4 Surprising Benefits of Grounding

Grounding is an incredibly healing practice for the mind, body and soul.

This is a practice that almost everyone can do.

You may be wondering what exactly is grounding?? Essentially grounding is walking barefoot on the earth; whether that is on the grass, on the beach, in the dirt…any place connected to Mother Earth.

{pavement and manmade roads do not count, sorry!}

The idea is that you are connecting to earth frequency and healing through this connection.

This may sound overly simple to you, but when was the last time you walked around barefoot? We live in a society where we are constantly in shoes or on man made walkways, and grounding is not always an option.

Here are 4 surprising benefits of grounding…

Lower stress

Improved sleep

Decrease in pain

Shifts the body into a more parasympathetic nervous system dominance {rest & digest}

There is still limited scientific research on grounding (although there is some!) but what I do know for sure is that I always feel better after a barefoot beach walk or a barefoot walk through the park. Connecting and being one with nature always seems to lower my stress and make me feel so much better!

Have you tried grounding? I would love to know your thoughts…comment below and let me know!

Photo By Jontel Chere

Photo By Jontel Chere