10 of the Best Meditation Songs - Meditation Playlist

I am very dedicated to my meditation practice, and as the year goes on the stronger my practice gets. 

Check out how meditation has changed my life HERE

I thought it would be fun to share one of my favorite meditation playlists with all of you!

Inevitability - Fannie Shelton

Blunda - Astrid Alvarsson

Big Sky - Sleepy Clouds

Endless Nights - Devansh Tushar

Te Urewera - Jay Belshaw

Halvmane - Manvarv

Phaedra - Arlette Leduc

Eyes of Redemption - Dolores Fernel

Sogno Illuminum - Enchanted Feel

Ethereal - Lectus

Ready to start meditating here are 4 tips to starting your practice!


3 Things You Need to Start Meditating

I talk about my daily meditation practice frequently and how it has changed my life. I literally can not imagine my life without it anymore, my body and my mind need it. It feeds my soul in a way I can’t really put into words.

I have found that people are often intimidated to try meditating. They build up a big story around it as to why they can’t or why it won’t work for them. If you just let go of the fear, let go of the assumptions, and just sat down and tried it you may start to experience the magic.

When starting your meditation practice just start with 10 minutes per day. Now that may seem like a lot, but there are 1,440 minutes in the day…I’m sure you can find 10 minutes each day to meditate. Once you commit to a daily practice, and are feeling the results you can gradually increase. I now meditate for a minimum of 40 minutes each day, and it has changed. me.

I thought it would be fun to break down the 3 things you need to start meditating today!

The first thing you need when meditating is an open mind. Let go of preconceived ideas, thoughts, assumptions and just allow this experience to be whatever it may be. It won’t be perfect the first few times, hell it may never be perfect…and that’s totally okay. People often assume that in order to “meditate properly” you have to have a completely clear mind, false. We do not live in a society where it is easy to have a clear mind, which is why we need to meditate. Thoughts will come in, acknowledge them and then just put them to the side. You get to decide whether or not you pick up those thoughts after your practice.

The second thing you will need to begin your meditation practice is a quiet space. You can set up a quiet calm corner in your home, your office, your patio. Choose a space that is relaxing to your mind and body. It will be tough to meditate in a messy space because your mind will be thinking about cleaning instead of just being. I work with some mother’s who meditate sitting on the edge of their bathtub, or sitting up in bed. Find a space that feels good to you. I like to turn down the lights in the room to create a calm relaxing vibe, do what feels best for you.

The last thing you will need to start your meditation practice is either quiet chill meditation music or perhaps use an app for a guided meditation experience. It can be very difficult when starting to simply sit in the silence and meditate. The thoughts will come in and can become overwhelming, and even take over the experience. Currently, I use very calm meditation music to help guide me and I set a time on my phone, the music shuts off when the time is complete. You can also use an app, there are dozens of meditation apps and guided meditations available online. I often use Gabrielle Bernstein when I am looking for a guided meditation experience, and I highly recommend her. When first beginning your meditation practice following along with a guided meditation can help to focus the mind. If you have a favorite meditation app let me know by leaving a comment below!

There are several different types of meditation and it is important to find one that aligns with you. Play around, experiment, and have fun with the process.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

5 Ways Meditation Has Changed My Life

Hi friends! I wanted to check in with you and update you on my meditation practice. New Years Day I committed to a daily meditation practice just for the month of January, hoping to gain some clarity. I loved it so much, and deeply connected with the practice, that I decided to continue my daily meditation practice indefinitely. I have felt such a dramatic shift in my life and my personal being since committing to this practice, it has changed my life in so many ways.

Here are 5 ways my life has changed since I started meditating daily:

1. I am way less stressed…I would conservatively say that my stress level has decreased over 50%, pretty amazing!

2. I am less reactive. I am able to remain in my breath, and focus on what’s real even in challenging times.

3. I am more connected to my body and my soul than ever before. 

4. I have a new found love and deep appreciation for my body. Meditation is not technically a physical practice, but it is changing my physical body. 

5. Meditating has allowed me to more clearly see my life, where I am currently and where I want to be. I find that I am able to more smoothly move through road blocks and say no to projects that do not align with where I ultimately want to be. 

Have you started a daily meditation practice? I would love to hear how it has changed your life. 

Comment below and let me know! xx 

5 ways meditation has changed my life.jpg

Free Meditation

Feeling stressed, anxious, overwhelmed by the sudden changes surrounding COVID-19?

This meditation is less than five minutes and will leave you feeling relaxed and renewed. 

Sometimes all we need is to breathe. 



If you enjoy please ‘like’ the video and subscribe to my You Tube channel here!

** I apologize for the wind in the background, I am still new to this and we have already begun making changes to accommodate the elements. Thank you for your patience. 

4 Meditation Tips to Try

photo credit: NIK WILCOX

photo credit: NIK WILCOX

Meditation has literally changed my life. {check out all the benefits here} I have been meditating on and off for years now, and recently committed to a daily meditation practice, which has been unbelievable. The amount of clarity I receive during my meditation is unreal. It truly allows me time to disconnect with whatever is going on in my life and to connect solely to my breath. I can go into my meditation super stressed and overwhelmed, and during the meditation I can actually feel my shoulders begin to release down out of my ears and relax down my back. This time is my own, and sometimes honestly it is the only alone time I get in a day {can any busy entrepreneurs or Mamas relate??}. Meditation is such an incredible way to disconnect with the craziness of our days and to turn the focus inward.

Here are my top four tips for creating your own meditation practice at home.

  1. Find a time to meditation. Determine a time of day that you can have uninterrupted, and can commit to everyday. Perhaps this is in the morning before breakfast, or after work. The time is not a important as the commitment to the daily practice.

  2. Pick a spot to meidtate. Some of my clients prefer to meditation sitting up in their bed first thing in the morning, some prefer to do so on their yoga mats, and my busy moms tend to meditate on the edge of the bathtub with the door locked. Whatever works for you! Just like with the find of day, the location is not that important. What is important is the commitment to yourself and to this daily meditation practice.

  3. Turn your cell phone either off or on air plane mode to limit distractions. If you have children or dependents (or run a business) and need to have your phone on try to turn it to ‘do not disturb,’ at least this will limit the interruptions.

  4. The biggest question I receive around meditation is “well, how long do I have to do it for?” That is entirely up to you! My suggestion would be to start a daily practice first and commit to that habit before committing to a lengthly meditation. Try 5 minutes a day, then 10 minutes until you reach a comfortable amount of time, perhaps one hour. Many people meditate with their eyes closed so how exactly are you supposed to determine the time?? When first starting out I recommend either using a gentle timer, with a vibrate instead of a ringing sound; or using a song. You can find several meditation songs on Spotify, pick a song that matches your time length. As the song ends you will know that it is time to come out of your meditation. My current favorite quick meditation song is “I release” by Beautiful Chorus.

What are some of your meditation tips?? I would love to know!

Guided Pranayama Meditation

Meditation | Lean and Green Body®

In the dictionary, pranayama simply means the regulation of the breath through certain techniques and exercises. 

Prana = breath or vital energy

Ayama = control

Pranayama, or breath control, was first mentioned in yoga literature as a breathing practice around 700 BCE. 

Pranayama has many benefits for both our physical body and our mind. This breathing practice has been known to decrease stress, lower tension and anxiety while relaxing the mind. Pranayama has also been known to help lower blood pressure and restore elasticity of the lungs, great for those with breathing conditions such as asthma. This type of breathing practice induces a meditative state and quiets the mind, allowing for healing and true peace to take place. 

I will guide you through a brief pranayama exercise, simply click the link below!

