Smoothie Questions Answered!

How good is your smoothie game?

I recently shared a picture on social media of my blender full of my favorite smoothie ingredients and asked if any of you had questions about how you could improve your smoothie game.

….let’s just say there were crickets…lol

So instead I am going to answer some of my most frequently asked questions about smoothies!

Do you know how to keep your cravings at bay?

Do you know what to add to keep your blood sugars level?

How do you stay full for hours?

Eating the appropriate amount of fiber, healthy fat and protein at each meal will help to keep your blood sugar levels within a healthy range, and also help you to burn more fat throughout the day. 

Fiber is going to keep your full. It is also the ultimate detoxer and helps our body remove waste and toxins on a daily basis. If your smoothie is only holding you over for an hour or two add more fiber to the mix.

Perhaps increase your spinach or kale from 1 handful to 2 handfuls per smoothie, or add more chia seeds to the mix!

Healthy fats are going to help you burn fat. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. 

FAT burns FAT… mind blowing, especially if you are new to the nutrition world. 

With that being said, not all fat is created equal. Think about using high quality, mono and poly  unsaturated fats in your smoothie… pure nut butters and coconut oil are both great options. 

When using healthy fats in your smoothie they will slow the digestion of your entire smoothie- thus keeping you full longer! Burn more fat and stay full for hours… sounds like a win-win to me!

Protein is essential for our bodies, and is especially useful for repairing and rebuilding our muscles and wound care…however, many Americans consume over 2x more protein than they actually need. This begins to tax the kidneys and the liver, since they can only filter out so much protein each day. The “extra” protein that you consume and do not utilize that day will be stored as fat. 

Is it just me or does this seem counter intuitive? Why consume more protein than your body requires if it is just going to be stored as fat? 

Choose a healthy protein powder that works for you and your specific needs. There are excellent vegan and whey based protein powders available. 

A highly nutritious smoothie should be able to hold you over for nearly 4 hours. Making it the perfect breakfast for the busy Mom or entrepreneur. 

If you find yourself becoming hangry or if your blood sugar levels are out of wack - you need to make some adjustments to your smoothie.


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