The Power of Newness

Did you know that learning something new is one of the 7 Needs for Happiness?

We naturally thrive in creative environments, our brains are like sponges and require newness in our lives in order to be completely happy and fulfilled.

This may sound far fetched to you, but I promise there is plenty of data to back it up!

Think back to the last time you learned something new…it could be something simple like reading, learning to drive, learning to knit…whatever it was bring that feeling and those emotions to mind. Think back to how excited you were when you learned that new skillset, how empowered or happy you felt when you conquered something you weren’t sure you could do. It’s freeing, it’s exhilarating!

When we learn something new we not only open up new freedoms, new adventures and new skills; we open the door to exploring something exciting and challenging. This type of challenge is so beneficial for our brains and our health long term. Our bodies {and our brains} requires new challenges like these, especially as we age.

Many of become stuck day in and day out doing the same mundane tasks, and same daily routine - and the scary part is that many of us don’t even realize that we are stuck…

When I initially reviewed this research earlier this year I made a promise to myself to challenge myself this year {personally} and to create a list of things I would like to learn how to do this year.

TBH that list sat on my desk for weeks…and weeks…but once I gathered up the courage to try something new. The courage to be bad at something {like really bad} it was fun! So many of us hold ourselves back from trying something new {or following our dreams} because we are afraid to be bad at it - we are afraid it be beginners. This is so sad to me because that fear is totally ego driven. It’s okay to be bad at something when we first try, how else are you supposed to learn and improve?

So I would encourage you to try something new this year - hell try something new this month!

Think about something that you’ve always wanted to learn, or always wanted to do…and do it.

Life is short and there are no do-overs.

Two NEW things that I have committed to learning this year are…

baking gluten free vegan bread and playing the ukulele

What are you going to try?? Comment below and let me know!
