, 3,5,7 or 21 days. Pick a time period that will realistically work for you. Remember you can always extend the detox, but you never want to over commit and leave yourself feeling disappointed. Pick a detox program that works with your lifestyle and will allow you to continue living your life, preferably a real food detox.

There are many concerns clients have about starting a detox. The number one question I receive is will I be in the bathroom for the entire detox? No! Detoxing does not have to be an intense bathroom nightmare. Depending on your typical daily diet, you may not notice any change in your bowel movements.

The idea behind a detox is to give your digestive system a break, let it rest. Decrease the inflammation in your gut, and your overall body. Increase the good bacteria, and flood your body with nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. 

In my new book, Revitalize & Renew, I review the importance of detoxing, how to ease in and ease out of your detox safely. I provide you with a set by step guide to my seven day real food detox program. The best part about this detox program is that it is achievable and reasonable. You can choose to start by simply adding in 1 smoothie or juice per day, then in a week or so maybe you do a 24 hour detox, then a few months later you do 3 days etc… working your way up to the full seven days. (disclaimer: for full benefit it is recommended that you complete all 7 days) Revitalize & Renew is packed with healthy recipes and real food options. Even choosing to start slow and add 1 smoothie or juice in per day will help your body achieve a more alkaline state, and get your energy flowing!

For more questions about detoxing please contact me directly at jennifer@leanandgreenbody.com

Celery Juice: What’s All the Hype?

Celery Juice: What's All the Hype

Celery Juice is one of the most powerful vegetable juices you can drink. I recommend drinking 16 oz of pure celery juice first thing in the morning, after your morning routine. The Medical Medium turned me onto this principle, if you have not checked out his books they are so informative!

Drinking pure celery juice first thing in the morning will increase your digestive power for the remainder of the day.

Celery is extremely anti-inflammatory and can help heal the bodies of those suffering from autoimmune conditions. These anti-inflammatory properties in celery help to eliminate bad bacteria, viruses and pathogens. 

The natural mineral salts in celery act as an antiseptic agent fighting against pathogens and helping to rid our bodies of chronic illness and disease. 

Celery has also been known to help decrease and regulate blood pressure naturally, and balance blood sugar. 

If you have been reading my blog for sometime you know that I am all about detoxing the body naturally. Celery is one of the top detoxing foods, the natural mineral salts in celery cling to toxins and help your body eliminate them. 

These mineral salts keep our body functioning at an optimum level. They are necessary for proper kidney, liver and adrenal function, and keep our gut healthy. The mineral salts in celery also act as powerful electrolytes keeping our bodies in peak performance condition. 

Our bodies function best when they are in an alkaline state. An acid state brings about disease and illness, and can lead to many chronic conditions. Celery juice, like many raw vegetables, helps our body maintain an alkaline state, preventing disease and illness. 

You are what you eat. 

Eat real food. 

Healing food. 


Bikini ready just in time for summer

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Summer is just around the corner! 

Beaches, BBQ’s, and Bikinis…. 

Are you ready for some summer fun? 

Here are some quick tips and tricks to get you summer ready in no time!

  1. Cut the junk food. Finals are over, the snow has finally stopped, and the sun is here to stay! Eliminate all processed foods….you heard me. Anything in a box or bag will have to go. Nourish your body with wholesome, real food. Think watermelon, apples, almond butter, and warm summer salads.

  2. Add in our Triple Play morning routine daily

  3. Add in one smoothie per day! Check out a few of our most popular smoothies here…

  4. Move your body every day! Check out some of our free workouts here…

For more tips and tricks on how to get summer ready fast contact Jennifer at jennifer@leanandgreenbody.com and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Memorial Day!



Yoga Classes Begin Monday!

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Weekly yoga classes begin at our 5th Ave S studio location Monday May 28!

We will be offering 3 weekly yoga classes through June, and already have plans to expand to 12+ yoga classes per week. 

Current Schedule:

  • Monday 6:30a

  • Thursday: 8:00a

  • Friday: 10:30a

All classes will be 60 minutes long, and will cost $15 per class. 

Memorial Day Picnic Favorites

Memorial Day is Monday, picnics and barbecues will be in full swing!

Here are a few of my favorite (and super easy) picnic hits!!


1.  Hard-boiled eggs. You can never go wrong with these. Clean, simple, and packed with 6 grams of protein per egg. Want to mix up the traditional hard-boiled eggs, check out my recipe for avocado deviled eggs.

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2. Cubed watermelon. Super hydrating and sweet, making it the perfect dessert! Want to get extra fancy? Cut your watermelon in half, carve out the entire inside of one half, and place cubed watermelon back inside… using it as your dish!


3. Massaged kale salad. This is one of my go-to’s because it is so versatile, you can mix it up by adding shrimp, chicken, or tofu to this salad for extra protein.


4. Salmon Lettuce Wraps are a go-to for any backyard function!


Memorial Day (and pretty much every summer picnic) would not be complete without a healthy cocktail! My favorite go-to cocktail is vodka soda. 

This cocktail is easier for your body to process and breakdown, and is gluten free, dairy free, and sugar-free!


Vodka Soda


  • 1 glass with ice

  • 1 oz Tito’s Vodka

  • Juice from 1 whole lemon

  • 4 oz of club soda


  1. Stir and Enjoy! Happy Memorial Day!

How to Make my Vegetarian Warm Quinoa Salad

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This warm summer salad is sure to be a hit at every summer picnic!


  • 6 ounces red or black quinoa (1 cup)

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 1/4 cup pine nuts

  • 3 tablespoons grapeseed oil

  • 3 garlic cloves, minced

  • 1/2 medium red onion, finely chopped

  • 2 medium carrots, cut into quarters

  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin

  • 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon sherry vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons small mint leaves

  • Olive oil for drizzle over final product


  1. Put the quinoa in a small saucepan and cover with 2 cups of water.

  2. Add a large pinch of salt and pepper and bring to a boil.

  3. Cover and cook over low heat until the water has been absorbed and the quinoa is tender, about 15 minutes.

  4. In a large skillet, toast the pine nuts over moderate heat, stirring, until fragrant, about 2 minutes. Transfer to side dish.

  5. Heat the 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil in the skillet. Add the garlic and onion and cook over moderate heat until softened, and onions become translucent, about 5 minutes.

  6. Add carrots and cumin to the skillet with onions and garlic, cover and cook over low heat until the carrots are just tender, about 5 minutes.

  7. Stir in the quinoa and vinegar and season with salt and pepper.

  8. Mound the quinoa salad on plates, approximately one cup per serving. Garnish with the toasted pine nuts and mint leaves.

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Smoothie

PB + Chocolate Smoothie | Lean and Green Body® Blog

Getting bored with the same old breakfast smoothie? It's time to change it up.

Check out our new peanut butter & chocolate smoothie packed with protein, fat, fiber, and greens! 

This smoothie will keep you full for hours and will surely satisfy that chocolate craving!


  • 10 oz organic unsweetened almond milk

  • 1 TBSP organic raw peanut butter

  • 1 TBSP chia seeds

  • 1 TBSP cacao powder

  • 1 scoop Garden of Life raw protein

  • 2 handfuls of spinach


  1. Place all ingredients into your blender.

  2. Blend until smooth.

  3. Enjoy!

5 ways to get a better nights sleep…Starting Today!


According to the new Consumer Report, 27% of Americans have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep all night, and 68% of Americans have trouble with sleep at least once per week.

The numbers are high, and they continue to rise. Sleep is essential. Sleep allows our body to heal and repair our vital organs, it increases our productivity during the day, and boosts our immune system. 

Poor sleep is linked to weight gain, obesity, hormone disruption, poor eating habits, an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, and depression. 

5 ways to improve your sleep starting today!

1. Turn off all electronic devices a minimum of 60 minutes before bedtime and store them away from your bed. The blue light that is emitted from electronic devices, like our cell phones is harmful and disruptive to sleep. 

2. Journal for 5 + minutes before you go to sleep. Journaling before bed allows those     lingering thoughts and worries to get out of your head and onto the pages, allowing you to have a more restful sleep.

3. Use blackout curtains in your bedroom, and switch your lights to a dimmer. This signals to your body that it is time for rest. The blackout curtains can be very helpful to block out street lights, and can help provide a deeper sleep.

4. Sound machine. Using a sound machine (even a sound machine app on your phone) can help to block out excess noise, and soothe your mind and body into a more restful sleep. 

5. Cut off your caffeine by 2:00pm, at the latest. This will allow your body to absorb and utilize the remaining caffeine before you hit your pillow. 


Egg Muffin Recipe

Egg Muffin Recipe | Lean and Green Body® Blog

Egg Muffins

(gluten-free, sugar-free)

Makes 12 egg muffins

Looking for a quick and easy breakfast? Something healthy the kids will actually want to eat in the morning? We’ve got the solution!

Egg muffins are a nutritious and easy breakfast option for everyone in your family.

There are so many ways to modify and adjust the recipe to meet your dietary needs. For example, you can use egg whites instead of whole eggs to reduce cholesterol. Vegetarians can choose to exclude meat and substitute extra vegetables instead. For those of you who are dairy free, leave out the cheeses or use a cheese substitute.

Egg Muffin Recipe | Lean and Green Body® Blog


  • 8 eggs

  • 1 onion

  • 2 slices of prosciutto

  • 1 red bell pepper

  • 3 TBSP Parmesan cheese


  1. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F

  2. Place cupcake liners inside of cupcake tin (for this recipe we will use a 12 cupcake tin), spray the liners with coconut oil spray (sides and bottom).

  3. Crack all 8 eggs and whisk together in a bowl until smooth.

  4. Dice onion, and sauté in a pan with 1 tsp of avocado oil until the onion becomes translucent.

  5. Dice and clean red bell pepper and add to onion pan, cook until pepper becomes soft.

  6. Dice prosciutto, and add to pepper and onion in pan.

  7. Pour eggs evenly into cupcake tin, filling about halfway.

  8. Once vegetables are cooked, add vegetable mixture to the eggs. Adding approximately 1 tsp to each tin.

  9. Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top of each egg tin.

  10. Bake for approximately 15 minutes, depending on your oven.

Big Announcement...Coming Soon: weekly yoga classes at our 5th Ave S studio location!

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We are thrilled to announce that we will be starting weekly yoga classes at our 5th Ave S studio location!

We will begin with the following schedule starting Monday May 28 with plans to expand.


Monday Vinyasa Mix 6:30am

Thursday Slow Flow 8:00am

Friday Vinyasa Mix 10:30am


All classes will be 60 minutes long.

Cost per classes $15.

Detox with Jennifer!

Detox with Jennifer

Looking to detox?

Loose a few extra pounds before Summer?

Change up your eating habits?

Go paleo, vegetarian, gluten free, or even vegan?

Looking for healthy, glowing skin, vibrant energy?

Look no further!

Jennifer’s Revitalize & Renew detox is now available in 3, 5 or 7 days!


For $30 per day you will receive round the clock support, check ins, help easing in and easing out of the detox. You will receive help transitioning into your new healthy habits post detox.  Plus receive a copy of Jennifer’s Revitalize & Renew: 7 Days to a Healthier You book!

Learn more at www.leanandgreenbody.com or call (239) 290-3482.

Purchase your detox package today!


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Lean and Green Body® is not just a fitness studio. We are a Total Mind, Body and Soul Wellness Brand. We specialize in holistic nutrition & wellness, yoga and personal training. 

Our team looks to heal and strengthen the body. Jennifer, the founder and owner of Lean and Green Body®, LLC has a degree in sports medicine and specializes in diagnosing, treating, preventing and rehabbing injuries in the athletic population. Lean and Green Body® has three functional certified personal trainers on staff with a multitude of specialties and experience. Our trainers can help you reach your goals, whether you are looking to heal and rehabilitate an injury, lose weight, tone your body, or prepare for your sport season. Our trainers have worked at the high school level, collegiate level, and with our United States military training them to be their best. Even with all this experience and focus on the physical body, we are much more than a fitness studio.

Lean and Green Body® has three yoga teachers on staff with a passion for helping you deepen your yoga practice. All three yoga teachers specialize in vinyasa yoga, aiding you in connecting breath to movement. Lean and Green Body® offers private sessions at the studio or your home. We offer weekly yoga classes at our 5th Ave S studio in downtown Naples Florida, all levels welcome.

One of Lean and Green Body®’s most unique and specialized areas of expertise is Holistic Nutrition. Our founder, Jennifer is not only a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, but is also a Holistic Nutrition Specialist. After going to graduate school for clinical dietetics, Jennifer realized that working in a hospital and pumping patients full of medicine was not how she wanted to approach healing. Jennifer found that holistic nutrition allows us to heal the body naturally through food, herbs, and lifestyle. We are able to look at the entire body, and treat it as a whole instead of one aliment at a time. We are able to treat underlying issues such as food allergies, intolerances, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, cholesterol, and weight management.

Lean and Green Body® stands out because of our team’s ability to see the whole person, identify what each client specifically needs, and create a customized plan. The Lean and Green Body® team is comprised of educated and licensed yoga teachers, certified trainers, and holistic nutrition specialists.  No one on our team took a weekend course and read a book to get where they are. Each member of the Lean and Green Body® team has a passion and a drive to do what they do, and  they continue learning and educating themselves, constantly pushing themselves to be the best they can be, and to offer the best to their clients. 



Today is a day to celebrate.  Today is Jennifer Khosla’s birthday, founder and CEO of Lean and Green Body.

Today is a day to say thank you for your dedication, commitment, and passion. You have touched so many lives with your patience and guidance.