6 Ways to Wind Down Without Wine

6 Ways to Wind Down Without Wine | Lean and Green Body Blog

Many of us get into the habit of having a glass of wine in the evening to help us relax. The holidays are no help with this - and often lead to more than one glass. Now that 2018 is here and the New Year’s resolutions and promises are in full swing, it’s time we switch up our evening routine. 

Wine can be comforting in the evenings, but are there perhaps healthier ways for us to wind down and relax? 

1. Meditate.

Coming home to breathe and meditate, even if it’s only 5 minutes, can help you to relax and let go of your day. It can sometimes be difficult to make the transition from the day to day hustle to family and home life; this is where meditation steps in. Meditation can help you breathe through your day, take it all in, and exhale and let it all go. 

2. Take a bath.

Taking a warm bath, especially with lavender epsom salts, can help you unwind and relax from a long day. The epsom salts will help to alleviate sore muscles, aches, pain, and the lavender will help to calm your mind. 

3. Read.

Sometimes picking up a good book at the end of the day and “escaping” can be exactly what you need. There are so many options depending upon your mood and the day. Perhaps you are looking for something motivating, inspiring or maybe you just want to escape and dive into the lives of the characters on the pages. 

4. Go for a walk.

Get outside, and breathe in the fresh air. Many of us are trapped inside offices all day, and this is your time to get a bit of exercise and enjoy nature. Clear your mind, let go of your day, and just walk. Perhaps you take your partner or dog with you, or maybe you take this time for just you. 

5. Journal.

Come home and write down your thoughts about the day, your hopes and dreams for tomorrow. Perhaps reviewing a to-do/to-be list and creating new objectives for tomorrow. 

6.  Spend time with loved ones.

Presence is a gift, for ourselves and others. 


How do you choose to wind down at the end of the day? 


Presence Not Presents

Presence Not Presents | Lean and Green Body Blog

Presence is a gift we give ourselves and those around us. 

During the holidays, it can be so easy to get wrapped up in presents and gift giving, that often times we forget to be present ourselves. 

We are so busy multi-tasking and making sure our work is done, our kids are happy, we mailed the holiday cards, and we bought gifts for everyone on our list. With all the to dos on our list, we forget, or don’t take the time, to be present. All of this is compounded with the fact that we are glued to technology these days (I swear it’s a blessing and a curse). 

Instead of focusing on the to do lists and gifts, cherish these moments and focus on being fully present for your loved ones. Give them the gift of your presence and maybe you will be gifted with their presence. This is the gift that continues grow long after the holidays are over.

Happy New Year! 

Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year

Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year | Lean and Green Body Blog

The holidays are over and the New Year is quickly approaching.  Instead of setting traditional New Year’s resolutions this year, why not try something new?

This year let's set intentions for the New Year, instead of looking at these as resolutions or jobs, that many of us will forget come March.

Consider setting intentions, consider what you need, and allow yourself to be open to receiving.

Here are a few of my Intentions for 2018:

  1. Self-care. Take 30 minutes every day just for ME.

  2. Read. Every day, not contracts and emails, something that will stimulate my mind and my soul

  3. Date my husband.

  4. Live my best life.

  5. Smile every day. Have fun! Life does not always have to be so serious.

Take some time to breathe and really think about your intentions for 2018. 

We can’t wait for you to share what your intentions are!


Holiday Parties

Holiday Parties | Lean and Green Body Blog

Healthy options for your holiday parties!

Tis the season for holiday parties, a bit of bubbly and likely some overindulging.

How can you enjoy your holiday work parties, family parties and host your own party without wrecking your diet?

The average American is likely to gain over 5 pounds during the holidays. That is a huge set back for most of us, and only makes New Year’s resolutions more stressful. I’m here to help guide you through the party scene this holiday season!

Whether you are at a work party, family party or hosting your own gathering, it is likely that the booze and bubbly will be flowing. It’s okay to indulge and celebrate, just make sure you stay hydrated. Alcohol is very dehydrating, which can lead to wicked hangovers. Drink 8 oz of water in between each glass of wine or cocktail. This will help keep your body hydrated, slow down your drinking, and make sure you enjoy (and remember) the party. 

Another trick if you are not in the mood to drink, or have an early start the next day, but still want to please the host by enjoying a cocktail….order club soda on the rocks with lime. Looks like a cocktail, but will save you from an awful hangover the next day! I love using this trick when hosting a party at our house, or at work parties!

Food seems to be the next hurdle at many holiday gatherings. So many options, perhaps you have been dieting all year, and now is your chance to indulge and enjoy? Nope, sorry, it doesn’t work like that. Regardless of your physical or mental goals this year with food, overindulging at a holiday party will not help anyone. Think portion control. See a few appetizers you’d like to try? Try them! Just limit the portion size, aim for a teaspoon to a tablespoon portion. This will allow you to try three maybe four different appetizers. Your taste buds will be happy, and your waistline will thank you! 

Holiday Parties | Lean and Green Body Blog

Food allergies, vegan, or following a strict diet at the moment? No problem! Have a small meal, smoothie, or some protein before the party. This will ensure that your belly is satiated, and you are not drinking on an empty stomach, but will also save you in case there is nothing for you to eat. Best case scenario, there are a few appetizers that you can have -- awesome! Have a few small tastes, and enjoy. As someone who is gluten free and dairy free, I frequently run into this issue, and typically make a smoothie with protein, fat, and fiber in it prior to the event.

Desserts. You successfully handled the drinks and the food, now the desserts are served. Although this may seem like the most difficult party of the evening for some, the same rules apply here. Portion control. It’s okay to taste the pumpkin pie and the brownie, but limit the size. Taste a teaspoon or tablespoon of each! 

Enjoy the holiday party season, know that you can go out, have fun, and indulge a bit. The key is to indulge mindfully. Don’t let one evening ruin goals you have been working towards all year. 

Free Beachfront Workout This Saturday!

Free Beach Front Workout This Saturday!

Join us this Saturday, December 16, for a FREE beach front workout! These free workouts are designed to inspire, motivate and empower our community to live their best lives. 

Delicious Raw will be serving up fresh pressed juice and snacks after the workout!

Take Time For YOU

Take Time For YOU | Lean and Green Body Blog

The holidays can be a hectic time. Full of expectations, juggling daily life, holiday parties, and all the things that come with this season. This is said to be one of the most stressful times of the year…and yet it is also the happiest time of the year.

How can you juggle everything, find your balance and spread holiday cheer?

Take time for YOU!

We cannot take care of others, unless we are taking care of ourselves. 

You cannot serve from an empty cup.

Take 20 minutes per day just for you. I’m not talking about working out, power yoga or  answering emails with a glass of wine. 

Find 20 minutes in your day for you. Our workouts and workaholic lifestyle has become a daily part of our life. At some point, we need time to unwind and relax.

When are you the most relaxed?

What are you doing? What does it smell like? What is the lighting like?

Find time to create these moments everyday. 

Perhaps, you enjoy reading with soothing lighting and a vanilla candle. Perfect!

Or you enjoy the beach, sitting there as the sunrises, smelling the salty air. Great!

Or perhaps you enjoy sitting by the fire and just breathing, the smell of the wood burning and the feeling of your stress melting away. Wonderful!

Take Time For YOU | Lean and Green Body Blog

Think about what relaxes you. Choose to make yourself a priority this holiday season. 

Holiday Gift Guide

Lean and Green Body Holiday Gift Guide

Perfect for the health and wellness enthusiast in your life!


MAZI Towels 


Perfect for yoga, beach, hiking or wherever your next adventure takes you! 

For every towel purchased, this company plants a tree!

INEYT Yoga Mat Towels and Hand Towels


Perfect for the yogi in your life. These towels showcase some beautiful colors and patterns sure to inspire you!

Lifefactory 22 oz BPA-Free Glass Water Bottle


These have been my favorite water bottles for the past five years! I prefer to use glass over plastic and love how easy these are to clean.

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein


This book guides you in letting go of what is holding you back. It helps you to let go of the fear and to be open to what is waiting for you. One of my favorite books I’ve read this year.

Mikalyn Yoga Straps

$24.99 +

These yoga straps make carrying your mat hip. Find the strap that matches your style!

Manduka Yoga Mat


My favorite yoga mat, and the only mat I have used since 2011! I use the Manduka Pro daily for my practice, but love bringing the Manduka Superlite Mat whenever I travel!

Harney and Sons Tea


Love this tea and the family behind this company. I grew up in the same town as this tea family. Even though I moved away, I still enjoy it daily and it reminds me of home.

Favorite flavor for this season :  Hot Cinnamon

Fitbit Alta


Track your sleep, workouts, and stay on track with this fit bit! This new sleek design comes in a variety of colors and the battery last 7 days!


