Dessert for breakfast, sign me up!

Ever since my son was born I’ve been sharing my oatmeal bowls on social media and you all have been loving them {turns out oatmeal is incredible for keeping your breastmilk supply up}!

I get countless messages about the type of oats I use {One Degree Organics is my favorite} and what I put in my oats to create a balanced breakfast bowl.

I have always been a big breakfast fan, and honestly I could eat breakfast any meal of the day!

Regardless of what I have for breakfast I always make sure it has a solid balance of healthy fats, protein and fiber to keep me fueled up for the day ahead {new mom life is non-stop}. I drink my greens as part of my morning routine, so I don’t worry about having any veggies with my breakfast.

  • Side note… did you know that fiber helps to offset the total carbohydrates in a dish? Say there are 40 grams of carbs and 20 grams of fiber per serving, you will end up with only 20 net carbs! Pretty neat, huh!

Okay, let’s dive into my current favorite oatmeal bowl {I actually just finished it as I’m writing this}.

Blueberry Protein Oatmeal Bowl


One Degree Sprouted Quinoa Hemp Instant Oatmeal

Malk Almond Milk

Organic Blueberries (frozen is okay too!)

Organic Almond Butter

Vital Protein Collagen


Bring 1/2 cup of almond milk to a boil on the stove, add approximately 1/3 cup of oats and stir.

Turn heat off and add 2 scoops of Vital Proteins Collagen, stir everything together.

Cover and let it sit for 2 minutes.

Add blueberries to the oat mixture and stir, let everything sit together for an additional minute.

Pour into a bowl and add a scoop of almond butter!


This breakfast bowl is packed with 30 grams of protein to help fuel the day ahead!

5 Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll plays an important role in keeping our bodies alkaline and healthy.

It’s what gives plants their green color; the greener the vegetable or plant the more chlorophyll there is.

Five noted benefits of taking chlorophyll regularly:

  1. Fights Cancer - specifically liver, colon, skin, and stomach cancers. It does so by reducing the tumors in the body and binding to the aflatoxins.

  2. Powerful Antioxidant - may also reduce carcinogens in the body.

  3. Increases Energy Naturally - green energy!

  4. Skin Health -think radiant youthful skin! Chlorophyll is loaded with Vitamins A, C, E and K which help with skin appearance, as well as diminishing fine lines and dark spots.

  5. Naturally Detoxes the Body - helps to clear out toxins and keep the body alkaline.

** I am by no means a Doctor. I am a Holistic Nutritionist sharing the benefits of a well documented supplement. Always check with your Doctor before beginning a new supplement regimen.

Lotus Root - a holistic remedy

Perhaps you have never heard of lotus root, but I assure you after reading this blog you are going to want to keep some on hand just in case! Lotus root has been used for many many years for treating lungs aliments such as asthma, coughing, and even tuberculosis. The lotus root helps to dissolve and eliminate mucous, which in terms helps to alleviate lung congestion. Lotus root has actually been used for centuries in countries like Japan, where it is used to balance out lung energy. Sounds so interesting, right?

The entire lotus plant from the root to the seeds and even the leaves have incredible healing properties ranging from anti-viral, anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-tumor. Incredible! It has been identified that fermenting the lotus root can provide extremely therapeutic benefits. Fermented lotus root can help to heal non-alcoholic fatty liver, regulate hypoglycemia, and is high in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatories and will boost the immune system. I told you, it’s great to have on hand!

Lotus root is anti-inflammatory so it starts by decreasing inflammation in the lungs and the bronchioles, helping the individual to breathe deeper. It also helps to dilate the blood vessels that come in and out of the lungs, allowing the flow of blood to be more efficient and effective. Lotus root also helps to dissolve mucous in the lungs and respiratory system, thus making it easier for the individual to breathe deep and gets rid of lung congestion.

