How to Feed a Family of 4 for Under $10 - RECIPE!

This has been such a fun blog series to create! It start back in March as a way to make wellness accessible to all, here’s the first blog in the series. I am so passionate about nutrition and consuming organic whole real foods that I wanted to share how easy and affordable it really can be for everyone! Often times people get stuck in the mindset that organic foods will be too expensive for their family, so they don’t even bother to shop for them. However, I am here to tell you that it is possible! I am here with my second recipe for this blog series and I’m going to show you how to feed a family of 4 for under $10…here’s the kicker…everything will be organic!!

If you are interested in checking out the first recipe click HERE.

Today’s recipe is one of my favorite quinoa bowls!

This recipe is packed with omega 3 fatty acids, protein, fiber and is super nutrient dense.


Organic Quinoa ($2.97)

Organic Carrots ($1.46)

Organic Kale ($2.47)

Organic Avocado ($2.00)

Total = $8.90! That’s under my $10 budget, awesome!

The best part is that there will be quinoa left over for another meal or two, since $2.97 is for a full bag of organic quinoa!



Cook quinoa, following directions on the bag. If you already have bone broth on hand you can use this in place of water to add more flavor, collagen protein, and nutrients.

Roast the carrots following my recipe HERE

Lightly sauté the kale in a skillet with a splash of bone broth or water.

Slice and dice the avocado, each person should receive 1/4 of a large avocado or 1/2 of a small avocado.

Put your quinoa bowls together using the 4 ingredients above! Portions will vary depending on the individual needs and personal requirements (to learn more about this schedule a 1:1 Nutrition appointment with me HERE

I created this recipe for my husband and I the other night, and we just loved it! Here is a picture of my bowl


If you are enjoying this blog series, and would like me to share more recipes with you please let me know by commenting below!

The Best Gluten-Free Vegan Cupcakes

With a slew of food allergies it can sometimes be tough to bake…never knowing if the items will turn out like cardboard. Luckily, gluten free foods have some a long way in the past decade and some are actually tastier than the ‘real thing’!

I have a ton of major food allergies, I avoid gluten, dairy and eggs…like 3 major (super tasty) food groups! My brother used to joke that I couldn’t eat anything fun, and that totally used to be the case. Fortunately, I have experimented a ton in the kitchen and have found a few brands that make super clean products that make baking so much easier!

My favorite egg substitute is The Neat Egg, I did a whole blog post on my experience with it when I said goodbye to eggs January 2020. You can check it out here. I love this vegan egg substitute because it is super clean and only has 2 ingredients!

One of my goals for 2021 was to learn how to bake my own gluten free vegan bread, and although I have not yet accomplished this I have found a company whom I love and is helping me until I carve out some time to experiment in the kitchen. Simple Mills is gluten free, non-gmo, and uses organic ingredients. One of the things I love most about this brand is that they keep the ingredients minimal and super clean. The vanilla cupcake’s only have 7 ingredients…and you can clearly read and understand them because they are real food ingredients. The other draw to the Simple Mills brand is the low sugar, they use organic coconut sugar which has a lower glycemic index (35) compared to regular sugar (65). The coconut sugar is a real food versus the artificial chemical sugar found in some “low sugar” brands that our bodies can not even breakdown. When comparing this Simple Mills vanilla cupcake mix with 8 grams of sugar to others brands, I found that the average vanilla cupcake mix contains 22 grams of sugar per serving! That’s insane.

I substituted the 3 eggs that the recipe called for with my Neat Eggs in order to make the recipe allergen friendly and vegan. I have made these cupcakes twice in the last month, and my non-gluten free non-vegan family members loved them! Appearance wise I think you can tell that they are healthier, but taste wise they are so yummy!


This post is in no way sponsored or associated with Neat Egg or Simple Mills; I just enjoying sharing recipe modifications that work with me and my food allergies in hope that they may work for you too!

5 Reasons to Eat More Pineapple

Pineapple is my favorite summer fruit; and although it is still technically spring, the hot temps in Florida have me day dreaming of summer…and all my favorite summer eats!

Five Reason You Should Eat More Pineapple

Pineapples are packed with nutrients…and fiber!

They contain tons of antioxidants to help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

Disease fighting…the nutrients in pineapple may help to prevent and fight diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Pineapples are well known for their digestive benefits! This fruit contain digestive enzymes, specifically bromellain, to help our bodies digest our food- especially animal proteins.

Very high in immune boosting Vitamin C! So important rn.

What is your favorite way to eat pineapple? Let me know in the comments below!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

Feed a Family of 4 for Under $10 ...

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about how I was going to make organic food accessible for everyone. I’m determined to show you that it is possible to feed your family real whole organic foods and stay on budget. 

I am excited to share the first recipe with all of you today!!

Grocery Shopping List…

Organic Almond Milk $2.57 per 32 oz (Pacific Foods Brand)

Organic Chia Seeds $2.77 per 4 oz (Green Wise Brand)

Organic Blueberries $3.49 per 6 oz (Driscoll Brand)

Total = $8.83 >> That’s $1.17 under budget!!!

This recipe is high in protein, fiber, and antioxidants! Learn more about the benefits of chia seeds here!


Chia Seed Pudding Recipe


Organic Almond Milk (2 Cup) >> 2 cups left

Organic Chia Seeds (1/2 Cup) 

Organic Blueberries (6 oz) 


In a medium bowl, gently whisk the almond milk and chia seeds together, let stand for 30 minutes. 

Stir again to evenly distribute the seeds if they have settled. Pour into 4 separate ramekins, cover and refrigerate overnight.

In the morning, evenly distribute blueberries on top of pudding.


The Perfect Post-Workout Snack


this fruit gets such a bad rap due to the amount of sugar & carbs in one banana - and it’s not a great choice for some people… no food is perfect for every body 😉

that being said...there are sooo many incredible benefits in bananas!

• improve digestive health
• support weight loss
• support your heart
• high in antioxidants
• boost energy
• muscle recovery
• fight cancer

The perfect post workout snack… you guessed it, a banana!

A banana with a tsp of nut butter is an excellent post workout snack - high in electrolytes, potassium, carbs and protein - it will help you recover faster and prevent muscle cramps! Plus this snack costs about 25 cents if you buy organic, amazing! This fit everyones budget.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere

Making Organic Food Accessible for All!

The conversation about organic food and the price of eating organic has been a hot topic (again) lately. Many people feel that organic food is “unattainable” for everyone, and many people feel that it is too expensive for their family. This is a conversation that I am so passionate about, so this blog series is my attempt to help educate and teach you why organic food is so important and how you can in fact afford it.

Organic food is essential for a healthy body. Conventional food (non-organic) is loaded with pesticides, herbicides, and toxins…and has bene proven to cause disease and illness in the body. You can not wash off these toxins, and ultimately you end up ingesting them. Once ingested it is very difficult for your body to fully eliminate them…often times they get stored in your liver or kidneys along with heavy metals and other toxins. Eating organic is much cheaper than cancer, heart disease, and the variety of other illnesses linked to these pesticides, herbicides and toxins.

It' is not essential that you eat everything organic. The Environmental Working Group releases a list each year of the Dirty Dozen - the foods you should absolutely buy organic - and a list of the Clean Fifteen - the foods you do not have to buy organic, but can if you choose to.

I understand that at some stores organic food is ridiculously priced…$2 for one lemon is crazy!! This is price gouging and is a clear example of companies trying to take advantage of consumers, it drives me crazy. For years Whole Foods was known as “whole paycheck” to some due to their high prices.

I have had a love affair with Whole Foods since 2011, and it is still one of my favorite places to shop. When Whole Foods and Amazon merged I noticed a huge drop in prices, especially if you are an Amazon Prime member. I actually find better deals on organic foods at Whole Foods than I do Publix (equal to a Shop Right, Krogers, Stop n Shop etc), it’s amazing! You would think the “conventional” grocery store would have the cheapest prices, but that is not always the case. It’s important to know where to shop and how to shop. My husband and I love going to the local farmers markets as well to buy organic produce and support local farmers.

I always create a list before going grocery shopping, this keeps me on task and avoids too many unintentional purchases. We shop at three different grocery stores monthly to get everything we need, our weekly go-to’s are Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s.

I consider being in the know and grocery shopping part of my job! It helps me to create fun new recipes for all of you, keep my family healthy by practicing what I preach, and find sales for my clients. Truth be told I love grocery shopping! The pandemic ruined that a bit for me, but I have hope that someday we will find our way back to “normal life”. For now I mask up and try to go at off hours to avoid large crowds.

In an effort to provide more free content, and make organic healing food available to more people I am going to be publishing a few recipes on how to feed a family of 4 on a budget…all organic! I understand that the pandemic has hit people really hard financially, and I want to show you that you can still eat healthy (and organic) and stay on budget. Our health is our greatest wealth, and is so vitally important. I hear so many stories about people eating fast food because it is cheap and easy…there is nothing cheap and easy about disease and illness, and it’s my job to help you prevent that.

First recipe comes next week! Stay tuned!

Photo by Jontel Chere

Photo by Jontel Chere

#liveyogachat with Karmen - interview!

This week I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Karmen Morales for her series #liveyogachats. Karmen and I used to teach together in Naples, FL before life took her back to Texas. She is an incredible teacher and dear friend, check her out HERE.

In our #liveyogachat we discuss everything from yoga, nutrition, self care, disordered eating, and so much more! I hope you enjoy!!

#liveyogachats interview


The Easiest {and tastiest} Roasted Asparagus Recipe Ever!

Roasted Asparagus


Organic raw asparagus

Avocado Oil or Grapeseed Oil

Pink Sea Salt

Black Pepper


Pre-heat convection oven to 425 degrees

Wash and trim asparagus.

Lightly sprinkle oil, salt and pepper over asparagus.

Bake for 20-25 minutes (or until desired crispiness is achieved)…we find that 22 minutes for a full bundle is just perfect!


roasted asparagus recipe.jpg

A Holistic Approach to Breaking Down Scar Tissue

For so long women would apply Vitamin E to their scars and c-sections hoping to help ease the appearance. Athletes would apply Vitamin E and go through painful massages to break up the scar tissue so that it did not impact their mobility. What if there was a different way? What is a naturally produced enzyme could help us with all of this?

Serrapeptase is that enzyme! Although it is not discussed often, and rarely publicly, this enzyme has been for centuries.

See serrapeptase comes from silkworms! The silkworms release this enzyme from their gut bacteria, and this is what allows their silk cocoons to open and release the moth inside. Pretty incredible. Mother Nature is so beautiful and offers so many healing modalities if we just look.

So what does it do exactly?? Serrapeptase is an enzyme that help to break proteins down into amino acids rather quickly. This enzyme breaks down protein that many other enzymes can not break down, specifically fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that is found in scar tissue. Scar tissue is very difficult to break down, and that why athletes and many others resort to painful massage and other techniques to try and break it up.

So what precisely is this enzyme? Serrapeptase is a proteolytic systemic - meaning it breaks down proteins throughout the body and the bloodstream. Serrapeptase has also been found to decrease inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Our bodies have the ability to naturally make serrapeptase, but if you either do not make enough or your body requires extra you can take it in supplement form. This enzyme has been found to be very helpful in arthritis cases, breaking up blood clots and even breaking up scar tissue and allowing new tissue to grow - this is very helpful post injury or even after a c-section.

Keep this holistic remedy in your tool box in case you need to break down scar tissue!

  • As always, I am here to educate you. I am not a Doctor, and you should always consult your Doctor or Naturopathic Physician before beginning a new regimen or supplement.


Photo By Jontel Chere

Liver Health & Detoxing

Let’s Talk Liver Health…

Liver health has been a topic I have discussed numerous times on my blog in regards to detoxification and cleansing, but what if there was a way for you to keep your liver cleansed and healthy without doing radical juice cleanse??

I’m here to fill you in on a little liver health secret…milk thistle.

Milk Thistle, also called Silymarin, is used to help with liver health and function. This herb has been found to help regenerate liver tissue, and actually protect the healthy cells of your liver from damage. Milk thistle helps to remove toxins from your liver, and is essential in any liver detox. The liver is one of our major detoxers in our body, and so it is so important to keep it healthy and functioning at it’s prime.

Milk thistle has been shown to have a lot of healing effects, and is said to be anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-Parkinson, and anti-Alzheimer. There is new research about how milk thistle may help to slow the disease progression of multiple sclerosis, this is very exciting and I can not wait to see this research develop. Milk thistle is popularly known to help heal the liver of alcoholics, and in fact anyone who drinks alcohol should consider taking milk thistle. This powerful herb is also popular among those under chemotherapy treatments, and is often used in combination with chemotherapy.

Milk thistle is antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. This herb is high in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. The estimated Therapeutic Range for milk thistle is 250-1000 mg per day, and the therapeutic Dosing 750-1000 mg per day (take half in am, and half before bed). You can take milk thistle in power form, or in a powder filled capsule, and my favorite tincture form! When making milk thistle it is important to use the whole plant: leaves, roots, flowers, and seeds.

It is important to note that milk thistle can cause severe allergic reaction to those who have allergies to Asteracae plants like ragweed and marigolds. Fortunately it does have very low drug interactions. However, it is not advised that you use Milk thistle if you have diabetes, as it may interact with diabetes medications. Milk thistle may also interact with: Raloxifene, Simeprevir and Sirolimus medications. Milk thistle is not recommended for children.

With so many healing benefits it’s no wonder milk thistle has become a popular almost “trendy” supplement over the past few years. It has incredible healing and detoxing potential, and is an essential part of detoxing the liver and keeping it healthy.


* I am not a doctor, I am simply educating you on health and wellness. Always consult your doctor before begging a new supplement routine.

A New Way to Help You Handle Stress

Siberian Ginseng, also called Eleuthero, has been proven to be extremely beneficial at treating adrenal fatigue and symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. With millions of individuals suffering from both of these aliments in our country alone, perhaps this is something you may need to add into your supplement cabinet.

Siberian ginseng has been shown to help them body maintain homeostasis under extreme stress. It has actually been used to improved athlete performance and overall concentration, and has been used by Olympic athletes and astronauts. Siberian Ginseng has been shown to increase mental alertness and even helps our body build muscle. Incredible!

This particular type of ginseng even helps our bodies get better deeper sleep, which is so important because that is when our bodies repair, rebuild, and detox.

Siberian Ginseng is especially important for individuals who suffer from adrenal fatigue. Common signs of adrenal fatigue are chronic fatigue, low immunity and memory issues and this type of ginseng can help combat all of those issues.

Siberian ginseng can also help combat hypothyroidism and depression by increasing the serotonin levels in our body.

From my research it seems that Siberian ginseng is very helpful and quite effective at improving adrenal fatigue. I feel that this is something many people in our country suffer from, and this would be an “easy” addition to someones diet to help get them feeling better.


Lotus Root - a holistic remedy

Perhaps you have never heard of lotus root, but I assure you after reading this blog you are going to want to keep some on hand just in case! Lotus root has been used for many many years for treating lungs aliments such as asthma, coughing, and even tuberculosis. The lotus root helps to dissolve and eliminate mucous, which in terms helps to alleviate lung congestion. Lotus root has actually been used for centuries in countries like Japan, where it is used to balance out lung energy. Sounds so interesting, right?

The entire lotus plant from the root to the seeds and even the leaves have incredible healing properties ranging from anti-viral, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-tumor. Incredible! It has been identified that fermenting the lotus root can provide extremely therapeutic benefits. Fermented lotus root can help to heal non-alcoholic fatty liver, regulate hypoglycemia, and is high in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and will boost the immune system. I told you, it’s great to have on hand!

Lotus root is anti-inflammatory so it starts by decreasing inflammation in the lungs and the bronchioles, helping the individual to breathe deeper. It also helps to dilate the blood vessels that come in and out of the lungs, allowing the flow of blood to be more efficient and effective. Lotus root also helps to dissolve mucous in the lungs and respiratory system, thus making it easier for the individual to breathe deep and gets rid of lung congestion.

Due to the therapeutic benefits and medicinal properties of lotus root it is commonly used around the world to treat asthma and respiratory issues. Lotus root is packed with vitamins and minerals, particularly B-vitamins, Vitamin C, potassium, iron, copper and zinc. Lotus root is high in fiber which works to balance out the carbohydrates in the root (or other carbohydrates you eat with lotus root) and slows the digestive process of the carbohydrates, thus nota lowing or such a high glucose spike. The lotus root is best prepared as a tea or fermented.


Lean and Green Body® Pancakes!!

One of my goals for 2021 is to bake more. I have some serious food allergies and it makes it tough to enjoy foods that I once did. So it is my goal to make these foods from scratch - leave out all food allergens - and put my own Lean and Green Body® spin on it!

Over the weekend I made Lean and Green Body® Pancakes!

The pancakes are free from gluten, dairy, soy, tapioca, eggs, gums and fillers…they only contain a few simple ingredients!



1 cup all purpose gluten free flour

1 TBSP organic raw coconut sugar

2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup organic almond milk (or milk of choice!)

1 “Neat Egg”

3 TBSP organic vegan butter or oil

2 scoops of Vital Proteins Collagen

Splash of organic vanilla extract



Mix all ingredients together and let batter sit for 4 minutes

After 4 minutes, scoop batter into ceramic fry pan and begin making pancakes! You may make the pancakes as big or as small as you like. I like to add a sprinkle of cinnamon onto the raw pancakes in the pan. Cinnamon is great to help balance blood sugar levels. Flip pancakes halfway through cooking process, you will notice they will turn a golden brown when ready to flip.

In order to make these pancakes high fiber I would recommend topping them with chia seeds and hemp seeds. This will add approximately 14 grams of protein per serving!

You can then top with any pancake topping you like!

I enjoy adding fresh fruit and a drizzle or organic pure maples syrup.

You could make it super fun and add chia seed whipped cream!


I can’t wait for you to try these out at home and let me know what your think!

This was my first try and I can’t wait to begin testing out more recipes in the near future.

Benefits of Ginger!

You may have noticed that my husband and I have been taking ginger lemon shots on the daily…and I’m about to fill you in on why!!

Food truly is medicine, and ginger is a prime example of this. This root is packed full of healing properties. Here are a few of the biggies…

Improves digestion

Reduces gas and bloating

Alleviates nausea

Helps the body recover from the cold/flu faster

Strengthens immune system

Decreases inflammation

Reduces pain

Supports your heart

Helps to remove free radicals in the body

Ginger is super alkalizing and therefore helps to make the body even more alkalizing…and an undesirable place for disease and illness. Ginger has a 28,811 score on the ORAC chart which is really high. Every time you eat or juice ginger think about the nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants flooding through and healing your body.

You can slice up raw ginger and make a tea, juice the root, or even grate fresh ginger into your meal.

Each morning I juice approximately 2-3 inches of fresh organic ginger with 1-2 lemons, which makes 2 ginger lemon shots!

Have you tried a ginger lemon shot before?? This is one of my favorite ways to energize in the morning.


A natural approach to treating UTI's

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) have become way too common in recent years. Many Doctor’s are quick to prescribe a potent antibiotic drug to wipe out the bacteria; while this may do some good initially the antibiotic is also wiping out all the good bacteria in your gut. So while they may have treated your UTI, now you have opened yourself up to a ton of other issues. What if I told you there was a “new” way…a different way. What if you could take something that your body already makes naturally, and it would kill the bacteria without harming your gut. Ready to hear more??

D.mannose is being used to naturally treat UTI’s, primary in women…and specifically women with recurrent history of UTI’s. D-mannose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is naturally found in our body, but can also be found in foods like cranberries, apples, oranges, peaches, broccoli and green beans. D.mannose may help stop UTI’s by preventing the bacteria (typically E.coli) from attaching itself to the urinary tract.

Multiple research studies have been completed on the effectiveness of D-Mannose and UTI’s and all show that D-mannose was as effective or more effective than the previously prescribed antibiotic -and it also helped to prevent future infections. D-Mannose can help to prevent recurrent UTI’s as well. Several studies have been conducted, specifically on women, and it has been shown to decrease the recurrence of the type of infections. Which in turn will decrease the amount of antibiotics these women will need to take - leading to better gut health. Urologists are now recommending D-Mannose to their patients for urinary tract health and prevention.

So how does it work? D-mannose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is released from the body and is filtered out through the kidneys and urinary tract. While in the urinary tract it will adhere to any bacteria there (specifically E.coli), preventing the bacteria from establishing colonies. It will stick to the bacteria, so the bacteria can no longer stick to each other or the urinary tract wall. The bacteria, and the D-mannose attached to the bacteria, will then make it’s way out of the body.

From my research it appears that D-Mannose is very effective at improving Urinary Tract Infections. D-mannose appears to not only treat the current infection and remove the bacteria from the urinary tract, but it also helps to prevent future infections. If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile you know that I love a good natural and holistic remedy, and am not a fan of antibiotics (unless absolutely necessary) so this is very exciting research for me!


Black Bean Salad

I’m officially in full holiday mode, and have been mapping out our Christmas Day menu. Even though it will just be my husband, myself and my parents I still want to make some fun appetizers and treats!

Due to COVID-19 I thought it would be fun to make individual appetizer plates for everyone, and one of the appetizers I am considering including is my black bean salad. This is a great option because it is super alkalizing for the body, it’s high in protein and fiber ….both of which will keep you full!

This recipe can feed a lot of people, and would also be great for Sunday football or your next virtual happy hour!

Black Bean Salad


2 cans black beans, drained

1 (15-ounce) can corn, drained

2 roma tomatoes, diced

1/4 cup diced red bell pepper

1/4 cup diced red onion

1/4 cup diced green onions

1/4 cup diced pineapple

1 tablespoon chopped cilantro leaves

1 jalapeño, seeded and minced

4 tablespoons sherry vinegar

The juice from 1/2 lime

3 tablespoons honey (optional)

1 tablespoons salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

Pinch ground cumin


Mix all ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour.


Celery Juice Update!

By now you all know I love my morning celery juice!

Over the past three weeks I have gotten in the habit of juicing every single morning…yes, even on the weekend. I have to say that I love it!

It was not easy to carve out this extra time for myself I the mornings, but with a few tweaks of my schedule and getting up earlier…I have found this super special time just for me in the morning!

I have made celery juice on and off for years now, and would occasionally buy the SUJA version but never got into a set routine for weeks on end.

I recently took a leave of absence and it was during this time that I thought “hey, why not try daily juicing again!”. I had all this “extra” time on my hands, and figured it would be a fun and super healthy little project for me.

Little did I know that I would love it so much! Some days I make 2-3 different juices at time using whatever I picked up from the farmer’s market. I have the entire process down to 20 minutes or less…wash, prep, trim, juice and clean up…pretty impressive!


I am about 3 weeks into my daily celery juice and I feel such a difference in my body. I don’t think I could ever go back. My skin is clear, my eczema is gone, the whites of my eyes are super white, my belly feels amazing and I have zero bloat.

I am going to keep it up and promise to keep you updated on my thoughts and changes along the way!

Have you tried daily celery juice? If so, comment below and let me know your thoughts!


L-Arginine…what is it and are you getting enough??

L-Arginine is an amino acid our body makes naturally, and is used in the body to make proteins.This amino acid is used to help synthesize nitric oxide which is essential for the contraction and expansion of our blood vessels - our blood vessels carry blood to the heart (veins) and away from the heart (arteries). It’s essential that the contraction and expansion of the blood vessels happens correctly in order to provide enough blood to the heart and other areas of the body, but also to maintain a healthy blood pressure. By maintaining a healthy blood pressure we are helping to keep our heart healthy and not over tax it. L-Arginine helps to improve heart performance, and even though we should get enough L-Arginine in our diet some individuals may need to supplement to due a variety of factors like oxidative stress, heart disease or kidney disease to name a few.


Healthy levels of L-Arginine, and perhaps even supplementation, have been shown to help treat angina, coronary artery disease and clogged arteries. L-Arginine can reduce chest pain and improve quality of life. Many of us consume in our daily diet through foods like red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, dairy, and leafy greens. Even if you are vegetarian or vegan you will still consume L-Arginine through leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and soybeans. Two foods with high amount of L-Arginine, even medicinal levels, are pumpkins seeds and spirulina. Pumpkins seeds are a great addition to a smoothie bowl, oatmeal, or even your salad; and spirulina can be added to your smoothie or juice, or even taken in pill supplementation form.


I would recommend taking a peak at your own diet and make sure you are eating enough foods that contain high amounts of L-Arginine to keep your heart strong and healthy!

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño’s

My husband absolutely loves jalapeño’s and bacon, to him these are the perfect pair!

I thought it was only fitting to create a Lean and Green Body® approved recipe that includes his perfect pair.

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeño’s


Organic jalapeño’s (we get our at the farmer’s market!)

Bacon (I love organic turkey bacon)

Cheese (we use vegan cheese)

So freaking simple! Only 3 ingredients and so much flavor.


Be sure to wash the jalapeño’s, cut in half and remove the stems and the seeds.

Place your choice of cheese (softer is better…goat cheese, cream cheese..etc) inside the middle of the jalapeño.

Cut bacon in half and wrap around the jalapeño.

Use a toothpick to secure everything together.

Place on hot grill (medium grill heat) and cook for approximately 15 minutes (or until bacon is fully cooked).

Once bacon is cooked, remove and enjoy!

These are the perfect little snack for Sunday football or your next virtual haps hour!


We made ours a bit healthier by using turkey bacon and vegan cheese…but feel free to mix it up and use what works best for you! I can’t wait to see how they come out.

Morning Oatmeal Recipe

As the weather cools off I find myself craving oatmeal most mornings now. Even though I am in South Florida, and my idea of “cooling off” is probably very different than yours. We are no longer seeing high 80’s daily, and I take this as a win. Fall is finally arrived. Bring on the chunky sweaters and the oatmeal, I’m here for it.

Lately I have been loving this new blended oatmeal from Trader Joe’s that is gluten free. It’s packed with oats, flax seeds, chia seeds, quinoa, and amaranth. This high fiber and high protein blend is loaded with nutrients and is super anti-inflammatory, I can’t think of a better way to start the day!

I have always blended my oatmeal with almond milk vs water, seems creamier and heartier to me. My favorite almond milk to use is MALK, it’s super clean and has minimal ingredients. If you aren’t going to make it yourself, this is the next best thing.

I love topping my oatmeal with fresh berries, cinnamon and pumpkin seeds for added nutrients and a crunch factor!

The high fiber and high protein in this recipe keep me full for hours, and the cinnamon keeps my blood sugar levels steady. This is an excellent way to start the day!


Has oatmeal season arrived at your house?? What are your favorite toppings?