** This is not a sponsored post, just simply a few of our favorite products!


Lean and Green Body® Reading List


Every month we will be sharing our favorite books of the month. 

Please comment below with some of your favorite books. 

This will be like a book club, without the weekly commitment. 

Look forward to hearing your feedback! 


Be Well,



Lean and Green Body® Reading List | Lean and Green Body Blog

Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie

Daily meditations and passages to help you navigate life and find freedom. I enjoy reading the daily passages while having my cup of tea every morning.  Click here to find on Amazon.

Lean and Green Body® Reading List | Lean and Green Body Blog

The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

One of the favorite books of 2017. This book discusses a bit about Gabrielle’s past, and how she discovered that the Universe is there to support us and love us. This book will help you in all areas of life, and just as the title says it will help you transform fear into faith.  Click here to find on Amazon.

Lean and Green Body® Reading List | Lean and Green Body Blog

Body Love by Kelly Leveque

This book showcases Kelly’s Fab 4 smoothies and meals, and makes loving your body and fueling your body accessible for everyone.  Click here to find on Amazon.



Thanksgiving | Lean and Green Body Blog

This year has flown by, and I am still in disbelief that tomorrow is Thanksgiving!

The holidays can be a stressful time…pressure to cook the perfect Thanksgiving meal, invitations to the whole family, making sure not to leave anyone out, ugh and then what if you forgot something, all while being the perfect host?! No pressure.

This year my husband and I have decided to ditch the traditional Thanksgiving in lieu of something that felt more like us.

We are hosting Thanksgiving, 6 people in our tiny beachside bungalow…maybe we should rethink hosting? (wink) j/k. We are thrilled to be hosting our families at our home for our second Thanksgiving as a married couple.

We decided to host Thanksgiving last year, while sitting in an empty hotel bar last Thanksgiving. (never again) 

Thanksgiving is a time to be together with family, and loved ones. Life is very short so we try to cherish every holiday with our families and friends. 

This Thanksgiving we will be spending the day at the beach, not a slave to the kitchen. 

We have decided to make our own traditions as Husband and Wife.

We will be cooking turkey -- hello crock pot! -- sweet potato fries, gluten free stuffing, sautéed Brussels sprouts, and a large salad. Serving up a gluten free dairy free pumpkin bread for dessert!

The whole meal will be gluten free, dairy free and will include lots of greens! No food coma over here!

Typically the holidays are all about food, and someone is usually chained to the kitchen all day, missing out on valuable time with family and friends. 

We are rethinking the holidays, and reassigning our priorities this Thanksgiving. Family over everything.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and soak up this time with loved ones!!



Jennifer and the Lean and Green Body Team



Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle. 

Foods for Lung Health

Foods for Lung Health | Lean and Green Body Blog

According to the American Cancer Society, every year more people die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. Lung cancer is the second most prevalent cancer in both men and women.  

Stop smoking and eliminate second-hand smoke from your life, this will help decrease your risk of lung cancer. There is also a nutritional component that aids in reducing risk. “You are what you eat” eating foods that support the lungs and respiratory system can help to prevent disease and heal the lungs. 

Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and omega-3’s can help to prevent disease and illness. Eliminating processed foods and refined grains, fatty or processed meats and sugary drinks will keep your body healthy. 

“Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates

Nutritional support for lung health

Foods for Lung Health | Lean and Green Body Blog


Water plays a huge role in our health and aids in the elimination of toxins from our body. Pure water keeps our blood flowing, our lungs hydrated and the mucus flowing. It’s essential to keep the mucus at the right consistency for the cilia to move the mucus, along with toxins, out of our body. 

Garlic and Onions

This is a powerful anti-inflammatory duo that also helps to lower cholesterol and fight infection. 

Foods for Lung Health | Lean and Green Body Blog


Ginger is vital for lung health. This spice is an anti-inflammatory and helps to eliminate pollutants and toxins from our lungs. 

Chili Peppers

These spicy peppers are loaded with capsaicin which has been proven to stimulate mucus membranes and to fight infection and improve blood flow. 

Cruciferous Vegetables 

Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and brussel sprouts have been shown to decrease your risk of developing lung cancer and may even stop the progression of this disease. Cruciferous vegetables are packed with potent antioxidants and chlorophyll, helping to prevent any disease or illness.

Foods for Lung Health | Lean and Green Body Blog


Pomegranates and pomegranate juice has been shown to reduce the growth and slow the progression of lung cancer. 


Tumeric contains curcumin, a chemopreventative agent, that protects the lung cells from toxins; thus preventing lung cancer and disease. Curcumin protects our airways from harmful chemicals and toxins.


Grapefruits contain a flavonoid called naringin, which has been shown to inhibit the activation of cancer. This citrus fruit also contains high amounts of lycopene, and is especially beneficial in cleansing the lungs and body after you quit smoking.

Foods for Lung Health | Lean and Green Body Blog


This root vegetable is rich in beta carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K which lower our chance of developing lung disease. 


Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin B6 which help the lungs transfer oxygen.

In loving memory of my father-in-law, Chetan Khosla

My Number 1 Trick of the Trade

My Number 1 Trick of the Trade

Clients often ask me what my number one health trick is, well here it is....Apple Cider Vinegar! I’m obsessed with this stuff. It literally helps with everything from the common cold, to weight loss, to digestion and food poisoning. Bragg’s apple cider vinegar is a staple in my daily diet, and is always on hand when we travel. 

When you first start taking Bragg’s apple cider vinegar, you want to start slowly. Begin with 1 TBSP of apple cider vinegar mixed with water, anywhere from 2-8 ounces of water. I recommend consuming this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Once your body has adjusted to the vinegar, approximately one month, you may increase to 2 TBSP per day mixed with water. You will feel the benefits almost immediately. 

I currently only use Bragg’s because it contains “the mother” which is why it is so beneficial and healing. 

Keep reading to learn more about this healing vinegar! 

Apple cider vinegar has been around for over 1,000 years...and more specifically Bragg’s has been around for 80 years. This vinegar cures, prevents, and treats hundreds of aliments, here are just a few... 

Helps to promote youthful skin and vibrant healthy body

Helps remove artery plaque, infections and body toxins

Helps fight germs, viruses, bacteria and mold naturally

Helps retard old age onset in humans, pets and farm animals

Helps regulate calcium metabolism 

Helps keep blood the right consistency

Helps regulate women’s menstruation, relives PMS, and UTI

Helps normalize urine pH, relieving the frequent urge to urinate

Helps digestion, absorption of food or nutrients, and helps balance pH 

Helps relieve sore throats, laryngitis, throat tickles, and cleans out throat and gum toxins

Helps protect against food poisoning and even brings relief if you do get it

Helps detox the body so sinus, asthma and flu sufferers can breathe easier and more normally

Helps banish acne, athlete’s foot, soothes burns, and sunburns 

Helps prevent itchy scalp, baldness and dry hair 

Helps banish dandruff, rashes, and shingles 

Helps fight arthritis and helps remove crystals and toxins from joints, tissues, organs and entire body 

Helps control and normalize body weight 


* This blog, as with all of our blog posts, are our own opinions and are not sponsored advertisements. We simply love sharing what works best for us! 


Cacao Detox Scrub

Cacao Detox Scrub | Lean and Green Body


  • 1 cup coconut sugar

  • 3/4 cup raw coconut oil

  • 1/4 cup raw cacao


  1. Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl using your hands or a solid wooden spoon.

  2. Generously slather on your skin while standing on a bathmat or some other no-slip surface, and rub it on for a few minutes before you jump in the shower to rinse it off.

You will feel revitalized and refreshed!

Cacao Detox Scrub | Lean and Green Body

Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle. 

Boost Weight Loss With These Foods

Boost Weight Loss With These Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Citrus fruit

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has published studies that show that individuals who consume more vitamin C have lower waist-to-hip ratios. The University of Arizona researchers discovered that those with higher levels of vitamin C in their system oxidized 25 percent more fat during cardio sessions. 


Cucumber are 95% water and are loaded with vitamins K and C, potassium and silica. The nutrients in cucumbers help to build and maintain connective tissue. 


Celery only contains about 6 calories per stalk! This low calorie vegetable contains one third of your recommended daily intake of vitamin K per cup. Celery is also high in vitamin A, fiber, folate and potassium. This nutrient dense food contains phthalides which have been shown to lower blood pressure. 

Boost Weight Loss With These Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog


An apple a day can help you to maintain an ideal body weight. The apple skin is packed with fiber, which helps to boost our metabolism, and ursolic acid, which helps prevent unnecessary weight gain. 


This sea vegetable is loaded with vitamin K, helping to keep bones strong. Newcastle University in the U.K. found that kelp contains alginate, which has been shown to block fat absorption. 


Asparagus contains just 20 calories per one half cup, and is packed with vitamins A, B and K. Asparagus may help to regulate blood sugar levels and decrease your chances of developing type 2 diabetes, due to the high concentration of vitamin B, which helps break down starch and sugar in the body. 


One half-cup of cauliflower contains just 14 calories, and is packed with vitamin C. Use mashed cauliflower in place of mashed potatoes for your next holiday gathering. Check out our recipe here (include link to blog post). 

Boost Weight Loss With These Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Red chili peppers

Chili peppers are packed with capsaicin, which has been shown to increase your metabolism and help your body burn more calories. 

Green tea

Green tea contains high amounts of the antioxidant ECGC, which will boost your metabolism, burn more calories and eliminate stubborn belly fat. 


Consuming enough plain water daily is critical for your health. Water helps to keep your body running smoothly and keeps us alert throughout the day. Consuming 8 oz of plain water prior to your meal will help you to eat less, and control your portion sizes. 


Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma | Lean and Green Body Blog

We have learned so much about ourselves, our neighbors and our community in the past few weeks. Preparing for, enduring and now recovering from the biggest hurricane to hit Southwest Florida in over 50 years, has left all of us are feeling drained, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Although we are exhausted, and many of us are still without power, our true courage has been revealed. Our ability to rise up, to rebuild and to come together as a community and to not let fear overtake us, but to instead find our courage deep down and start over. It has been amazing to witness the love our Naples community has. I feel truly blessed to call Naples home. 

Hurricane Irma | Lean and Green Body Blog
These are flooded main roads in naples

These are flooded main roads in naples

In these time of stress, where worry and anxiety take over most of our thoughts, it can be difficult to keep your diet on track. My husband and I evacuated with thousands of others from our state, and the availability of healthy snacks on the road was slim. We stopped when we could to fill up on gas (this proved to be difficult due to the gas shortage), and stocked up on water, black coffee, and snacks. The healthy snack options available at a gas station are sad.  Everything is full of sugar, chemicals, and additives. We were lucky to find some unsalted pistachios, packed with protein and nutrients to hold us over. 

Luckily, I was able to pack a few snacks to take with us during the evacuation. I had a cooler full of green juice, lemon water, grapes and berries. This carried us through the first half of our 17 hour drive to Georgia. Then we worked our way through homemade trail mix, Kind Bars, and Lara Bars.  Although eating pre- package bars is not ideal, we made sure to consume bars that were gluten free, dairy free, and contained minimal ingredients. 

Hurricane Irma | Lean and Green Body Blog

We stayed in Georgia for seven days at Airbnbs, and although we were able to make coffee and tea, we did not have access to a kitchen. Seven days without a kitchen! I was too shell shocked from the hurricane heading directly toward our house to even fathom the no kitchen concept. Turns out, I am a very resourceful nutritionist! We had packed our greens and meal replacement shakes to help keep us in some kind of routine. It was difficult to find routine, meal plan or even think about where our food was coming from during this stressful time. I have to admit, I’m a stress non-eater. I’m the complete opposite of a stress eater, I legit do not eat when I am stressed. When the weather channel tells you that the eye of a category 4 hurricane is coming right for your town, and your house will most likely be under 10-15 feet of water after the storm surge, there is stress. The first few days of our evacuation I could only eat one meal a day, I was glued to the news. Not eating is just as bad as over eating; both are emotional responses to stress. 

Hurricane Irma | Lean and Green Body Blog

When we did eat, it was either a gluten free muffin at the local coffee shop or Mexican food. Turns out, Atlanta has wonderful tacos! Mexican food and tacos happen to be my absolute favorite, but after seven consecutive days of Mexican we were ready for a change. We tried to keep it healthy with lots of greens, fresh salsa, local chicken and loads of avocado. 

I received several messages from clients during this time about how difficult it was to eat healthy on the road, especially with the added stress of the hurricane. I completely agree! Being thrust out of your home, and onto the road with thousands of others in search of water, food and gas was overwhelming. My biggest piece of advice when traveling is to always bring snacks. Always have bars, protein powder, or something you can use as a meal replacement if you are unable to find something healthy to eat. When dining out, think about fueling your body, not your emotions. When building your meal consider: greens, protein, fat and fiber. Fuel your body with nutrient dense foods. An example would be a large green salad with 4 oz grilled chicken, 1 avocado and an olive oil lemon dressing. Whenever you eat, at home or on the road, think about eating clean, with minimal ingredients, and fueling your body -- after all you are what you eat! 



