5 Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll plays an important role in keeping our bodies alkaline and healthy.

It’s what gives plants their green color; the greener the vegetable or plant the more chlorophyll there is.

Five noted benefits of taking chlorophyll regularly:

  1. Fights Cancer - specifically liver, colon, skin, and stomach cancers. It does so by reducing the tumors in the body and binding to the aflatoxins.

  2. Powerful Antioxidant - may also reduce carcinogens in the body.

  3. Increases Energy Naturally - green energy!

  4. Skin Health -think radiant youthful skin! Chlorophyll is loaded with Vitamins A, C, E and K which help with skin appearance, as well as diminishing fine lines and dark spots.

  5. Naturally Detoxes the Body - helps to clear out toxins and keep the body alkaline.

** I am by no means a Doctor. I am a Holistic Nutritionist sharing the benefits of a well documented supplement. Always check with your Doctor before beginning a new supplement regimen.