Water - how much do you really need?

Water is essential. I think we can all agree on that. Without enough water our bodies become dehydrated, and eventually will shut down.

Did you know that many Americans go through daily life totally dehydrated?!? I know, crazy.

You’ve heard me preach about my morning routine, and how important it is. Our bodies work so incredibly hard when we are sleeping, we wake up and our cells are literally dehydrated. That’s why it is crucial that the first thing you put in your mouth in the morning is water…sorry the coffee can wait.

Drinking water, specifically my Lean and Green Body® morning routine, will rehydrate your body from the cellular level.

Many people drink coffee first thing in the morning, in fact the number of people who have told me “they can’t function without coffee first” is insane! Our bodies need to be flooded with water (8-10oz) first thing in the morning.

So many individuals go from morning coffee straight to wine, no real hydration in between.

Or worst, some go from coffee in the morning, to sugar soda at lunch, afternoon coffee pick me up, and then wine at night. Not so great.

Okay okay, I know I sound like the bearer of bad news I just want you to understand how amazing your body is designed to feel…and you can’t do that without water.

I’m not going to take away your coffee or your wine…although no one should be drinking soda anymore, do we need to chat about that??

I’m here to fill you in on how much water you actually need each day in order to live your best life!

For years the recommended daily allowance for water was 64 oz (of plain water). However, this did not take into consideration caffeine or alcohol, which are both super dehydrating.

It is my recommendation (through much research) that you start with 64 oz of water, and then ADD 1 cup (8oz) of water for each cup of caffeine and each glass of wine/alcohol. Then consider your workouts, how much are you sweating? You need to add even more water when you workout. Then consider are you pregnant or nursing? Add some more water.

Finding your “sweet” spot with daily water intake is individual for everyone. Personally, I currently feel my best when I drink 100oz of plain water each day.

Want to determine what your exact water intake should be daily, set up a 1:1 nutrition appointment with Jennifer!

Water is essential for every cell and organ of our body. I think we all understand that on some level, however the biggest struggle and reason why so many people go through life chronicle dehydrated is that they “just don’t like the taste”.

Okay, no problem. I’m not a supporter of single use plastic, but depending on your quality this may be necessary. My favorite product and biggest suggestion for clean water at home is the Berkey.

Still not a fan of water? No worries! Try adding fruit ice cubes or try making spa water at home! A touch of fruit or some fresh mint can make the world of difference in your water.

Happy Hydrating!
