35 Things I've Learned in 35 Years

Yesterday I celebrate my 35th birthday!I have always loved birthdays, and this year was no exception. It was a beautiful and restorative weekend, exactly what my soul needed

35 feels good

I feel that I have really found myself and I love the person that I have become.

I think that it is so important for us to really love ourselves, for all that we are and all that we have become. I see so many people go through life unsure of themselves, or unhappy with themselves and their life. Life is way too short for that mindset. We get one chance at this life, and our relationship with ourselves dictates all the other relationships in our life.

It has taken me years to get to this level of self love. I had to unlearn a lot of old patterns and habits, I had to heal from generational trauma and my own wounds, and I had to ignore some fear based advice and listen to my own intuition. I learned to lead with love, and let go of the fear.

All that being said I thought it would be fun to create a list of 35 things I have learned in 35 years! As I started writing this list I thought it would be impossible to come up with 35 things…then I soon realized I would have to consolidate my list!

35 Things I’ve Learned in 35 Years

  1. Self love is the most important thing.

  2. Respect - yourself and others.

  3. You can inspire a lot of people, but you can only change yourself.

  4. You are not for everyone and that’s okay.

  5. You don’t need a million friends. Keep a small circle of people you absolutely love & trust.

  6. Stay true to yourself, listen to your intuition.

  7. Always lead with love. Let go of the fear and the hate. Let your light shine.

  8. The entrepreneur path is not for everyone. People will judge you, they will tell you it will never work - do it anyway.

  9. Even when you fail, know that it’s okay. Get back up, dust yourself off, and start again. It’s just another lesson learned.

  10. At some point in your life make a big drastic move - everyone will think you are crazy - but it will teach you so much.

  11. Meditate every day.

  12. Nutrition really is the key to good health and happiness.

  13. It’s okay to change, grow and evolve. Do it over and over again.

  14. Not everyone will understand your path, that’s okay they don’t need to.

  15. People will try to keep you small, they will try to dump their self limiting beliefs on you, don’t let them. Rise above.

  16. Move your body everyday.

  17. Find a workout you love.

  18. Be honest…most of all with yourself.

  19. Marry your best friend.

  20. Laugh and smile every single day.

  21. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

  22. Communication is everything.

  23. Most of the people judging you, are really just jealous of you. Ignore the haters.

  24. Drink more water.

  25. Speak your truth and stay open.

  26. You are more beautiful than you know.

  27. Set boundaries and stick to them unapologetically.

  28. Be kind. Everyone is fighting a battle that they may not be ready to share.

  29. Delegate. You do not have to do everything alone.

  30. Lower your stress. It will heal you in ways you can only imagine.

  31. Not everything has to be done right now.

  32. Life is short - too short. Be grateful for each day.

  33. You are more resilient than you know.

  34. Travel often, expand your mind & open your heart.

  35. Do what makes you happy. Find your passion, and turn your passion into your purpose.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere