Bye Bye Eggs


I eliminated eggs from my diet January 1, 2020, and as an avid egg lover this was heart breaking. Although I had suspected an egg allergy for months I couldn’t bear the thought of completely eliminating them from my life… how would I ever bake again or make the perfect fried egg?? Turns out the perfect fried egg is on hold for right now, but I was able to create the perfect egg free birthday cake last month using a new egg substitute product.

Did you know eggs are one of the top 5 food allergens right now? For me they go hand in hand with my other allergies: gluten and diary. For me, these food allergens are due to an autoimmune condition and some gut health issues that I am working to heal. I have been egg free for four months now, and have seen a drastic improvement in my symptoms. This egg free life may not be forever, but until I can fully heal my body I am committed.

Gluten free, dairy free, and now egg free…how was I supposed to eat anything fun??

Luckily, I’m not really the woe is me type of person. I’m a problem solver. I knew that making my birthday cake this year would be tricky but there had to be a solution. This was my first experiment using an egg substitute…and it worked amazing! There was no noticeable difference in taste or texture IMO.

I used Neat Egg after searching for a super clean egg substitute. What I love about the Neat Egg product is that it only has two ingredients… chia seeds and chickpeas. So simple, and it adds a bit of protein and fiber to whatever you cook.

Check out the Neat Egg products here!

Is anyone else suffering from food allergies???

6 Ways to Deal With Anxiety

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We have all had to adjust to our “new normal” over the past few months due to COVID-19, and with many of us being able to leave the house again (thank goodness!) we are now gearing up to adjust to a “new normal” once again.

I am a bit different than most, in that I actually thrive on change. Instead of running away from change, I typically run towards it. Over the past few months we have all experienced massive amounts of change in our personal lives, our work environments, our communities, and globally. For many this type of change can elicit anxiety… even in people like me who typically love change.

Even though I love change and was easily able to adapt my business model during the quarantine, I still experienced bouts of anxiety. I believe it’s normal. Anxiety is our body’s way of communicating with us and letting us know that something is off. It’s a sign for your to stop tuning into all the external distractions, and start tuning into whats going on inside.

Today’s I’m going to share six ways to deal with anxiety. I use these personally and with several of my clients.

  1. Breathe. Pause whatever you are doing, close your eyes, put your hands on your heart and simply breathe. Connect with the rise and fall of your chest as breath enters and exits the body. Take 10 deep breaths here.

  2. Meditate. Find a comfortable position, I prefer to be seated, but find what works for you. You can lead yourself through a meditation, simply tune into your breath, or listen to a guided meditation of choice. Check out the benefits of meditation here and my four tips for meditation here.

  3. Journal. Sit down and write out all your thoughts that are rushing through your head, without judgement, just let it all out. Sometimes purging our emotions through writing and getting it all down on paper can help us to release whatever it is that is causing our anxiety in that moment. It may almost feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

  4. Move. For me movement is one of the best ways to keep my anxiety in check. Find a workout you love…running, yoga, pilates… whatever it is, and move every day. Even if it’s only 20 minutes, do something to move your body and change up your mindset.

  5. Diet. Nutrition plays a huge role in our emotional state. Keep a food journal and write down everything you eat and drink in a day, then record your emotional state morning, noon, and night. Check in with yourself and notice the connection between what you choose to eat and your emotional state. Every time you eat think about fueling yourself physically and mentally.

  6. Tapping. Emotional freedom technique tapping can seriously help anxiety as well as many other mental health conditions. EFT tapping helps to balance out the energy in the body, and alleviate emotional and physical pain. I will be doing a whole blog post about this in a few weeks, but feel free to google EFT tapping if you are interested in learning more!

I hope that you are able to incorporate some of these techniques into your daily routine to help manage anxiety. I am not a doctor and am only offering suggestions based upon my own personal experience. Please always remember that anxiety is a mental health condition and it is important to talk to your doctor about creating a treatment plan that would work best for you.

Seasonal Produce - May

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Here is my monthly list of seasonal produce for Florida!

It is especially important in these times to support our local economy #buylocal

Seasonal Produce for May (Florida)

Bell Pepper


















Snap Bean


Sweet Corn




YouTube Classes

Check out the latest from Lean and Green Body® on YouTube!

60 Minute Vinyasa Flow

20 Minute Gentle Yoga

478 Breath

20 Minute Yoga For Runners

20 Minute Restorative Yoga

COVID-19 Update

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Many of us have now been quarantined for several weeks, and we have been able to adjust into our new reality. Frankly, I feel like I may have a tough time going back to my old routine once this is all over. During this time of reflection I have noticed that there are many parts of my daily routine, and specifically my morning routine, that I do not want to go back to….so I’m not.

I have fallen in love with this slower pace, not setting an alarm most days (although still waking up with the sun), walking miles with my pup, daily yoga and letting go of the grind and the hustle. I have found a way to work less, stress less, and still run a successful company. I’ve enjoyed being in tune with my body and my soul, and understanding what they really need. Starting my mornings mindfully, without rushing to my phone and out the door to a non-stop day of clients, has been life changing.

I don’t miss the 14 hour days, driving around town to clients and appointments, with no real time for myself. I was falling back into bad habits and over-scheduling myself to the point of major stress and exhaustion. I was putting everyone and everything before myself, and I could see it falling apart. The quarantine came at the perfect time for me, a time for me to step back and re-assess where I wanted to put my energy. I absolutely love my company and love what I do, but I knew there was a better way. I knew I could set a better example.

During this time I have really been able to slow down, my stress is virtually gone, my health is improving, and I can see the changes spreading through every area of my life. So no, I will not be going back to my old ways. I have seen the light and learned from my old patterns. I am choosing to do better and be better. I am choosing to set an example for myself and those around me. You can still have everything you want without the non-stop hustle and grind.

Comment below and let me know how you are adjusting. Are there changes you are going to make when we return to “normal”?

Be Well!

Benefits of Yoga for Kids

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There has been a tremendous amount of change over the past few weeks and months, and we are not the only ones who feel it…kids feel it too. Their lives have been turned upside down, school is out until summer, they can’t see their friends, and now they are home driving you crazy. Kids do not intentionally mean to drive you nuts, or be in your space when you are taking a conference call, they are adjusting and doing the best they can. They may not always have the words to communicate how they are feeling, or the wherewithal to truly understand what is going on…but they feel it. They also feel your energy, and the energy in the house…let’s try and be positive role models and examples of how to handle difficult situations.

Now is the perfect time to begin a yoga and meditation practice with your children. Perhaps you are already practicing at home, and maybe they are beginning to jump into your practice - awesome! Yoga, meditation, and pranyama are excellent tools for children to use to handle the “new normal” now but also to take with them when they go back to school. It has been said that children who practice yoga and meditate are able to concentrate better in school and have less anxiety around testing taking. I feel like all schools should be teaching kids yoga, these are tools children can use for a lifetime.

Benefits of yoga for kids:

Increased flexibility

Increased strength

Increased coordination

Better body awareness

More relaxed mood

Calm energy

Increased concentration

Less anxiety

Yoga for Runners

With all the gyms closed due to COVID-19, I have taken up running again. As a former runner I love the “runner’s high” you experience after a good run, endorphins pumping, sweat dripping down your face … I love it. As I ease back into running again, it has been so important for me to balance it out with yoga. I filmed this class specifically for runners… or anyone with tight hamstrings and tight hips …and it has been a life saver to me right now.

Click below to check out my 20 minute yoga for runner yoga class!

Roasted Artichokes

Thanks to the COVID-19 I have been experimenting in the kitchen and recipe testing. I made these roasted artichokes last week and they instantly have become my favorite food!

Bonus… did you know artichokes have been known to lower cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, improve liver and digestive health? Incredible! Eat up.


  • 1 bag of frozen artichokes

  • Grapeseed Oil

  • Pink Sea Salt

  • Pepper



  1. Remove artichokes from the bag and place them in a bowl with warm water.

  2. Allow artichokes to thaw completely.

  3. Drain the water.

  4. Place artichokes on baking sheet and drizzle grapeseed oil on top.

  5. Top with pink sea salt and pepper.

  6. Use your hands to mix the oil and spices together, coating each artichoke.

  7. Bake for 25 minutes at 400° (check on them periodically so they do not burn)

  8. Broil them on HIGH for 2 minutes, they should be nice and crispy. (make sure they do not burn)

  9. Enjoy!

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A Natural Approach to Body Care

As a Mind Body Wellness Practitioner and a Holistic Nutrition Specialist I believe nutrition is just as important as understanding the products we use on our skin. Over the past year I have radically transformed my skin care and body care products in an effort to eliminate as many toxins and chemicals as I can from my daily routine. There are so many hidden chemicals, endocrine disruptors, toxins, and other junk that can lead to reproductive issues, autoimmune conditions, and much more. Unfortunately, the FDA does not regulate cosmetics and body care items allowing companies to add whatever chemicals and toxins they want to our products. The only item they currently regulate with regards to body care are color additives. Many are currently fighting this issue, and I am hopeful we will see change soon.

Our skin is our largest organ, and absorbs over 60% of what we put on it. I always tell my nutrition clients that we are what we eat. Well, if that’s the case for skin we are ingesting tons of chemicals unknowingly.

The top 10 chemicals and toxins that are in many beauty care and body care items:


Sodium Lauryl Sulfates

Mineral Oil






PEG Compounds


As I mentioned I started doing some major research about a year ago and began switching out my everyday products. It took months to find some suitable replacements, but I feel that I now have a healthy body care routine.


My new deordant is Schmidts’s… I’ve been using this for about two years now and love the bergamot and lime scent. I struggled to find a natural clean deodorant because most either did not work or let so much oil that was ruining my shirts. I settled on this one because I find it lasts all day and is non-irritating.


I also use this deodorant by Everyone that is made with 100% essential oils. I love this one so much, and it’s great if you need a mid-day refresh. I use this one specifically if I’m going to wear silk blouses or if I’m going out at night. It’s light weight - and does not really hold up for a sweaty workout - but is a great balance to the Schmidt’s I mentioned above. I use both weekly!


I switched over to this Pure Zero shampoo and conditioner a few months ago after struggling to find a natural product that worked with my hair. I am really loving this brand! I’ve tried a few different varieties and am currently using the KALE scalp renewal because, well, it had kale in the name lol. But seriously, do love this brand and they are local to south Florida!


My husband and I switched over to Everyone body lotion a year ago, and love it! It’s the perfect consistency, super hydrating and we love the scents! Our favorite are the coconut lemon and the lavender. I would highly recommend this lotion.

My face care was tough to transition because I was so in love with my routine and my skin glowed. I have slowly transitioned to a more natural and organic skin care routine and am loving these products.


The rose water spray from Trader Joe’s is amazing! I use it every morning after my morning skin care routine and several times a day to rehydrate. I can feel a real difference when I don’t use it. I was using the Mario Badescu rosewater spray, but was unable to restock due to quarantine. Both are great products.

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I just swapped out my old serum (it wasn’t toxic but it was crazy expensive) for this less expensive and much healthier option. I love the Cocokind company and all their products are really amazing, they make skincare that you can feel really good about.

I have several non-toxic beauty care and make up items I use on a daily basis and love… would you be interested in a full blog post on those too?

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The last two items I am going to share today… were the toughest to switch over to but the ones I am loving the most right now. Perfume is toxic! It’s crazy the chemicals that can be put in perfumes, then we spray them onto areas of our skins with loads of blood vessels and they get absorbed into our body. This switch took me the longest because I was emotionally connected to some of my perfumes, but I am obsessed with the ‘replacements’. This lemon sugar perfume by Tulip is my go-to day to day right now and smells incredible! Lemon is one of my favorite scents, it’s bright and light, perfect for day time. I have also been love this Lark Skin Co. roller in “Date Night” for evenings. The scent is unreal and a big hit with my husband. I would highly recommend both of these brands, they have several different scents to fit your personality and desire.

These are some of the body care and skin care items I am using currently and loving! Comment below and let me know what swaps you have made!

I am so passionate about health and wellness and would love to share more posts like this. Please comment below if you enjoyed this post and would like to see more similar posts.

Be Well,


Free Meditation

Feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed by the sudden changes surrounding COVID-19?

This meditation is less than five minutes and will leave you feeling relaxed and renewed. 

Sometimes all we need is to breathe. 



If you enjoy please ‘like’ the video and subscribe to my You Tube channel here!

** I apologize for the wind in the background, I am still new to this and we have already begun making changes to accommodate the elements. Thank you for your patience. 

A Home Practice is More Important Than Ever

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We are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, our schedules have dramatically changed, and we are all working to navigate this new “normal”. It is more important than ever before to establish a home yoga practice. A home yoga practice can be a difficult thing to establish and commit to for several reasons. We often seem to get distracted during our home practice, and can find our eyes wandering during warrior 1, eyeing that pile of laundry that needs to be done. Oftentimes during our home practice our children or pets need us, the phone rings, or you suddenly feel as though you have done enough…after only 15 minutes. A home yoga practice is not easy, and took me years to fully establish - and is still something I struggle with some days. I am one of those people who would always get distracted during my home practice or prioritize everything else in my else except my practice… has anyone else done this??

My home yoga practice changed when I set a schedule and a space for yoga in my daily routine. I practice in the same space everyday, and close the door. I turn my phone on “do not disturb”, and do not think about the emails piling up in my inbox until my practice is over. I always come out of savasana feeling amazing, and it is typically the best thing I have done for myself that day. As women it is difficult for us to prioritize ourselves, we tend to put everyone else needs before ours. It’s not healthy, and one of my favorite quotes says it best “self care is not selfish”. One way in which I feel I have overcome this feeling, and am able to gift myself this time is getting up before the rest of my house is awake and sneak into my “yoga space aka my office” and practice. If I have an early meeting… or let’s be honest if I want to sleep in on a Sunday… then I make sure to schedule some time in for myself later in the day to practice.

My home practice helps me to breathe, to let go of whatever stress has popped up that day (and as a small business owner let me tell you there is always something), and to simply tune into my breath and just be. It allows me to step back from the craziness of life and be present, even if it’s only for 60 minutes, I am able to be fully present and connect with whats really important. My yoga practice keeps me grounded, and allows me to be productive in my work day and allows me to give more fully to my family because I have already nourished myself and my soul.

The COVID-19 has most of us quarantined at home all day, many of us with children, partners, and pets. There is plenty of room for anxiety and stress to creep in. Instead of inviting these negative thoughts to take up space, I encourage you to push them out with yoga and breath. It’s not going to be easy, in fact right now may be the toughest time to start a home practice, but I promise you it will be worth it.

Seasonal Produce - April

Local is always best! April is a big month for local produce, there are so many healthy options!

April’s seasonal produce list for Florida!

Bell pepper



















Snap beans




Sweet corn




How To Successfully Work From Home

Many of us are unexpectedly working from home these days due to COVID-19. As someone who has been working from home for years now I thought I’d take this time to offer some tips to making the most of your new home office. 

Create a routine. This is probably the biggest tip I can offer. Set up some sort of schedule around your work from home routine. Give yourself designated start and end times for your work day, allowing for breaks in between. 

Even on days I work exclusively from home I maintain the same morning routine. This allows for consistency, and my specific morning routine allows for me to be fueled, hydrated, grateful and super clear heading into my day. 

Get dressed. This may seem like a no brainer, but it’s a biggie. Get up, shower, and get ready for the day. This may look different for everyone, but put some effort in. When we work from home it’s easy to stay in sweats all day, forget our shower, and stop taking care of our physical bodies. I have tried both variations (blog research lol) and I know personally I am way more productive, alert, and creative when I put the effort in. I’m not saying you need to put a suit on to work in your living room, but change out of the sweats, put some mascara on, and put in effort in for YOU. You’ll thank me. 

Set up a designated work space. This can be a tough one depending on your home life and the size of your space. I work from home everyday and have the luxury of having a true home office, a space away from the bedrooms and living area where I can work and create. You don’t need a separate room to create a successful home office. All you need is a designated area for you and any office supplies you need. Limit distractions (this can be tough if you have kids at home) and limit household chores during this time, this is your work time. If you have a partner also working from home right now, try to set up two different unique office spaces to maintain focus and productivity. 

Comment below and let me know how you are creating your own home office during this time!

Free 60 Minute Yoga Class

In times of uncertainty and stress yoga has always helped me through. Yoga is a powerful tool to help us navigate through this time of self quarantine, isolation, and the coronavirus pandemic. 

Since most of the yoga studios are closed nationwide, I will be offering a variety of yoga classes and meditations on my YouTube channel for you to enjoy in the comfort of your home. 

Click the link here to subscribe so you ever miss a video!

COVID-19 Pandemic


We are currently living in crazy times. Many of us are quarantined to our homes, unable to see family, friends, or even go to work. The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike anything I have personally witnessed in my lifetime, and to me most closely resembles the preparation before a big hurricane hits. The stores are empty, people are frantically running around town to gather supplies as they hunker down, and the anxiety is palpable.

My hope is that we can use this extra time at home to detox our homes, our lives, and our minds. To let go of unnecessary clutter, and really just let go of anything that has been holding us back from living the life we know we are meant to live. My hope is that we will use this time to hold our kids, our dogs, and our spouses (anyone who you are quarantined with) a little bit closer. To appreciate what we have, our health will always be our greatest wealth.

Things will be drastically different for many us for the next few weeks and possibly months, and instead of asking “why is this happening to me,” consider that this is actually happening for you. What have you been putting off that you now have time to complete? What changes have you been pondering but too fearful to take the leap? Now is the time to create, dream and plan.

Instead of dreading the isolation, use this time to turn inward and do the hard work on ourselves. Use this time to be grateful for everything you have, instead of focusing on what you are lacking. {glass half full mentality} If you are unemployed or short on work use this time to take an online class, pick up a new hobby or musical instrument, read book, or listen to your favorite podcast. There are so many incredible ways in which we can use this time to grow. Instead of dreading being stuck at home for weeks, flip the script as my husband says and find the silver lining. I am looking at this time as a blessing to complete several projects I have been working on, and to finally make the big push and changes business wise that I have been considering.

Technology is an amazing tool, and now is the time to take advantage of all it’s offerings. Don’t allow the quarantine to keep your from your friends and family, organize daily/weekly meet ups online. Host a game night, a happy hour, or simply take on online class together with your friend (virtually). Turning in and doing the work is important, but so is connection. Find a way to connect with your loved ones and your support team during this crisis. You are never alone.

My hope is that we all will come out of this a little bit kinder, more understanding, with a new resolve to appreciate each day and our daily freedom…. And we will all wash our hands!!

{ps… if you weren’t washing your hands before … why?!?}

Click here to see updates in your state.

Immune Boosting Ideas

Need a boost? Here are my top 5 ways to boost your immune system this season. 


Get enough sleep! This one is critical. Your body requires 7-8 hours of sleep each night to reset and restore. Our bodies work so hard when we sleep, ensuring that we are able to function at our peak.


Stay hydrated. It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in water. Keep the fluids up, and keep the flu out.


Up your Vitamin C. Increase your consumption of Vitamin C rich fruits. Did you know strawberries contain more Vitamin C than an orange? Eat up!


Daily dose of elderberry. Many naturopathic doctors and holistic nutritionists recommend taking elderberry to boost your immune system. My family and I have been taking our daily dose for years now to keep us healthy!


Stock up on immune boosting herbs. Oregano oil is a great immune booster and can be a big helping fighting the cold and flu. 

*as always consult with your doctor before adding any of these into your diet

Retreat Discount: Expiring Soon!

There’s only a few days left to take advantage of our retreat discount!

Now through March 31 you can take 20% off the retreat pricing … PLUS get a $50 resort credit and free breakfast for two when booking your stay!

A Holistic Approach to Healthy Hair


This week I am excited to have a guest on the blog! Susan Henderson will be sharing all her tips and tricks for a healthy hair. Susan is a dear friend and a badass stylist, check out here work here.

You should always start with quality salon products (I love surface products) that don’t have harsh chemicals. Salon being the key word, most over the counter products are high in PH or have chemicals like PPD’s & PPV’s which will cause damage.

You need a hair brushing ritual! Buy a great natural boars hair bristle brush. When brushing start at the ends of the hair and work your way up to the scalp. Brushing your scalp and hair for at least 10 to 15 minutes encourages all kinds of nutrients to be released into the hair from the sebaceous glands helping your hair grow, keeping it shiny and healthy!

Stop over washing your hair! You really only need to wash and condition your hair every other day- to every third day - depending on your hair type. It’s so important to use a deep conditioning once a month too!

Invest in a great hair oil - I love Bassu oil from Surface. The Bassu is a carrier oil with natural UV protectants and is super lightweight; it goes inside the hair as opposed to sitting on top.

Purchase a silk pillow case, it’s a game changer! The silk pillow case helps to reduce friction when you sleep and keep your hair from possible breakage, a side effect of tossing and turning when we sleep.

Lastly, get your hair cut regularly. You can’t get rid of split ends with conditioner, they must be cut. Short pixie hair should be cut every 3 to 4 weeks, medium length hair above the shoulders should be cut every 6 to 8 weeks, and long hair past her shoulders should be cut every 10 weeks.

Check out Susan’s salon here to book an appointment and purchase all your hair care products!

Follow Susan on Instagram: @susanhenderson_hair

Click here to check out Susan’s website

Live Long & Prosper?

Join Jennifer Khosla and an esteemed panel for the Live Long & Prosper event hosted by Siena Wealth Management.


The event is free but you must rsvp as space is limited.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Seasonal Produce - March

Our monthly seasonal produce list for Florida!

It’s always best to buy local and buy in season.

Bell Peppers
















Snap Beans




Sweet Corn