Due to the therapeutic benefits and medicinal properties of lotus root it is commonly used around the world to treat asthma and respiratory issues. Lotus root is packed with vitamins and minerals, particularly B-vitamins, Vitamin C, potassium, iron, copper and zinc. Lotus root is high in fiber which works to balance out the carbohydrates in the root (or other carbohydrates you eat with lotus root) and slows the digestive process of the carbohydrates, thus nota lowing or such a high glucose spike. The lotus root is best prepared as a tea or fermented.


A natural approach to treating UTI's

Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) have become way too common in recent years. Many Doctor’s are quick to prescribe a potent antibiotic drug to wipe out the bacteria; while this may do some good initially the antibiotic is also wiping out all the good bacteria in your gut. So while they may have treated your UTI, now you have opened yourself up to a ton of other issues. What if I told you there was a “new” way…a different way. What if you could take something that your body already makes naturally, and it would kill the bacteria without harming your gut. Ready to hear more??

D.mannose is being used to naturally treat UTI’s, primary in women…and specifically women with recurrent history of UTI’s. D-mannose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is naturally found in our body, but can also be found in foods like cranberries, apples, oranges, peaches, broccoli and green beans. D.mannose may help stop UTI’s by preventing the bacteria (typically E.coli) from attaching itself to the urinary tract.

Multiple research studies have been completed on the effectiveness of D-Mannose and UTI’s and all show that D-mannose was as effective or more effective than the previously prescribed antibiotic -and it also helped to prevent future infections. D-Mannose can help to prevent recurrent UTI’s as well. Several studies have been conducted, specifically on women, and it has been shown to decrease the recurrence of the type of infections. Which in turn will decrease the amount of antibiotics these women will need to take - leading to better gut health. Urologists are now recommending D-Mannose to their patients for urinary tract health and prevention.

So how does it work? D-mannose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) that is released from the body and is filtered out through the kidneys and urinary tract. While in the urinary tract it will adhere to any bacteria there (specifically E.coli), preventing the bacteria from establishing colonies. It will stick to the bacteria, so the bacteria can no longer stick to each other or the urinary tract wall. The bacteria, and the D-mannose attached to the bacteria, will then make it’s way out of the body.

From my research it appears that D-Mannose is very effective at improving Urinary Tract Infections. D-mannose appears to not only treat the current infection and remove the bacteria from the urinary tract, but it also helps to prevent future infections. If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile you know that I love a good natural and holistic remedy, and am not a fan of antibiotics (unless absolutely necessary) so this is very exciting research for me!


L-Arginine…what is it and are you getting enough??

L-Arginine is an amino acid our body makes naturally, and is used in the body to make proteins.This amino acid is used to help synthesize nitric oxide which is essential for the contraction and expansion of our blood vessels - our blood vessels carry blood to the heart (veins) and away from the heart (arteries). It’s essential that the contraction and expansion of the blood vessels happens correctly in order to provide enough blood to the heart and other areas of the body, but also to maintain a healthy blood pressure. By maintaining a healthy blood pressure we are helping to keep our heart healthy and not over tax it. L-Arginine helps to improve heart performance, and even though we should get enough L-Arginine in our diet some individuals may need to supplement to due a variety of factors like oxidative stress, heart disease or kidney disease to name a few.


Healthy levels of L-Arginine, and perhaps even supplementation, have been shown to help treat angina, coronary artery disease and clogged arteries. L-Arginine can reduce chest pain and improve quality of life. Many of us consume in our daily diet through foods like red meat, chicken, turkey, fish, beans, dairy, and leafy greens. Even if you are vegetarian or vegan you will still consume L-Arginine through leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and soybeans. Two foods with high amount of L-Arginine, even medicinal levels, are pumpkins seeds and spirulina. Pumpkins seeds are a great addition to a smoothie bowl, oatmeal, or even your salad; and spirulina can be added to your smoothie or juice, or even taken in pill supplementation form.


I would recommend taking a peak at your own diet and make sure you are eating enough foods that contain high amounts of L-Arginine to keep your heart strong and healthy!

D-Beta Glucans

BLOG. D-Beta Glucans

D-Beta Glucans and the Immune System

Although many of you may be unfamiliar with D-Beta Glucans prior to reading this, I assure you they are working hard for you. So let’s dive in!

So what exactly are D-Beta Glucans??

D-Beta Glucans are polysaccharides that are water soluble and contain glucose (or sugar). They can be found in the cell walls of many plants, including oats, algae, bacteria and yeast.

Why are they so important?

D-Beta Glucans are vital for a healthy and thriving immune system. The D-Beta Glucans are what activate our macrophages, which are our powerful immune defenders. You can think of these macrophages kind of like pac-men (one of my favorite games!), they come in and eat everything. So our D-Beta Glucans activate these macrophages which then come onto the scene to eat everything that isn’t supposed to be there, awesome!

The D-Beta Glucans also help to improve the communication between the macrophages and the T-cells. So once the macrophages eat everything, they then have antigen presenting cells to the T-cells and the B-cells. The T-cells and the B-cells are also major players, and come in to help attack the antibodies and infected cells, and secrete interferon.

Have I lost you?!?! Stay with me for a little longer! To put it simply think about the D-Beta Glucans activating the major players of the immune system to get rid of everything that shouldn’t be there and to improve overall communication in our immune system.

The best part is that not only are D-Beta Glucans essential for immune health but they have also been shown to help lower cholesterol levels, specifically LDL, and are great for heart health because they help to maintain proper blood lipid levels. D-Beta Glucans have an anti-viral affect, which is great for flu season that’s right around the corner!

So where can you find them? Some great sources of D-Beta Glucans are

shitaki mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, seaweed, oats, yeast, rye and wheat. Try adding some of these foods into your diet to help boost your immune system and overall health!


Probiotics - what you need to know

Let’s chat probiotics.

By now you’ve probably heard me and every other nutrition blogger out there stress the importance of probiotics and how incredible they are, but you may still find yourself questioning ‘what are they, and do I really need them’??

First things first…your gut is essentially your second brain. In fact, 70% of our immune system is located in our gut.

healthy gut = healthy immune system = healthy body

Did you know that 90% of serotonin (that feel good chemical we all love) is also produced in the gut!?

Probiotics help to improve the good bacteria in our gut, essentially to balance out the bad bacteria. Bad bacteria can start to take over our gut due to a poor diet, antibiotic use, stress, travel, and poor lifestyle choices. In fact every time you take antibiotics you are wiping out not only the bad bacteria, but the good bacteria too.

This is where probiotics come in! They flood your system (your gut) with healthy bacteria to improve the overall health of your body.

The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host”… they improve your health!

How do you know if you need to take a probiotic? Well if you eat an acidic diet, use antibiotics, use prescription medications, have candida, are stressed often, or have poor lifestyle choices a probiotic may be just the thing you need to turn it all around.

I am in no way stating that a probiotic will solve all your problems, but it’ll probably make you feel a whole lot better!


I recently had the opportunity to collaborate with a dream brand of mine, Daily Nouri.

I have followed Daily Nouri founder and CEO, Caroline Beckman, since her days at SUJA years ago. This lady knows her stuff…and all her products are backed by science. It has been inspiring to see the growth in Daily Nouri in just two short years.

The company now offers 4 products, three probiotic blends (digestive health, women’s health and weight health) and a new Inner Immune product to keep us all healthy during COVID-19 and beyond.

I recently tried the digestive health probiotic blend for two months [I always try everything before I recommend it to you], and I love it! I’m literally hooked. I would say that I started to notice a difference within two weeks. Truth be told I have been on a probiotic for years now, but wasn’t loving it. Within 14 days of trying Nouri I noticed a big difference! My low belly was no longer bloated, my skin was clearer, and my brain fog was diminished. Seriously, even with a million things going on and some current major stressors I was able to think clearly and get stuff done. My digestive health is better than ever!

I haven’t taken antibiotics in years; however, in recent years I have felt like my gut health needed a reboot. Even eating as healthy as I do, and following the 80/20 rule I could feel that I need a jump start in the gut department.

One of the things I like best about Nouri is the orange scent! It was such a nice surprise. The probiotic is suspended in omega-3’s (think…anti-inflammatory!) and has a mellow orange scent. Most of my supplements have such strong (not always pleasant) scents, and my previous omega-3 always left me burping up fish for the rest of the day…not amazing.

Nouri is a powerhouse, with a team dedicated to making us all healthier beings. All of their products are backed by scientific research and contain only the purest ingredients.

To learn more about Daily Nouri and to see if a probiotic is right for you click HERE.

I am not a doctor, I am simply sharing my thoughts and opinions as a Nutrition professional; remember to always consult your doctor before starting a new supplement

I am not a doctor, I am simply sharing my thoughts and opinions as a Nutrition professional; remember to always consult your doctor before starting a new supplement

Chlorophyll - the ultimate superfood

I’m currently obsessed with chlorophyll.

This love affair is nothing new. In fact, Lean and Green Body® was created out of my love for all things green...and literally helping people to heal their bodies from the inside out.

Chlorophyll has always been a big part of my diet, and it’s part of the reason my skin glows the way it does!

Food can be such a powerful tool when we use it properly. Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts and is what gives plants their green coloring. Plants use chlorophyll and sunlight to help obtain their nourishment. It contains more light energy than any other food! Amazing.

A little sunshine and some greens can go a long way!


As a self-proclaimed detox queen, I love chlorophyll for its natural detoxification benefits! Chlorophyll enters our body and improves the quality and quantity of red blood cells. It is also naturally very high in magnesium, which helps to bring oxygen to our blood. All of this not only helps boost our energy, but it also encourages toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities to leave our bodies. Chlorophyll naturally helps to alkalize our body, making it a less desirable place for disease and illness to flourish.

Chlorophyll has numerous benefits from anti-aging, skincare, increased energy, blood health, wound healing, strong immune system, cancer prevention & treatment.



When you apply chlorophyll topically it can help to reduce photo-aging caused by sun exposure. Living in South Florida this is so important. I recently started using the Coco Kind Chlorophyll face mask, and I’m loving it.

Skin Care

When applied topically chlorophyll has been shown to decrease acne, shrink pores, and reduce future breakouts. It helps to create a brighter skin appearance.


As I stated above chlorophyll helps to improve the quality and quantity of red blood cells, and increases the amount of oxygen in the blood. Try replacing your afternoon coffee with some chlorophyll for focused and clear energy!

Wound Healing

Doctors started prescribing chlorophyll for wound healing after surgeries in the 1940’s. A new study was completed in 2008 that still supported this thinking, and many doctors still use this practice today.

Cancer Treatment

Research is still being completed in this area, but studies as recent as 2016 show that chlorophyll has the ability to shrink and in some cases prevent cancer and tumors from developing.


It’s important to be consistent when taking chlorophyll, as with any supplement or healthy living regimen. When starting chlorophyll many started to see real tangible results after just two weeks.

Although I have complied a lot of research for this brief blog post, I always encourage you to go out and do your own research. I want to educate you and empower you to take charge of your health and wellbeing.

As with anything please consult your physician or health practitioner before adding this to your daily routine.

*This blog is in no way sponsored.

Grilled Shrimp Skewers

We are big fans of summer…although, let’s be honest it’s sunny everyday down here! We have been taking full advantage of the sun and utilizing our new lanai and outdoor space. We purchased a weber grill on July 4th and have been using it a ton.

Today I’m sharing one of our favorite recipes with all of you!

…I’m going to let you in on a little secret, it’s super easy!

Grilled Shrimp Skewers


Wild Caught Raw Shrimp

1 Medium Organic Orange Pepper

1 Medium Organic Green Pepper

1 Large Organic Sweet Onion

Coconut Oil Cooking Spray

Pink Himalyean Sea Salt & Black Pepper (to taste)

Wooden Skewers


Thaw shrimp if frozen. 

Heat up the grill between 350°-450°

(please follow proper safety measures when grilling)

Take your skewers and place raw shrimp, peppers and onion on the skewer. 

Alternating the ingredients. 

Place raw skewers on large serving plate. 

Spray all skewers with coconut oil spray (both sides) and season with salt and pepper to your liking. 

Then place skewers onto the hot grill. 

Cook shrimp skewers until shrimp has been throughly cooked through, approximately 7 minutes. Be sure to flip the skewers (with tongs) halfway through. 

You will know that shrimp is cooked when it become pink on the outside and white on the inside. Shrimp become very tough when overcooked. 

Once fully cooked remove from the grill and serve!

Be sure to turn off your grill once complete.



Holistic Health Code 7 Day Detox Review

I recently had the opportunity to partner with Holistic Health Code and try their 7 day reset. As an avid detox lover and self proclamed detox queen you know I’m all about a good detox. I was excited to try this specific detox because this is a real food detox {similar to the detox in my first book Revitalize & Renew: 7 days to a healthier you}. Holistic Health Code was founded by Meg, a Registered Nurse who saw a gap in our healthcare system. She works with Health Coaches to create a unique and new experience for their clients. I immediately connected with this female owned brand and was excited to see what made their detox stand out. 

When you order their detox you are sent a 7 day meal plan with tons of mouth watering recipes…not something you typically associate with detoxing. Plus, you receive supplements for morning and night for each of the seven days. You also receive Holistic Health Code’s custom propriety detox shake mix. 


I have tried my fair share of protein shakes over the years, and consider myself quite the connoisseur. The shake mix taste likes vanilla pudding {when mixed with vanilla almond milk}. During the detox I typically drank it with just almond milk and chia seeds {added those for a little extra fiber} and I loved it. There are a few smoothie options in the menu they provide for you, so you can always experiment with those too!


During the detox I felt really good, energized and felt overall lighter. The difference between this detox and many others out there…you get to eat real food! It’s a no brainer. 

Now thru August 15, 2020 use code LEANANDGREEN10 to receive 10% off the Holistic Health Code 7 day reset. Click HERE to sign up today!

To learn more about Holistic Health Code and all their offerings click HERE

This post was #sponsored by Holistic Health Code, all opinions are my own.

Are Organic Lemons Really Alkalizing??

Alright, let’s clear one thing up. Something that has been blowing my clients minds for years.

Why are organic lemons alkalizing?

I mean aren’t lemons acidic? Don’t they have a very acidic (low) pH?

Today I’m going to blow your minds… organic lemons are indeed alkalizing. 

Yep, you read that right. 

Want to know why…

Foods are considered to be either acidic or alkalizing depending on how they respond inside the body… not how they act outside the body. A food could have a very acidic pH outside of the body, but once inside the body they become very alkalizing…this food is then termed an alkaline food. 

Inside our bodies lemon are very alkalizing. Once lemons are ingested, broken down and metabolized they actually help to make the pH of our bodies more alkaline. 

Organic lemons are actually considered to be one of the most alkalizing foods we can eat. 

Is there really a difference between organic and non-organic lemons? In my professional opinion, yes absolutely. Non-organic or conventional lemons are sprayed with a myriad of pesticides, herbicides and other toxins. These toxins penetrate the skin (especially when you slice into a lemon) and you end up ingesting these toxins. These chemicals are extremely acidic and harmful to your health, and outweigh the positive alkalizing benefits of the lemons. 

When possible always buy organic OR talk to your local farmer at the market about their growing principles. 

Lemons are an incredibly healing food, and part of my daily diet. Click here to read all about how I incorporate lemons into my morning routine. 


Detoxing on a Budget - part II

The ‘Detoxing on a Budget’ series is back! In our first part of this series (HERE) we discussed the first (and cheapest) steps you can take to begin detoxing your diet today.

Now we are going to discuss the next steps you can take to further detox your pantry. In part one we discussed eliminating all processed foods and really anything that comes in a box or a bag. Time to let that shit go! Your body deserves better. 
In part two today we are going to discuss how to incorporate a morning routine. 

A morning routine is a great way to add a daily detox into your life…and the results are unbelievable! What you choose to do in the morning sets the tone for your entire day. By starting your day on the right foot you are literally setting yourself up for success. 

When you start your day by flooding your body with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, hydration, and really fueling your body and mind properly…you are more likely to make better choices throughout the day. 

I have discussed my morning routine HERE and it has definitely evolved over time, but remains very similar. 

I’m a true believer in the triple play. To read the full benefits of the triple play click here


The idea is to hydrate your body first thing (our bodies get so dehydrated when we sleep because they are working so hard)… so hydration is number one. Start your day with 8 oz of room temperature water (super important because we do not want to shock the system) mixed with the juice from 1/2 an organic lemon. 

Next I like to come in with a gentle detoxer…kinda scrub the wall of the intestines… and seriously energize the body… it’s like a shot of espresso (minus the caffeine). That’s right I’m talking about APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. If you have been following me for awhile now, you know I’m super into ACV. Check out my full post on ACV here 

I’m so passionate about this product that when I was the keynote speaker for my alma matar Springfield College last year, I started my talk by serving up shots of ACV to the entire crowd. Yep, that’s right! We were all awake and ready to go!

There are two important things to remember when taking ACV… first always mix it with water. I prefer to mix it with 2-4 oz of water, but I know some individuals who like a full 8 oz, up to you! The second thing is to make sure you are buying high quality ACV, my favorite brand (#notsponsored) is Braggs ACV. I’ve been talking about this brand for years now, and have gotten hundreds of people nationwide taking it every morning. I love this brand because it contains “the mother”, the cloudy questionable stuff at the bottom of the bottle…that’s the good stuff. Make sure you shake up your bottle before pouring. Any ACV with “the mother” would be acceptable…and ACV without “the mother” is simply a salad dressing ingredient. 

Many people worry that the ACV will make their acid reflux (and other symptoms associated with an acidic diet) worse… honestly, in my research, education and my work with clients it has made it much better… and is actually know to alleviate the symptoms  all together. 

Lastly, my final step in my morning are greens!! Honestly, probably my favorite step, hence the name LEAN AND GREEN BODY®. The greens come in and provide a second layer of gentle detoxification, boost your immune system, and provide you with natural (caffeine free) energy. Many of my friends and followers wonder how I last 12 hour work days without coffee… it’s all in the greens, natural energy! Honest. 

Here are the two brands I’m currently loving for greens! HERE and HERE


I could drink just about anything for my health, but these 3 steps in my morning routine are essential…and I think they all taste pretty good! Okkk Okk the ACV is definitely an acquired taste, but I promise the benefits outweigh the flavor. 

The Lean and Green Body® Morning Routine #TRIPLEPLAY

8 oz room temperature water with 1/2 organic lemon

1 TBSP of ACV with water

8-10 oz of water mixed with greens 

Happy Detoxing!

EFT Tapping: what is it, how to use it, and how it can transform your life

This is a follow up blog from my May 11, 2020 blog post on 6 ways to deal with anxiety

In that May 11th blog post I briefly touched on a technique called tapping, and I wanted to dive a bit further into here for you. 

Tapping. Emotional freedom technique tapping can seriously help anxiety as well as many other mental health conditions. EFT tapping helps to balance out the energy in the body, and alleviate emotional and physical pain.

Tapping is a combination of Eastern and Western medicinal principles and it works by altering the brain, body and energy systems all at the same time. This technique is also referred to as “psychological acupressure”. 

How does it work? Tapping is exactly what it sounds like - you tap specific meridian points on the body to aid in relief from pain, trauma, stress and anxiety. This therapy has also been known to help individuals move through fears and achieve big goals. (sounds amazing!!)

How often do I have to do it? There is no real answer here, it is unique to each individual. Many find it beneficial to tap for a short period of time (on specifically targeted meridian points) 2-3 times per day. It’s important to listen to your body and increase or decrease as needed. 

This therapy can help you work through past trauma, limit or eliminate stress and anxiety in your present, and help you reach your biggest goals. The best part…you already have everything you need for this therapy. No tools, no expensive therapist or teacher…just you! This is a tool (similar to meditation) that you can do anywhere.

Here is a chart with the meridian points often used for tapping.


For more information on EFT Tapping check out this article here

Easy Steamed Artichoke Recipe

Today I am so excited to share a recipe from one of my favorite influencers and wellness professionals Mariya Kulyk RN, HWNC-BC

Check her out @holisticnursecoach and her website coming soon!!

Have you ever come across a beautiful, fresh artichoke at the grocery store, but decided to pass because you had to idea what to do with it? I am so excited to share my absolute favorite way to prepare an artichoke that is both EASY and delicious.

It’s important to also mention that artichokes not only taste good, they are good for you! Artichokes are a good source of fiber and essential vitamins like Vitamin C. It’s a win-win!

Easy Steamed Artichokes


  • 2 fresh artichokes 

Tip: When selecting artichokes at the store, look for ones with tightly-packed leaves, give them a squeeze, and you should hear a rubbery sound, indicating that they are fresh!

  • 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

  • 1 lemon

  • filtered water

  • sea salt

  • pepper


  1. Prepare artichokes: Begin by trimming the end portion of the stem. Place an “X” at the tip of the stem with your knife to ensure it cooks through. Use a serrated knife to cut about 1 inch off the top of the artichoke, revealing it’s insides. Trim the edges of leaves so they are flat. Rub the top of artichoke with lemon to prevent browning (oxidation).

  2. Fill a large pot with about 2 inches of filtered water. Squeeze the juice of 1/2 of lemon into water and leave it in the pot. Add 2 tbsp of EVOO. Bring to a boil.

  3. Reduce the water to a simmer, place the artichokes on their sides and cover with a tight lid.

  4. Simmer for 35-45 minutes, depending on their size. They should be fork tender.

Tip: Check the water level halfway through to make sure it didn’t run out!

5.   Remove artichokes with tongs. Cool for a couple minutes before cutting in half.

6.   Scoop out the choke with a spoon.

Tip: The choke is a white, fibrous, hair-like section of the artichoke right above the stem and artichoke heart. This area is important to remove as it can be a choking hazard, this is also where the arti-choke got it’s name!

7. Finish the artichokes with a drizzle of EVOO and with sea salt.

8. Dipping vinaigrette: simply mix the juice of 1/2 lemon with 2 tbsp of EVOO, add pepper and salt to taste, and use it as a dipping sauce for your tasty, pull apart, artichoke. Enjoy!


How to Detox on a Budget - part 1

I’ve received countless questions about how to detox on a budget. So I thought it would be fun & super helpful to put them all together in a blog series for you!

Let’s begin…

Is it really possible to detox on a budget??

YES! Absolutely, it’s possible to detox on any budget.

The first part of any detox is removing all processed foods from your diet. Eliminating anything that comes in a box or a bag. Chips, crackers, cookies…gone. 

I discuss this “easing in to your detox” in depth in my book Revitalize & Renew: 7 days to a healthier you…and honestly it is one of the most important steps. 

Why? Because despite your specific reason for detoxing, we all cleanse our bodies hoping to eliminate toxins in a particular region or organ in the body. The first (and easiest) way to do this is to remove processed foods from your diet. 

We can not detox or cleanse our body if we are still flooding it with preservatives and chemicals. 

If you think about how long the food in your pantry can last…it’s a long time. I mean how long was that bag of chips sitting on the shelf in the store before you brought it home? Chances are a longgg time. 

For any food item to be shelf stable for long periods of time chances are it has some chemicals and preservatives in it - unless we are talking dry beans…then stock up on those! ;)

The elimination of processed foods (this includes fast food) is the first step of any detox…and is definitely the first step to detoxing on a budget. 

You are the gate keeper to your home (more than likely) - you control what comes into your house and your kitchen. If you are not the gate keeper to your home, you are at least the gate keeper to your body… you ultimately have control over what you choose to put in your body and how you fuel it. 

Throughout this series I will discuss the basics on how to detox on a budget. What you need to know without breaking the bank. Have questions about this topic…leave them below!!

Time to clean out that pantry!

detox on budget - part 1.jpg

How to Make Fruit Ice Cubes!

Summer is almost here, and it’s time to step up your water game.  

As many of you know I love adding fruit to my water…adds a little flavor, essential vitamins and minerals, plus it looks really cute!

Now that the temps are rising…and let’s be honest it’s already well into the 90’s here in Florida on a daily basis…it’s time to up our hydration game. 

Simply add fresh fruit or even fresh herbs to your ice cube tray…top with fresh water…and allow it to freeze together for a few hours to create chic & stylish ice.

These ice cubes are great for spicing up your water, adding to your kids water bottles, and even topping of your favorite summer cocktails!

Give it a try and share your pictures in the comments below!

fruit ice cubes.jpg

Smoothie Questions Answered!

How good is your smoothie game?

I recently shared a picture on social media of my blender full of my favorite smoothie ingredients and asked if any of you had questions about how you could improve your smoothie game.

….let’s just say there were crickets…lol

So instead I am going to answer some of my most frequently asked questions about smoothies!

Do you know how to keep your cravings at bay?

Do you know what to add to keep your blood sugars level?

How do you stay full for hours?

Eating the appropriate amount of fiber, healthy fat and protein at each meal will help to keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range, and also help you to burn more fat throughout the day. 

Fiber is going to keep your full. It is also the ultimate detoxer and helps our body remove waste and toxins on a daily basis. If your smoothie is only holding you over for an hour or two add more fiber to the mix.

Perhaps increase your spinach or kale from 1 handful to 2 handfuls per smoothie, or add more chia seeds to the mix!

Healthy fats are going to help you burn fat. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. 

FAT burns FAT… mind blowing, especially if you are new to the nutrition world. 

With that being said, not all fat is created equal. Think about using high quality, mono and poly  unsaturated fats in your smoothie… pure nut butters and coconut oil are both great options. 

When using healthy fats in your smoothie they will slow the digestion of your entire smoothie- thus keeping you full longer! Burn more fat and stay full for hours… sounds like a win-win to me!

Protein is essential for our bodies, and is especially useful for repairing and rebuilding our muscles and wound care…however, many Americans consume over 2x more protein than they actually need. This begins to tax the kidneys and the liver, since they can only filter out so much protein each day. The “extra” protein that you consume and do not utilize that day will be stored as fat. 

Is it just me or does this seem counter intuitive? Why consume more protein than your body requires if it is just going to be stored as fat? 

Choose a healthy protein powder that works for you and your specific needs. There are excellent vegan and whey based protein powders available. 

A highly nutritious smoothie should be able to hold you over for nearly 4 hours. Making it the perfect breakfast for the busy Mom or entrepreneur. 

If you find yourself becoming hangry or if your blood sugar levels are out of wack - you need to make some adjustments to your smoothie.


Did you enjoy this post? Would you like me to go more into the science of the WHY behind each ingredient? Comment below and let me know!