Youth Elixirs

Youth Elixirs | Lean and Green Body Blog

Wrinkle “Beeter”

  • 1 small red beet with stalk

  • 4-6 kale leaves

  • 2-4 carrots

  • 1 apple

  • 1/2 lemon


Immortal Elixir

  • 2 large tomatoes

  • 1 bunch parsley

  • 2-4 kale leaves

  • 1 green apple

  • 4 carrots

  • 4 celery stalks

  • 1 clove of garlic


* We recommend using a juicer for these recipes *


FREE Juice Recipe Ebook | Lean and Green Body

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques | Lean and Green Body

When faced with numerous responsibilities of work and family it can be difficult to find time for yourself. Taking a few moments each day to relax and unwind can be very beneficial.

Practicing relaxation techniques can reduce stress by:

Slowing your heart rate

Lowering blood pressure

Slowing your breathing rate

Reducing production of stress hormones

Increasing blood flow to major muscles

Reducing muscle tension

Reducing or elimination chronic pain

Improving concentration and boosting mood

Lowering fatigue and increasing energy


Relaxation Techniques…

Deep breathing







Learning which relaxation techniques work best for you will help you to manage your tension and stress. You will become more aware of muscle tension, tightness and stress in the body and be able to eliminate or diminish it with these techniques. This will help you to prevent your stress and tension from getting out of control. All of these techniques take practice, and you may need to experiment and try several different techniques until you discover which ones work best for you.


Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle. 

Beach Booty Camp Recap

We launched our Beach Booty Camp on July 1, 2017!!

We had an incredible turn out for our first free beach booty camp workout at 8th Ave South in Downtown Naples.

These beach booty camps are a way for Lean and Green Body’s founder and CEO Jennifer Khosla to give back to the community. The goal of these free workouts are to empower and inspire our community, creating healthier lifestyles one workout at a time. 

The beach booty camp workouts are open to all levels, and focus mainly on core and lower body functional training exercises, with some upper body training exercises mixed in.

Lean and Green Body offers the following free public events every month… Beach Booty Camp, Yoga Classes, Nutrition Seminars and even Healthy Happy Hours. 

Our July and August beach booty camp workouts will be held at 8th Ave South (beach side park) Downtown Naples on Saturday, July 29 and Saturday, August 12 at 9:00am. 

Click a photo to enlarge the gallery from our first free Beach Booty Camp!

For more information and event details:

Jennifer Khosla

Founder and CEO




Introducing Long Distance Client Packages

Long Distance Client Packages | Lean and Green Body Blog

Not local to Southwest Florida? Lean and Green Body offers long distance packages via FaceTime, Skype or What’s APP, customized to meet your needs. Train, practice, and heal your body from the inside out from the comfort of your home.

Call (239) 290-3482 to schedule your appointment today!

5 Ways to Fight Fatigue Fast

We start our days earlier and earlier, trying to fit everything into 24 hours. We work out, we make breakfast for our family (and some days ourselves), we get everyone ready for school and work, we work long hours, and after dinner, we feel completely drained. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Being too exhausted to squeeze in that workout or “me time”. Snoozing your morning alarm 5 times, convincing yourself that these extra 35 minutes will make all the difference in your day. Most of us give so much energy to our families, our communities, and our work, there tends to be very little left for us. Below are a few of my favorite ways to fight fatigue and keep my energy up all day!

  1. Get Moving! Exercise can help fight fatigue. When we work out, we get the blood pumping and release endorphins (runner’s “high”). Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

  2. Drink Water. Consume a minimum of eight 8 oz glasses of water per day. Remember to consume an extra 8 oz of water for each cup of coffee or tea you drink.

  3. Sleep. Make sure you are getting the recommended 8 hours of sleep per night. Perhaps try going to bed 30 minutes earlier and turning off all electronic devices and screens 2 hours before sleep.

  4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3’s have been proved to increase energy and fight fatigue. Think salmon, chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts.

  5. Eat frequent small meals. Consuming smaller more frequent meals will keep your blood sugar levels steady and prevent any unnecessary spikes or drops - thus keeping your energy up all day.


Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle.