Get Food Allergy Tested Today!

Struggling with brain fog, fatigue, upset stomach… it could be food allergies!

As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist one of my specialities is food allergies. As someone who has several food allergies this is an area of expertise that hits close to home. I love working with my clients and helping them to discover what (if any) food allergies they may have.

Food allergies look different on everyone, and symptoms can range from:

brain fog


itching or tingling in mouth




dizzy or lightened

nasal congestion


nausea and vomitting

abdominal pain



One of the most affective ways to test for food allergies is through a delayed food allergy blood work panel. Once the results are in we meet to review the blood work and create a plan of action moving forward.

Everyone’s body is different, but having clients struggle with unknown food allergies for years and finally discovering the underlying problem has transformed their life and their health for the better.

One simple blood test can tell you what foods you should completely avoid, what foods you are sensitive to and may want to limit, and what foods you can eat freely!

I have seen first hand how this test can change lives. If you are struggling with food allergies, or any of the unknown symptoms listed above, consider getting tested.

To schedule your food allergy test email today!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere