A Lesson in Pranayama

I recently received a lesson in pranayama in the most unexpected way.

Our water heater died. We were ‘stuck’ with cold water for six days.

Ice cold showers every day…

Okay okay we do live in South Florida and on a hot day cold water may not be the worst thing, it may even be considered refreshing…but the week we had no hot water the temps ranged between 42 - high 60’s…way colder than normal.

The first time I stepped into the ice cold shower it was shocking, it took my breath away.

Each time after my body (and my mind) knew what was coming…ice cold water. I’ve never been a fan of the cold, actually let’s be honest I really hate the cold…which is probably why I live as far south as possible.

Sure bathing in cold water has it’s benefits…anti-inflammatory, better for skin, hair, and is a sure fire way to wake up the body!

I acclimated after two days, I had a quick and clean way to get in and get out. It was effective but it wasn’t relaxing.

Every time the ice cold water hit my neck and upper back it took my breath away and shocked me…and instead of stepping out I tuned in. I tuned into my breath. I channeled years of pranayama practices and techniques…and deepened my breath. I stood there in the ice cold water and just focused on each inhale and each exhale. By having my mind focus on my breath count instead of the painfully cold water, it made it bearable and actually allowed me to relax into the moment.

Our breath is a powerful tool, and has the ability to switch up our mindset, and actually move our body (specifically our nervous system) from a sympathetic ‘fight or flight’ mode to a parasympathetic ‘rest and digest’ mode. The breath is one of the most powerful tools we have.

Not once over the six days did my husband or I complain about not having hot water. We accepted the reality, and also understood that this is a first world problem. We are so beyond grateful for our home, we are grateful for clean running water and an indoor shower. We knew this issue was temporary, and there was no need to stress or worry. It would resolve.

Frankly it took us six days to have it fixed because we were too focused on other projects and it was not a priority. I also believe that this was a lesson I needed to receive. Some times things will happen in life that are shocking and it is in those moments when we need to pause and just breathe.

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere