5 Ways to Reset Your Week

Last week was a super challenging week for me.

My husband was away in Switzerland for work, and I was left on solo mama duty for over a week…with no help but some incredible friends!

For most of the week I felt like I was in survival mode, we definitely were not thriving over here.

BUT - I survived and was able to reset my week and we actually ended the week on a good note!

First, all you single, stay at home mamas with no help I have no idea how you do it.

Second, it truly takes a village and I am so grateful for our friends here in Naples who checked on me daily and went on numerous outings with Bodhi & I!

Okay, so how do you reset your week - even when it’s totally off course - when you are living in your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) and just trying to make it through??

I’m going to share 5 Ways to Reset Your Week that helped me so much!

  • Connect with a friend… call a friend or better yet meet up for coffee or a cold pressed juice, support and connection is everything

  • Movement & Vitamin D… if you can combine the two and get your movement in outside even better! I love to walk a few miles with Bodhi, get a stroller workout in and we both have been loving the pool!

  • Grab your favorite smoothie… treat yourself to your favorite smoothie or indulgence! My current favorite smoothie is the Rise & Grind at Crisp & Green here in Naples!

  • Meditate…it may seem like the last thing you want to do {been there} but it one of the best things you can do to reset your week, get your mind right and calm your nervous system. It will literally help shift your nervous system from Sympathetic N.S. Dominance (fight or flight) to Parasympathetic N.S. Dominance (rest and digest)…which we should be living in 80% of the time anyway.

  • Journal… write down all of your troubles, your worries, your anxieties, whatever is on your heart write it down and release it. Often times we don’t feel comfortable or don’t have someone to truly open up to about whats weighing on our heart, so writing can be extremely therapeutic and healing.

I’d love to know how you reset your weeks when they are feeling off. Comment below and let me know! xx

#crispandgreenambassador #crispandgreen

My #1 Mom Hack for a Healthy Dinner

A massive headache took me out yesterday, and I was in no shape to make dinner or prepare anything…so take out it was!

As a Certified Nutritionist eating healthy is my thing, I love it, it makes me feel good, and keeps me healthy and energized so I can keep up with B…so I wasn’t about to sacrifice all of that just for a night of take out.

Luckily, a few months ago I discovered Crisp & Green which offers healthy salad bowls, warm bowls and smoothies! Literally all of my favorite things and makes life so much easier for me.

What can I say it has quickly become my #1 mom hack.

So last night we ran over to Crisp & Green to pick up an easy and healthy dinner!

My husband loves the fiesta bowl and I made my own bowl last night. We were able to have dinner with B, stay on track with our goals and bonus no dishes! I think this may need to be a weekly thing…

If you’ve tried Crisp & Green comment below and let me know what your favorite bowl is!?!

3 of My Favorite Holiday Recipes

Sharing 3 of my favorite holiday recipes with you today!

Cinnamon Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Enjoy!! Happy Holidays! xxx

5 Ways to Destress this Holiday Season

Let’s face it the holidays can be stressful.

Between finishing up year end at work, juggling holiday gathering, family, and loads of expectations it’s a lot!

To help you find some balance this holiday season, I’m sharing 5 ways you can destress over the next few weeks!

  1. Talk a walk. This one is especially great when you have family or friends over and you need a little reset. Just excuse yourself and get some fresh air. The sun on your face, the fresh (hopefully crisp) air will do a world of good for your mental health.

  2. Meditate. You’ve heard me talk endlessly about the benefits of meditation…and this is the time we ALL need to meditate. Breathe it all in, let it all go.

  3. Movement. Move your body in some way every single day. This not only will help you sweat out the holiday cocktails from the office Christmas party, but will help you reset and reframe your mind and allow you to really enjoy this season.

  4. Let go of expectations. People love to transfer their expectations onto you, especially this time of year. Let that shit go. It’s not yours. You only have to live up to your expectations for yourself, no one else’s (that includes your parents). The holidays are such a magical time, allow yourself the chance to soak it all in and let go of anything that is not truly serving you.

  5. Just say no. I’m giving you full permission to say NO this holiday season. Say no to the extra holiday party, drinks after work, the community event, a family gathering, whatever it is…if it’s not a hell yes for you, then it’s a no. Let yourself off the hook.

I’ve had the privilege to work with hundreds of clients over the years, and have seen that much of our stress stems from our desire to live up to other people’s expectations. We get so wrapped up in meeting everyone else’s expectations, going to all the parties, seeing all the family, doing all the things that we forget to meet our own expectations.

At the end of the day you have to honor yourself and do what is truly best for you.

So I encourage you this holiday season to utilize the 5 tools above to keep your stress low, let go of the expectations, and really enjoy this magical season!

Photo By Jontel Chere

#1 Way to Level Up Your Bedroom

When we moved into our new home a few weeks ago I knew that I wanted to be mindful about the products we brought into our home. My goal was to fill our home with non-toxic products that were healthy for us and the planet.

The only caveat, I didn’t want to sacrifice luxury.

Luckily, non-toxic living has come a long way in the last few years, we no longer have to trade luxury for health and sustainability.

One of the rooms I was most excited to overhaul was our bedroom! After a long day as a new mama I’m typically covered in spit up, drool, and who knows what else, let’s be honest… I so look forward to climbing into my bed. It’s finally my time to breathe, unwind, and just be.

I had first heard about the Cariloha bed sheets about a year ago, and knew they were all the rage … but were they really worth it? Would they really be that lux if they were non-toxic and sustainable? I knew this was the perfect time to try them out! After all we spend about a 1/3 of our life in bed… although I’d argue that it’s much less if you’re a new mom.

We have been using the Resort Sheets for about a week now and wow. I’m a big texture person, and absolutely love how soft and silky these sheets are! They are also odor and allergen resistant… I no longer worry about those postpartum sweats, IYKYK.

Changing our bedding was such a simple fix, but it really upgraded our entire space!

Now thru Monday November 28th Cariloha Naples is offering 40% EVERYTHING in store PLUS receive a free gift when you use code LEAN and GREEN at checkout.

{offer applies in store and over the phone.. they will ship anywhere!}

This sale includes these super lux sheets AND their beds and non-toxic mattresses too!

I’m all about minimalism, and fewer better pieces. I like to create a list of wants through the year and mindfully purchase them when sales like this pop up. So if sheets, bedding, or even loungewear are on your wants list now is the time to stock up!

use code: LEAN AND GREEN at checkout to receive 40% off PLUS a free gift!

#AD This post is sponsored but all thought and opinions are my own.

20-minute Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

As the temperatures begin to cool, and flu season quickly approaches I wanted to share my easy chicken noodle soup recipe!


2 quarts - Low sodium chicken broth

1 bunch of organic celery

1/2 bag of organic baby carrots

1/2 bag of quinoa & brown rice pasta (or any noodle of your choice)

1 lb. organic ground chicken

Turmeric, salt, papper, and garlic to taste


In a frying pan cook ground chicken on low heat until it reaches an internal temp of 165°.

In a large pot add both quarts of low sodium chicken broth and bring to a boil.

Wash, trim, and chop celery and carrots - then add to broth.

Once broth is boiling add in pasta, cook for approx 8 minutes (follow cook times for your specific pasta).

Once chicken is fully cooked, add to pot and stir.

Add spices to taste, and cook on low for approx 10 minutes.


6 Ways I am Finding the Calm Amid the Chaos

It’s no secret that Hurricane Ian rocked our Southwest Florida community. We have a long road to recovery and the devastation is simply heartbreaking.

There have been many times since we began prepping for Hurricane Ian’s arrival that have seemed like pure chaos. My nervous system was in constant sympathetic dominance {fight or flight} and I was having trouble regulating it and finding my calm.

Once I became aware that I was living in a sympathetic nervous system dominant state {stressed, anxious, worried..} I knew I had to use my tools to help shift myself back into a parasympathetic dominant state {rest and digest}.

The stress of hurricane clean up, the devastation left behind and the shock wasn’t leaving anytime soon, but I consciously made a choice to control what I could…and started with my breath.

Here are six ways that I am finding the calm amid the chaos

  • Daily meditation

  • Daily movement

  • Nourishing my body with real whole foods (and yes, that powerful Lean and Green Body® triple play!)

  • Fresh air, going for family walks and soaking in that vitamin D

  • Journaling {and almost purging whatever is on my heart that day}

  • Connecting with my community

These are just a few of the things I am doing to help me stay calm and regulate myself so that I can go out and be the best mother, wife and human for my Southwest Florida community.

Photo By Jontel Chere

At the iconic Naples Pier (pre-hurricane)

I’d love to know how you find your calm when life gets chaotic! Comment below and let me know! xx

Dessert for breakfast, sign me up!

Ever since my son was born I’ve been sharing my oatmeal bowls on social media and you all have been loving them {turns out oatmeal is incredible for keeping your breastmilk supply up}!

I get countless messages about the type of oats I use {One Degree Organics is my favorite} and what I put in my oats to create a balanced breakfast bowl.

I have always been a big breakfast fan, and honestly I could eat breakfast any meal of the day!

Regardless of what I have for breakfast I always make sure it has a solid balance of healthy fats, protein and fiber to keep me fueled up for the day ahead {new mom life is non-stop}. I drink my greens as part of my morning routine, so I don’t worry about having any veggies with my breakfast.

  • Side note… did you know that fiber helps to offset the total carbohydrates in a dish? Say there are 40 grams of carbs and 20 grams of fiber per serving, you will end up with only 20 net carbs! Pretty neat, huh!

Okay, let’s dive into my current favorite oatmeal bowl {I actually just finished it as I’m writing this}.

Blueberry Protein Oatmeal Bowl


One Degree Sprouted Quinoa Hemp Instant Oatmeal

Malk Almond Milk

Organic Blueberries (frozen is okay too!)

Organic Almond Butter

Vital Protein Collagen


Bring 1/2 cup of almond milk to a boil on the stove, add approximately 1/3 cup of oats and stir.

Turn heat off and add 2 scoops of Vital Proteins Collagen, stir everything together.

Cover and let it sit for 2 minutes.

Add blueberries to the oat mixture and stir, let everything sit together for an additional minute.

Pour into a bowl and add a scoop of almond butter!


This breakfast bowl is packed with 30 grams of protein to help fuel the day ahead!

I hope you'll forgive me...

Hi friends! It feels so good to connect with you again in this format. I’ve truly missed writing and the connection to my Lean and Green Body® family!

As I sat down to write this I noticed that it’s my first blog post since April 6?!? This has been the longest I have ever gone between blogs…ever!

I started my blog just over seven years ago, and it has been such a fun way to build a community, share recipes, wellness tips and so much more. There has been a ton of change and incredible pivots on my end (hello, baby Bodhi!) and I can’t wait to share it all with you!

Since it’s been a minute…more like 5 months… I thought it would be best to use this first blog post and update you on my life lately!

When I was pregnant with Bodhi I imagined sharing my postpartum journey in a real and raw way, and slowly transitioning that as he grew and sharing our mother son journey. While this is still my intention, and I will be sharing some fun things with Bodhi soon; becoming a Mother changed me. I have been incredibly open about so many parts of my life (painful and joyous) and this transition into Motherhood has been somewhat unexpected. I have wanted to keep many parts of my new Mama journey offline and private, not because they are bad - quite the opposite in fact. The past (nearly) 6 months have been so good and incredibly life changing that I have wanted to soak in every second and be as present of a mother and wife as I could be.

Stepping into my motherhood journey has been a beautiful (and let’s be real exhausting) time. It has transformed me in ways that I didn’t even realize were possible, and has opened up parts of me that I thought had been closed for good.

Bodhi has brought new meaning to my life and has allowed me to view my life, and my work, in a whole new way. I only have so much time and energy each day, and I have been very intentional about how I spend those currencies.

Bodhi is a Sanskrit name meaning enlightenment or awakening; and his birth has truly has been a time of awakening for me.

I hope you’ll forgive me for not been as present with all of you online (it’s been terrible for my SEO and engagement rate) but I have needed these past few months to just be.

Stepping into my new role has been a big transition for me, even though I have waited for this moment my entire life, there is only so much you can understand until you’re actually in it. Moving from full time entrepreneur, founder and boss to full time mama and part time boss babe has been huge.

I have welcomed these changes and done my best to find some sort of balance with it all…but does balance really exists??

Thank you for giving me space to adjust, grow and learn. I am ready to rejoin this community, and I can not thank you enough for sticking around - grateful doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.

There is so much I want to share with you this Fall, from mom-life, recipes (for baby too!), wellness and self care hacks and tips, and so much more!

I also have some fun collaborations and new brands I have discovered over the past few months that I can’t wait to share!.

Comment below and let me know what you want to see!

5 Tips for postpartum life

We are in newborn heaven, and loving every second!

Before B arrived I had a few things in place that have really helped with postpartum life.

5 Tips for postpartum life…

  1. Have more than 1 diaper changing station. We live in a 2-story house and so having 2+ diaper changing stations set up has really saved us. There is no way I’d want to run up stairs with a newborn every time I needed to change him…although it’d be quite the workout!

  2. This cart is everything. We have this cart on our first floor, and it is a tremendous help! It has 3 levels, and allows me to have a diaper changing section, a pumping section, and a clean clothes (for me too!), water and snack section.

  3. Nap when he naps may not always be possible…I mean in the beginning you just want to stare at your newborn, trust me I get it! Try your best to sneak in a few naps throughout the day when your baby naps, this will save you when you are up all night feeding and changing them. Sleep deprivation is no joke. If you are open to it, perhaps have someone you trust come over and watch the baby so you can sneak in a nap too!

  4. Okay this one may be TMI, but since the majority of you are Moms or Mama’s-to-be let’s get into it… splurge on the fancy diapers. Not for the baby, for you. The hospital ones will get the job done (IYKYK) but these are much better, trust me. They make postpartum life much easier once you get home, and make you feel slightly more put together (if that’s even possible).

  5. Create a drawer or section of your closet with all of your nursing or postpartum clothing options. I created a drawer of tops & bottoms I thought I would want to wear (think ultra comfy, non-restrictive, and easy breastfeeding access) postpartum, and it has been a life saver. In the first few days and weeks you don’t have time or energy to search for things to wear.

Coming home to myself, my postpartum yoga journey

I’m so excited to have my friend Karmen Morales Sanchez as a guest blogger today! Karmen and I first connected at a small Naples yoga studio back in 2013 where we were both teaching. Karmen is now a Mom to two adorable little boys, and is going to share a bit about her journey back to yoga.

From Karmen…

My postpartum yoga journey has been a coming home to myself in many phases.

It was when I had my second child that my yoga journey truly evolved. Sure I always had to modify my poses while pregnant, and I had to ease back into my practice after my first born, but my practice then remained greatly the same.

Fast forward to parenting a neurodivergent toddler, and nursing a second baby - my body, my nervous system and my soul where BEGGING me to do something different. None of my previous practices, anchors, and tools were working. And to be honest, the last thing I wanted to do was Yoga…yoga as I knew it anyway. I dabbled with HIIT workouts mainly bc my body wasn’t losing the weight as fast I wanted it to (I know I know, but we yoga teachers are not immune to body image complexities). But my body said a hard no to that as my cortisol levels would spike and I would swell up like a big achey balloon. I hit a wall. 

It was around this frustrating time in my life that I spoke to a long beloved colleague of mine and I remember her casually saying “oh I remember those early child days - restorative yoga was all I could handle.” .

Suddenly it clicked. I’d spent years avoiding restorative bc “it wasn’t for me.” However, in those moments….it was the ONLY thing that WAS for me. When I accepted and adopted restorative yoga as my main practice, my body began to unwind. Literally and figuratively. As I allowed my body to have what it desperately needed, I began to come home to myself. My body was still mine, but it needed a different kind of support, and a different kind of love now. My postpartum yoga journey became (for the first time) a true practice of meeting myself where I was (mentally/emotionally/physically) on the mat. Some days it looked like 5 mins of legs up the wall, some days a chest opening Jason Crandell restorative session, some days yoga nidra while my children napped. I learned from new teachers, and as my Yoga dogma lifted, so did the layers of pain, anxiety, and tension.

Listen, raising children is hard. Raising special needs or neurodivergent children is sometimes harder. Having to go back to work, or missing your job to become a stay at home mom - it’s ALL hard. Yoga teaches us to focus on what we CAN do, one breath at a time. That’s what my practice has finally become. I’m finally back (three years postpartum) to my original hatha style - but it took three years for my body to desire it again…and that’s ok! As a Mamá my biggest gift from yoga has been to truly cling to the phrase “right now it’s like this, and that’s ok.” (Which I also, totally credit my dear friend Lauren Wessinger for). 

A few of my favorite classes and teachers currently are…
Lauren Wessinger , Catherine Allen (peri and postnatal yoga) and Forrest yoga.

Follow Karmen on Instagram @karmenyoga

3 Things I've learned during pregnancy

Pregnancy is such a beautiful time if we allow it to be; however sometimes there is so much outside noise that it can make it difficult to focus on the miracle we are creating.

I have learned so much about myself and those around me during my pregnancy, and my views toward myself and others have forever been changed.

  1. I am stronger and more resilient than I ever knew. What my body has created, and how my body and mind has ‘bounced back’ after our miscarriages is simply incredible. I still can not get over the fact that baby boy started as a tiny little cluster of cells and now is an actual human…in my belly! I have so much respect for my body.

  2. Everyone will have an opinion. This is something I have always knew, but became so prevalent during my pregnancy. Everyone who has been pregnant before you, or has children, thinks they are an expert on the subject and will want to impart all of their knowledge and scary stories on you. I find this so unnecessary and intrusive. Every pregnancy, just like every person, looks different and we should honor that instead of trying to make every pregnancy and everyone just like us. I still can’t understand the need for moms to share their scary pregnancy and delivery stories, how is that helpful? Are you blaming your kids for being difficult, are you beating yourself up for not having the experience you hoped for, or are you simply trying to share the sh*t out of the mom to be? The amount of scary stories I heard this pregnancy was astonishing. Although this was one of the worst parts of pregnancy, it also taught me to tune out the excess noise, opinions and stories from others. I learned that I am able to have my own beautiful experience, and I do not need to give any energy to the trauma of those who have gone before me.

  3. Boundaries are everything. Whether it is physical, mental or emotional boundaries saved me during this pregnancy. For some strange reason everyone wants to touch a pregnant women’s belly, I’ve never understood this. If you are okay with this then that’s wonderful, however if you are uncomfortable with this (me!) then know that it is okay to speak up. People who have an issue with boundaries, or take boundaries personally, need to realize that it is more of a reflection on what they still need to heal than it is on you. In the same token if people are pushing you to do things you are uncomfortable with, whether it’s your Doctors or your family, speak up. It’s your body, and it will always be your choice. Becoming consumed with other people’s wishes, demands, or requests for you and your baby is not healthy. Take space where you need to, and although it may be difficult for some to understand just know that you are doing what you feel is best for you and your baby - and that’s all that matters.

I did a ton of personal growth work, healing, and deep internal work to heal generational traumas before I got pregnant in hopes of not bringing all of that to the next generation. I still have lots of work to do, but I am open and aware. I understand what I need and I am setting boundaries where they are needed. This is tough, deeply personal work but it has forever changed me and my life. I am not the same person I was before, and I can not wait to give this new, healthier version of myself to my son. So Mama’s do what you need to in order to be the best version of yourself not only for you, but for your baby too.

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to Gua Sha with skin expert Dawn Conder

I am so excited to have guest blogger Dawn Conder back to share some incredible holistic skincare tips! Dawn is an expert in Gua Sha, and is going to walk his through the importance of the practice, how to do it properly and how to incorporate it into our daily skincare routine.

Gua Sha is more than a trend, here are some tips for getting started!

It’s everywhere…tutorials on social media using small flat tools (A.K.A. Gua Sha Stones) to chisel jawlines and smooth out furrow lines. I may be partial as a Certified Hayo’u Method Gua Sha instructor, but I believe there is much more to this practice than any viral video can convey! 

While Gua Sha may seem to be a new beauty trend, it has actually been widely practiced in China for thousands of years.  The description is in the name, with ‘Gua’ meaning to rub, and ‘Sha’ describing the redness that results. This technique has been used to treat colds, coughs, fevers, migraines, headaches, stress, back pain, neck and shoulder pain, pulled muscles, injuries, numbness, and of course ageing. 

Used in beauty routine, Gua Sha has many benefits including:

-Increasing micro circulation in the skin up to 400%, flooding the skin with micro-nutrients. 

-Over time, increases levels of collagen and elastin 

-Reducing expression lines

-Reducing puffiness

-Reducing Facial Tension

-Contouring cheeks and jawline

-Supporting lymphatic drainage 

-Can be used to activate acupressure points

There are many shapes and types of Gua Sha stones. I recommend starting with a Jade Stone that is in the traditional heart shape. Jade has cooling properties, is a stronger stone better for sculpting than clear or rose quartz, and is suitable for all skin types. The traditional heart shaped stone is easy to hold and will allow for a multi-purpose routine. Whichever Gua Sha you choose, make sure it is 100% Crystal or Stone.  If it’s not it could be mixed with glass, plastic, or a chemically treated crystal and you will be getting an inferior skin massage.

Don’t forget to apply a facial oil or a face balm, with enough glide across the contours of the face to prevent pulling or tugging of the skin. Because your skin is your largest organ, look for products with high-performing ingredients that exclude potential chemicals of concern like fragrance, parabans, phthalate’s, formaldehyde releasers, and hormone disruptors.

As with any new routine, consistency is key for results. Start with a 5 to 15 minute routine a few times a week, eventually increasing to daily once familiar with the stone tools and techniques. While social media may move on to the next trend, your glowing smooth skin will encourage you to continue your Gua Sha practice long after.

Here are my go to products for Gua Sha that are natural, free of toxins or harsh chemicals, and safe during pregnancy and the whole family. (As a side note: All of the products below are safe for all skin types and ages, however the practice of Gua Sha is contraindicated for bleeding disorders, use of blood thinners or chronic cortisone users, and just the first trimester of pregnancy.)

100% Jade Gua Sha

Hugh & Grace Renewing Night Serum

Hugh & Grace Day C Serum

Dawn is a wife and a mom of two teens, living in Naples, Florida. As a Clean Beauty Specialist and the Owner of The Face Naturalist, it is her passion to inspire others they are worthy of  loving the way their skin looks and feels at any age. Certified as a Hayo’u Method Gua Sha Instructor and Advanced Danielle Collins Face Yoga Method Educator, she teaches a holistic approach to skincare by integrating non-invasive techniques, non-toxic products, and a balanced lifestyle. Follow at https://Instagram.com/thefacenaturalist or https://msha.ke/thefacenaturalist

My 4 biggest pregnancy cravings...

I’ve heard about pregnancy cravings my entire life, and most of the time they are strange out of the box type cravings that only a pregnant woman would understand. IYKYK

I thought it would be fun to share my top pregnancy cravings with all of you! As a Certified Holistic Nutritionist I try to always been very aware of what I eat and how it fuels my body and my energetics; that being said pregnancy is a whole new game and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

The first trimester I had more food aversions than food cravings. I have never been a big meat lover, which is odd because growing up family ate a ton of meat. This pregnancy, especially the first trimester, meat was such a trigger for me. In fact, I had to go upstairs while my husband cooked chicken because the smell made me so sick.

I didn’t really start to notice my cravings until I was well into my 2nd trimester. My biggest cravings have been… green juice (like 1-2 per day!), fresh cold fruit (blueberries, strawberries, apples, raspberries, blackberries…all of it), peanut butter (turns out you can put peanut butter on almost everything!), and coffee.

I was pleasantly surprised when I realized my body was naturally craving green juice and fresh fruit…what can I say baby is very on brand! lol These were both already a part of my diet, but the amount I am consuming of both have gone up tremendously. (and for those of you who think fruit is bad for you and your blood sugar…mine is the lowest it’s ever been…like ever.)

I feel like peanut butter is every pregnant woman’s craving. The amount that I have gone through this pregnancy is…well it’s a lot, let’s leave it there! I have been using peanut butter as a protein and a healthy fat for smoothies, oatmeal bowls, and so much more.

My last, and definitely my most surprising craving has been coffee. I was never a big coffee drinker, and pre-pregnancy only really drank it if I went out or on the weekends with my husband. Coffee has never been my thing…until now. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that I “can’t have it” / need to limit my caffeine that makes me want it or just the taste itself. I’m leaning towards the latter. I don’t crave it for the energy boost, but for the actual coffee taste. After talking to my Doctor’s and doing some research myself, I learned that my coffee craving is actually due to my anemia. Apparently when you are anemic you often crave coffee and the bitter flavor. This is why I will forever consider myself a student, always learning something new!

My take on pregnancy cravings is very similar to my take on cravings in general. I do not believe in restricting, especially because it can become a very unhealthy habit quickly. Instead I feel it is okay to give into your cravings, occasionally, and in healthy moderation. Sitting down with a box of cookies every night is not healthy moderation, but allowing yourself to have 1 small cookie a day or a few days a week is totally fine. When we restrict and forbid certain foods it can quickly become an issue, especially mentally, and frequently leads to binging on that food. Listen to your body, and see what it’s really asking for. For example, my body isn’t really asking for coffee it’s asking for more iron and heme, so that’s what I give it.

I’d love to know what your biggest pregnancy crave is or was?!? Comment below and let me know!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Letter to my baby boy...

Sharing a few snippets from a letter I wrote to my baby boy…

Baby Boy,

Thank you for choosing me to be your Mom. I have prayed for you all my life, and can not wait to meet you earth side very soon. You and I are already so connected, and I will miss having you so safe & close to me.

Being your Mom is the greatest blessing of my life, and I already feel so connected to you. I can not wait to see our connection blossom and grow. I promise to do my best to guide you, protect you, and love you. 

My only wish for you is that you find true happiness within yourself, and you share that happiness and joy with the world. The world desperately needs more joy and kindness, and I can already tell your little soul is the kindest, most gentle soul I’ve ever known.

I can not wait to meet you in a few weeks or days…we are ready when you are.

All my love,


Photo By Jontel Chere

6 Pregnancy Must Haves

As I near the end of my pregnancy {but like how am I already 9 months pregnant?!?} I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite “must have” pregnancy items!

I have a lot of Mama’s and Mama’s-to-be to read my blog, so I hope some of these items will come in handy for you!

My Top Pregnancy Must Buys

  1. This pregnancy pillow has been everythinggg the past 9 months. It helps to take pressure off my low back and my belly now that baby is almost fully grown.

  2. My favorite prenatal vitamin, I talk more about this HERE

  3. This lotion is clean, non-toxic and is verified by the EWG. Not only do I feel safe using this lotion during pregnancy, but it is so hydrating on my skin it’s the go-to lotion for my whole family! We will be using the unscented version of this lotion on Baby Boy.

  4. Living in South Florida, shorts are a must…even in February! These jean shorts have been my favorite this pregnancy, and I swear I wear them weekly.

  5. As a yoga teacher I live in leggings, they are my go-to and that hasn’t changed at all during pregnancy. I personally love the Zelle pregnancy leggings from Nordstrom and the BLANQI pregnancy leggings. They both feel so supportive on my bump without being too constricting. I also found two awesome alternatives for you under $20 if that’s more in your budget.

  6. I like to keep my wardrobe fairly simple and neutral, and then add a jacket, jewelry or handbag to change up the look. These simple maternity tee’s have been essential during my pregnancy, and have allowed me to feel somewhat put together (ie: no belly showing) in the last few weeks.

These are a few of the items that I find myself reaching for on the daily or weekly during my pregnancy! I hope they help you sleep better, feel fabulous, and stay hydrated during your pregnancy.

Photo By Jontel Chere

these are commissionable links, and I will receive a small commission when you click and purchase from them. This post is not sponsored or affiliated with any of these companies, I only share products I actually use and love. Thank you for supporting my small business.

How to take your business to the next level

As I have mentioned before, I am a huge fan of growth, coaches, and mentors. I believe that we are always students, learning, growing and evolving. Personally, I have worked with many coaches throughout different periods of my personal and professional journey. I love the idea of someone else (ideally in the same or similar arena to you) helping you to visualize the next steps and work with you to create actionable change to reach your goals.

After dozens of inquiries over the past few years, and after mentoring several young inspiring wellness entrepreneurs in my local community I have decided to take the leap and begin offering business coaching for female wellness entrepreneurs!

The women I have already had the pleasure of working with have been incredible! Helping them to realize and see their full potential and their goals is so rewarding. These sessions have quickly become one of my favorite parts of my week!

Over the past 6+ years I have built a successful business virtually on my own, and my business is 100% completely self funded. I am so proud of what I have created, and what is to come for Lean ad Green Body®, let me help you create your dream business!

Click HERE to work with me and start living your dream today!

How to make easy Japanese soup recipe

My client shared this recipe with me years ago, and it’s still one of my favorites!

I have made a few modifications to make it Lean and Green Body® approved…but let me tell you it is still packed full of flavor and nutrients! This recipe is perfect for winter months, but is light enough to enjoy in the summer as well.

This is sure to be a crowd pleaser for the whole family!

Japanese Soup Recipe


 64 oz. of low sodium chicken broth, plus 32 oz. water (less or more to taste)

1-2 TBSP Bragg’s liquid aminos

1-2 inches of fresh ginger (or to taste)

1 can of sliced water chestnuts

1 package of fresh of Shitaki mushrooms

1/4 cup of sliced green onions (only the green part)

2-3 handfuls of spinach or bok choy

Mini wontons (optional, avoid if making soup gluten free)


Bring broth, liquid aminos and ginger to boil. 

Add water chestnuts and green onions and simmer for about 5-10 min.

Add shiitake mushrooms, wait approximately 2-3 minutes and add dumplings if you are using them.

Add spinach or bok choy (if using bok choy you will need to cook a little longer).

Allow everything to simmer together on low/simmer for approximately 10-15 minutes.


Journal prompt for a healthier mindset

Energy is everything.

“what you think, you become.” - Buddha

There is a ton of scientific data that proves that our brain believes the words coming out of our mouth, so why not change them up and switch our mindset? If we can speak more positive thoughts, our brain will begin to believe those positive thoughts - and they will become our reality!

It seems quite simple, but it takes some practice. One easy way to begin this practice is by journaling.

Every morning in your journal I encourage you to write down 3 things you are grateful for in that moment, 3 things that spark joy for you, and 3 affirmations about yourself.

For example it could look something like this…

3 things I am grateful for:

  1. My Husband

  2. My House

  3. Living in the sunshine state

3 things that spark joy for me:

  1. The book I’m currently reading

  2. Long walks with my dog

  3. Sunsets at the beach

3 affirmations about yourself:

  1. I am smart

  2. I am resilient

  3. I am kind

These are just examples, choose what aligns with you in the moments each morning. Don’t overthink it, simply write what comes to you. Over time these 9 things will begin to become your truths, and although they may change daily, you will still be focusing your mindset on all the positive in your life and in yourself.

This positivity - and this mindset shift - will slowly begin to have a ripple effect out into your daily life. After 21 days of this practice you will notice that your positive mindset shift is lasting longer and longer, and stays with you for most of your day. When your mindset does shift towards the negative, it is now easier for you to bring it back these 9 things.

I can’t wait for you to try this exercise out tomorrow morning and see how much joy and positive it brings into your life!

Photo By Jontel Chere

How to find more JOY in everyday life

We are 17 days into the new year, and this is typically where new year resolutions seem to begin falling off the priority list. Instead of harping on yourself for ‘failing’ at your resolutions yet again…choose to switch it up. Instead of focusing on resolutions and how you are going to change yourself this year - focus on how you can add more JOY into your life this year!

By adding more joy into your life you will see that joy enhance your mental and emotional wellbeing, as well as your daily outlook!

So how are you going to add more joy into your life this year?

There are several ways in which you can add more joy into your life, here are a few suggestions…

  • Put yourself & your needs first (finally) - I promise this is not selfish, it’s essential

  • Start a new hobby!

  • Surround yourself with people who raise your vibration

  • Remove toxic people and toxic energy from your life - life is too short for that BS

  • Set aside 30 minutes everyday just for YOU! (hot bubble bath, crisp walk outside or dive into your favorite book)

  • Take your diet back - eat foods that not only fuel your body but foods that excite you!

Do something everyday that sparks joy for you!

Once you get in the habit of doing one thing daily that sparks joy, you can then add another…and another…until your day is full of joy! Your joy and your positive energy will overflow into other areas and relationships in your life, and eventually it will have a wave like effect touching everyone and everything around you. What a beautiful thought!

What’s one way you will add more joy into your life this week?