3 Tips to Living a More Mindful Life

Mindfulness is a daily practice. 

As with anything it gets easier the more you practice it.

My number one tip when trying to live a more mindful life is to start small.  Begin by noticing your thoughts throughout the day. Notice where your mind wanders, and when you become distracted simply bring your mind back to the present. It is normal for our mind to wander dozens of times each hour, but each time it does simply bring your attention to the present task at hand. 

The average person spends so much time distracted, not living in the present, but instead focused on unresolved issues from the past, future worries, and often times we focus on things that are never going to happen. 

Be mindful of your daily habits, do you reach for your phone first thing in the morning? Are you constantly going through your day distracted? To me distraction is the opposite of mindfulness. In our society many of us go through our days completely distracted and unaware of what is actually happening in front of us. We lack awareness and presence. Instead we are encouraged to be “on” 24/7 and be as productive and busy as possible, multitasking every second of the day. Technology has only made this worse with smart watches and smart phones, we can literally be available all the time. Remember presence is a gift for ourselves, and the ones we love. 

My second tip for living a more mindful life is to unplug. Take certain hours, yes you read that right, certain hours each day off your phone and away from technology. Put your phone on ‘do not disturb’ or better yet turn it off, take off your smart watch, close your computer, turn the tv off, and just allow yourself to be. Perhaps go for a walk or simply sit and enjoy the silence. At first this may be uncomfortable. Many of us are so attached and dare I say addicted to our devices, that we do not know how to just be anymore. If you fall into this category, this tip is even more important for you. 

I am sure you all have experienced being around someone who is constantly answering texts and emails from their watch mid conversation or mid-session with you. It’s distracting, but it also shows that they are not present. For so long we have praised this multi-tasking behavior, and applauded those who work too much and are available all the time (I used to be guilty of this). It’s not a good look anymore. Being mindful, allowing yourself to be fully present for those around you, taking some time for real uninterrupted self care is essential.

Lately, I have been walking 4 miles per day and meditating for 60 minutes each day - for some that could be considered a big chunk or time, or “unproductive”…it’s all perspective. To me those are some of my most productive moments of my day. I allow myself to fully unplug, I connect with my breath and I soak in nature.

As you begin your mindfulness practice focus not only on where you attention goes, but also where you give your energy. We all have the same 24 hours in the day, but depending on how we utilize that time we can feel energized and full of joy or completely drained and empty. Notice where your energy goes, start being mindful of who and what you give your energy to. Energy is an exchange. Are you left feeling full and satisfied after the exchange or are you left feeling depleted? 

As you begin to feel more mindful about your interactions you may notice that some relationships simply fall away. Perhaps they were never a good fit, or maybe they were what you needed at the time and now you are growing and evolving. Not everyone is going to understand your journey, and that’s okay they don’t need to.

My third and final tip for living a more mindful life is to take inventory of who your exchange your energy with. This includes family, friends, co-workers, staff, everyone. Notice these relationships, these interactions. If they are not adding to your life, and making your feel amazing and vibrant then either say good-bye (with love) or limit your interactions with them. It may not seem it always, but we are in control of who we spend our time with. Time is precious, and personally I want to surround myself with people who live a high vibe lifestyle, people who lead with love, people who let go of self limiting beliefs, and people who do not judge but instead empower. 

Each day is a gift. Living a more mindful and conscious life can help you to appreciate this gift, and enjoy the simple everyday moments. 

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere