A Holistic Approach to Breaking Down Scar Tissue

For so long women would apply Vitamin E to their scars and c-sections hoping to help ease the appearance. Athletes would apply Vitamin E and go through painful massages to break up the scar tissue so that it did not impact their mobility. What if there was a different way? What is a naturally produced enzyme could help us with all of this?

Serrapeptase is that enzyme! Although it is not discussed often, and rarely publicly, this enzyme has been for centuries.

See serrapeptase comes from silkworms! The silkworms release this enzyme from their gut bacteria, and this is what allows their silk cocoons to open and release the moth inside. Pretty incredible. Mother Nature is so beautiful and offers so many healing modalities if we just look.

So what does it do exactly?? Serrapeptase is an enzyme that help to break proteins down into amino acids rather quickly. This enzyme breaks down protein that many other enzymes can not break down, specifically fibrin. Fibrin is a protein that is found in scar tissue. Scar tissue is very difficult to break down, and that why athletes and many others resort to painful massage and other techniques to try and break it up.

So what precisely is this enzyme? Serrapeptase is a proteolytic systemic - meaning it breaks down proteins throughout the body and the bloodstream. Serrapeptase has also been found to decrease inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Our bodies have the ability to naturally make serrapeptase, but if you either do not make enough or your body requires extra you can take it in supplement form. This enzyme has been found to be very helpful in arthritis cases, breaking up blood clots and even breaking up scar tissue and allowing new tissue to grow - this is very helpful post injury or even after a c-section.

Keep this holistic remedy in your tool box in case you need to break down scar tissue!

  • As always, I am here to educate you. I am not a Doctor, and you should always consult your Doctor or Naturopathic Physician before beginning a new regimen or supplement.


Photo By Jontel Chere

A New Way to Help You Handle Stress

Siberian Ginseng, also called Eleuthero, has been proven to be extremely beneficial at treating adrenal fatigue and symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. With millions of individuals suffering from both of these aliments in our country alone, perhaps this is something you may need to add into your supplement cabinet.

Siberian ginseng has been shown to help them body maintain homeostasis under extreme stress. It has actually been used to improved athlete performance and overall concentration, and has been used by Olympic athletes and astronauts. Siberian Ginseng has been shown to increase mental alertness and even helps our body build muscle. Incredible!

This particular type of ginseng even helps our bodies get better deeper sleep, which is so important because that is when our bodies repair, rebuild, and detox.

Siberian Ginseng is especially important for individuals who suffer from adrenal fatigue. Common signs of adrenal fatigue are chronic fatigue, low immunity and memory issues and this type of ginseng can help combat all of those issues.

Siberian ginseng can also help combat hypothyroidism and depression by increasing the serotonin levels in our body.

From my research it seems that Siberian ginseng is very helpful and quite effective at improving adrenal fatigue. I feel that this is something many people in our country suffer from, and this would be an “easy” addition to someones diet to help get them feeling better.


Lotus Root - a holistic remedy

Perhaps you have never heard of lotus root, but I assure you after reading this blog you are going to want to keep some on hand just in case! Lotus root has been used for many many years for treating lungs aliments such as asthma, coughing, and even tuberculosis. The lotus root helps to dissolve and eliminate mucous, which in terms helps to alleviate lung congestion. Lotus root has actually been used for centuries in countries like Japan, where it is used to balance out lung energy. Sounds so interesting, right?

The entire lotus plant from the root to the seeds and even the leaves have incredible healing properties ranging from anti-viral, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-tumor. Incredible! It has been identified that fermenting the lotus root can provide extremely therapeutic benefits. Fermented lotus root can help to heal non-alcoholic fatty liver, regulate hypoglycemia, and is high in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and will boost the immune system. I told you, it’s great to have on hand!

Lotus root is anti-inflammatory so it starts by decreasing inflammation in the lungs and the bronchioles, helping the individual to breathe deeper. It also helps to dilate the blood vessels that come in and out of the lungs, allowing the flow of blood to be more efficient and effective. Lotus root also helps to dissolve mucous in the lungs and respiratory system, thus making it easier for the individual to breathe deep and gets rid of lung congestion.

Due to the therapeutic benefits and medicinal properties of lotus root it is commonly used around the world to treat asthma and respiratory issues. Lotus root is packed with vitamins and minerals, particularly B-vitamins, Vitamin C, potassium, iron, copper and zinc. Lotus root is high in fiber which works to balance out the carbohydrates in the root (or other carbohydrates you eat with lotus root) and slows the digestive process of the carbohydrates, thus nota lowing or such a high glucose spike. The lotus root is best prepared as a tea or fermented.


A natural approach to treating UTI's

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) have become way too common in recent years. Many Doctor’s are quick to prescribe a potent antibiotic drug to wipe out the bacteria; while this may do some good initially the antibiotic is also wiping out all the good bacteria in your gut. So while they may have treated your UTI, now you have opened yourself up to a ton of other issues. What if I told you there was a “new” way…a different way. What if you could take something that your body already makes naturally, and it would kill the bacteria without harming your gut. Ready to hear more??

D.mannose is being used to naturally treat UTI’s, primary in women…and specifically women with recurrent history of UTI’s. D-mannose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is naturally found in our body, but can also be found in foods like cranberries, apples, oranges, peaches, broccoli and green beans. D.mannose may help stop UTI’s by preventing the bacteria (typically E.coli) from attaching itself to the urinary tract.

Multiple research studies have been completed on the effectiveness of D-Mannose and UTI’s and all show that D-mannose was as effective or more effective than the previously prescribed antibiotic -and it also helped to prevent future infections. D-Mannose can help to prevent recurrent UTI’s as well. Several studies have been conducted, specifically on women, and it has been shown to decrease the recurrence of the type of infections. Which in turn will decrease the amount of antibiotics these women will need to take - leading to better gut health. Urologists are now recommending D-Mannose to their patients for urinary tract health and prevention.

So how does it work? D-mannose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is released from the body and is filtered out through the kidneys and urinary tract. While in the urinary tract it will adhere to any bacteria there (specifically E.coli), preventing the bacteria from establishing colonies. It will stick to the bacteria, so the bacteria can no longer stick to each other or the urinary tract wall. The bacteria, and the D-mannose attached to the bacteria, will then make it’s way out of the body.

From my research it appears that D-Mannose is very effective at improving Urinary Tract Infections. D-mannose appears to not only treat the current infection and remove the bacteria from the urinary tract, but it also helps to prevent future infections. If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile you know that I love a good natural and holistic remedy, and am not a fan of antibiotics (unless absolutely necessary) so this is very exciting research for me!


Holiday Journaling Prompt

Hi Friends! Can you believe we are only 16 days away from Christmas?? The holidays are in full swing in my book. This time of year can be one of the most stressful, overwhelming and lonely times of year for many of us…in a “normal” year…but it’s 2020 and these feeling are x100 for so many.

I am a big advocate for daily journaling…daily as in every single day…not just when your life is upside down. Daily journaling helps us to get all those thoughts out of our heads. We can put them to paper and decide, “hey, that’s a great idea Jen” or “hmm…yeah, I’m going to put that negative energy aside”. Journaling allows us to be unbiased and write/communicate without ANY judgement…that’s kind of amazing!

For many of my clients I recommend journaling as a way to begin communicating with themselves, be truthful and honest with their feelings in a completely judgement free zone. Often times many of us hold back on communicating our true feelings for fear of rejection, ridicule or fear of not being understood. At our core we all want to be seen, heard, valued and understood. This all starts with us, within us.

I have been journaling on and off for years, and have dozens of journals piled up in my office as we speak. However, it wasn’t until this year that I really stuck with a daily journaling practice - remember it takes a minimum of 21 days to start a new habit!

Now that I have I can not imagine going back. I’m someone who constantly has a million things going on in my head (and on my desk). I am working on projects well into 2021 and early 2022 (yes…insane but so exciting!!)…and journaling helps me to clear my thoughts professionally, personally, and on a deeply emotional and spiritual level some days. I am able to get everything “off my chest” and onto paper. The act of writing it down helps me to immediately feel better, more organized, and more rational in my thoughts. Sometimes my journaling looks more like a to-do list, some days it’s just my gratitude list, but regardless of what I journal I always feel better.

Back to the holidays…

Stress and depression tend to be at an all time high this time of year, ironic since this is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. To help my fellow readers, clients, and followers out I thought I would give you a holiday journaling prompt to help guide you through this time of year.

Start by writing down 3 things you are grateful for (don’t overthink it…just the first 3 things without judgement).

Then write down what your ideal holiday season would look like. (dream BIG)

Then take a moment to reflect on this list, and see what you can possibly accomplish this year (COVID-19 and all). Did you want a family dinner on Christmas…okay, FaceTime or Zoom call with your family. I know people who all make the same recipe then video chat and share the meal together.

You do not have to be alone this holiday season.

What else can you accomplish from your ideal holiday season? You want to open presents with your family and friends, okay great! You want to bake cookies with your Mom, awesome! You want to send Christmas cards, do it! There are so many ways in which we can all be together this holiday season…without actually being together IRL.

Write it all down…dream big…allow yourself to smile and fantasize about the holidays. Allow that holiday magic to fill the air.

If we continue to focus on the good - the magic - it will drown out the sadness and the inevitable changes of 2020.

Just know that you are not alone, and you can always return to your journal - as often as you’d like - to dream, ponder, and consider the possibilities.


This post came about because one of you recently reached out and requested tips for journaling and journaling prompts, so I began last month with my Attitude of Gratitude journaling post (if you haven’t checked it out yet definitely do so!) and thought it was a great idea! If you have any questions about journaling or would like more journaling prompt comment below and let me know!

L-Arginine…what is it and are you getting enough??

L-Arginine is an amino acid our body makes naturally, and is used in the body to make proteins.This amino acid is used to help synthesize nitric oxide which is essential for the contraction and expansion of our blood vessels - our blood vessels carry blood to the heart (veins) and away from the heart (arteries). It’s essential that the contraction and expansion of the blood vessels happens correctly in order to provide enough blood to the heart and other areas of the body, but also to maintain a healthy blood pressure. By maintaining a healthy blood pressure we are helping to keep our heart healthy and not over tax it. L-Arginine helps to improve heart performance, and even though we should get enough L-Arginine in our diet some individuals may need to supplement to due a variety of factors like oxidative stress, heart disease or kidney disease to name a few.


Healthy levels of L-Arginine, and perhaps even supplementation, have been shown to help treat angina, coronary artery disease and clogged arteries. L-Arginine can reduce chest pain and improve quality of life. Many of us consume in our daily diet through foods like red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, dairy, and leafy greens. Even if you are vegetarian or vegan you will still consume L-Arginine through leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and soybeans. Two foods with high amount of L-Arginine, even medicinal levels, are pumpkins seeds and spirulina. Pumpkins seeds are a great addition to a smoothie bowl, oatmeal, or even your salad; and spirulina can be added to your smoothie or juice, or even taken in pill supplementation form.


I would recommend taking a peak at your own diet and make sure you are eating enough foods that contain high amounts of L-Arginine to keep your heart strong and healthy!