Healthy Ideas for Memorial Day!!

Memorial Day is typically thought of as the start of summer. In my home that weekend is filled with bike rides, beach walks, barbecues and sunsets. 

This year is going to look very different since we are dealing with a world wide pandemic. However, we are determined to make it fun, be outside and soak in the start of summer!

Here are some ways that you can soak in the magic of this long weekend at home. 

Go for a morning bike ride!

Make a fun summer salad, here’s one of my favorites!


Grill out! Take your favorite proteins or veggies and grill them outside in the sunshine. No grill, no problem. You can easily do this stovetop with a grill pan.

If your state/county allows go to the park….keep the recommended 6 ft distance…and soak in the outdoors. Bring your favorite book or play frisbee with a friend. 

Cut up some watermelon…and maybe even enjoy some fresh seasonal fruit!

Here is the list of Florida’s seasonal produc


Watch sunset {ideally at the beach} but watching it from your home with your loved ones is just as special. 

Enjoy a refreshing summer cocktail! Here is my favorite Lean and Green Body® approved cocktail



1 glass with ice 

1 oz Tito’s Vodka

Juice from 1 whole lemon

4 oz of club soda


Stir and Enjoy! Happy Memorial Day!

As someone with a long line of military heroes in my family, I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to all who have served past and present. This country would not be what it is today without you, thank you for all you continue to do for us. 



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Peanuts are a super affordable - and highly nutritious - snack!

They are a wonderful source of vegan protein, and contain about 26 grams of protein per 100 grams (4oz or 2/3 cup). Peanuts are packed with vitamins and minerals, and are especially high in B-vitamins, potassium, phosphorous and magnesium. 

Peanuts are a great source of healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats), which can be helpful in lowering your cholesterol and preventing a stroke and heart disease. 

This tiny nut is also packed full of fiber, which is why it can be helpful in weight loss.  (just watch your portion)

I always recommend that my clients eat a healthy balance of healthy fats, fiber and protein in order to keep them full and help them reach their goals - peanuts are an excellent source of all three! 

Did you know that peanuts contain resveratrol? Which happens to be the same powerful antioxidant that is in red wine, that’s right! Resveratrol helps with blood flow and can be helpful in stroke prevention.

Not sold on peanuts yet…no problem. Did you know that peanuts have the ability to increase your libido due to the high amounts of L-arginine in them?

Not all peanuts are created equal… and it’s best to find roasted peanuts, preferably unsalted, especially if you are concerned about heart disease. You can find all kinds of varieties in the store from chocolate covered,  honey roasted and even wasabi dusted, I believe simple is always best!

During quarantine I have been leaving a small bowl out in my office for my husband and I to snack on a few days per week. It’s the perfect afternoon snack to keep us fueled up and focused. 


6 Ways to Deal With Anxiety

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We have all had to adjust to our “new normal” over the past few months due to COVID-19, and with many of us being able to leave the house again (thank goodness!) we are now gearing up to adjust to a “new normal” once again.

I am a bit different than most, in that I actually thrive on change. Instead of running away from change, I typically run towards it. Over the past few months we have all experienced massive amounts of change in our personal lives, our work environments, our communities, and globally. For many this type of change can elicit anxiety… even in people like me who typically love change.

Even though I love change and was easily able to adapt my business model during the quarantine, I still experienced bouts of anxiety. I believe it’s normal. Anxiety is our body’s way of communicating with us and letting us know that something is off. It’s a sign for your to stop tuning into all the external distractions, and start tuning into whats going on inside.

Today’s I’m going to share six ways to deal with anxiety. I use these personally and with several of my clients.

  1. Breathe. Pause whatever you are doing, close your eyes, put your hands on your heart and simply breathe. Connect with the rise and fall of your chest as breath enters and exits the body. Take 10 deep breaths here.

  2. Meditate. Find a comfortable position, I prefer to be seated, but find what works for you. You can lead yourself through a meditation, simply tune into your breath, or listen to a guided meditation of choice. Check out the benefits of meditation here and my four tips for meditation here.

  3. Journal. Sit down and write out all your thoughts that are rushing through your head, without judgement, just let it all out. Sometimes purging our emotions through writing and getting it all down on paper can help us to release whatever it is that is causing our anxiety in that moment. It may almost feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

  4. Move. For me movement is one of the best ways to keep my anxiety in check. Find a workout you love…running, yoga, pilates… whatever it is, and move every day. Even if it’s only 20 minutes, do something to move your body and change up your mindset.

  5. Diet. Nutrition plays a huge role in our emotional state. Keep a food journal and write down everything you eat and drink in a day, then record your emotional state morning, noon, and night. Check in with yourself and notice the connection between what you choose to eat and your emotional state. Every time you eat think about fueling yourself physically and mentally.

  6. Tapping. Emotional freedom technique tapping can seriously help anxiety as well as many other mental health conditions. EFT tapping helps to balance out the energy in the body, and alleviate emotional and physical pain. I will be doing a whole blog post about this in a few weeks, but feel free to google EFT tapping if you are interested in learning more!

I hope that you are able to incorporate some of these techniques into your daily routine to help manage anxiety. I am not a doctor and am only offering suggestions based upon my own personal experience. Please always remember that anxiety is a mental health condition and it is important to talk to your doctor about creating a treatment plan that would work best for you.

Favorite Margarita Recipe


In honor of Cinco de Mayo tomorrow I wanted to share my favorite {skinny} margarita recipe with you! Margaritas always make me dream about vacation… a warm summer day, on a beach, with an ice cold marg in hand!

I believe in moderation and definitely love a good cocktail!

Personally, I love a super clean cocktail…not the high sugar concoctions you get at most bars. The typical margarita is loaded with sugar {think “sour mix”} and calories. A small margarita can have over 400 calories in it?!? Crazy!

This super clean recipe and much lower in sugar and calories than any that you would order out. I substitute the typical agave (which has a pretty similar chemical makeup and reaction in body as high fructose corn syrup) with coconut sugar. Coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index than other sugars (including agave) and won’t spike your blood sugar levels. It also contains inulin fiber, which has many gut health benefits.


  • 1.5 oz of tequila {personally I love Camarena}

  • 1.5 oz of fresh organic lime juice

  • 1 oz of organic orange juice (or 1/2 of a fresh orange)

  • 1/2 tsp of organic coconut sugar

  • Kosher salt

  • Ice


  1. Rim your glass with a thin layer of salt (see directions below).

  2. For one cocktails pour all ingredients into a shaker glass over ice.

  3. Shake very well, for approximately 30 seconds.

  4. Add ice to your rimmed glass, and pour margarita into glass.

    * if you want to make 2 cocktails - double the recipe

How to get the perfect salt rim:

  1. Pour some kosher salt onto a plate.

  2. Take a wedge of lime and rub it along the edge of your glass.

  3. Then take your glass upside down and move it through the kosher salt on the plate.

How To Successfully Work From Home

Many of us are unexpectedly working from home these days due to COVID-19. As someone who has been working from home for years now I thought I’d take this time to offer some tips to making the most of your new home office. 

Create a routine. This is probably the biggest tip I can offer. Set up some sort of schedule around your work from home routine. Give yourself designated start and end times for your work day, allowing for breaks in between. 

Even on days I work exclusively from home I maintain the same morning routine. This allows for consistency, and my specific morning routine allows for me to be fueled, hydrated, grateful and super clear heading into my day. 

Get dressed. This may seem like a no brainer, but it’s a biggie. Get up, shower, and get ready for the day. This may look different for everyone, but put some effort in. When we work from home it’s easy to stay in sweats all day, forget our shower, and stop taking care of our physical bodies. I have tried both variations (blog research lol) and I know personally I am way more productive, alert, and creative when I put the effort in. I’m not saying you need to put a suit on to work in your living room, but change out of the sweats, put some mascara on, and put in effort in for YOU. You’ll thank me. 

Set up a designated work space. This can be a tough one depending on your home life and the size of your space. I work from home everyday and have the luxury of having a true home office, a space away from the bedrooms and living area where I can work and create. You don’t need a separate room to create a successful home office. All you need is a designated area for you and any office supplies you need. Limit distractions (this can be tough if you have kids at home) and limit household chores during this time, this is your work time. If you have a partner also working from home right now, try to set up two different unique office spaces to maintain focus and productivity. 

Comment below and let me know how you are creating your own home office during this time!

Immune Boosting Ideas

Need a boost? Here are my top 5 ways to boost your immune system this season. 


Get enough sleep! This one is critical. Your body requires 7-8 hours of sleep each night to reset and restore. Our bodies work so hard when we sleep, ensuring that we are able to function at our peak.


Stay hydrated. It is recommended that you drink half your body weight in water. Keep the fluids up, and keep the flu out.


Up your Vitamin C. Increase your consumption of Vitamin C rich fruits. Did you know strawberries contain more Vitamin C than an orange? Eat up!


Daily dose of elderberry. Many naturopathic doctors and holistic nutritionists recommend taking elderberry to boost your immune system. My family and I have been taking our daily dose for years now to keep us healthy!


Stock up on immune boosting herbs. Oregano oil is a great immune booster and can be a big helping fighting the cold and flu. 

*as always consult with your doctor before adding any of these into your diet

Retreat Discount: Expiring Soon!

There’s only a few days left to take advantage of our retreat discount!

Now through March 31 you can take 20% off the retreat pricing … PLUS get a $50 resort credit and free breakfast for two when booking your stay!

A Holistic Approach to Healthy Hair


This week I am excited to have a guest on the blog! Susan Henderson will be sharing all her tips and tricks for a healthy hair. Susan is a dear friend and a badass stylist, check out here work here.

You should always start with quality salon products (I love surface products) that don’t have harsh chemicals. Salon being the key word, most over the counter products are high in PH or have chemicals like PPD’s & PPV’s which will cause damage.

You need a hair brushing ritual! Buy a great natural boars hair bristle brush. When brushing start at the ends of the hair and work your way up to the scalp. Brushing your scalp and hair for at least 10 to 15 minutes encourages all kinds of nutrients to be released into the hair from the sebaceous glands helping your hair grow, keeping it shiny and healthy!

Stop over washing your hair! You really only need to wash and condition your hair every other day- to every third day - depending on your hair type. It’s so important to use a deep conditioning once a month too!

Invest in a great hair oil - I love Bassu oil from Surface. The Bassu is a carrier oil with natural UV protectants and is super lightweight; it goes inside the hair as opposed to sitting on top.

Purchase a silk pillow case, it’s a game changer! The silk pillow case helps to reduce friction when you sleep and keep your hair from possible breakage, a side effect of tossing and turning when we sleep.

Lastly, get your hair cut regularly. You can’t get rid of split ends with conditioner, they must be cut. Short pixie hair should be cut every 3 to 4 weeks, medium length hair above the shoulders should be cut every 6 to 8 weeks, and long hair past her shoulders should be cut every 10 weeks.

Check out Susan’s salon here to book an appointment and purchase all your hair care products!

Follow Susan on Instagram: @susanhenderson_hair

Click here to check out Susan’s website

Lemon Facial Mask

Today I’m using one of my all-time favorite foods in a super easy DIY facial recipe.


  • Juice from 1 whole organic lemon

  • 1/4 Cup of extra virgin olive oil


  1. Mix the lemon juice and the olive oil together.

  2. Apply the mixture to your face, wait for 15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

  3. Enjoy your radiant glow!

Seasonal Produce - February

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Bell Pepper















Snap Bean



Sweet Corn



4 Meditation Tips to Try

photo credit: NIK WILCOX

photo credit: NIK WILCOX

Meditation has literally changed my life. {check out all the benefits here} I have been meditating on and off for years now, and recently committed to a daily meditation practice, which has been unbelievable. The amount of clarity I receive during my meditation is unreal. It truly allows me time to disconnect with whatever is going on in my life and to connect solely to my breath. I can go into my meditation super stressed and overwhelmed, and during the meditation I can actually feel my shoulders begin to release down out of my ears and relax down my back. This time is my own, and sometimes honestly it is the only alone time I get in a day {can any busy entrepreneurs or Mamas relate??}. Meditation is such an incredible way to disconnect with the craziness of our days and to turn the focus inward.

Here are my top four tips for creating your own meditation practice at home.

  1. Find a time to meditation. Determine a time of day that you can have uninterrupted, and can commit to everyday. Perhaps this is in the morning before breakfast, or after work. The time is not a important as the commitment to the daily practice.

  2. Pick a spot to meidtate. Some of my clients prefer to meditation sitting up in their bed first thing in the morning, some prefer to do so on their yoga mats, and my busy moms tend to meditate on the edge of the bathtub with the door locked. Whatever works for you! Just like with the find of day, the location is not that important. What is important is the commitment to yourself and to this daily meditation practice.

  3. Turn your cell phone either off or on air plane mode to limit distractions. If you have children or dependents (or run a business) and need to have your phone on try to turn it to ‘do not disturb,’ at least this will limit the interruptions.

  4. The biggest question I receive around meditation is “well, how long do I have to do it for?” That is entirely up to you! My suggestion would be to start a daily practice first and commit to that habit before committing to a lengthly meditation. Try 5 minutes a day, then 10 minutes until you reach a comfortable amount of time, perhaps one hour. Many people meditate with their eyes closed so how exactly are you supposed to determine the time?? When first starting out I recommend either using a gentle timer, with a vibrate instead of a ringing sound; or using a song. You can find several meditation songs on Spotify, pick a song that matches your time length. As the song ends you will know that it is time to come out of your meditation. My current favorite quick meditation song is “I release” by Beautiful Chorus.

What are some of your meditation tips?? I would love to know!

What's For Dinner?


A new month, a new recipe! Do healthy eating and New Years resolutions have you stressing over what to make for dinner? No problem, I’ve got you covered.

It is possible to make something healthy and tasty!

This month’s recipe comes straight from my book Revitalize and Renew (click here to purchase).

This detox salad is one of my favorite go-to’s because it’s quick and easy… and you can mix it up depending on what you have on hand.

Detox Salad


  • 2 cups organic mixed greens

  • 1 cup brussels sprouts (raw or sautéed)

  • 1/2 cup organic shiitake mushrooms (raw or sautéed)

  • 1/3 cucumber (sliced)

  • 1/2 cup shredded carrots

  • 1 TBSP flaxseeds

  • 2 hardboiled eggs

  • Dressing: 1 TBSP of extra virgin olive oil and the juice from 1 organic lemon


  1. Massage dressing o to greens, then top with vegetables

How I maintained my weight during the holidays

The holidays can be a tricky time for those struggling with their weight. This year I was able to maintain my weight during the holiday season … Thanksgiving - New Years … and I’m sharing all my secrets with you!

The holidays tend to be a crazy busy time. We take our already jam packed schedules and amplify them to meet everyones needs. We attend all the parties, bake all the cookies, and host all the gatherings. Pretty much living in sympathy “fight or flight” mode all holiday season. Well that’s no fun, and leaves you completed drained by the New Year. Not to mention this extra stress causing an increase in your cortisol, which will pack on a few extra pounds around your midsection… your stress will literally make you fat. So how’d I manage the stress and ‘all the things’ this season …. I prioritized myself and my self care. Remember self care is not selfish, it’s something that many of us have to relearn but it’s so important. Each day I prioritized my “me time” … I literally wrote it in my planner and refused to cancel on myself. I used this time to meditate, do yoga, hit the gym, read, take a bubble bath…whatever I needed that day. This helped me to manage my stress and actually enjoy the holidays. 

The next thing I did was hydrate! I can not stress this enough… hydration is everything. The average individual requires a minimum of 64 oz of pure water each day - plus 8 oz per every cup of caffeine or alcoholic beverage per day. Take a second and add up what your body needs today…. It’s a lot more than 64 oz. Then factor in your workouts… unless you are a high intensity athlete and working out for hours per day your body can hydrate on pure water alone. Consider your workouts…and add in another 16+ oz of water. This adds up to some serious hydration throughout the day! This hydration can help us from over eating, keeps our skin glowing, helps our digestion system run smoothly, and hydrates our cells. Water is everything. Let’s all have a sip right now!


Mindful indulgences. This can be tricky around the holidays especially with all the holiday gatherings. If you have 2 glasses of wine and 2 cookies in the same evening, your glucose levels will be through the roof, but also you have just consumed approximately 500+ extra (empty) calories. That’s substantial. When I say mindful indulgence I simply mean … indulge mindfully. Think about what you are eating and/or drinking. Is this really what your body wants? Or perhaps it’s craving sugar because you didn’t eat a substantial lunch. 

Mindful indulgences really helped me navigate the holiday parties with ease. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it! Whenever I go out, or we host at our home, I always have a relative plan in mind. Am I going to indulge? What will be my indulgence? If it’s wine, how many glasses? For instance, we went out with friends for an early New Year’s Eve happy hour, I knew going in I was going to use my mindful indulgences for wine that evening. I also knew going in I was only going to have 2 glasses. Having this plan in place ahead of time prevented me from over indulging. Of course there are times when I have not indulged mindfully, and have gone beyond… I am human, just like you. That’s why if the focus is on mindfully indulging most of the time there is room to play. 


Another example of mindful indulgences would be Christmas cookies… I LOVE baking Christmas cookies! This year my Mama and I made two different recipes. My favorite part about baking cookies is the actual baking, the creating and the recipe testing. I love to bake for the ones I love; cooking and hosting is definitely one of the ways I show my love for those around me. This year from Thanksgiving - New Years I only consumed approximately 5 cookies. That’s astonishing! I did not count, and frankly did not even notice until it came time to write this blog post. We had cookies on hand for several weeks, but for some reason this year I did not gravitate towards them. I enjoyed tasting each one we made, but never over indulged. 

One of the tricks I use for mindful indulgences is “out of sight out of mind”. If the cookies or the wine is sitting on the counter, and you see them every time you pass by you are going to crave them. If they are hidden away, or simply stored out of sight, they will not be on your mind and you may choose another (healthier) option. 

The last thing I did that helped me to maintain my weight this holiday was to move every day. Whether it was a power yoga class, a weight training session, or a long walk with my dog I got up and moved daily. This got all the stale energy moving, and typically inspired more movement throughout the day.


These are just a few of my tips and tricks I used this holiday season to maintain my weight. Comment below and let me know what worked for you!

YouTube Year In Review

Sharing a few of my favorite YouTube videos with you from this past year!

Paradise Coast Wellness Weekend


January 11, 2020:

Join Jennifer Khosla, founder of Lean and Green Body® and Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, for an hour long beach-side yoga class. The class will be followed by a healthy brunch including a parfait station, avocado toast, green smoothies, and breakfast quiche.

9am - 10am Yoga on the Beach

10am - 11am Brunch

This event is part of the Be Well in Paradise Experience Weekend.

January 12, 2020

Join Jennifer in a meditation to help bring peace and calm to your life. This beach-side sunset meditation will help you tune into your inner body, calm your mind, relieve stress, prepare for a restful night of sleep.

This is a free event as part of the Paradise Coast Wellness Experience.

Register today as spots are limited.

Top holiday picks for the wellness enthusiast in your life

We all have at least one person in our lives who loves a good sweat session, is also drinking the latest tonic or green juice, and is constantly providing you with the latest “must read” wellness books. Here are my top wellness themed holiday ideas for the wellness enthusiast in your life. And let’s be serious… we could all use a little more wellness in our life.


Rose Quartz Facial Roller $20

I start every day with facial massage, it’s a great way to reduce puffiness and provide a quick lymphatic drainage any time of day!


Four Sigmatic Hot Chocolate with Reishi from $15

Hot chocolate that’s actually good for you!

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Boka Tongue Scraper $5

Removes toxins and bad breath…enough said.

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Positivity Candle $38

Set your intention, stay positive. 

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Cuyana Vanity Case Set $110

This is the perfect duo for all your travels! I love using mine for my supplements and all my wellness travel necessities!

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CycleBar $25

A drop in to a new class is always a good gift idea!


Super Attractor $16

For the friend who is ready to start manifesting their dreams. 


Yoga & Wellness Retreat from $750

Stop saying yes to everyone except you. You deserve something special this holiday. Sign up before December 31 to receive 25% off our May 2020 retreat. 

Honey Citrus Facial Mask

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This DIY at home facial will give you a beautiful glow… with only 2 ingredients!


  • Fresh squeezed organic orange juice - 3 TBSP

  • Raw organic honey - 1/4 Cup


  1. Mix ingredients together.

  2. Gently apply mixture all over your face, leave it on for 15 minutes.

  3. Rinse mask off with lukewarm water, follow up with your daily moisturizer.

Spice and Tea Detox Review


As many of you know I love a good detox! To me there’s almost nothing better than cleansing out my body and mind. I recently tried the 7 day tea detox from Spice and Tea and loved it! It was my first time doing a tea detox, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Typically my detoxes involve lots of juice and smoothies, so a tea detox was new to me.

With this detox I did not have to adjust my diet much. I continued to eat my regular healthy {gluten free, dairy free, soy free} plant based diet. What I loved most about this detox is that I did not have to cut out anything from my regular diet. I am already plant based, and limit the amount of animal protein I consume. Since I did not have to make any big adjustments to my diet, this was one of the easiest detoxes I have ever done!


This tea detox consisted of drinking four teas a day for seven days. Each morning you drink the sunrise chai to kickstart your day, followed shortly after by the G’Day Lemon Mate to conquer any mid-morning slumps you might have. After lunch comes the hibiscus slim down tea to help you curb any cravings, and you end your evening with the chamomile sunset to help you sleep. I really enjoyed all of these teas, the G’Day Lemon Mate and the Chamomile Sunset were definitely my favorites. 

I noticed an increase in energy, clearer skin, better sleep, and decreased belly bloat from this detox. I can’t wait to do it again soon!

For more information on how you can buy your own seven day tea detox click here!

Breakfast Facial

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Last month’s facial recipe had such a good response I decided to continue it this month!

After all our skin is our largest organ, and a healthy skincare routine is so crucial.

Here is a fun D.I.Y. facial you can create yourself at home!

Breakfast Facial

This facial recipe is designed to calm and tighten the skin, and remove excess oil.

* remember food allergies apply to your skin as well! I have a gluten allergy, so I always use gluten free oats for this recipe


  • 1 egg

  • 1 TBSP organic honey (local if possible)

  • 1 TBSP extra virgin olive oil

  • 1/2 Cup gluten free oatmeal


  1. Mix 1 egg yolk, 1 TBSP honey, 1 TBSP olive oil and the 1/2 cup of oatmeal all together. 

  2. Stir all ingredients very well together.

  3. Apply the mixture to your face, making sure to apply an even coat over the entire face, for 15-20 minutes.

  4. Wash face with warm water and wash cloth.

  5. Add your daily moisturizer and you are ready to go!

* side note = we recommend rinsing your face in your kitchen sink due to the oatmeal

Seasonal Produce - November

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Here is our monthly list of seasonal produce for Florida!


Bell Pepper







Passion Fruit



Snap Bean


Sweet Corn

