Attitude of Gratitude - Journaling Prompt

Journaling can change your whole perspective.

It’s not only incredibly therapeutic, but it can be a wonderful way to help clear your head.

If you are anything like me, you probably have a million things swirling around in your head at the same time. Journaling provides me with clarity. It allows me to channel and organize my thoughts.

In the mornings I write in my gratitude journal. I write down 4 things that I am most grateful for - in that moment. I don’t over think it, I simply write the first 4 things that come to my mind. Starting my day with gratitude, actually allows me to keep these 4 things front and center {and on my heart if you will} as I move through the rest of my day. So when someone cuts me off in traffic, or I’m rushing to meet a deadline, or I forgot something - I am able to breathe, reset, and bring myself back to these 4 things.

If you are reading this thinking “yeah, right…that will never work for me” trust me I get it, I was skeptical at first too. Even after years and years of journaling I was doubtful whether writing in my gratitude journal daily would keep my mind focused and positive all day. After a year of doing so, I can tell you first hand it does. In fact, some days at night when I am preparing for bed (and completing my evening routine) I think back to those 4 things, and it really helps to calm my mind.

At first I thought my 4 things would always be the same…my family, my job, etc. But after months and months of writing I can tell you that they change daily. Sure, I am always grateful for my family and my job, but the “in the moment” 4 things change daily.

Now let’s be honest, some days journaling - and even a journaling assignment as simple as this - can be tough. Some days you may wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or be working through trauma or loss, and finding even one thing to be grateful for can be overwhelming. However, as someone who has endured more loss and trauma than some experience in a lifetime, I can tell you it is possible to find gratitude daily. It is in these difficult dark times, that it’s so important to focus on the light and the simple or even mundane things that you are grateful for.

Take a moment right now and write down the 4 things you are most grateful for.. Don’t think, just write.

One of the things I like best with this exercise is that there is no wrong answer. There is no judgement when expressing gratitude. You are simply thankful, and that is it.

My favorite gratitude journal is from ESPWA but you can also just take a journal you already have and write your own 4 things in it daily.

Happy Journaling!
