4 Tips to Build a Better Breakfast

It’s no secret that breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! I could literally eat it all day long.

What most people don’t realize is that many popular breakfast foods are loaded with sugar, processed foods and unnecessary ingredients.

Instead of relying on your breakfast to come from a box or the freezer (cringe!) build it yourself.

I promise that building your breakfast is more satisfying, more filling and tastes way better!

4 Tips to Build a Better Breakfast

  • Eat real food… no processed foods, no fast food, real whole foods and ingredients

  • Protein… clean lean protein to fuel your morning

  • Fiber… will keep you full and energized for the day ahead

  • Real sugar only… no added sugars, stick to fruit or a drizzle of honey at most

My current favorite breakfast is a yogurt bowl with coconut yogurt, fruit, hemp hearts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and a drizzle of local honey!