2 Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday

It’s essential to check in with ourselves every single day to see how we are really doing.

Pay attention today and notice how many times people ask you “how are you doing?”, but rarely do they give you time to actually answer before they have already moved on. That is one of the reasons why I feel that it is key to check in with yourself everyday, and ask yourself these two questions.

How are you doing?

What are you grateful for?

Write these questions in your journal, and just allow yourself to write whatever comes up for you. Most likely the answers will be different each day depending on your current circumstance, what you are experiencing in life at that moment, and so forth.

Allow yourself to be real, raw and vulnerable. No one has to read your journal except you. This is your time to really allow yourself to open up and check in….like really how are you doing? Not everyday is going to be sunshine and rainbows, and that’s okay - that’s “normal” in fact. Allow yourself to work through your feelings and your thoughts on paper.

Then once you feel complete with that question, write down what you are grateful for. Personally, I like to list 5 things that I am grateful for each day. This allows me to keep my head in a positive space…or bring it back to a positive high vibe space…and bring that energy with me into my day.

With the busyness of our lifestyles it can be difficult to stay in the present and focus on our current blessings and life. It seems like we are always planning and looking to what is next. These two questions will help you stay present, check in with yourself daily, and help you to live a more grateful life.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere