Liver Health & Detoxing

Let’s Talk Liver Health…

Liver health has been a topic I have discussed numerous times on my blog in regards to detoxification and cleansing, but what if there was a way for you to keep your liver cleansed and healthy without doing radical juice cleanse??

I’m here to fill you in on a little liver health secret…milk thistle.

Milk Thistle, also called Silymarin, is used to help with liver health and function. This herb has been found to help regenerate liver tissue, and actually protect the healthy cells of your liver from damage. Milk thistle helps to remove toxins from your liver, and is essential in any liver detox. The liver is one of our major detoxers in our body, and so it is so important to keep it healthy and functioning at it’s prime.

Milk thistle has been shown to have a lot of healing effects, and is said to be anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-Parkinson, and anti-Alzheimer. There is new research about how milk thistle may help to slow the disease progression of multiple sclerosis, this is very exciting and I can not wait to see this research develop. Milk thistle is popularly known to help heal the liver of alcoholics, and in fact anyone who drinks alcohol should consider taking milk thistle. This powerful herb is also popular among those under chemotherapy treatments, and is often used in combination with chemotherapy.

Milk thistle is antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. This herb is high in calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. The estimated Therapeutic Range for milk thistle is 250-1000 mg per day, and the therapeutic Dosing 750-1000 mg per day (take half in am, and half before bed). You can take milk thistle in power form, or in a powder filled capsule, and my favorite tincture form! When making milk thistle it is important to use the whole plant: leaves, roots, flowers, and seeds.

It is important to note that milk thistle can cause severe allergic reaction to those who have allergies to Asteracae plants like ragweed and marigolds. Fortunately it does have very low drug interactions. However, it is not advised that you use Milk thistle if you have diabetes, as it may interact with diabetes medications. Milk thistle may also interact with: Raloxifene, Simeprevir and Sirolimus medications. Milk thistle is not recommended for children.

With so many healing benefits it’s no wonder milk thistle has become a popular almost “trendy” supplement over the past few years. It has incredible healing and detoxing potential, and is an essential part of detoxing the liver and keeping it healthy.


* I am not a doctor, I am simply educating you on health and wellness. Always consult your doctor before begging a new supplement routine.

Celery Juice Update!

By now you all know I love my morning celery juice!

Over the past three weeks I have gotten in the habit of juicing every single morning…yes, even on the weekend. I have to say that I love it!

It was not easy to carve out this extra time for myself I the mornings, but with a few tweaks of my schedule and getting up earlier…I have found this super special time just for me in the morning!

I have made celery juice on and off for years now, and would occasionally buy the SUJA version but never got into a set routine for weeks on end.

I recently took a leave of absence and it was during this time that I thought “hey, why not try daily juicing again!”. I had all this “extra” time on my hands, and figured it would be a fun and super healthy little project for me.

Little did I know that I would love it so much! Some days I make 2-3 different juices at time using whatever I picked up from the farmer’s market. I have the entire process down to 20 minutes or less…wash, prep, trim, juice and clean up…pretty impressive!


I am about 3 weeks into my daily celery juice and I feel such a difference in my body. I don’t think I could ever go back. My skin is clear, my eczema is gone, the whites of my eyes are super white, my belly feels amazing and I have zero bloat.

I am going to keep it up and promise to keep you updated on my thoughts and changes along the way!

Have you tried daily celery juice? If so, comment below and let me know your thoughts!


Holistic Health Code 7 Day Detox Review

I recently had the opportunity to partner with Holistic Health Code and try their 7 day reset. As an avid detox lover and self proclamed detox queen you know I’m all about a good detox. I was excited to try this specific detox because this is a real food detox {similar to the detox in my first book Revitalize & Renew: 7 days to a healthier you}. Holistic Health Code was founded by Meg, a Registered Nurse who saw a gap in our healthcare system. She works with Health Coaches to create a unique and new experience for their clients. I immediately connected with this female owned brand and was excited to see what made their detox stand out. 

When you order their detox you are sent a 7 day meal plan with tons of mouth watering recipes…not something you typically associate with detoxing. Plus, you receive supplements for morning and night for each of the seven days. You also receive Holistic Health Code’s custom propriety detox shake mix. 


I have tried my fair share of protein shakes over the years, and consider myself quite the connoisseur. The shake mix taste likes vanilla pudding {when mixed with vanilla almond milk}. During the detox I typically drank it with just almond milk and chia seeds {added those for a little extra fiber} and I loved it. There are a few smoothie options in the menu they provide for you, so you can always experiment with those too!


During the detox I felt really good, energized and felt overall lighter. The difference between this detox and many others out there…you get to eat real food! It’s a no brainer. 

Now thru August 15, 2020 use code LEANANDGREEN10 to receive 10% off the Holistic Health Code 7 day reset. Click HERE to sign up today!

To learn more about Holistic Health Code and all their offerings click HERE

This post was #sponsored by Holistic Health Code, all opinions are my own.

Detoxing on a Budget - part II

The ‘Detoxing on a Budget’ series is back! In our first part of this series (HERE) we discussed the first (and cheapest) steps you can take to begin detoxing your diet today.

Now we are going to discuss the next steps you can take to further detox your pantry. In part one we discussed eliminating all processed foods and really anything that comes in a box or a bag. Time to let that shit go! Your body deserves better. 
In part two today we are going to discuss how to incorporate a morning routine. 

A morning routine is a great way to add a daily detox into your life…and the results are unbelievable! What you choose to do in the morning sets the tone for your entire day. By starting your day on the right foot you are literally setting yourself up for success. 

When you start your day by flooding your body with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, hydration, and really fueling your body and mind properly…you are more likely to make better choices throughout the day. 

I have discussed my morning routine HERE and it has definitely evolved over time, but remains very similar. 

I’m a true believer in the triple play. To read the full benefits of the triple play click here


The idea is to hydrate your body first thing (our bodies get so dehydrated when we sleep because they are working so hard)… so hydration is number one. Start your day with 8 oz of room temperature water (super important because we do not want to shock the system) mixed with the juice from 1/2 an organic lemon. 

Next I like to come in with a gentle detoxer…kinda scrub the wall of the intestines… and seriously energize the body… it’s like a shot of espresso (minus the caffeine). That’s right I’m talking about APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. If you have been following me for awhile now, you know I’m super into ACV. Check out my full post on ACV here 

I’m so passionate about this product that when I was the keynote speaker for my alma matar Springfield College last year, I started my talk by serving up shots of ACV to the entire crowd. Yep, that’s right! We were all awake and ready to go!

There are two important things to remember when taking ACV… first always mix it with water. I prefer to mix it with 2-4 oz of water, but I know some individuals who like a full 8 oz, up to you! The second thing is to make sure you are buying high quality ACV, my favorite brand (#notsponsored) is Braggs ACV. I’ve been talking about this brand for years now, and have gotten hundreds of people nationwide taking it every morning. I love this brand because it contains “the mother”, the cloudy questionable stuff at the bottom of the bottle…that’s the good stuff. Make sure you shake up your bottle before pouring. Any ACV with “the mother” would be acceptable…and ACV without “the mother” is simply a salad dressing ingredient. 

Many people worry that the ACV will make their acid reflux (and other symptoms associated with an acidic diet) worse… honestly, in my research, education and my work with clients it has made it much better… and is actually know to alleviate the symptoms  all together. 

Lastly, my final step in my morning are greens!! Honestly, probably my favorite step, hence the name LEAN AND GREEN BODY®. The greens come in and provide a second layer of gentle detoxification, boost your immune system, and provide you with natural (caffeine free) energy. Many of my friends and followers wonder how I last 12 hour work days without coffee… it’s all in the greens, natural energy! Honest. 

Here are the two brands I’m currently loving for greens! HERE and HERE


I could drink just about anything for my health, but these 3 steps in my morning routine are essential…and I think they all taste pretty good! Okkk Okk the ACV is definitely an acquired taste, but I promise the benefits outweigh the flavor. 

The Lean and Green Body® Morning Routine #TRIPLEPLAY

8 oz room temperature water with 1/2 organic lemon

1 TBSP of ACV with water

8-10 oz of water mixed with greens 

Happy Detoxing!

How to Detox on a Budget - part 1

I’ve received countless questions about how to detox on a budget. So I thought it would be fun & super helpful to put them all together in a blog series for you!

Let’s begin…

Is it really possible to detox on a budget??

YES! Absolutely, it’s possible to detox on any budget.

The first part of any detox is removing all processed foods from your diet. Eliminating anything that comes in a box or a bag. Chips, crackers, cookies…gone. 

I discuss this “easing in to your detox” in depth in my book Revitalize & Renew: 7 days to a healthier you…and honestly it is one of the most important steps. 

Why? Because despite your specific reason for detoxing, we all cleanse our bodies hoping to eliminate toxins in a particular region or organ in the body. The first (and easiest) way to do this is to remove processed foods from your diet. 

We can not detox or cleanse our body if we are still flooding it with preservatives and chemicals. 

If you think about how long the food in your pantry can last…it’s a long time. I mean how long was that bag of chips sitting on the shelf in the store before you brought it home? Chances are a longgg time. 

For any food item to be shelf stable for long periods of time chances are it has some chemicals and preservatives in it - unless we are talking dry beans…then stock up on those! ;)

The elimination of processed foods (this includes fast food) is the first step of any detox…and is definitely the first step to detoxing on a budget. 

You are the gate keeper to your home (more than likely) - you control what comes into your house and your kitchen. If you are not the gate keeper to your home, you are at least the gate keeper to your body… you ultimately have control over what you choose to put in your body and how you fuel it. 

Throughout this series I will discuss the basics on how to detox on a budget. What you need to know without breaking the bank. Have questions about this topic…leave them below!!

Time to clean out that pantry!

detox on budget - part 1.jpg

Spice and Tea Detox Review


As many of you know I love a good detox! To me there’s almost nothing better than cleansing out my body and mind. I recently tried the 7 day tea detox from Spice and Tea and loved it! It was my first time doing a tea detox, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. Typically my detoxes involve lots of juice and smoothies, so a tea detox was new to me.

With this detox I did not have to adjust my diet much. I continued to eat my regular healthy {gluten free, dairy free, soy free} plant based diet. What I loved most about this detox is that I did not have to cut out anything from my regular diet. I am already plant based, and limit the amount of animal protein I consume. Since I did not have to make any big adjustments to my diet, this was one of the easiest detoxes I have ever done!


This tea detox consisted of drinking four teas a day for seven days. Each morning you drink the sunrise chai to kickstart your day, followed shortly after by the G’Day Lemon Mate to conquer any mid-morning slumps you might have. After lunch comes the hibiscus slim down tea to help you curb any cravings, and you end your evening with the chamomile sunset to help you sleep. I really enjoyed all of these teas, the G’Day Lemon Mate and the Chamomile Sunset were definitely my favorites. 

I noticed an increase in energy, clearer skin, better sleep, and decreased belly bloat from this detox. I can’t wait to do it again soon!

For more information on how you can buy your own seven day tea detox click here!

Delicious Raw Lean Reset Review


If you know me personally, you know I LOVE a good detox! Honestly, nothing makes me feel better than cleansing my body inside and out. I recently had the pleasure of testing out the Delicious Raw Lean Reset. I chose to complete the 3 day option, which was a mix of fresh pressed juices, kale slaw and spinach salads. (The Lean Reset also comes in a 2 day option.)


I’ve done several detoxes and cleanses in the past and I am well aware of the easing in and easing out process. If you are unfamiliar with how to begin a detox, what to expect, or how to ease out of a detox, check out my book, Revitalize & Renew: 7 Days to a Healthier You!

I absolutely loved this detox! The juices were amazing, the kale slaw around lunch time was very satisfying, and the spinach salad at night was huge! I wasn’t sure I would be able to finish all the food and juice in one day. The first day was the toughest, mainly due to the lack of caffeine, and the adjustment to mostly liquid nutrients. By the second day I was vibrant, energized and ready for more! By the end of the reset I noticed clearer skin, more energy, and less bloating… my body felt amazing.

I am already looking forward to my next Lean Rest … who’s with me?

10 Day Detox Follow Up

10 Day Detox Follow Up | Lean and Green Body® Blog

We did it!! My husband and I just completed our first 10 day detox together!

Our bodies have been free of gluten, dairy, alcohol and meat for 10 days!

This is a huge accomplishment and I am so proud of my husband for completing the detox with me. 

This was his first official detox, and I am impressed that he completed all 10 days. 

The verdict: we feel amazing!

We have so much energy. My productivity has been expanded ten fold. I have found this sense of clarity and the afternoon brain fog has dissipated for both of us.

My skin is glowing and clear, the whites of our eyes are crisp, and any belly bloat is gone. 

As many of you know, I love detoxing. I plan to detox at least four times a year, in addition to a 24 hour detox every month. My first published book on detoxing, Revitalize and Renew was released earlier this year, you can check it out here.

I am so passionate about detoxing because it is a time to reconnect to my roots. We can focus on food purely as fuel for our bodies. It’s a time to simplify and get back to basics, all we need is real food.

For this detox my husband and I sustained ourselves on real whole foods, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and teas. Our goal was to drink 90 oz of plain water per day, in addition to nettle leaf tea, dandelion root tea, and our daily coffee or black tea. We ate tons of raw greens, sweet potatoes, black beans, and delicious smoothies. I honestly did not feel deprived. I felt satiated. There was a connection to the food that we ate, and I enjoyed the time we spent together cooking and dining. 

Many of my clients worry that they will feel a lack of energy and become hangry during a detox… we experienced the opposite. We had loads of energy and laughed more than we have in weeks. We had fun with the detoxing process. I highly recommend detoxing with your partner, it allows you both to grow and bond together.

Moving forward, I have chosen to limit meat in my diet to maybe 1-2 days per week. I am flexible with myself and do not want to put any labels or firm restrictions on my dietary habits at this time, but right now this is my plan. Ricky on the other hand is looking forward to adding organic healthy chicken and fish back into his diet. He is someone who craves meat, and has been a good sport for the past 10 days.

Our household is already gluten free, due to my allergies, and previously we aimed to limit dairy. After completing the detox, I believe we will both eliminate dairy from our diets, it simply does not make us feel good and is really pro-inflammatory and unhealthy for our bodies.

As we begin to ease out of our detox, we will add alcohol back in sparingly. We plan to limit drinking to two days per week, taking into consideration parties and events. We have made the decision to extend the alcohol-free portion of our detox to about 14 days, and to make a regular habit of detoxing our bodies. 

We will both be more aware of how we are fueling our bodies, and more in tune with what makes us feel good. 

This detox was never about losing weight or a quick fix, it was always about tuning in and listening to our bodies. Our bodies are so smart, if we just listen they will tell us what they need.

For more information about detoxing contact Jennifer at

August 8 10 day detox

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We are taking the plunge! We are starting our first family detox!

After several nights out, fatigue, brain fog and too much stress, we determined that it was time to commit. 

  • We have decided to write our own rules for our 10 day real food detox, not surprising I’m sure to anyone who knows me personally.

  • We will be eliminating gluten (as always), dairy, alcohol, added sugar and meat.

  • We will be consciously limiting coffee, but will not be eliminating it entirely for the 10 days because well… sanity.

  • We will be consuming a plant based diet, packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats and greens.

  • We will be increasing our water intake will aid in flushing out our systems and rehydrating our bodies.

  • We will be supplementing with green drinks and herbal teas.

My favorite teas while detoxing are YOGI Peach Detox Tea, Parsley Tea, and Nettle Leaf Tea. All three have amazing healing and cleansing properties. 

Our goal from this cleanse is to come out with a deeper appreciation for how we fuel our bodies. We want to feel re-energized, refreshed and renewed. We are looking to eliminate fatigue, brain fog, toxic foods and stress; all of which take a serious toll on our bodies. 

For tips on how to detox at home check out my latest book Revitalize & Renew available now!

Detox with Jennifer!

Detox with Jennifer

Looking to detox?

Loose a few extra pounds before Summer?

Change up your eating habits?

Go paleo, vegetarian, gluten free, or even vegan?

Looking for healthy, glowing skin, vibrant energy?

Look no further!

Jennifer’s Revitalize & Renew detox is now available in 3, 5 or 7 days!


For $30 per day you will receive round the clock support, check ins, help easing in and easing out of the detox. You will receive help transitioning into your new healthy habits post detox.  Plus receive a copy of Jennifer’s Revitalize & Renew: 7 Days to a Healthier You book!

Learn more at or call (239) 290-3482.

Purchase your detox package today!

Revitalize & Renew: Book Launch Party!

Revitalize & Renew Book Launch Party | Lean and Green Body Blog

Join Lean and Green Body®'s Jennifer Khosla for the launch of her debut book, Revitalize & Renew: 7 Days to a Healthier You!

WHAT: Revitalize & Renew Book Launch Party.  Open wine bar, live music by DJ Memphis, book discussion, book signing

WHEN: Friday, February 9th, 6:00-8:00 PM

WHERE: Delicious Raw - Pavilion.  8925 Tamiami Trail N, Naples, FL

Naturally Detoxifying Foods

Naturally Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Broccoli: A strong detoxifier, broccoli neutralizes and eliminates toxins while also delivering a healthy dose of vitamins.

Cauliflower: This antioxidant rich cruciferous veggie aids in your body’s natural detoxification system and reduces inflammation.

Turnip Greens: A potent detoxifier, this cruciferous veggie also has been found to help prevent many types of cancer and is a great for reducing inflammation.

Lentils: This fiber-rich legume aids in elimination, helps lower cholesterol, balances blood sugar and even increases your energy.

Grapefruit: This fiber-rich, sweet and tangy fruit helps lower cholesterol, prevent kidney stones and aids the digestive system.

Naturally Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Cucumber: Nutrient-dense cucumbers, which are 95% water, help flush out toxins and alkalize the body.

Steel Cut Oats: High in both soluble and insoluble fiber, oats will keep you satiated and keep your digestive system moving.

Sunflower Seeds:  High in selenium and vitamin E, sunflower seeds aid the liver’s ability to detox. They also help prevent cholesterol build up in the blood and arteries.

Hemp Seeds: These tiny nutritional powerhouses are an excellent source of omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, are an easily digestible plant based protein, have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and also aid in elimination.


Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle. 

Raspberry Lemonade Cleansing Smoothie

Raspberry Lemonade Cleansing Smoothie | Lean and Green Body Blog



 free radicals, fiber, vitamin c, manganese, vitamin K

Dandelion root tea:

bloat buster, supports lymphatic system and liver


powerful alkalizer and health booster


fatigue fighter, energizing


boosts immunity


  • 1 cup dandelion root tea

  • 1 cup organic frozen raspberries

  • 1 organic lemon (juice only)

  • 10 fresh mint leaves

  • 1 TBSP raw local honey


  1. Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!

Detox Your Body From the Inside Out

Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Detoxing is more than taking a hot yoga class and drinking some lemon water. Detoxing involves cleaning out impurities and toxins in your body and bringing it back in balance.

It is important to keep our bodies pure, free from toxins and free radicals. Detoxing our bodies is not something we should only do a few times a year; detoxing should be part of our daily routine. Everyday our bodies are exposed to toxins, and it’s imperative that we continually free ourselves from these damaging particles in our bodies. Our kidneys and liver are two essential organs which are responsible for this daily detoxification process. Our liver and kidneys filter out everything that we consume, so it is essential that we keep our liver and kidneys clean and healthy for optimal detoxification. Keeping our vital organs healthy through daily detoxification will save us from years of disease and illness.

Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

Some insight into the top 4 detoxing foods: artichokes, asparagus, beets, and broccoli. Artichokes help the liver to function at it’s best by increasing the production of bile in the liver. Bile helps to break down food and toxins and assists in eliminating them from the body. Asparagus has a similar job assisting the liver in eliminating food, drinks, and toxins from our body by way of drainage. This vegetable is a powerful diuretic and helps to flush any remaining toxins in our system. Asparagus is also well known for fighting cancer and heart disease by decreasing the inflammation in our body. Broccoli is a key detoxing vegetable as it consists of multiple phytonutrients which aid in detoxification process. Beets, among many others on our list, help to ensure the toxins in our system leave our body completely and do not stay trapped inside.

Detoxifying Foods | Lean and Green Body Blog

20 of the Top Detoxing Foods

  1. Artichokes

  2. Asparagus

  3. Beets

  4. Broccoli

  5. Avocados

  6. Cabbage

  7. Garlic

  8. Grapefruit

  9. Turmeric

  10. Collard Greens

  11. Lemon Water

  12. Sweet Potatoes

  13. Spinach

  14. Tomatoes

  15. Kiwi

  16. Almonds

  17. Blackberries

  18. Chia Seeds

  19. Flax Seeds

  20. Hemp Seeds

Enjoy these foods in your daily smoothie, salad or bowl!

*Stay lean and green*


Green Juice for Days

Parsley Green Juice


  • 6 bundles of organic romaine lettuce

  • 3 bags (approximately 7.5 oz) organic parsley 4 organic lemons

  • 4 heads of organic celery

  • 4 small organic green apples


  1. Juice and Enjoy!

Parsley Green Juice | Heavy Metal Detox
Parsley Green Juice | Heavy Metal Detox

I am currently on a huge parsley kick! Parsley is amazing at removing heavy metals from the body and assisting in the detoxification process. Heavy metals can be absorbed into the body in so many different ways...farmed fish, food allergens, non- organic foods, alcohol and foods with additives or chemicals. Signs of heavy metal toxicity are chronic fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, insomnia, dementia, autoimmune disease or neurological disorders. Add some parsley to your diet to help combat any or all of these, drink up! 

1 Comment

Jennifer Khosla

Founder, Lean and Green Body.  Mind Body Wellness Practitioner, Holistic Nutrition Specialist and Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher; Jennifer Khosla received her B.S. in Athletic Training from Springfield College. She later went on to study clinical dietetics, holistic nutrition and modalities to heal the body naturally through nutrition and lifestyle. 

Time for a detox...

The past six weeks have been a whirlwind! Between our wedding, our two week honeymoon, two other weddings, and our first Thanksgiving in Ohio, we have only been home for one weekend since October 1st! It is definitely time for some deep meditation, hot yoga, and a detox. I am so excited to cleanse my body and get back on track!

Here is one of my favorite juices for detoxification...

Intoxicating Detoxification


  • 1 cup of Kale

  • 2 leaves of Swiss Chard

  • 1/2 cup Parsley

  • 1/2 small Beet

  • 1/2 cup Pineapple

  • 2 medium Green Apples

  • 1 sprig of Fresh Mint

  • 1/2 medium Lemon (peeled)


  1. Put all ingredients into your juicer and enjoy!

Looking for a great juicer?? Check out the Omega Juicers, I’m in love with mine!!