4 Ways to Eat More Raspberries

Last month I wrote a blog post 7 Reasons to Eat More Raspberries and I thought it would be fun to show you how you can do this every week!

I absolutely love raspberries, they are nutrient dense, high in fiber, and so sweet.

They really are nature’s candy!

Here are 4 ways you can add raspberries into your diet starting today!

Add raspberries to your smoothie (1/4 Cup) or sprinkle a few on top of your oatmeal in the morning.

Add a mini dark chocolate kiss inside each raspberry for a fun dessert!

Have 1/4 Cup of raspberries with a few nuts as an afternoon pick me up.

Add raspberries to your salad; they will not only add color but they will also add a fresh pop to an otherwise boring salad.

What’s your favorite way to eat raspberries??


7 Reasons to Eat More Raspberries

Raspberries are a tiny fruit with big benefits!

One cup of raspberries has 64 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates and 8 grams of fiber. 

These little berries are a fun fruit for all ages, kids love to put them on their fingers and eat them off one by one, and adults love to add some color and tang to their meals.

Here are 7 reasons to add raspberries into your diet this week!

Raspberries are an excellent source of vitamin C - think immune boosting and skin health! Vitamin C helps to stimulate collagen production and healthy skin…sign me up.

These little berries are incredibly nutrient dense, they are high in manganese, vitamin K, vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, zinc and calcium. Providing you with so many essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals in just 1 cup.

Raspberries can help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. They are the perfect snack or addition to your favorite meal - recipes and meal ideas coming in May!

This fruit is a powerful food for heart health. The anthocyanins in raspberries have been found to lower inflammation and protect the heart. It’s no coincidence that these berries are red..wink wink ;)

As I mentioned earlier raspberries are high in fiber, with a surprising 8 grams of fiber per one cup! This fiber will help to keep cholesterol levels down; high fiber is great for reducing LDL and total cholesterol levels.

Raspberries help to prevent diabetes, and can help to lower the amount of insulin needed to manage blood sugar in some patients.

These powerful berries fight oxidative stress and damage, which can help to prevent disease and illness in the body.

Would love to hear how you add these little powerhouse berries to your diet, comment below and let me know! xx
