It's Time to Put Yourself First - Here's How!

For years I put everyone else’s needs above mine. I thought it was “right” or would make me a better person if I took care of everyone else first…but it didn’t. In fact, it left me so drained that I rarely had time to take care of myself. For years my self care was non-existent, and I noticed my health and well-being were taking a big hit.

My hope in sharing this is that you don’t make the same mistake. It can be so easy, especially as women, to put everyones needs above our own. It’s engrained in us from the time we are born, but it’s not healthy. If we do not take care of ourselves, how on earth are we supossed to take care of everyone and everything else? We simply can’t!

The phrase “you can not pour from an empty cup” is so accurate! Trust me I tried…for years. It’s not possible.

When we take time to put ourselves first, and even just taking 10 minutes a day for some much needed self care to pause and breathe it can shift everything. When we take care of ourselves we are better able to handle everything around us with more ease and grace.

In the last year I have implemented a tool for myself that has been a total game changer.

Are you ready for it?!?

Every single day I have a list in my planner (yes I still use a paper planner) of everything I would like to get done that day, and on the top of the list - ABOVE everything else if a list of 4 things I do every single for myself. They are not big things, but every single day these are my most important items on my list. Putting myself first, and ensuring that these 4 items get checked off daily has been a game changer for my personal life and especially my business.

I would encourage you to try this! Create a list of 2-4 items that you would like to do daily just for you. Select items that will help to enhance your mental health, your well being, and allow you to create a calm in the chaos of the week. For my busy Moms, perhaps taking a shower (alone)…or dream big a bath (alone) is on your list?? Select items that honor you and fill your cup up.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere