Holiday Journaling Prompt

Hi Friends! Can you believe we are only 16 days away from Christmas?? The holidays are in full swing in my book. This time of year can be one of the most stressful, overwhelming and lonely times of year for many of us…in a “normal” year…but it’s 2020 and these feeling are x100 for so many.

I am a big advocate for daily journaling…daily as in every single day…not just when your life is upside down. Daily journaling helps us to get all those thoughts out of our heads. We can put them to paper and decide, “hey, that’s a great idea Jen” or “hmm…yeah, I’m going to put that negative energy aside”. Journaling allows us to be unbiased and write/communicate without ANY judgement…that’s kind of amazing!

For many of my clients I recommend journaling as a way to begin communicating with themselves, be truthful and honest with their feelings in a completely judgement free zone. Often times many of us hold back on communicating our true feelings for fear of rejection, ridicule or fear of not being understood. At our core we all want to be seen, heard, valued and understood. This all starts with us, within us.

I have been journaling on and off for years, and have dozens of journals piled up in my office as we speak. However, it wasn’t until this year that I really stuck with a daily journaling practice - remember it takes a minimum of 21 days to start a new habit!

Now that I have I can not imagine going back. I’m someone who constantly has a million things going on in my head (and on my desk). I am working on projects well into 2021 and early 2022 (yes…insane but so exciting!!)…and journaling helps me to clear my thoughts professionally, personally, and on a deeply emotional and spiritual level some days. I am able to get everything “off my chest” and onto paper. The act of writing it down helps me to immediately feel better, more organized, and more rational in my thoughts. Sometimes my journaling looks more like a to-do list, some days it’s just my gratitude list, but regardless of what I journal I always feel better.

Back to the holidays…

Stress and depression tend to be at an all time high this time of year, ironic since this is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. To help my fellow readers, clients, and followers out I thought I would give you a holiday journaling prompt to help guide you through this time of year.

Start by writing down 3 things you are grateful for (don’t overthink it…just the first 3 things without judgement).

Then write down what your ideal holiday season would look like. (dream BIG)

Then take a moment to reflect on this list, and see what you can possibly accomplish this year (COVID-19 and all). Did you want a family dinner on Christmas…okay, FaceTime or Zoom call with your family. I know people who all make the same recipe then video chat and share the meal together.

You do not have to be alone this holiday season.

What else can you accomplish from your ideal holiday season? You want to open presents with your family and friends, okay great! You want to bake cookies with your Mom, awesome! You want to send Christmas cards, do it! There are so many ways in which we can all be together this holiday season…without actually being together IRL.

Write it all down…dream big…allow yourself to smile and fantasize about the holidays. Allow that holiday magic to fill the air.

If we continue to focus on the good - the magic - it will drown out the sadness and the inevitable changes of 2020.

Just know that you are not alone, and you can always return to your journal - as often as you’d like - to dream, ponder, and consider the possibilities.


This post came about because one of you recently reached out and requested tips for journaling and journaling prompts, so I began last month with my Attitude of Gratitude journaling post (if you haven’t checked it out yet definitely do so!) and thought it was a great idea! If you have any questions about journaling or would like more journaling prompt comment below and let me know!