Learn the Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar {ACV} is an incredibly healing tonic, and has been used for over 1,000 years to treat and cure a variety of aliments.

I love Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar because it is organic, pure, contains “the Mother”…essentially all the good stuff…and this company has been around for over 80 years!

When using Apple Cider Vinegar it is important to ALWAYS mix it with water - you never want to drink it straight. I mix about 1-2 TBSP of ACV with 4-8 oz of water. You can add more or less water depending on your preference.

Here are some of the benefits of this healing tonic..

Helps to promote a youthful skin and vibrant healthy body

Helps remove artery plaque, infections and body toxins

Helps fight germs, viruses, bacteria and mold naturally

Helps retard old age onset in humans, pets and farm animals

Helps regulate calcium metabolism

Helps keep blood the right consistency

Helps regulate women’s menstruation, relives PMS, and UTI

Helps normalize urine pH, reliving frequent urge to urinate

Helps digestion, assimilation and helps balance the pH

Helps relieve sore throats, laryngitis and throat tickles and cleans out throat and gum toxins

Helps protect against food poisoning and even brings relief if you do get it

Helps detox the body so sinus, asthma and flue suffers can breathe easier and more normally

Helps banish acne, athlete’s foot, soothe’s burns, sunburns

Helps prevent itching scalp, baldness and dry hair

Helps banish dandruff, rashes, and shingles

Helps fight arthritis and helps remove crystals and toxins from joints, tissues, organs and entire body

Helps control and normalize body weight